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. � <br /> not extend or post }�one the due date oi tl�e n�onth� �� in�t :allnx�nt . ri•f��rred to in Eiaragraph� 1 snd 'l hereof or <br /> change the amount of such insWlime��te . <br /> 10. Doerow�r Notl4bas�d. I:xcensiou of the tiwe fm• � �uymeut or modification oi' :�iuortizatiun of the sums <br /> secured by thie !�Iurtgage granted by I..ender to any �urcessor in interest of Borrower shall not. operate to release, <br /> in any manner, tlie liability of the original Borrower and }iorrou�er'. .ucceasors in iuterest. Lender shaU not be <br /> required to eommence proceedings against auch successor or refu�e to exteud time for payment or otherwise modify <br /> � ainortization of the swns secured by thi_ \lortgaqe I ,�� reasm � oi uny dewand uiade by the a•iginsl Borrower and <br /> C�2 Borro+ver'� ruceeaaore in interest. <br /> � 11. Farb�arm�a by Lader Not a wai.►.�. any forbearance by Lender in exerciaing any right or remedy <br /> O hereunder, or otherwise afforded by applicable la�r , ,hal] not be a H-siver of or preclude the exercise of any right <br /> � or remedy hereunder. The procuremeut of insurance or the � ,ayrnent of taxea or other liens or charges by Lender <br /> C' ektall not be a wuiver of Lender's right to accelerate the maturity of the indebtedness secured by thia MorEgage. <br /> � 1Z. B�di�s Cumulati��. .All recnediee provided in this \ fortgage ctre distinet and cumulative to any other <br /> ri�ht or remedy under this \tortgage or afforde�l h}• lii�c or �•quity . and inr}• bc exercised concurrently , independ- <br /> ^ ently or successively. <br /> h 1�. S�tee�ato�� md 1►asiyas Bound; Joiat m�d S�veral Liability; Captions. The covrnants snd agreements <br /> herein contained shall bind , and tlie rights liereunder �hall inurv� to . thc respertive successors snd aseigns of I.ender <br /> and Borrower, �uhject to the provieiom o1' p� rnRra��li 1 ; herroY . .all ��o�•enunt . and sgmements oC Borrower ehall <br /> be joint and +e�•eral. 1'he raptions and hcading. 01 tlic � �aruKr,i� �h. of thi. \ iort �xg�• are for ��onvenience only and <br /> are not to be used to interpret or define thc ��rovisiun.= hereol . <br /> 1�. Notie�. Any notice ro IiorroH �� r ��ru��ide� 1 for iu tlii � \ lurtRag�• .luill bo �;i����u b�• iusiling sucl� notice by. <br /> certiRed inail uddre��ed to Borro��•er at t6c Yro� �ert }� A�idre�. .r.ue�� t b��lo�� . ract•� it for any notic�e reyuired under <br /> paragrapli 18 hireof to be gi��en [ u BorroHer in thr wanner prr,crit�e� l h}• ,y� �� � lie:tbli� la�c . An�� nutice ��rovided <br /> forin this \lortgage _hall lu� der�ued to liu��e fx��•u KI � �•n to liorru�cer �cl �en gi �•en in tlie mauner �lr.ignuted 6erein. <br /> 15. UniEerm Mortgage: Gov�miag Law: Sevarability. '1'hi- iurm ui iuort �;u�;e rumbines uniform co�•enants <br /> fornationsl use and non-uniform co��enants witli lirnitc� i curiutiuu� I ,y ,jurisdiction to <�onstitute :� uniforni secu- <br /> rity instrument rov�riug real }>roperty. '1'his \ lortguge sl�ali I �c �;overue�i b,y the Ia�e o( thu jurisdiction in which <br /> the Property is located . In the e��ent thst :iny � �ro�-isiun m rlause of this \fortgage oi• the Note. conflicts with <br /> applicable Iax•, such confliet shall not utiect otl�er � �ro� isions uf thi. Vortgage or tl �e ?