<br /> � �
<br /> 77 �0�979 EXPANDABLE MORTGAGE
<br /> ASS�GNMENT OF RENTS ��an No _. .31�;5G4-�
<br /> KNOW ALL MEN BY 7HESE PRESENTS:That James M. Voris and Debra !1. Voris, husband and wife
<br /> (hereinafter called the Mortgagors)in consideration of the sum of
<br /> Twenty—Nine Thousand f•iine Hundred and no/100----------------------Dollars(5 29,900.Ofl--- )
<br /> � loaned to Mortgagors, do hereby grant, bargain, sell and convey unto COMMERCIAL FEDERAL SAVINGS ANO LOAN ASSOCIATION of Omaha.
<br /> Nebraska, (hereinafter called "Commerciai"'), its successors and assigns, the following described real estate, sduated m the County o(.
<br /> Hal l State of Nebraska,to-wit:
<br /> South fifteen and two-thirds (15 2/3) feet of Lot One (1) and the iJorth
<br /> ttiirty-one and one-third (31 1/3) feet of Lot Two (2) in f3lock one (1)
<br /> of lieyde's Addition to Grand Island, Hall County, PJebraska.
<br /> TO NAVE AND TO HOLD THE SAME with the appurten2nces thereunfo belonging. unto Cornmercial its successorsandassigns.forever.
<br /> Sa�d Mortgago�s hereby covenant with sa�d Comrnerciai. its suaesso�s ana assigns, that Mortgagors are lawfuily se�zed o(said preinises, that
<br /> they are free fiom encumbrances, and that they will forever v;ar�ant and deter�a the title to satd prem�ses against the lawful claims of al i peisons
<br /> whomsoever
<br /> Provitled, nevertheless. these presenis are upon the foi(owing contlihons:
<br /> That wbereas the said Matgagors as rFiembers ot Coinmerc��l have tb,s date erecuted a ne!e evidenc�ng such loan and agreeing to iepay sard
<br /> sum of money. with interest, �n payments as set forth in sa�d note ana have agreetl to ab�tle by the lernis of said note and Chartei and By-Laws of
<br /> Commercial.
<br /> That wheieas ihis mortgage shall secure any aau�tiona, advances w�th �nterest which rnay at the oplion ol Commeic�al,be maae by Com�
<br /> me�cial to the unders�gned Mortgagors oi their successois�n t�tie foi any purpose at any t�nie befare Ihe release antl cancellation o(this niortgage
<br /> but PROVI DED. HOWEVER at no tnne shall the aggregale ��i�nr,ipal amo„nt secured by this n•ortgage. being the amoun[due atany time on saia
<br /> onginal note antl any add�tional advances made exceed an ainourrt equal tn l70 peicent of the amount of the oug�nal note.but m no event shall
<br /> said note ezceed the rnaxunum amount pennitted hy law antl FROVIDED HOWEVER that nothing herein cuntained shall be consideretl as hmiting
<br /> the amount that shall be secureo hereby when advanced tn prutect the secw�ty or m accorUance wrth covenanls contained in the rnortgage.
<br /> Now. if the saitl Mortgagors shali pay or cause� to be �;aiu the sa�o sums of nroney when due as set forth �n saitl note,and any o�her note foi
<br /> addrtional advanr�es made until said deb!is (ully pa�o with in�eresL then these presents shal! be void:otherNise,to be and iema�n m full force antl
<br /> etfect,but�f default should be niade
<br /> �a� In aay ot the paymenls due on saitl note and airy other note lor adtlihonal ativances matle 35 therein agreed to be made for three months.o�
<br /> �b! In keep�ng the improvements on sa�d prem�ses insured aga�nst loss by reason of lire. I�ghtning. and other hazaids inclutled in extendetl
<br /> coveiage �nsurance in an amount not iess than the unpa�d balance of saitl mortgage loan �n a company oi companies acceptable fo Com
<br /> mercial the or�ginal of such policy oi pol�cies to be hel� by Coru��err.iai, and with a mortgage clause attached te said policy or poliues.
<br /> m favor of Commeraal:oi
<br /> ic� In the payinent of taxes and assessnients ievied uu���sa�u pienuses.o�on this niortgage, before they are del�nquent.or
<br /> �d� If the�e �s any change in the ownersh�p r,!the �eai est3te ^�ortgaged here�n �y sa�e e,the�eutnght o�by �and contact, or 6y ass�gn���ent of
<br /> any interest thereon oi uthe�wise,
<br /> then, in any o( Ihe above set fuith events the whule indebtedness hereby securetl shall. at[he upt�on o(Commercial. immetliately become due antl
<br /> payable without (urther notice and the amount aue unaer saiu note and arry other note for adtli fional advances matle shatl, from the date of the exernse
<br /> of said ophon bear interest at ihe maxunum legal rate per annurn antl th�<mortgage may then be foreclosea to satisfy the amounf due on said noke,antl
<br /> any other note for additional advances. together w�th ail su�ns pa�d by Connnerc�a! for �nsu�ance. taxes,assessments and abstract extension charges,
<br /> with interest thereon from the date of payment at the max�e�um legaa rate.
