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r- � <br /> uot extenri or postpune tf�e due date oi tlre monthh• iu .�tullment � rrf��r�r� l to in �,srsgraph� I snd 'l hereof or <br /> change the aroount of such installme�ts. <br /> 10. Horrower Not Ii�loassd. Lxeeneiw� of the time ior � �a��iuent or modificsstion of mttnorti2ation of the �ums <br /> secured by this Mortgage granted by I.ender to any �uc•ce.sor iu interest of Bormwrr .hall not operate to relesse, <br /> in any tnanner, the liabilitv of the original Sorrowcr iind liorro�cer's successor� iu iuterest. I.ender shall not be <br /> � required to commence procee�fings against .ucli succe,sor or relu.c to extend tirue for pay�nent or otherwise modify <br /> an�ortiastion oP the sums secured by t }�is \ lort.gage b�• reason of anv dentand made hy the origina! Borrower and <br /> Borro�ver'e suocesaors in interest. <br /> i l. porb�otm�ee by I.�ader Not a Waiver. Any forbearsnee by I,ender in exercising any right or remedy <br /> hereunder, or otherwise afforded by upplicable la��• , shall not be a �vaiver of or preclude the exercise of any right <br /> or remedy hereunder. The procuremeut of insurance or the � >ayment of taxe� m• other liens or charges by Lender <br /> � nhall not be a waiver of Lender's right to accelerate tlie rnaturity of tLe indebkedness secured by this Mortgage. <br /> �, . 12. R�m�dies Cumulative. All remedies provided in thi� \lortgage are distinet and cumulative to any other <br /> G� right or remedy under t6is \Iortgage or ilfforde�i In• Is�v or ��quin•, and mx�� hi• exercieed concin•rently , independ- <br /> �� eatly or successivelv. <br /> � 1S. Suceeawrs and Asaigs� Bound: Joiat �d Several Liability; Captioas. 1'hr covenants and agreements <br /> - herein contained shall bind , and tLe rightK hereunder �I�all inure to , thc respectiv�� successor� und assigns of Lender <br /> � and Borrower, rubject to the proviHion, of � �ara��;iph 17 hc�r�>o( . All covenant . ;in� 1 agreenx•nts of Borrower shall <br /> ^ be joint xnd ,everssl . The ca� ,tions and liexding� of tlie �issraRra� �hs oi thi� \ IortKa�;e are for convenience only and <br /> � sre not to be used to interpret or define t6c �irovision� liereof . <br /> 1 {. Notice. �ny notice to $orro« er �uo� id��d for in tlii� \ lurtga{��• �hall lio Ri ��en bt• iuuiling ,uch notice by <br /> certified mait addre�ned to Borro�cer at the Pruperty .1 �Idre,. .tcite� t hi• lu�� . rxc�q �t fur auy notiee� reyuired under <br /> paragr�tph 18 hereof to be gi�•en tu $orroHrr in th�• nianncr �ir�•;cril �r� 1 by x��� �lic.tble laH . An}� notice �irovided <br /> forin this \4ortgage :hall be deenieii to lui�•�• bern Ki ��en tu t3urro�rrr ti�lien �i ��cu m thc munuer desiRndtec� herein . <br /> 15. Unilorm Mortqage: Govemiag Law; Severability. 'I'I � i� lonu of iuortgu�;e �•ombines unitortn covenants <br /> for national use and non - uniform covenauts witl � limiiai � ariation� b�• juris��iction to constitute a uniform secu- <br /> rity instrument covering real property . 