�ote which can be given <br /> effect without tl�e conflicting Eiro� ision , und to thix �•nd ther � �ru�� i,iou, oi the \tortgage und the Note are declared <br /> to be severable. <br /> li. Eo�row�r"s Copy. Borrower shall be iurnished :i ounlorn;r. : roErv of this 11ort�;aqe at the time of execu- <br /> tion or nfter recordation hereuf. <br /> 17. Trm�rf�r of t6s Prop�rty; Aasumptioa. if sIl ur any � ,art ot the Yroperty or au interest therein is eold <br /> or traneferred by Borrower without Lender'. � �rior writteu eonsent , ezctuding isi rhe creatim� of a lien or encum- <br /> brsnee suFwrdinate to thia �iortgage, i b � tl�e creation of a E ,ur�lia.i• mouey ,ecurity interest Cor houezehold appli- <br /> ances, ( c ) a tranefer by devise , descent ui by uperatiou uf lu�� u��un tlic deat.l� of a joint lenant m• Idl t11e grant of <br /> any leasehold interest of tliree years or le.a not contaiuiuq an uptiuu to � ,urchase . Lender inay . at Lender's option, <br /> declare all the sums cecured by this 1lortgage co bi� imwediatrh� �1ur :�ud payable. I .eiiJer shxll ha��e waived such <br /> option to accelerate if, prior to the sale or trun,ter , Lcnder au�t thr � �ur,on tu �t�lioiu thc Yroperty is to be sold or <br /> transferred reacli agreerueni in writing tl�at t {�e credit ut �uci � � �ereon i. �atisfuetory tu I.endrr and that the interest <br /> payable on the sunis nerured by tl�ia �IortKage stiali be at �uc• ! i r;Atc y� Lender shall reyuest . If Ixnder has waived <br /> the option to accelerate provided in this {�aragrap6 17 und ii Ba•rower'� �uecessor in interect Las executed a writ- <br /> ten assumption agreement accepted in writing by I ,endc�r, l ,ender shttll releuse Borruwer fro�u all obligationc� under <br /> thie Mortgage and the Note. <br /> If Lender exerciaes sucli option to accelerate , Lender s6a11 �uail 13ortower notice o1 acceleratioci in accordsnce <br /> witl� Naragraph 14 hen�ut. �ucl� noticc �lu�ll }�ru� id�• a prrlai of uut ler. tliau 30 dxys from the date the notice is <br /> tnniled witliin which Burrower may �xs} th�• � uni.= �li•cl:u�tv1 � iu� . If' }3urru�c��r fail� to pa}• .uc•h ,utu, prior to the <br /> ex[�iration of such periai , Leuder tnay . ��•itl �out f'unhi�r noticc or � lenisnd un }3orroH•er, in ��oke any retnedies per- <br /> mitted by paragraph 18 hereof . <br /> \ox-1 ' xieoxb ( 'ovex � rT�;. liurruw�� r xn�i Lender Yurthirr cu�•�v� arrt and ag�r��i� x � Y'ollowr : � <br /> lY. J[ce�Leation: R�medi�s. Fa�•�•�a a� � � ro . i� lo� l in � �:uu� ra � � l � li lu �reof . u� �ua Borruw•er '. brt�ach of uny <br /> covenaM oragreen�ent of HorroNor in tl � i. \lurt �a �;o . inolu� l � u� tlu� ruccn:int ., tu ��ut� �� lii•n iiuc an�� nums srcured <br /> by this \loftgage. I.endcr � �riur tu arri�l�• i:�tiun .diall � u:�il iwtire to liurru�� cr u.• � n'o �' i�{e� i in � ru•xkf•:i��li 14 hereof <br /> rpecifyittg : 111 the breach ; i21 tlir :u�non n•yu� re�l tu � ur�• nw•h bre�3cli : 131 :1 dat �� . not Icss than thirt}• daVn <br /> from the datc thc not icc i> lna� lc�1 tu 13urru�c��r . 1 ��� �� liieli ..uc• i � I �n ;irli wuvt I ��� �� um� t : an� i i -1 i thut failurc tu curc <br /> such Lreach on or beiarc tlie dau� spe<• ificxi iii tl �c uutir�� way r��sult iu a�•ccleration ot th�• ,wu. .eeured bv thie <br /> Slortgage and nsle of the Yl'opertp . II che breac6 i.