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<br /> REA� ESTATE MORTGAGE For»� F�e zoe (aev. i-»)
<br /> ._.�._
<br /> _._ .._._..._ _ .--_._.
<br /> _ - ____ _____
<br /> i,ace November 29, 1977
<br /> ! ��
<br /> ,i
<br /> �� Gordon M. Dibbern and Wauneta M. Dlbbern (also known as Waunetta M. Dibbern),
<br /> 1;
<br /> ft huaband aad wife �
<br /> ' , nortgagors,
<br /> ��
<br /> �' of �11 Nebraska
<br /> ;I Councy, , Sn consideratlon of ��
<br /> the advance of the princlpal sum reclted in che note herefnafter descrSDed,rer,e]pr ef whSch Ss acknowledged, hereby
<br /> mortgage ana convey to
<br /> TNE FEDERAL LAND BAMK OP OMANA, a Corporation.
<br /> of Owaha, pouqtas County, Nebraaka, whose address
<br /> it farw Credit Buildiny, Owaha, Nebraska 68100,
<br /> Mortgagee {.^,uD,lect to oll, gus, snd minerxl .^1R,ht owne;] U,y ,art Ses other t,hnn Mort.gagors; exSsting easemenLs uf �
<br /> record; reservatlons Sn Unicetl States and 3catepxt.rr�,: and ctie rlghts oP !he puD11c Sn nll highways), thefollowing-
<br /> aescrlDee real estate Sn Hall ��ounty, Nebraska ; �
<br /> SEC. TMP. R8.
<br /> SW'-y - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 21 11N 12 W 6th P.M.
<br /> d
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<br /> contalnSng 160 _ i r , m r� . 1� � r;.��r;c•�tie[ w�U tl] �t the r1�r., tltle, uid fntere�t
<br /> (now ownedorhereaftcr scqiir �i� �f rr .rt,r � ;, 1r . ; .,ri� , �y, � i. 1,� ;���, j ,�; ..�inKS. 1mPruvamenLs, flxtures, +
<br /> � or appurtenrsricec Lhereon �r h�reafr�r .1 + herr �i �i11 w3r-r +.r[+u+i.fon ir1 d .iluage rSqYits; �hP tenements,
<br /> heredlt.aments, arid apj,urt.enan.� ; r.i��.t�r, �« + r� ��ert 1� �uN .r-�,;. nA p7 ��S[�• nr.�lnq from s�t1d lanAs; and (if �
<br /> Lhe Mortqagors� rl�its 1n t1ie� ��n!1 1 m�,ic i re u+rt.� by Mnr���.i4 N Yi�� :e ,.it^y Pnrposes) all lea;:es, permlts,
<br /> 1lcenses,orpr1v11eges, appw ten:uit � �cn�g ir ic!<<�r�[ [� at ii r!vr�ve p.�emi .e., now.,r h�re�iSter lssue�, exten0ed,
<br /> or renewed to the ncrewap,ur [y t.h .�f te^, r i � ��. tif :�.�., .� i� Hh! 1� r.tir �vr;-c!e;rl�lbed E �per•ty is 1��eaCed or �
<br /> R[ly deptlt�LmeSi[, burenu, ur ��cn<•y Ri - �� �
<br /> 'Rlls morLBaP.e is wlven t.�, �r�r-e �a �. ,�n�i:.:;..., .u_cE� �f Nv�n �-t.P �i�•rrwt[h. ��xerutc:! by M,rt.�:�,qor.; t�� Mor�tgei�?ee, lrt
<br /> che principai sum or ONE HLJNDRED 'I1,lENTY SEVEN THOUSAND SEVEN HUNnuFn eHn run/in -not.i.eRs, �
<br /> �I� P4Yable wlth Snterest riaco�:Irxh, r.o tt:r. t.e,rm� . �tl�, nr;r,., t!�r !1r,a1 p�x.yment, belnq �fue anC priynble �a� the f1rsG day
<br /> , ot MBTCtI. 199$ _. ��� �, ��om �uce ;hilt ha 1d .iPc� th�^ �•a.Ymrut of .,«td promissury note. �
<br /> Th1s moftgage 15 sub�ect. tu the provl;iuns of TH6' FARM t,4E➢ 9 ACS %xnd 11 %�,^t5 �:unentlatory thereof or sux�Plemental
<br /> Lhereto. The DroceeCs of rhe loan se.;:red qeteGy wL_ Le ,;�e� S�r cYe G.rposa� .,perlfied 1n the Mortgagors� appll- �
<br /> catlon foT said loan tinQ authorized bv sa14 Art.