1'hi� \ tortgttge shull hr• �;overned by tl�c lu�v of the jurisdiction in which <br /> the Property is located . In the e��ent that sny �n•ovision w• rlause oi tLis �9ortgage or the Note confticte with <br /> applicable law , such conflict shull not uffect utLer � n•ovisions oi this �lortgage a• the Note which can be given <br /> effeat without tl�e conflicting � iruvisiou , and to thi� end � l�c � �ro��ision, of tlie \lortgagc .sn�! the Note are declared <br /> to be severable. <br /> 16. Borrow�r's Copy. Borrower shall be furnished a conforme�i �•opy uf this \lortgage at the time of execu- <br /> tion or after recordation liereof. <br /> 17. hao�f�r of the Propsrty: Assumptioa. If 311 ur any � �art of the Property or an interest therein ie eold <br /> ot transferred by Borrower without Lender :, prior written eonsent . exchiding ( a / thc creation of a lien or encum- <br /> brance subordinate to this �lurtgage , � b i tlie crextion ot u ��urchu�e inonc•y �ecurity interest for household appli- <br /> ances, ( c ) a transfer by devise, de,cent or by o� ,eration oi lu�� u� �un the death of a joint tenant or (d ) the grant of <br /> any lessehold interest of tl�ree years or lesr not cuntainin�; .in option to �,urcF�ase , Lender �nay . at I.ender's option , <br /> declare all the sums secured by this :�forcgag� cu bc iwuicdiat ��l�• duc :wd �iayable. Lender shall ha��c waivc�i e�uch <br /> option to accelerate if, prior to the sale w• transfer, Lender aud tl�e � ��•r�un to whom the Yropert.y in to be sold or <br /> transferred reach agreen�ent in writing chat the credit oi sucl� � ,er�on i, .atisfactory to Ixnder and that the interest <br /> payable on the sums secured by this 3fongage ahall be at �uc• I , rate as Lender .hall mquest . lf Lender has waived <br /> the option to accelerate provided in this parugraph 17 and il 13orrower's nuccessor in interest has executed a writ- <br /> Len seaumption agreement accepted in writing by l ,endrr, Linder .hxll release Borrower fro�n all obligatione under <br /> this Mortgage and the Note. <br /> If Lendet exercises sucL option to accelerute , Lender shall � uail Borrower uotice of acceleration in accordance <br /> with paragraph 14 here�f. �uch noticu �I�sll pro��idv a � �crio� l of uoi Irs. thsn 30 day� frutn the date the uotice is <br /> mailed wiChin which Borrower i��ap pxy tl�r ,uru. declsr�•�i du��. If liarroH•er fsil. tu � �ay s�ch �uru. prior to the <br /> expiration of sueh period , Lender may . ���itl�uut fu�rtlier nutic�� or � iemnnd uu ��01'1'OH'NC , 1CIYOICP any remeciies per- <br /> mitted by parsgraph 18 hereof. <br /> �oN -t ' x �FoeM ( 'ovFxwsT�. Rorruw•rr .wd I.ender 1'urtl �er co��cviftnt arid a�;•rae a. Yollo��•. : <br /> 18. Aee�bratiom: Remedi�e. E�cept a� � n•o� i� le� l in � �aru�r:y , li 17 h��reo1' . u� wn I3m•row�er'. bre°seh of any <br /> covenant or agreement of Borrower in tlii. �im•t ���R�• , ini�ludin �; tlic covenant � to � �sy �+' hi�n duc any rum:: ,ecured <br /> by this \lortgage. Lender �uior to ucc�e• irrutiun .6all muil nutice tu Burro�� �� r a. � �ro�' i�i��� l in � �xraRrapl � 14 hereof <br /> e�pecifying : 11 ) the brracii ; � `ll the u�� tion ri�yuire� i tu curr .,ui•li Lrcurh ; � 31 u �iat�• , no[ liss tlixn [ hirty d9ys <br /> from the date the noticc i� ivaile�l to Burruwi• r . I �� �� lii�� li ..u�• li bma��l � niu.t 1 ��• r �n ,�� l : an� i � 4 � thut failurc� to �ure <br /> auch breach on ur lx-fore t4e date sE�ecified iu tlie uotico iu,iy re.