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::, <br /> r -� <br /> 7�- u��u3o <br /> MORTGAGE <br /> � MORTGAGELOAN NO. �22.915 <br /> KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS:That Howard W. N1 Spel and Carla R. N1 Sp21 , 2ACh 1 tl hi S <br /> and her own right and as spouse of each other <br /> __.Mortgrgor,whether one ur mure,in considen[iun of tht sum uf <br /> Eighteen Thousand Eight Hundred and No/100------ --------------------------- <br /> WLLARS <br /> ►oaned to said mortgagor by The Equitable Building and Luan Aswciation of Grand Island,Nebrasl:a,Murtgagee,upon —�� shares uf stock uf <br /> said ASSOCIATION,Certificate No. L 22�g15 ,a.�hereby grant,convey and mortgage unto the said ASS(XIATION the following <br /> described real estate,sittutted in Hall County, Nebraska: <br /> LOT NINETEEN (19), IN FRACTIONAL BLOCK NINE (9), <br /> IN ASHTON PLACE, AN ADDITION TO THE CITY OF <br /> 6RAND ISLAND. HALL COUNTY, NEBRASKA. <br /> together wi[h aU the tenemrnts, hrreditamrnts und appurtenances thrreuntu brlungmg, mcluding attached tlour covenngs,all winduw screens, <br /> winduw shades,blinds,s[onn winduws,awnings,heating,nir cunditiuning,and plumb�ng and water eyuipment xnd accessuries thereto,pumps,stoves, <br /> refrigerawrs,and other fixtures end eyuipment nuw�>r hereafter ettachrd tu or used m cunnrcti.m with said renl rstatr. <br /> And whereas the said mortgagor has agreed and Jues hereby agrce that thr m.�ngagor shall and will pay all [axes and xssessmenis levied or <br /> assessed upon said premises and upun this murtgage end the bond secured thrreb�� befurc ihe ;ame shall beeume deLnyurnr,w fumish appruved <br /> insurance upon the buildings on sa�d premises situattd in the sum uf S is�8��,Qfl papnbin w said ASSOCIATION and to deliver to said <br /> ASSOCIATION thr pulicies for snid insurance;and not w wmmit or permit xny waste on or abuut uid premises; <br /> In cau of de(ault in the perfurmance of any u(the terms and condiGons of this nwngagr ur the bund secured hereby,the mortgagee shall, <br /> un demand, be antided to immediate posxssion nf the mortgaged premisrs end thr murtgagur hereby assigns, [rans(ers and uts uver to the <br /> mortgagm all the rents,revenues and income tu be deriveS frum the murtgaged premises dunng such timt as[he mortgxge indebtednesc shall remain <br /> unpaid:and the murtgagee shell havr the power t��appoini uny agent or ngents �� may des�re for the purpuse uf repairing said premises and renting <br /> the same and cullecting the rents,revenurs and income,and it may pay out uf said income nll e�prnses of repainng said premises and necefx�ry <br /> cummissions and rxpenses incurreJ in renting and managing the same and uf collrcting renials there(rom: the balance remaining,if yny, to be <br /> rpplied mward the discharge of sa�d mortgrge indebtedness;these rights of�he murtgager may be exercised at eny time during the existence u}such <br /> default,irrespective ot any tempurary waiver ot the same. <br /> These Prcsents,huwever,nre upun the Cunditiun,That if the said Murtgagor shnll repay said loan un ur befure the maturiry uf sald stwras by <br /> psyment;pay monthly tu said ASSO(:IATION of thr sum specified in[he Bund securcd hrreby as mterest and princ�pal on said losn,on or bef'ore <br /> the Twen�ie[h day uf each and every month,until said loan is(ully pa�d;pay all tazes end essessmenis lewed xgainst said premises and on this Mortguge <br /> and the Bond secured thereby,betbre dalinyuency;i urnish appruved insurance upon the buildmgs thrreun In the som of$iH�8��.