� nut �•wr�i or, ur I �efor�• th� dat�• spc:cifi ��d in thi� notice , Ixnc�er <br /> at Lr�der's option may declam ull uf th�� .e�•urcd I�y ihi. \fortgaRe tu be in� wedistch• due :tnd payable <br /> � without further dcmund und uzu}' forcolu,�� tLi� AIortK�g�� l,�� .i u� hr�al � >rucc�c�iuk . Len�lrr sluJl I �c .� nt �Ued to colleet <br /> in sueh proceeding all rxpense. ol fore•closiim . in�• Iu� liuK. I �ut nut li � i � it ��d tu . ro.t . uf �luewuentar�� e��idence , <br /> abstracte and title reEwrt� . <br /> 1� �eeesw�r"a >iykt to RN6�Q�. � UCN' 1fI1�t :lO1� IlIE; Lender '� uci�elrratiun u( tl�e �uni� .ecured bv this <br /> Mort;age, Borrower ehell have the right to ha��r su}� ��rocecYiinR.� I�r�un by L��n� ier tu �mforc�r t6i. �tortgage dis- <br /> coatinued at sny time prior Lo entry of u � udKment rufoTcin�; thir \1ort �;agr if : � ai Borrower pays I.ender all <br /> ruav +vhieh would be then due under thi� JlunKx��• , the _�otr :ur� ! no� e� .rcuriuk Future :� d��ance. , if any , had no <br /> uooekration occurred ; 161 Borrower cure� all breurli�•� of xn � uthrr rovrn:tint � ur n�;r����menth of Rorrower oon- <br /> taiaed in this !1lortgage ; Icl Borrower patis all ra•a.unablo cs � >ru.�•> > uciirr�•� 1 Ip� L� n�1or in . nforrinR t6�� cuci•nantn <br /> sad s�'reef!leffta of Borrower cont8ined in thi. \foM {:ut!t• :tnd � n rninrr• me L��n� i��r '. rv�ni��iiie. a. nrovi� i�•d in nar�i- <br /> `r'aph 18 hereof, inclttding, but not lim�trai to, rexsonxl,ir utturnc•�• '� iei�< . sn� i � ri i }torrow��r takes �uoh action a. <br /> I.eader may xuonsbiy require to asxure that tl�e �ien of tlii� VurtKssKr . Lrnder'.� intcrr.t in the ProE�erty and <br /> Boero�ver'a otfli�stion to pey the sums secured bp thi� \toiKKxR�� -ha11 rontinur uniui��sir���1 . [ '��un ,urh � �sst•tnent 4 <br /> sod cut+e by Hortow�er, thie Mortgrge and the obligation� .rcured herrh�• �hall r��uisin in iull (orce and effect as if <br /> 0o aoee{e[�+Gioe had oocurred. , 5l <br /> �- A��rt d f�: A�fOoi�et ot R�e�iv�r: Lad�r ie� pow�sioa, p. aJditionxl security hem- "'�"" <br /> under, Boera�ret ltereby arri6ns to I.ettt�er the rentK of the Pro}mrty . � �ro�• ide�1 t6�t Bormµ•er shall , prior to acceler- � <br /> � sfian under porqra�pb 18 bereof or abandonment of thr Yro��eKy . tis�•e thc r�glit to collect and retain euch rents <br /> os t� b�e�es due oed pays6k. <br /> � E7poe aeeeleratioe under paratr�pi� 18 hereaf or abandonment of the Yro��erty , Lrnder, in ��ernon, hy agent ' ` <br /> or bv jradeiahy �QQoietad �ivrr �Aalt he wetitir.i �� �retnr � tt.cir . ! ske ,,o••p�.• i••r er ar.�? : c:s;:s�;c, • hc Yro��crtt- <br /> aad t� eolieoe the rentr of the Pe�a�wrty . i�a�ludio� th(rw ��x�r duv > Il r�•nrK �•�.il.•.�tP�i hv Lr�nri �r or tt�� rerei�•cr � <br /> �6il1 be applied �rat te paymeat of the cwRa of n�af�ement of thr �ro��rrty and �•oll�•�tion of n•nt- . in�•IudinK , hut <br /> nat lioited to, reoeiver's feea, pe�emivm�: w� n:ceiver'� I�ond� and masonnble attorni�a• '� frr� . and then to thr �wn. <br /> �eeured by this �lort�e. I.endtr and thr receiver slirll IK• liuhle to account onh� for thu�� rent� xMualh• mcei��ed <br /> � � <br />