� �
<br /> 77. 110�;f3;1
<br /> MORTGAC,E
<br /> MORT<,wGl'.LOAN NO. � 22,916 MGIC
<br /> � KNOWALLMENBYTHESEPRESENTS:That Bradley J. Jensen and Sarah E. Jensen, each 1►1 h75 dlld
<br /> her own right and as spouse of each other.
<br /> Mort�agor,whether one or more,in cunsideration of the sum of
<br /> Thirty Nine Thousand Five Hundred and No/100--------------------------------
<br /> — - --------- DOLLARS
<br /> loaned to said mortgagor by The Equitablr Building Ynd Luan Association uf Grand Island,Webraska,Murtgagee.upon 395 shares of stock of
<br /> said ASSOCIATION, Certificate Na L 22,916 �j� ,a�,hereby grant, comey and murtgage untu the said ASSOCIATION the following
<br /> described rcal estate,situxted in Hall County, Nebraska:
<br /> t�ether wtth all thr tenrrnents,herodnamrnts an1 appurtenences ihercunw brl��ngmg, mcluding ettached Iluur cuvrrings, ell wmdow sc:reens,
<br /> winSow shades,bGnds,sturm winduws, ewnmgs,heating,au r�,nditioning,anJ plumbing and watertywpmen[�nd acceswries theretu,pumps,stoves,
<br /> refrigrraturs,nnd uthrr tixtures and ryuipment nuw ur hereatier attached tu ui used in�unne�i iuu with sald rerl rs[a�e.
<br /> Md whereas the uid mortgagur has agieed end dors he�rby agree that �he mungngur shall und will pay ell taxes and assessments levied or
<br /> assessed upun uid premisrs nnd up.m this mortgagr and the bond secured [hereb} brti�re the �me shall bacume delinyuent: W furnish approved
<br /> insurancr up�m thu build�ngs un said prrmix•s v�ua�r�l m the sum ut'b 39.SQQ.QQ payablr w mld ASS(K IATION and to deliver to said
<br /> ASS(X'IATION the poticirs fbr sxld insurence�,and nut tu rummrt ur prrmn any waste�.�n�ir abuut uid premises:
<br /> In casr uf def'auh in thc performynce of any uf the tenns and cundiuons ul Jus m.,rtgagr or thr bund secured hrrebY, the mortgagee shxll,
<br /> on demand, be rnGQed to immedia[e pussessiun�>f�he murtgaged prem�srs and thr mortgagur hereby assigns, transfers and sets uver tu the
<br /> mcxtgager nti the rrnts,revenues and income tu be derived from thr murtgaged p�emises dunng wch tiine us the murtgage indebtedness shall remein
<br /> unpxid:anJ�he murtgager shxll have the puw�er tu appnnt any agent ur egrnts it may deslre f'u� the purpose�f repairing said prem�ses and ronting
<br /> the syme and wllecting ihe rents,revrnues and inwme,and�t may pey��ut uY sald incume all rxpenses u( repairing said premius and necea•.wry
<br /> cummissiuns and rxpenses incurred in renting and mynaging thr same and .d collecting rcntals thercfro�n: the balancr remaining, if any,tu be
<br /> upplied tuward ihr Jiuhu��e ol'said mungagr indebtedness thrsr rights u(ihe murtgrgre may be ezerclaed at eny [ime during the existence uf such
<br /> default,irrespective of any trmpxary waiver uf the sxrne.
