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�,�. _. <br /> � � <br /> If under paragrsph 1R hereof thc� k'ro� xre�� i� �ol� i or tlii� Propertc i, otherui,r a� yuire�l b�• Leuder, I.ender <br /> �hall aPp1Y , no later than immedistely ��rior to t6c .alc u� th�� Yro� x�rt}� ur itx .iryui�ition Lt• Lrnder. nm- Funds <br /> lield by Lender at thc tiine of up� ilication as r crc� iit aguin.t tLe ..wu. ,i•curod h� il � i, 1lortqx�;o. <br /> 3. Applieation o! Paym�nta Linlen� :ipplicuhlc la�r � �ro��idi:. otherwi.c , all payment5 received by Lender <br /> undet the :Vote and paragrapLs 1 and "2 I�creof ehull hc a� �� r� ie�] I �y� I ,e�nd��r fir.t iu ps}•inent uf umounts p:a,yable to <br /> Lender by Borrower under paragraph 2 liereof, then tu inii•re,t � �uvublc� un tlu� lotc :tud on T'utw•c Advunces , if <br /> � uny, xtid then to the principal oi the Nute aud to tl �e � �rinci� xtl of Puture A �i � anera , if unY . <br /> 4. CharqN; Lin�a. Borrower sl�all pay all taxes, assessments .wd utl�er charqes , fines and impositione attrib - <br /> utable to the Property which may attain ai priority ovir fliis �lortgaRe, ami grouud rents , if any , at Lender's <br /> option in the manner provided under paragraph 2 l�ereof m� li}� 13orro„•er making payment , when due, directiv to <br /> the payee thereof. Borrower shall prompth� furuisl� to I,ender all not icrs of :i�uouuts duc under this parttgraph , <br /> and in the event Borrower shall make pupn�ent directl,v , 13urro���er sl�all pron� ptl�� turnish to Lender receipts evi - <br /> C�j dencing eucli payments. Borrower shall ��roni�,tly �lischarge an�� Iien �vhich ha. � n•iu�;ity over this \lortgage ; pro- <br /> � vided, that Borrower ahall not be required to dise6ssr�;e an�� �ucli lirn so long u� ltorro�rer sLall agree in writing to <br /> �',�,�' the payment of tlie obligation secured by ,uch lieu iu n iniinuer a�ceptuble to L��i�der, or ehr�ll in �;ood Caith contest <br /> �. such lien by, or detend enforceinent of sucL licn iu , legal � � rocredin�;� whicli operatc ro irecn•ent the eniorcement of <br /> � the lien or forfeiture of the Yroperty or un}• � ,art tl � ereof. <br /> r,J" 5. H�ard Insur�es. Borrower shall keep the im � n•o �-imenta uu«� exi=ting or herrnfter erected on the Prop - <br /> � erty insured against loss by fire, ht3zarda included witLin the tw•m "exteuded coverttge " , and �ucrh ott�er hazards as <br /> 7� I.ender may require and in such uxuouut � and for ,ucl � � xriud� :i. L��nder � ua�� rrquire ; } � rovideil , that Lender shsll <br /> �``�. not require that the amount ot such co� ��rug�� ex��eed thut uiuuunt of ��overagr rrquired to pay thc sinns secured 'by <br /> chie Mortgage. <br /> The ins�rance ��arriei• providing tlie in, urauvi� slixll bo vhoseu h� 13urro�vrr �ut ,ject to spproval by Lender ; <br /> ��rovided , that such approval shall noi l�r: ui, reasonabl}� witLl�eld . :111 E.irerniums on insurauct: F,olicies �hull be paid <br /> ut Lender's option iu the mauner {�ro��i.ied under � ,ur:iKruph 2 h��r�of or t,�• Sorrower makin� � iat� inent , when due , <br /> directly to the insurance carrier. <br /> In the event any policy is not renewed on or before ten days of its expiration, the Lender, to protect <br /> its interest, may procure insurance on the improvements, pay the premiums and suc•h