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_ r � <br /> uot extend m� � �ostpone the due �iate ui thc � uontiih� i � �.t :illu ,cut * roi�•r:-e� i to in },:u•:igrapL - 1 and '1 l�ereot' or <br /> change the uniount of sucli installments . <br /> 10. Borrower Not R�l�awd. ExYznsim, of the tiwe for � �ayn�e�rt or woditiration oi uinortization of the sunts <br /> secured by this viortgage granted by I.ender t.o �ny �u�•c•eesor iu interest of Borro�+�er shall not operate to release, <br /> in any �nanner, ttie liabilit}• ul' tLe originul I3orroH•er un�i liorru�� or'� �ucce;sorn in intere�t . Lender shall not be <br /> � required to commence proceedinga egainst such successor m• rrf us�• to cateud time for payment or otherwise modify <br /> � u�nortisation of the sums secured by thi� \lortgagc b�� reasai oi auy �ietnand iuude by tl�e original Borrower and <br /> C Borrower's succes�ors in intere�t. <br /> 11. Porb�as�te� by Lnder Not a Waiv�r. Any forbearance by I.ender in exereieing any right or remedy <br /> � hereunder, or otherwise affo�ded by sp�ilicable Is�v , s6a11 not Ix a wai;er of or preclude the exercise of any right <br /> ,^ or remedy liereunder. The procurement of insurance or The � >apiuent oC t�xes or other ]iens or charges by Lender <br /> �,. ehall not be a wai�•er ot Lender's right to accelerate the macurity of the indebtedure, secured b�� thiti A4ortgage. <br /> 1Z R�m�di�sCuanulativs. AI ► reu�edies provided iu tl�i� \forcgage are �listincc �nd cwnulative to any other <br /> `� right or remedy under thi� \ lortgagf.• or :�tiorde�i h�• la�� ur �•yuity . and �ua� bo ez�•rcised conrurrently , independ- <br /> � , ently or successively . <br /> 13. Sueewors aad Aa�iga� Bouad: Joint and Ssveral Liability: Captioaa. 'I'lu• co�•enants and agreemente <br /> herein coutaiued shall t,ind , :Lud tl�c ri�;hts 6ereuudcr .�hall inuro w . thr res� iectiv�� succeneur� :u�d assigns of I.ender <br /> und Borrower, sul�ject to tlic pru� isiuii< oi � �urugcu ��h I : hercui . :111 co� eusnt � und a�;recmonG; oi Borrower nhall <br /> be joint and se��eral. '1'hc �•i���tion� un� i h ��;idiug. ni � lir � ,:u�:s�;r.ti� � li< oi t6i� Alurtkn��• are tbr eon �•criience only and <br /> are not to be used to interprer. or delin.< tbe � �ru��i�iu�i� Lerrui. <br /> 14. Notice. An>� uocic�• cu 13w•ru�cer � uovi� i�•� 1 ior in tlu� .� lurtRa�e .h:ill I ��� y;i � cn hv tIlSlllUg �uell noticr bti <br /> certihed �uail etddrese:ed to Bi,rru�� cr ai rli � Yi•u� irrtc A � idm.,, ..tat �•� ! I ���lu�r . ��a�•�•� ,t iur ;ui}� notic�• reyuired ❑nder <br /> paragraph l8 liereof Yo I �e gi��en tu Rorru�+e•r iu tlu� iu�uucr � ,ro,crihe�i hy :i� �� � licuLl� • lu��� . An�� notice provided <br /> forin this \Iortgage ,hall bc de��iucd tu lis .�r I �� •cn �;�I ��i�n to Murro�+� �v �clu�n � i���m ni th�• wunnc'�r deri�uated l�erein . <br /> 15. Uailorm Mortgaga; Govamiaq Law: Severability. "1'I � i� fnr� u u ( � uurt �;a�;e raubine� wiiforin co�•enants <br /> tor national use and non- uniform cuvenxut� ��• itl� limitc� l �•sristiun� I �}� iurisdiMion to roustitute u uniform secu- <br /> rity instrument covering real propertv. 7'hi. Alorcgage shall I �.