�� payrble <br /> to said ASSOC'IATIOh:repay w said ASSOCIATION upim demend all muney by it paid fur such texes,asxssments and insurancz with interest at <br /> the maximum legxl rete thereun(rom dete ul'payment all u(which Mortgagur hereby agreas tu pay:pennit nu wus[e un said prem�ses:keep and wmply <br /> with all the•agrerments and conditiuns of the Bond lur$ 1a�8��.00 tlus day grvrn by the sa�d Mortgxgur n�sald ASS(X'IATION,and comply <br /> with all the requirmnents uf the Consti[ution and By-Laws uf said ASSOC'IATION: then thesr presents shall beco�ne null nnd vuid,utherwise they <br /> shall remain in f�ull force and �iuy be(oreclosed ai the uption uf the said ASS(X'IATION nfter failure fur �hrce tuunths w mrke anv of said <br /> paynunts or be three momhs m arrean in meking said monthly peyments,ur tu keep and comply w�th the agreemrn[s and cunditiuns of said Bund; <br /> and Mortgagur agrees�o have a recoiver eppuinted fbrthwtth ia such 1'urrclusum pruceedings. <br /> If thrre is any change in ownership uf the real esta[e mortgagzd herein, by sale ur otherw�ise,then the entirc remaining mdebtedness hereby <br /> serured shall,at the optiun of T'he Equitable Building and Loxn Aswcia[iun of Grand Islxnd,Nabraska,bewme immediately due and payabk withuut <br /> further notice,and the rmount remaining due under sald bund,and any othe� bunl tur any additional advances nwde thereunder,iliall,frum the <br /> date uf'exercise o(said opUon,bear interest at the maximum legal rate,and ihis murtgage may then be tbrecloud to sa[isly the amount due on said <br /> bond,and any uther Iwnd for additiunal advances,together wrth al!sums paid by said The fyuityble Building rnd Luan Aswciatiun uf C,rand lstand, <br /> Nebraska for insurance,taxes and assessments,and abstracting extension charges, with inte�est thereon, f'rom date uf payment a[ the mazimum <br /> kgal rate. <br /> As provided in the Bond secured hereby,while this mortgage remains In effrct the mortgagee may hercafter advance addi[ional sums to the <br /> makers of syid Bond,their assigns or successors in interest,wh�ch surtu shall be within the secunty of[his mortgage the samt as the funds originally <br /> secured thereby,tht total amount uC principal debt not to ezceed at any time die uriginal amuunt uf this murtgyge. <br /> Datedihis �St, dayof December A.I�.,ly �] <br /> � � <br /> .,�..... �^ri ��'L:.,;�..�� <br /> ti. <br /> o ispe _ _� T <br /> Carla R. Nispel <br /> STATE OF NEBRASKA,� � On this da of 19 <br /> COUN7'Y OF HALL 1 st. r December 77 .�fo•�ma . <br /> the under� ned,a Notary Public in and fur said Cuunty,personatly came q` � <br /> Noward W. Nispel and Carla R. Nispel, each in his an� her own rigfit and as spouse of each � � <br /> � ' O�ler who dl'E perwnally lu�uwn to i �,�*r��, <br /> me la be the identical per�on S whote tume 5 a1"E affixed to the above in;VaTfi"eiCl�ps mortgagor 5 and �h2,y sevenlly ��-���' <br /> acicnowkd�ed the said itutrument W be thei r �ulunt�iy u;t s�ui See1. . ! � <br /> . / J�:-:..�, F <br /> INTNCSS my luuid�uKi Nul�uiyl SeaJ tlic�Lto afuinariJ. � . ' <br /> , .- � <br /> ♦ :'EY a � N••.ev�M eX�rot j',�/ � � f � <br /> �F , . ��ti 6'"c���-_ __ - v- — -- <br /> . Alnt���Pnhli� <br /> ,�°��' _:'.�.__•__',�.�. , Ge�d. � �! /y J�� � <br /> � <br />