sum shall become <br /> immediately due and payable with interest at the rate set forth in said note until paid and shall be <br /> secured by this Mortgage. Failure by Borrower to comply may, at option of Lender, constitute a default <br /> under the terms of this Mortgage. <br /> 9ll in�;uranee policies and renew�nl� tlu�reui �liall I �i• iu Yorui :irro��tshlc tu Len�l��r ;end Shnl ! in�:lude u �fandard <br /> �nortgege clause in favor of and iu iorn� srerptuble tu Lrn�ier. L�•mlrr sh� ll l� n��e thc riKLt tu l�old the ��olicies :ind <br /> renewala thereof, and Borrower sl�all �,roni}rtl}� furnish co I .i�n�ler all renewal notice� and all receipts of paid pre- <br /> miume. In the event of loss, liorro���ei �Lull gi ��r� �iro�riE.�t i�ot� icc � o tl�c iu.�rance currier and I.ender, and ].ender <br /> may tnake proof of loss if not made prompt]y I �y t3orroHer. <br /> Unlesa Lender ssnd Borrower other�visc ugree iu H ritiu� in.ureiu�•�r ��i•oceed, shall be applied tu restorstion or <br /> repair of tY�e Yroperty dainuged , � �rocided �ueli re.torntion ur rr��air i� e�•onuiuic:�lh� frusible .u�c1 d�e seeurit}• of <br /> this Mortgage is not thereby iinpaired . tf �uch re,tor: uion or re��sir i- nof ecuuumieall�� fcaeif�le or if the security <br /> of this Jfortgage would l�e impaired , che insuraucc � �roceeda sliall I �i• y���� lied to tl�r �u�us secured by this Alortgage , <br /> with the excess, if an,y , paid to Bori•ower. If the Yro� �rrty is aban�luued I >�� 13ori•o��•�rr or ii Borrower tuils to respond <br /> to Lender wit.liin 30 days after notice b5• Lrndei• tu Bori•ower tliat rl�r insuruuce carrier ot7erh to ,ettle a claim for <br /> ineurance benefite, I .ender is suthorized to collect and ap� � l}� thc insursnce �n•o��eeds :�i l,ender 's option either to <br /> resWration or repair of the Yroperty ur to tLe �uma sec•ured L� Uiin \ lortgugc, . <br /> Unleas Lender and f3orro«•er otherwi�e• agrec in �vriiiug , am such upplicatiuu of ��roceeds to principal shall <br /> not extend or postpone the due date of the inunthly iiist.ilhurnt � referred to iu p�ragraph� 1 und 2 hereof or change <br /> the smount of euch inatallmente. <br /> If under paragraph 18 hereoi the Yropert�� i, scqwred I,y I,ender, ull right , title ttnd interest of Borrower in <br /> and to any insursnce �olicies xnd in un�l tu tl�e proceeds tlier��uf ito tix� ertent uf' tlie cuinn se�• ured by this Afort- <br /> gage immediately� prior �o such ealc or uequisition � re.ultin� irun � daina�� tu tlie YropeiK,y � �rior to the sale or <br /> acquieition shall paae to Lender. <br /> B. Pru�rvation �d Maiat�aance oi Prop�rty; Leaseholds; Coadominiums. I�orrower shall keep the Yrop- <br /> erty in good repair and �hall not permit ur ��onnuit H�sstc, impair�uent , or det��riorution uf the Yroperty und shall <br /> comply with tlie pro� isions uf' uny lease, il thie A1ort�;�gi� i� ou a IeasehoLi . If thi. Atortgage i� on a condominium <br /> unit, Borrower shall perform all of Borrow���-r'n obligatiou.. under tlic declsraciun ul condomiuium or master deed , <br /> the by-Iaws and regulstions oi the condominiwu � n•ojrct un� { ru� ietituent �ocuments. <br /> 7. ProtectionolL�isderaS�e�uity. Ii Borrow�er iuil. t �;i perform the t•u��enxnts and ;tiKreements contained in <br /> this Vlortgage , or if any actim� or procec�ing i. cotnn �enre�i ���hirh niateriiilt}� �ffev[s ] .e�neler 's interest in the Prop- <br /> erty, including , intt not limited to, eminent duwuiu . iu.oh �•n�•�• , �•od�� .