<br /> �� 1rie Mortg8gors, end each of t.hem, hereb,y wnrrsuit. t.hat. t.hey are fee cwners of Lhe morLgK�ed real proPerty; that they
<br /> will Cefend the t1Ue agalnst all r.lslmat�ts whomsoever, ;an� ChaC. sa7� prnperty Ss free from aIl encumbrances; Lhet i
<br /> they wlll keeD all the lmprovemen[s, fixtures, and �iyyurtenarices occu{�,Se�1 an�1 in gooC repalr and permit no acts o! I
<br /> wasta; anC they w111 ^ellnQui�3i all ���Ight.s uf L.>mest.Pstl in sa1�+ preml�es, ar:dcovenant snd rigree wSth the Mortgagee, � �
<br /> as follows:
<br /> (1J 'I'hat Lhey w11; yay when due all c:uces, ier:s, �ucyr,ments it as�e �.�ment.� wl;irh may Ue lawtul Ly xssessea agalnsC `
<br /> . the property hereln mortgageA.
<br /> (2) That they wlll Snsure qnd keep Snsuretl bul:ding:. or ot.her Im�revemen[s �
<br /> on sald I nr�w en or whlch may hereafter pe placed !
<br /> premises Eo Che satlsfactlon of �tie Mor[gagee, saoti]nsurance pollr.y st:n11 be er.dorsaA wlrr� a mortgage C:ause '
<br /> wlth Lhe loss thereunder Lo Ge payable co ctie nut•cgngr,e. pr�y sums ^eceiveA may De used t,o T��ay for ^econstructtun �
<br /> � of Lhe deatroyeA Smprovenlents; or, Sf n-t �.o apr�lied, may, nt. �-he� „[�'inn ���r r�,a M�,r�va�.NF .� ni�.�,+ -,yy�m��. �
<br /> s:J' lr.lebte.:t:o� , mat���1 .i� �ama�v�,:i-. , _,e��w��.. �y �.ii ., ..,.�rcF-�Re. � � .. � . . !
<br /> � ;! (3) To D�y all rents, fees, or charges now �]ve or to Decome Cue urider the terms �! earh lease, permSt, license, or j
<br /> it Dr1vSleQe on the puD11c Qomaln whSch Ss appurrenant er nuna��purtenant Lc t.he mortgaaed premises, whl�h has been �
<br /> r Sasued,extenCed,or renewed Dy che United ,cates or� ct,e scute Sn wLich [he aDove-�escr�lbed prnDerty 1s located; and �
<br /> , ,� to perform and oCaerve everv act, covenant, con�s�tfon, an� s.fPuln+lor. nvices:;sry tc keep each �f tLe same Sn goud � .
<br /> , �; atepolag; 4nG to teke every necessary step to secure the relssue, renewal, r,r extenslon of eacti of che same; and co r ���
<br /> �+ ina��� �Sve, pleQge, or enGorse to Lhe Morcgaqee each lease, permit, 1lcense, ur prSvllege 1^ Hm�tRaqors� rSghts •
<br /> . yublic 4on�ain are requlred by Mortgagee for security purposes. � �
<br /> �� (�) '�at Sn the event the Mortgagee Ss s party W any 11[Sqntlon aitecting Lhe secur;ty �;r the iien oi ir.s morc- � �F:
<br /> :� � �,�R, 131C111Qing 6qy 6Ult by thC MOS'CgegBe LO fOS'eclo9e Ch1S nwrLRaBe Of' 8ny SUf C SR whiCh the MO!'LKeqpe t�q,y Ue naineQ � �
<br /> �' a party defendant Sn �ich 1t Ss oDllgnted to protect Sts rlghts or lien, Includfng cunaemnaUnn ana bankruDtcy �
<br /> Q�dln�l, tha MOTtgagee inay lncur ecpenses anC advance payment tor abst,ract fees, ntt.orney fees (ex^ept t.o Lhe � �'
<br /> ij yrohibited Dy laM), eost�, exyenaes, anA or.9er char¢��. I �='^m
<br /> .•; (61 Tfiat. tn �.h� even� rh� wn.�r�>sn�- �g:� tC ;,y.' ic:1C:: 1:.e :,,;,y ;weo. „eiin. „u�tgmeub:.;. or asse:sments. or Lsll Lo
<br /> � �, .
<br /> � xj . �aimtain Snsuresce aa heralnDefore prpviQeC, or fa11 co pey rents, fees, or char•ges untler che terms o� anv lea�e, � +
<br /> �+ D�it, liceaae, or yrlvile i �+��
<br /> _� 6e: or Mortgagee Ss reQulred to Sncur expens,es for sDstract. fees, st.torney 1'ees, r•ost.�, �
<br /> e7eq�npes,sifQother chnt�ges Sa cormection NSth 11GSgatlon, Mortgegee reey make such pn.yment urr,rovStle surh insut-�+ir.���^,
<br /> jy or Snour muett otfligation, anC the amounts pa1C theretor shall Decome a nar. ��r rr,.� i.,�P�,�an.�o�•� �..-�.��. ..��,,.••. ..,,,
<br /> ;, �Q pa,p'aUle 1�e114La�y, au�l eYra.11 liueu� 1u�ereat lram cne arte of D0.Yment at the ,ame rate xs rrov7sedy fcr aefault.
<br /> �
<br /> im the nota. .
<br /> .� .k;_ . . .. .... . �
<br /> J
<br />