_ _ r- �
<br /> not extend or �,ostpune the due dste oi the monthly iu�tall �uent � rrf��r:•ed to in psr:agraphs ] �nd 'l hereof or
<br /> change the ainount of sucki inatallme�Ls.
<br /> !0. Daisrower Not Hd�awd. Extension of the tin�e fm• � >:����uent ur modification of amortization of the sums
<br /> seeured by this Mortgage granted by I•ender to anp �urces�or in interest of Borrower sLall not operate to releaee,
<br /> in any mamier, the liability of the origival Sorrower snd ►3orro�ccr'� �uccesaor� in interest. I.ender shall not be
<br /> r .� required to eommence proccedings against �acl� �uccessor or :•elu,� ta extend time for payinent or otherwise modify
<br /> � �;,,_ amortisetion of the sunis secured by tJ�is \ fort.gage b�• reasou ui :ui�• demaud roade by the oriqinal Borrower and
<br /> C-� Bortwvu's ruccereore ia interest.
<br /> (i, 11. Forb�asmacs by Lnd�r Not a Waiv�r. Any forbearaiice by Lender in exerciaing any right or remedy
<br /> ,— . hereunder, or otherwise afforded by applicable la�v , shall not he u wai.�er of or preclude the exercise of any right
<br /> � or remedy hereunder. The procurement of insurance or the � >sy�nene of iaxes or other liens or charges by Lender
<br /> ehsA not be s waiver of I.ender's right to accelerate the maturit.y of tl�e indebtedness secured by thia Mortgage.
<br /> � � 1Z �m�di�s Cumulativ�. All re�nedies provided in tl � is \iortgage are distinct and cumulstive to any other
<br /> � riQht or remedy under t.his \Iortqsge or �fforde�l by la« or ��c7wry , un�1 may b�� exercised concurrently, independ-
<br /> ently or sueceseively .
<br /> 1�. Sueewers md Aasiges Sound: Joint �d S�veral Liability; Captiom. 7'he co��en:lnts and agreements
<br /> -•• herein contained shall bind , and tlie rights l�ereuuder shall inurr to , thc respectiv�� succes�ors and assigns of Lender
<br /> and Barrower, subject t,o the provision. oi paraKr:a� �l � li hi�reoi. All roac�nunt . :ind sgrcements of Borrower shall
<br /> be joint and eeveral . The oaptions snd I �eadings ol the parn�ra� �lr of thi� \ lort �;a�e are for �•onvenience only and
<br /> are not to be used to interpret or definr tlie �irovi�iun, hereof .
<br /> 1�. Notie�. Any noticcr to Horruwrr �iro� idc�i Ior in thi� \lurtgxgc �liall h�� �i��ou 6y rouiling such notice by
<br /> certified �nail :tiddressed to Borrower ut tlu• Yruperty Ad� ire.� �t :ued I �elo�c , .�acc� �t for any nutice required under
<br /> paragraph 18 hereof tu bc gi��rn to $orrower In � li�• inxnner prc,ca•if ,ed h}� n� �� �lic:tl�le IuH• . An}• notice provided
<br /> for in thir �lortgagi� �hall h�• deeu�rd tu hx�•c I �iv�u y;� �•��n tu Burinu �>r wl �k�n �;i �•rn in tlu• manner designxted herein .
<br /> 15. Uaiioan Mortgage; Gov�rning Law: Severability. "I'I� ir forn� c�f wortKnKe cumbines uniforrn covenants
<br /> for national use and non-uiliforn� cuveciants ��• itli limite�i vuriations 1 ,�� jw•isdictiou to constitute u uniform secu-
<br /> rity inatrwuent covering real }�roperty . 1"hi� \ lortgage .hall L�• governe� i li�� the I��+ of the jurisdiction in which
<br /> the Property is located . ln the event that auy ��rovision or clause ot thi� \1m�t.gage or the Note conflicts with
<br /> applicable law , such conHict shall not affect other � �ro� ision, of thi. \tortgage ur t6e Note which can be given
<br /> c�ect without tlie oonflicting provision , and to thi� rnd tl �e � n•uvisions ot the Alortgage �nd the Note sre declared
<br /> W be aevereble.
