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<br /> MORTGAGE LOAN NO. L 22�91� MGI C
<br /> rKNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS:That Steven L. Heusel and She l ly A. Heusel, each i n hi s and
<br /> her own right and as spouse of each other
<br /> Mortgagor,whether one ar more,in conudera[ion of tlte sum of
<br /> Thirty One Thousand Nine Hundred Fifty and No/100--------------------------------- ��Lw�s
<br /> loaned lo said mor[gagor by The Equitable Building and Loan Association of Crand Island,Nebraske,Mortgagee,upon 319 shares of stocic uf
<br /> said ASSOCIATION, Certificate Na. L 22�917 1115�C,du hereby grant, convey ynd mortgage unto the sud ASSOCIATION the foUowing
<br /> deccribed real estate, si[uated in Hxll County,NebrastTa:
<br /> NEBRASKA.
<br /> toeether with yll the tenements,hereditxmrnts and appurtenances thereun�u brlung�ng, including attached fluur coverings,all winduw uretns,
<br /> window shades,blinds,storm winduws,awnings,heating,air cunditiuning,and plumbing and wacer equipment and ucessories thereto,pumps,stovet,
<br /> rofrigerators,xnd other(ixt ures and eyuipment nuw or hereafter attached tu or used m cunnecuun with said real estate.
<br /> And wheroas the said mortgagor has agreed and does hereby agree that the murtgagur shall and will pay xll [axea•and assessments levied or
<br /> assecsed up�m sa�d premisrs and upun thYs mortgage and the bund secured thrrebv hrfore the s•eme shail become deGnquent;to furnish approved
<br /> insurrnce upon thr buildirtgs on said premiees situated in the sum uf$31.950.Q� payable lo wid ASSOCIATIOh and to deliver tu said
<br /> ASSOCIATtON the pulicirs for said insurancr:and not to commit ur permit any wastr on ur about said premises:
<br /> In case uf def'yuh in the performance oC any of�he terms and cond�tions u(this muregage ur the bund secured hereby,the murtgagee sfwll,
<br /> un demand, be entided to immedia[e possession uf the mortgaged premises and the mnrtgagur hereby ass�gns, transfers and sets over [o the
<br /> mor[gsgee aU the rents,revenues and income to be derived f'rom the mortgaged premises during such time xs the mortgage indebtedness shall remain
<br /> unpaid;an1 the mort�gee shaU have�he power to appoint any agent or agents it may desire for iha purpuse o(repairirtg said premisec and rentine
<br /> the same and copecting the rents,revenues and incomr,and it may pay out uf wid income xll ezpenses uf repxiring srid premioes and neWsnary
<br /> commissiuns and ezprnses incurred in reniing and mynaging the seme and ul'coUecting rentals thereGom: [he balance remaining, if any,w be
<br /> ypplied toward the discharge of said mortgrge indrbtedness:thex rif5hts uf the murtgagee may be exercieed at any time during the ezietence of such
<br /> default,irrespecuve uC any iemporary waiver of the same.
<br /> These Presen�s,however,arr upon the Cundition,That i(the said Murtgegur shall repny said loan un or brfbrc the rruituriry of said shaues by
<br /> payment;pay rtwnthly to wid ASSOCIATION uf the sum specified in the E3und secured hereby as interru and principxl un said loxn,on or before
<br /> the Twentieth 1ay o(each and evrry mon[h,until said loan is fully pxid:pay atl taxrs�u�d rssessments levied against srid premises and on this Mortgtge
<br /> ynd thu Bond secured thereby,befure delinyuency:furnish appruved insurance upon the buildings thereun in the sum uf S 31�Q50.� payable
<br /> to�aid ASSOCIATION;rrpay to said ASSOCIATION upon demand all muney by it paid fur such taxes,assessmmcs and insurxna with intercst at
<br /> the rr�ximum legal rate thereun frum datr uf payment all uf which Murtgagur hereby agrees w pey;permit nu waste on s�id premises:keep and wmply
<br /> with all the agreements and condit�mrs of the Bund for S 31 950.�� this day grven by the said Murtgagor tu said ASSOCIATION,ynd comply
<br /> with a!1[he reyuvements of the Consntution xnd By-Laws uf said ASSOC'IATION:then these presents shal! become null xnd vuid,otherwise they
<br /> stwll remain in full Ibrcr and may be tbreclused at the optiun of the uid ASSOCIATION after (a0ure Cor three months w make any uf said
<br /> pryments ur be th•ee munths in arreers�n malcing said munthty p�yments,or tu kzep and cumply wlth the agreements and cunditions oF syid Bond;
<br /> and Mortgygur ugrees to hxve a rcceiver rppu�med turthwith in such(ureclusure proceedings.
<br /> !f there is any change m uwnersfup of the rorl tsiyte mortgaged herein, by srle or utherwise, thrn the rntirc rcmuning indebtedness hereby
<br /> rcurcd shall,at the option ul'The f�.qui[yble Building ynd Loan Ascociation of Crand Istxnd,Nebnska,become immedutely due and payable without
<br /> � further notice,and the rmount remaining due under said bund, rnd any uther bond tor yny additional ydwnas made thereunder,shall,frwn the
<br /> date of exercise of uid optwn,bear interest at the�naximum kgal rate,ynd this mortgage rtuy then be forecloted to eatisfy the amount due on s�id
<br /> bond,and any other Iwnd for additional advances,together with r11 sums pnid by said i'he F.quitabk Building and Loan Assoc:iatiun of Grand laland,
<br /> Nebn�ky(or insurance,tazas and assesements,and abstracting extension charges, wrth interest thercon, from date uf payment at the maacimum
<br /> kga!r:te.
<br /> Ac pwvided in the Bond secuied hrroby,wtule this murt�e remaina m efCect thc murtgagnr may hereatter advrnr.e addiuona)sums to the
<br /> molcers of said Bond,theu ateigns or suceesxors in inu�est,wh�ch sums�hall be within the security of[his murtgage the same as the funds uriginally
<br /> stcured thereby,the tota!amount of principal debt not tu exceed at any time the original amount of this murtgage.
<br /> nue �n;c ls J/ arr�i� December n.n.,�v 77
<br /> -�rf.� ,�Lts[� 1
<br /> Steven L, Heusel
<br /> 0/!�L L.�;�..!��1.;r_
<br /> Shel ty A. Heusel �
<br /> S'fAiE OF NEBRASKA.t a. Oe this 1 S t day o! flecember 19�� ,beCore me� ,'�
<br /> COUNTY OF HALL� „�;r,;. „�
<br /> Illsd`a"�"�er�a"`Ywn r1`ghL'and as pOLse ofYeach �
<br /> Steven L. Heusel and Sfielly A. 1#use1� eacfi in ,.
<br /> � Ot/1�1� who 8re peraonally known cu �.
<br /> me te bs ttie idsetica!penwn S wlw�e nnne 5 IItY �ffixed to t1�e�b�e imt�u�it as mort�or 5 and/{h�y severally
<br /> artwvYdrd tMs rid iwtrwneet to be tftei r voh�hry act md dsed� � '� �� f �r
<br /> �!!5 e v i R v��+ ��lYMvi�l Sml the d�te dororid. � , / � ,,,,
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