� ntori���n �rnt , or :irran�ements or proceed- <br /> ings involving a bsnkrupt or decedent . then Lender ut Len� icr '. optio�i , u�iuu noticc to 13orrower, niav make sucl� <br /> appet�rancrs, dist�uiroe sucli �u�iis :tad takc sucli uction :is i., uc��en,arti� tu E�rolect�er 's interest , including, but <br /> not limited to, disbursement of rerisonable attorney '.� lee. and entry upon th� Property to make repairs. Any <br /> amounte disbursed by Lender pursusnt tu this puragr3pli i , �citli intere�t thereon , sha11 become additional indebt- <br /> edneas of $onower secured by� this \Iortgage. Unless Borroµ i�r � u�l I ,ender agrec to other tenus of payment , such <br /> smounts ehalf be payable upon notice from I.ender to BorroHer reyucstiug payinent thereof, and shall bear inter- <br /> eet from the date uf disbursement at tl�e ratc scated in t�Le Aote unles� ��uytuent o2 interesl ut auch rete would be <br /> contrary to applicable law• , in whicL event such runount5 , La11 bear in2erest .it the highest rate permissible by <br /> applicable law . �iothiug contetiued in thi. � �aragra� �l � : shull m�� wr�• L�•nder to incur an >• expense or do any act. <br /> hereundez. <br /> R Isfq�etiae. Lender mac maki• ur i•xu.�• tu hi• mx�i�� ma.onahl �• � �ntrie. u��on anri inv���c•tion� of the- Pmp- <br /> crty , Nr�viue.i ti,ut Lrnuer �hail grve liurrower not � i�.� � �rior tu an�• <u� • h in.��eetiuu �� �ecifpinR rexuonable eause <br /> therefor related 6o Lender's interest in the Yropertp . <br /> 8- Cond�s�ealioa. The proceeds of any award or clain� ior datnages , direct or consequential . in connection <br /> with any condeuuiatiuu ur other taking ol the Yroperty , ur � �art thi�rc•u2' . �r (or ��ou��vyance in lieu ol ��ondemna- <br /> tion, are hereby a,ssigur�l uud shall l�e Naid to I.ender. t <br /> � In the event o[ a rota! tsking of the Yroperty . tlic � �rocreil• •hull I �c ap��li��d tu Uic nu� ns rerured b�� t.hin �1urt - '" ' <br /> Ba(�e, wiLh the eY�s, if an,y , paid to Borro�rer. Li the eveirt of a � �,irtial takinR of t.l�� Yroperty , unleey Borrower � � <br /> ,� <br /> � and Lender otherwise agree in writing, there shn�l t�e applied to th� swns se��ured by thie: \lortg�ge cuch propor- , � <br /> tian oS the roeeede as is r �`;: <br /> P equrl to that proportion which tLe amount ot the numn secureci by this �iortgsge imme- ��" <br /> distely prior to the date of taking bexrs to the fair warket �•slur oi tlie Yropert�� inunediatelv }:�rior to the date of <br /> �si�� �'ith the bslrace of t-he pwceede paid to Borrower <br /> If t6e Yro�nrty u absndonetf hy $orrower or if :tfter nutirc Le Lc+nder cu Burrowr• r � l �x� tht� i•nndr�nnor oA'e�• <br /> w n�rice tw award or setWe a ctaim for dautages, iiorrower fsil � to rrspond to I ,ender wit.hin 30 davs of the date "` <br /> of atol� �t•ice, Leader ie autMorised to c•ollect and apply the prorredc ar Leuder '� uption i•ithcr to resturxtion or <br /> e+apair of the Property or w the sums i+ecured by tli�s \ ]ortR��. <br /> CTnlc� Lcnder and Borroa�cr �� iac �yrre iu wriiiug , nuy such applicat�on ot proceeds to � n•mci��a : she,11 <br /> � <br />