� �;u��ernc�l 1 ,�� th�� la��• of the jurisdiction in which <br /> the Property is located . ln the ecent that any � �ro��isiuu or rlau�c of tlii. \] ortguge or the Note conAicts with <br /> npplicable law, DucL conflict shall not �1�'cct other �,ro� isiun� ot tl�i� \lurtguge ur the Notc which can be given <br /> effect w�!hout the conflicting provision , and to thi� ��mi the � �ru�• ision� uf t h� \ lurt�;age and the Note are declared <br /> to be severable. <br /> 16. Boerow�r"r Copy. Borro�cer shall be iurnishe� i u � unl'w•iue� l �•o� �.• ot thi, Alortga�e a� the t�ime of exeou- <br /> tion or sfter recordatioii I�ereot . <br /> 17. lr�r of the Prop�dy: Acsumptioa. li ull ur su}� � ,art ui the Yroperty ur au interest therein is eold <br /> or tranaferred by Borrower witt�out Leu3er'.� � �rim• writicu eouseut . rrxcluding ia i tl� r. c�reatiou ot a lien or encum- <br /> brance subordinate to this \lortgag� , ibi thc �•reation o1 u E,ur�• li:�sc �nuiii��- securi6y interest for liuu�ehold appli- <br /> ances, ( c ) a transfer by de��isr, �lescent ui• by uperxtion � � i la�� ii� �on tho deatL of a joint tenaut or idl the grsnt of <br /> any leasehold interest of tl�ree yeurs or ics- iwt rontainiii�; an u� >tiun tu � rurcha�� , Lendei• may , ut Lender's option, <br /> declare all tt�e sums secured bY thi, 1lortgage cu lx� iiu�uedi:it �•h � iu�• xn�i ��xpabl�� . I ,ender sliall hu��e waived euch <br /> option to accelerate if, ��rim• to tlie s� le or trnnster, Len.icr uu� t thr � �er�on to whom the Yroperty ie to !x� sold or <br /> traneferreti reacli agreetnent in writing Ihat ti�e credit ui .ucl � � �erron i. Dati�tactury to Lender snd that the intereet <br /> payable on the sums secured by this tlurtKage .Lall I�e at �u��l � rate as Lender shall rcyuest . ii I,ender has waived <br /> the option to accelerate provided in tliis paragrapl� li :, nd i ( Borro���ei•'� �urcessm• in iucerest I �a� executed s writ- <br /> ten assumption agreeinent uccepted in u� ritiug I,c Len�ier . l .rnder .�liall relea�r Burruu•er frmu ult obligatione under <br /> thie Mortgsge and the Note. <br /> If Lender exereiaes sucL option to accelerate , l,ender shall � uail liorrower notice of ucceleratioa in accordanee <br /> with paragraph 14 hereoi. �uel� nutic•�• �I �ull � �ru� ide u � �rrlu�l ui uot t.•�� ti ��u 3q dxy� lruiu t }ie datr the notice is <br /> mailed within which Borrower ivay { ,x�• tlu� �uu �. declur�•�i �lii� . ti liorru�c� r (a� l� to � �ac �uch �u�u, prior Lo the <br /> eYpiration of such periud , Lender wuy , ��' �tlioiit furtli�• r iwtic�• ur � leuiau� l on liorrower. in�•oke any remedies per- <br /> mitted by paragraph 18 liereof. <br /> \ ox- l ' vtFOHM ( 'uvr: xaa•rs. Aurruw�i- r :ind Lcnder f'iirtLi� r cu�� ��uu�it :inii a�;'rk��• as f"ulluwr : <br /> 18. Aee�Ltation: R�medi�s. F:z�•�q �t a� � �ruci� lo� l iu � r,u�ssR�:y � li 17 lioreuf . u� �ou Borru�+�er:• hmxch of any <br /> covenant or agreement of I3on•o« er � n thi� \ lort �;a��� , in � lu�lniy; tl �c cov�•nunt � tu � �:sy � l�cn dui� am� suu�r .ecured <br /> by this \lortgage . Lender � ,rior tu ur� •�•I�v:itic�n �l � ull nu� il iiuiir�� � � � Rurru�� or a- � �ru� i� io� l fn � ,aru�;rxpl� 14 hereof <br /> �pecifping : 111 the breacii : � 'li tLe u��uun rryuirc� l cn � un � u�� l � lin•ucl � : i3i a datc . i�ut le.e tlian thirt)• daVe <br /> from the date thc �w[ icc i� ivailed tu l�urro���.• r . I � �� ��� lu�. I � .urL I � r� ; u•I � iuust bc �•iuvxl ; un� l � 41 Chut fuilw•c tu cure <br /> �uch breach on or b�•for� tLe datr .