<br /> PROVIDED that in no evenL either before or s(ter delauit sha;l the �nterest due untlei said note antl this mortgage and any other note lor ad
<br /> ditional advances matle exceed the maxnnum lawfu! in(erest rate
<br /> PROVIDEU.further,thal ui the event Ihat uefault sccu;s �n the can�ng at !he paymer�ts tlue un said note,ana on arry other nofe `oi aaCitioral
<br /> advances. as there�n agreetl to be inaae. ur n� keeGi�ng tlie prem�ses insureo, as above provitle0. or if tlefaWt be matle�n the paynient of the taxes
<br /> ur assessments levietl upon the prenuses above Oeseiibed pr uGon th�, r�o!tgage. betore they are by law Oelinquent, Commercial shall be enhtfed
<br /> to the immediate possession ot the preimses above tlescnGeU togethei w�th all rents proceeds and issues ar�sing out of the piem�ses. and n�ay
<br /> m its discretion use the rents so fai as �t tleems necessary for the pwpose ot niak�ng repa�rs upon the pre�mses antl(or the paymerit of�nsurance
<br /> prermums,taxes antl assessnients upon such prenuses and for necessary expenses �ncuiied �n ienLng sain premises and cullechng rent therefroin and
<br /> to apply same on said note antl any notes ev�denang tuture advances hereunder until the inde�tedness secured�s fully pa�d:antl for such purposes,
<br /> the undersigned does hereby sell ass�gn, set uver and transfei unto Commeraal all of sa�d ients.pioceeds antl inconies�nclutling any land contract
<br /> payments due inortgage owneis or any uther mcomes ol any type whatsoever troin sa�d property to be applied on the notes above descnbed: but said
<br /> Commercialshallin no case be liable foi the failure lo piocuie tenants tu collect rents.o�to piusecute achons to recover possesswn ol saitl{��enuses.
<br /> The Mortgagors(urther appoinf Con�meraal of Umaha Nebraska. thei� attomey in tact giv�ng sa�u attomey powei inevocably,either on its own
<br /> name or Mortgagors'names to take ail uecessary steps for p�oceea�ngs �n court or otheiw�se. (o cause sa�d prem�ses to be vacated. to collect rentals
<br /> or other incomes due,and wheri vacant, to relet the same to make ali reasonable repairs and pay taxes out of saitl rents.piohts.contiact pay�!ients or
<br /> mcomes and to do all such things eithei by�ts own ufhcers m py other part�es duly author�zetl antl appo�nteo by it, as its agent for saitl purpose,antl
<br /> to charge ur pay a ieasonahle (ee (oi such services. aif "t the ab�,ve tr; be aune at such tirnes and�n s�tt,i:�ainiei and o��;uch ter��s as to theii sa�tl
<br /> atlorney may seem besl.with full powei ot substiWt�on
<br /> The Mortgagors hereby agree that if Commerc�al eithei voiuntaniy oi invoiuntanly becomes ni �s made a party to any suit or proceeding re!ating
<br /> lo the hereinbefore described real estate or Ic th�s niortgage o� sa�d note oi notes. other than a fo�eclosure insUtutetl by Comn�ercial,Mortgagurs will
<br /> rennburse Commercial foi all reasonable costs incurrea by Commeruai in sa�n su�!or proceetling The Moitgagois furthei agiee that�f fhe heiembetore
<br /> described reai estate or any part thereot be condemned uuder �he power pf c�inent tloniain or�5 ntherw�se a[qu�red fnr a pubiic use the ra�^ages
<br /> awartled, the proceeds foi the tak�ng antl fo� the cons�deratwri for such acqu�s�non to the extent of the iul!amount of the rema�rung unpa�tl�noebtetl
<br /> ness secured by this mortgage, be and they hereby are ass�gnetl to Commernal antl shail be paid forthw�th to Connneiaal to be appiied on account of
<br /> the last matunng instalhnents o(such indebtedness.
<br /> Uat¢tl this--1S�— . .__..tlay ct__ _ IJP�aR�har i91Z
<br /> P ESENCE F t��.,.c: �..�" '! _L- , , �_ _
<br /> . � 1 ��s !1. Voris
<br /> . . � �—
<br /> _.._--- --��
<br /> _ �.
<br /> .../ � ��.�<.� i
<br /> �'_��r� _
<br /> _ _ - -_ _ ,
<br /> - —____ _._ . (}ebra 1. Vori s
<br /> � COUNTY OF Nal l ss __— -_ _ _. __._ _ _. ; °_
<br /> On this iSt. day of IJEGEID�flC 19 17 . Defore ine. a nolaiy Gublic �n and(a saia Coimtv persona!ly came �'
<br /> the above nametl
<br /> 3ames i�1. voris and ueUra A. Voris, nusbann and wite
<br /> to me well known to bE the itlenhcal person or parsons whose name�s or names are athzetl m the nhuve mqrtgage as giante� m piantors antl thi�v he "
<br /> or she.severally acknowledge me sa �4ayLp�_�Yc�iroa.�p� the�i voluntary 2c;antl deetl.
<br /> IN�a C.
<br /> � � 7 �—�
<br /> Wi IfYE$S iny hariU auU f�utai�e� ieni ye
<br /> �r�i� `�''�„�,�-/�'�%�' � _.'
<br /> ouww. xo. i'� ��ti t . �, : �
<br /> Mv cort�m�ssion exp�res on the . � --..._... _ nay ot _ ..__•_. !�. 7�. :" -.,.
<br />