<br /> li. EOeser►�i s Copy. Borrower shall be furnisl�e�i .i ronformt�d copp oC thi. \lortgage at, the time of ezecu-
<br /> tion or �ftet recordation I�ereof.
<br /> 17. T:on�f�r oE the Prop�rty: Aasumption. It all or any � �urt of the Property or an interest therein is eold
<br /> ortransferred by Borrower without Lender's � �rior written cunsent . rxcluding Ial the creation of a lien or encum-
<br /> brance sutwrdiaste to tLis '1lortgage , 161 tlic creation of a purcLnsc iuoneq security interest for household appli-
<br /> ances, (c) a transfer by devise, descent or by uperatiun u1 lu�� upun the deuth of a joi�t tenant or (d ) the grant of
<br /> any lessehold interest of three years a� Ire� not ��ontaining an u�,tiun t �� l �ur�•hase, I.ender inay . at Lender's option,
<br /> declare all the sums eecured b�• thie Vlongage to l�e iuiiu.,diac �•Iti � iuc und � �ayable . Lender shall have waived such
<br /> option to accelerate if, prior to tl�e sale or tranafer, Lender und tl�c � �i•rson to who[n the Yroperty is to be sold or
<br /> trane�ferred reach agreement in writing tLat the credit oi �ui•h � ierson is sutiafnctor�• to Lender and thaG the interest
<br /> payable on the sums rr�•ured hy this `lortgxge aliall br xt sucl � ratc a� I.ender shall request . If I.ender has waived
<br /> the option to accelerate provided in t6is � �aragraph 17 and it BorroN�er 'e �ueeessor in interest has executeci a writ-
<br /> ten seeumption agreeinent accepted in wriUng I�q I .ender, Ixnder �hall retease Burrower (rom ali obligstions under
<br /> this Mortgage and the Note.
<br /> If Lender exercises sucli uption to accelerate , Lender shall �uail Horrower notice ui acceleration in accordsnce
<br /> wiW� paragraph 14 hercoi. ::uch noticu ,I �ull j�ru� idc a � �eri�x� ui uut Ie•,a tl �an 30 � iaye trom the date the notice is
<br /> mailed within whiclr BorroH�er �nay ��a�• the sun�. de�•Issrrd du�•. 11 13urruaer faila to � �uy such su�us prior to the
<br /> expiraLion uf such period , Lender may , �vithout f'urthrr notic�� or � leman�! un Burrower , invoke any remedies per-
<br /> mitted by paragraph 18 liereof.
<br /> :\ON - LNIFONM � �UVY: NANTF. }iOt" 1'(IWl' 1' Hll/j I .endc� r !'urtlier r.ove�iunt aiid aK•re�• as Yollowh :
<br /> U. Aeed�ration: R�at�di�s. Exec�n x. � �ruci� le� l iu � �.u•r��;ru � �li 17 h��reof . upon Borrower'. bmac6 of any
<br /> covensnt oragreement of Horrower in � Li� ��OPI �:t(;�' . IIIPIUIIIfI(� UIC 1'OYl't1SilIF fu � uiy w• 6en �1uo xny .ums �ecured
<br /> by this \fortgage , Lender � ,riur tq uccrlerution shssll nuiil notici• tu liorro�� cr un � �ro�'idcil in �ixr:a�rss��l� 14 6ereof
<br /> speeifying : I11 the breach : � 21 the a�•tiou reyuire� l tu cun• ,urli lu•euci � : i3i u dtue , not lea. than Ihirty days
<br /> from the date tlic notice ic � uailevi to li��rro�� or . I ��• �rliicli .iu• I � lim;icli n�ust bi� i•ur�•d ; and 141 tha� failurc tu cure
<br /> ,uch breach on or before tl�e date sEx� ificvi iu thc nutico ivay re�ult in uccela�ratiun uf the ,u�u� secumd by this
<br /> 19ortguge and nale of the Yroperty . If the !>reacli �� not eurrd or or beforo tlic d:�te specified in tlie t�otice, I.ender
<br /> at Lender's option may declar�• all oi the �wu� secured hy [ lu. \SortKage tu br immediately due �nd payable
<br /> , withouL furtherdemand and uiay foreclowc tl� in �lortgag�� by tu�ii��iul procredinR. I.endrr sl�xll be cntiUcvi to coilect
<br /> m Huch proceeding all expena�s of fureclosurc . in�• IwlinR , I ,ut not liioited to . eoht, uf �iocuu�eneary e�•idence,
<br /> abstracts and title report�.