�ult in aeri• leratiun �� ( tli�• �wn� .c�•ured hv thiF <br /> tilortgage and sale of the Yroperty. If the brcach i, not cured uu or br(om t6c dat �� specifii��l in the notice, Lender <br /> at Lender's option inay decltsri• all of the ,wu. ,i�cured I ��� thi. \lort�;agc tu br i�nn �e�iiately dur iin�i payable <br /> w�ithout further demand and �na�• forerlo,c tlii� �lort �a�;e h�� judieiul ��ruce�edin� Lcnder ,I�xll he CR[ IlIPf� [O COIICCt <br /> in such proceeding all Nxpenses of forectoeurc , in�� lu� ling, hut not hiuitcrl to . ��o�t . of du�•nuientar�• ��vidence , <br /> abstracte and title report�. <br /> 19. Desrow�ti 8iqht to R�indat�. \otw�ithst :tn�{in � Lender'. u�rele�rxtion uf th�• ,uu �� .E�cured by this <br /> Moitgage, Borrower shall have the right to ha�•e any �iroceedinR� be�un by L��nder tu <�nforce thir \lortgage dis- <br /> oontinued at any time prior to entry of a judKment enio�rcink thi, \IortgaKe if : iui BorroK�cr pays I.ender all <br /> xume which would be then due under thie �fonRx��• , the \ote :tn� i note� recurinK f�'utur�• Ad ��xncern , if any , had no <br /> acceleration occurred ; ( b ) Borrower cure� sll brru� lie, uf uuy utlirr c•u � ��nant , ur u�n���meut� uf I3orrower cou- <br /> taiaed in thie Mort�aRet Icl Borrower payn eill rea�un:thli• .•� i ���n.��, in ��urrr� l f �v L��m1�•r in � �nfnr�• in}� thi� �m•�•n :� nt • <br /> aad sgreemente of Borrower eontaineci Sn thi. �IortFa�;�� �ind � n en [urcink Le�n� ii�r'< ren �t•die� nr � �rovidc�f in para- <br /> �raph 18 hereof, including, but not limited to, reucmixblr attorney 'r fee� : an� l � d i Borrower txkeh such action as <br /> L.endEr may reaeonwbly requirn to aseure that the lien of thi� \ Iort �aR�� . L��ndrr'� int �rntit in th�• Yro���rty and <br /> Bortrnver'e obligstion to pay the sume securecl bp thi� �lort�a�!r <hall i•ontinu�• uninq�sirnii . 1T�Nm .uch payment S <br /> aad cure by Botro�ver, thie Mortgage and thr obligations secured herr•b�� ..hall retuain in fult forre and eRect as if :• <br /> ao soaeleration had occurred. �� �. �: <br /> � 7�- 1►ri�nt of ll�eh: Appainba�nt o! R�ceiv�r, Lsad�r ia Possessioa A, additional security here- <br /> under, Bo�m�ver hereby areigas to Lender tbe rents of the Pro��rt �� . �iro��idrd that Horroa•er shall , prior to acceler- �:' <br /> ation u�+der panerapl� 18 heev,wf or abandonment of the Property, have thc ri�ht to collect and mtain sueh rents � <br /> s� thep beoame due sed paysble. <br /> Llpon aet�kntie� under rnrsgrsph 18 hereof or si>sncioninent of thi Y:c �urt � , Linder , ic: �x:r�un , t,ti ug. iit <br /> or by judicirlly a4spoinfexJ I'Hl!RiVPT P}iRf � hP vntitl�l to e�ntPr v�.on , tskc iro�-c< � im: ui aud mans�;c thc Yroperty M <br /> aad to eolleat the ren4 of the Pro�erty , inciuding those psst dur. All r<�nts collecti•d ht• I.ender or the tv��eirrr <br /> d�sll be applied 8rst to payment of the ec�ats uf �nanagement of the Pro� irrl }� and colla��•tiun of n•nto- , inrludinR, hut <br /> not limited to, receivere fees , pretniums on rcceiver'K bondt and rcasonuble attornrv '� fe.•� ynd thi-n � o rh�• .� un. <br /> aeeured by thie Mo�t6age. Lender and the reeei�•er ahall Ix> liuble to xccount onl �� for tho��� rrnt � xotuall }• rr����i�����i <br /> � <br />