r —�
<br /> ` 6TATE OF NEB$ASKA, Couuty of ....................................................:
<br /> Filed Yor record on ................................. 19........ at............................ o'elock ........................ M.
<br /> snd reeorded in the Deed Record ..................••-..........., Page ......,......................
<br /> ............._...................................................................... By ..........................................................................................
<br /> � 8egieter ot Deede Deputy Regiater of Deede �
<br /> Gleada Lee Vetter, a single peraon, in Her own right
<br /> , herein called the grantor whether oae or mor•,
<br /> in coneideration o! Thirty Thousand, Six Hundred and No/100 ($30, 600. 00) Dollars
<br /> received from grantees, does grant, bargain, eell convey and contirm unto
<br /> Glenda Lee Vetter, a single person and/or N�aureen Vetter and/or Jay Vetter,
<br /> a married couple
<br /> ae joint tenants with right of enrvivorehip, and not as tenants in common, the following deaoribed real
<br /> p� 3, . Hall ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, County,Nebras�e: NEBRASKA DOCUMENTARY
<br /> rrt in ................................................. a STAMP TAX
<br /> U E C 2 1977
<br /> -�//D BY �
<br /> Lot Fourteen (14) ia Block Fifteen (15) in carff'a Addition
<br /> to West Lawn in the City of Grand Island, Hall County,
<br /> Nebraska.
<br /> STATEMLivi hi +ri:H�O
<br /> To have and to hold the above described premises together with all tenementa, hereditameab
<br /> and appurten8aces thereto belonging unto the granteee and to their aesigne, or to the hein ead aaaiga�
<br /> of the eutvivor ot them forever.
<br /> And grantor does hereby covenant with the grantees aad with their aesigns and �vith the heus
<br /> and apiQns of the eurvivor of them that grantor in lawfully seised o4 said premiaee; that they are tree lrom
<br /> eaenmbranee except easerneats and restrictiona of record
<br /> that grantor has good right and lawful aut6ority to convey the Hame; and that grantor warrante and wili
<br /> defend the title to said pre�nises ugainat the lawPul claims oY all persons w•homsoever.
<br /> It is the intentiun of all partiea hereto that in the event of the death of either of the grantee�,
<br /> the entire fee title to thia rettl proprrty rhall �•est in the eurviving grsntee.
<br /> Dated / /C�K�YK�1 a S 19 7 7
<br /> .................................................................................... .�.�.4�X7.�.lp�s.+e.[..��.¢..,ur.t/j./
<br /> . ................
<br /> Glenda Lee Vetter
<br /> .................................................................................... ....................................................................................
<br /> BTATE 4F „l���l.:G.�S.�............ , Gounty of ...../..�G��
<br /> .._.. .... ............ .... ........................................:
<br /> Before me, a notary public quslified for�aid county, personally came
<br /> (�i/e�dc� �(ee UPH�►, cc S�nS/� ��rson, �n �ki owni•yAt
<br /> kaown te me to be the identical perw�n or penorio w�o eigned the foregoing inotrument aad ecknowledged ' �'v
<br /> ��
<br /> tie ezecution thereo!to be Lia,her or their voluntary act and deed. £'w r
<br /> � Witaeas mJ hand aad notsrial �eat on .......l...(..Q�'Lr�'!�/�^........�.`�.'.�........., 19.7.�..... � `.;
<br /> t �iYtNTYv-ser�Mwwi ..........1../.J...V..�:�.......(„I.G/.T.'1�...................... Notary Ynbtie • ,
<br /> I �] p _ :
<br /> �! __ W 4nr.E+�WMA�l�l �[y commi�rioa ezpires .......J.�{•4.�L1.�11.�....��..., 19 0..�........ �
<br /> Fnrn� 1._` To hr :innro��ed bt• Xrhras;ka 9tatc Bar��ssociation �''M"��'M°`•1ii°••N'�''
<br /> �
<br />