<br /> 1!. Deerswrr's Siqkt to �iettat�. \otx� it6,tandiny; Lender '� ac��•eleration of th�• .wn� �ecw��1 by this
<br /> Mortp��e, Borrower shsll have the right to ha��c any �uoceedinK� begun b�� Len�ler to enforc�� thi� Jlortgage dis-
<br /> continued st any time prior to entry of a judKu�en< <IICWcIC�g tl�l� \fortgage if : � ui BorroN•er pays I.ender all
<br /> eums whieh would be then due under thie: \IortKuKe , thc \ote :tnd notes �ecurin�; Futur�• Ad�•ances , if any , had no
<br /> reoelerYtion ocCurre�d ; Ibl Borrower cure� all brrnclir� uf un }• uthrr cu� �•nuntc or uKmru�ent� of Borrower con-
<br /> taioed in thie '_bfortgare ; ic ? Borrower �,v��s ;ill *t�asonshl,, �•�;,,��1<i.. ; 7� r �irrrr{ I ,�� L� �nd�• r in �•i: forcin�, thc ro��enant..
<br /> sad �teemeets of $orrower �ontflined in thin �tortR:� �;�• anA in i�nturc� ing L��n�1��r'< mniediet xs �imvi��ed in rarn-
<br /> {r�ph ls hereof, iacludin`, but not limited to, rearonablr attornee 'n fces ; :ind id � Borrower takes such action an
<br /> Lender m�y reawnably require to asFure that the lien o( thi. \lortgxge , I.��ndet•'s i �eterest in the Yro�xrty and
<br /> Borro�er'� obliaatioe to pay the eums e�ecured hv thit \tortKx��• ,hall ��ontinue� unim�ixircd . i '��on �uch payment.
<br /> �od ctu+e 6y Hoeeowror, thu Mott�age sitd thr obligationn necured hrreb}• rhall re�nain in Sull force anci etTect us if -- . ,a�
<br /> t
<br /> eo aeaelentios h�d oecurred. "�` ,
<br /> '�. �ri��t aE iM1�: A{rwier�st d Le�it�r: L�ad�r in Pow�ion. A� additional security here- �'
<br /> { unAer, Hoersv�ee l�es+eby aMi�ea to I.ender tl�e rente of the Property . �»Y�vidc�� that Aorroaer shall , prior to acceler-
<br /> �tiee �nder p�+�taph 18 hereof or sbsndonment ot the Pro��erty , I�avc t6c right to collect and retain euch rentas
<br /> rr ti�e�r �esme due a�ci psysble. .
<br /> C�a YYcelad►t.ior+ uw�r ►wr�ny�i+ I8 lwi�f w 's1�au�Iwuurbl ui 6hr }'ru}�rrty , I.ru�irr , iu � �rrewi. Ly ageul
<br /> oi by j3id7CiYlly LppoiuLed receiti•cr shal! !x: et�titled to cuter u�wt� , ts1:� � w.,rrr+iu�, .�f uu.l u�xuaK� tl,. Pru� �ert}
<br /> afd t• oelbet the raN� ot the Fnopetty , includinq those pact due. All rentN collecLed t,y l.ender ur the receiver �
<br /> �tl be �ppiisd firat bo paymeet of the oeste of mana�ement of the Yroperty nnd collectiun of rrntn, includinK , but
<br /> net liw�itwei t�, raswtivrr'R (trw . ��ewniemw en rrr�ivrr'u Iw�rHi� NRf� 1'PAan�1flF�IP N� MM�•\' �� f.v. yr.�i thrn � n � hr • �nn�
<br /> rewfrsd by thu Mottsase. I.eoder and tfie receiver efialt t�e linhlP to ae�•ount only for thu.r n•utr K�dually reci�i �•ed .
<br /> J
<br />