<br /> These Presents,huwaver,arr upun the Cunditiun,Thnt if thr sa�d Murtgng.x shall repay sa�d loen un ur bature the mnturity uf said shares by
<br /> payment;pay munthly tu,aid ASSOC'1AT10N uf d�e eum sprnfied in thr Bond secureJ hereby as intrrest and principal un said I��an,un ur befure
<br /> the Twentieth day u(each and rvery mumh,untd srid Iuan is fully paid:pay ell taxrs and ussessments levied against sald prertuses and un[his Mort�e
<br /> and the Bond securrd thereby,brt��rc delinquency�.lurmnh appruveG insurance up„n thr buildmgs thereun m the sum of 53��500.OQ payable
<br /> tu said ASSOCIATION:repay ro said ASSOC'IqT10.N upon lemand all munry by i�paid fur surh taxes, asszssments and msurance wrth interest at
<br /> the max�mum legnl�atr thrreun(rum dete of payrnent all of wh�ch Murtgagur hrreby agreea tu pay:permit no waste un mid premises:keep and cumply
<br /> with all the agreements and cund�uons ut the Bund fur �39 50Q p(� this day grven 6y U�e aaid Murtgag�r w sxld ASSO('IATION,and wmply
<br /> with all the requirrments o(the Const�tution and By�Laws o�said-ASSD('IA7'IOh;�hrn these presen[s shxll bacome null and vuid,utherwise they
<br /> slwll rmm�in in tull 1'orcr end may br furcclused et the upuon ul the su�d ASS(X'IATION nfter fnilure lur threc munths tu make any uf said
<br /> pyymenta ur be thrre munths m arrrars in making w�d munthly paymrnts,ur w keep anJ c�mply with the agreements anS�•undttiom u(said Bond;
<br /> and Murtgagur agrees tu have n recrivrr app��ntrd fbrthwuh in such fureclusurr pruceedings.
<br /> II[here�s any chxngr in uwnership ol'the rexl estute murtgagrd herem,by xale w utherwise,then the entire remalning fndebtednexc hereby
<br /> secured slull,et thr optiun uf Thr Eyw[able Buildmg and Luan Aswcwtiun uf Grand tsland.Nebrrska,becume immediately due and payable wrthuut
<br /> f'urther notice,and the amouni rrmainmg due under said bund, and am�mher bond for eny additiunxl advances made thereunder,shyll,from the
<br /> dale uf ezercise u(said optiun,bexr m�erest a�the maximum legul rate,nnd this murtgage may then br forecluseJ to sstisfy[he amuunt due on said
<br /> bond,ynd any uther bund fur additiunal advances,together with xll sums paid by said 7'}u F.yuitable Building and Luan Ascuc:iatwn ol Grxnd lslrnd,
<br /> Nebraska for insurance,txxrs nnd assesunents,and abstracting extenciun chxrges, w1C; in[erest theraon, Irom date oi payment at the maximum
<br /> kgal rate.
<br /> As pruvided in the Bond secured hereby,while thix murtgxge remains in rf'fect thr murtgxgee may hereatier advance additionx! sums to the
<br /> makers of said&md.theu asslgns or succeswrs in interest,whirh sum�shall br with�u the secun[y uf this mortgyge die sama es the funls ungmally
<br /> secured thereby,the totyl amuunt uf principal debt nut io excred at any tlme thr uri�ynal emount ol'this murtgage. �
<br /> Datetf thix lst �t,y„t December A.n,�v 77
<br /> �-'�� ,
<br /> �.�^-.1�iy•�.: ��..,�.- _ ���t.�-�r: �� �t-� -i-:�:, ,�;
<br /> Bradley ' . J€nsen Sarah E. Je si en - ---
<br /> STAl'E OF N£BRASKA,�ss On this 1 Y� ,betore me,
<br /> COUNTY OP HALL � day uf �,/i�'�_ ' 7
<br /> the u+�ders�ne , Notary PubLc,in d for Cuunt�,person c;ame a , .���`
<br /> Bradley d Sarah E. Jensen, each in h�s an� �ier own righ� an�as saouse o� -
<br /> � @aC�1 R(�� who a� perwnrlly known to ���
<br /> ��� � �•�� lwce rume 5 a� effixed to the above insuwnnnt ac mongagor 5 and they �everally �"�"'��
<br /> adcno �at7�.woeeGt�.b��� thei r ��p,y.,�nna aeea.
<br /> � � : �iP,SS nfy hind ad!Notarial Seyl thr date yfureuid. . ' " �
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