� �r��ifird in � I ��• u��n �•� iu;« r�•.� ul � iu :ic�•��I�•ratiun of t6�• su�ur ,ecuri��l I �y tt:i; <br /> liortgage and E9le of the Yro� �eit �' . 11 tlie bri�;scli is nut ��w•i��i ur. ur heforo t lu• iiat �� �pecificri in tht• naticr, I.ender <br /> at Lender's option may declare• ttll ut the ..wu, secw•e� i 1 ,�• tiu.. \lurtKxk�• to be immediYtc•ly dui• xn�i pnyablr <br /> without furtherdemand an�i ma`� forrclosr tlus �turt {;at�;�� by iu�iioi:il � �roreedinK. L�•nd��r nhall h�• ��ntrtic�d tu collect <br /> in such proceeding 1�11 expenae� of foreclu. urc . iui� lu� lln�; . hut nut linutc� l tu . rust . uf ciuruiuc�utury r�'idrnce, <br /> abstraets and title reportr . <br /> ls. so�sow�r�a 83qht to R�iast�t�. \ocwitLetsu� iiny; 1 .�•n�ier'. u� ca� l�•ratiuu uf t !�r .uni.- .ecun�d by this <br /> Mort6ase, Sorrower shall have the right to ha�•e any ��roceedin�;. heKun by L�•u�ier tu �•uforec thin \lortgagr die- <br /> ooatinued at any time prior tu en[ry of a � udKiuent eniuTcinK tlu� \lort �aqc if : � ui Borrower ��aya I ,ender all <br /> eums which would be then due under tLis \lort �u�;�•, th� \ote :tn� i notra securin�; Fluur�� Ad �•unec� , if an�� , had no <br /> accelaration oeeurred ; ( b ) Borrower cure� aU bresche� uf un �• other ro� ��nxnt � m� a�;rrrnirnt� uf florrower con- <br /> trined iu thia �lurtgage , l� ) Burt'uwer pa} . tlii Ir:i�VlGti „� c\ � �a Lne� Il �oiiilc. l � � \ i .�inirl ili � lilufcill{: ( � n .' �i\ cllallLc <br /> and �greemeats of Borrower contained in thi� \lort�;uy;�• acid in cu ���r� in�; L� n� l� r ', rcuiedic� :is � ,rovidcd iii ��xra- <br /> eraph 18 hereof, including, but not limited tu , rranonnble attw�ne� �.� (rr� . ;tn� 9 id i Bo�'i'ow•�'r txkr� ruch accion ur <br /> Lender may reaeousbly require tu aaeurr t6nt the liru oi t6i� \ luilKaK�• . Lrii�er'r intere�t iu th�� Y�v�x•rty and <br /> Borrwver'e obligsLioa to pay the sums �cured by Lhit \lurtK.���• .�I �ull runtiuue iinir��� ,�ired . L'� �o�i �uoh iis)•�nent � <br /> snd eure by Borrower, this Mortgage and the obligation� Keourecl ht•re�h�• .hcall n•inain in full force and �•ffrct aa it � � ; r <br /> no aeeedsrstim htd accurred. *" ' '"'w <br /> � � y <br /> !�, � ef S�e1e Appaie�at e! R�c+iMr, I.�atd�r it� Po�ion. A � xddicional �•cunty here- <br /> 4edel, B�er Itieneby awp�s to I.esder the rrntd of the Prope�t �• . pro��idc�{ tl�at Aorroa�er shall , prior to acceler- <br /> , afion u�wier par�g�ph 18 hes�eot or rbsndooxnent of the Pro�� rty . �is�'c t hc riKlit to c•olleet and retain Dueh rents <br /> � t�6ry baeeme dae rad payrbie. <br /> Upop �eeeleratfpf ueKier narf�gra�ih ttl Mereof or atianctoninerit ot the Yro�nert �- . I .rnder . �n ��rwn . Irv aRent <br /> o! by jydfpt1111y appelnted teeelver �a11 he entrtled to rnter u�wa . tnke �wxnetiriu+� u� anu � uuu�Qr th�• i'ro��rrt,y <br /> � <br /> asd to eolleot t6t rents of t6e Property , inclnding thoec �iast dur . All renta �olla•c!cui !,�• Li�niler ur the rerei��er <br /> tiqal be ap¢lied BTat to ptyfqeRt of tke t+asts of tnanSRement of the Yro��n �� and collert �:>n of ri�ut � , inrlud�nK , but <br /> noL lituited to, recciccr's ft�es, prcn�iuins on rccciccr'� ! �on�i. and rr:uon:�61c .�ttornct- 's fic: . and th�-^ to thc �u�i:_ <br /> secured by tku MortRsge. Lender and the receiver shall ta� liaf�lr to aocount ��nly fur thuar• rrnto- xrlu:tlh' r��rc•i �'i'�i <br /> J <br />