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r � <br /> uot extend or � �ostponi• the Jue dute ui � L�• mui � thl �� iu:utllnu�ut - roi�•rr�r� i � � � � u � �xr;i�;ra�ili. I :�iid 2 l�ereol or <br /> oh�ange the an�ount o[ such instullme�� ts <br /> 10. $orrowerNolR�loaaad. Lxteu,iou of tLc timc for � �:x��uient ur � ncxiific:ttion uf a�uortizatiun of the sutnE <br /> ,ecured by fhis Vlortguge grante�l b�� l .ender to ssny - ur�;c,�w- iu inr �•re;r of Borro�����r �hall not op�rate t.o release, <br /> (\j in any �nam�er, tl�e liability oi rhe a•iginal liorro�rer an�i liurru�. �� r '� �ucre.sor- in iuterc�t . I .euder shall not be <br /> � (y reyuireJ to comnience prucee�iiugs aqainst �ucli su�•ce.sor ur rvi u.�• tu �•xt ��nd tim�• ior payinent or otl�erwise modify <br /> Q� araortization of the sums secured by thi. \ lortga�;�� I ,y reus�n oi ;u� � deinan� i inYdc by the oriFinal Borrower and <br /> �: Borrower's suecessors in interest . <br /> C, 11. Fotb�ar�mee by Lader Not a Waiver. Auy forbrar�ucc I ,y Lender in exerrising a��y right or remedy <br /> � hereunder, or otherwise afforde� by aE�plicablc lu�c , �liall ii„e t ,�� a �� ssi -.•ex of or � � rN�lu�le the exercise of any right <br /> or ren�edy hereunder. 1'I �u E �rocui•eme�u of insurauce or ihc � �a��i ��rn � of taxes oi• oth��. ] iens a• charges by Lender <br /> • nhall not be a waiver of Leuder ', righ � to acceler;�te tlu� mwturit�� oI the in�lehtedness secured b�� this !17ortgage. <br /> ^ 12 $�m�di�sCumulative. Ail reniedie� pro��ide� i in tlu- \] ortga{;e ure distiuct und cumul�tive. to any uther <br /> right or re�ncriy under thi. \ lortgu��� ur ati'onl��rl h� Ino ur � •� � � iit �� . .imi nia� hi� � •x�• n•i.e� l ��un� urrently , independ - <br /> ently or successivel,v . <br /> 13. Succeawrs �d Aaaigas Bound; Joint mid Several Liability: Captions. "1'h�• cu� c•n:urt , und aKreements <br /> herein eontained shall hind . und tl �e ri�li� ; liere �wui �•r -hsil � nun • iu . tL�� res� �<�c•ti��� • ,uc�e,sor, :�nd u,si�;ns of I,ender <br /> und Borrower, �ub,ject to the pru� i.ioti, uf � �:iraRi;� � �li 1 ; h�•n•oi .111 ruc�•nani - an� l a�;r<•i•wenta u � Borroµ•er ahatl <br /> bejointand .eterai . '1'he raptiun. nn� i lira� liu �;. 01 tl �r � �urn�;rui �li� ui ilii� \ lurt �;:i�r :u•o (ur �•on � eni�•uce unlV and <br /> are nOt to be used to interprer ur �letin�• rlio � �ru��i� ��,�u� lierooi � <br /> 14. NotiCe. Anv uutic. tu }3urru���� �r � � r� � � �� { o� i iur in tlii � Alurl �,a�;�� . lu� ll I �r ;;n� � •u h�' iuuiliu�; ..u�•li uutice b�' <br /> certified � uail ciddre.=ed tu 3iurro�crr :� t ii � � Pru� x•ri � :l� l� im.... �r,it � �� l I �� du�c . � x� �• � �t iur :ui� nuti<•o rryuirrei under <br /> paragruph 18 La�reol' to I �c Ri����u tu liurru�� �•r n � il ��� � u:iiiu�� r � � m.�• nl ��•�i I ��� :i� �� � l ���al �l� • lu �+� . :Any� nuti���� � �ru��ide� l <br /> for in tl�is \1ortKa,ge shall h� � � leciur� i tu h:� ce I ,��cn �; i ����� i tu Jiurru���cr ��� h��u kic�� ii iu � iio iva� inor � i �•.iR. n ;d �•� i herein . <br /> 15. Uailotm Mortqage: Goveming Law; Severability. ' I 'I � i� i� n � u ni nwr� �;uR�• ruwliino., unitul•m cocenxnt5 <br /> for nationa! use snd nvn -unifa�m ro��ena�it., ��� itli liiu � � c� l �� un ;, � iuu. In� iuri.dictiuu tu �•un,atitute a uniform secu- <br /> rity instrument covering real � �ro��ert � . '1'I � i� \ luri �;uq�� sh;� li I �� �u� ,• rn, �, i Irr tl �r Ix�c oi thc juris� liction in which <br /> the Property is located . li� tl �c uren� tliat ;uiy � � ruci .im� ur � � luus�• ui tlii� AIor� Rii�;�� or tlu• '_Vote �•onflicts witL <br /> spplieable law , sueh conHict .h� ll not ,� (t��ci uther � �ru�� i ,iun- ui thi- Alurt �ag�• or tl�c lote a�hich cun be given <br /> effect without tlie conflictiug � n•n�� is�uu . :iu�l io th � � or. � i thc � � ru � �.ion , 01' tli�• AIurtKrzge :ui� ! tl�e Note are declared <br /> to be severable. <br /> 16. SonowtieCopy. Borrii�sc�r .hull L�� turni,hi•� 1 u � �uiiiornu•� i �•ui ��� ui thi = Atort �::� �;�� et� tlie t�ime of execu- <br /> tion or after recordatiou liereui . <br /> 17. Tras�sf�r of the Prop�rty; Assumption. li uli or ;in � � .irt � if thi• Propertc ur sn interest therein is eold <br /> ortrsneferred by Borrowerwitliouc I.eud�� r '.� � , rim• �crit � ��n ��� �u,ent . �•x��luding iai tlio �•mation oP a lien or encum- <br /> brance subordinate to thi� � IortKukc . � lu th�� �• re:�tiuu ui :� � n � rv •hu..�• � uuu���� >ecurill' interest (or household appli- <br /> ences , (c � a transfer by �levise . �ie��•cut m I ,�• u� x�r:�tiou nf lu �c u � wii t h�• � i��stL ut a ,I ��int tenaut ur � dl the grant of <br /> any lessehold intere�t oi tlu•ee �•��xr� or I�•s• nor courainin �: uu u� ,� iuu in � nirrhuac . Lrn��lf� r m:i�• . st I .ender', option , <br /> declare all the sums aecumd Lt� tLi� \IurtRagc tu I,� iuuuo� iiatol � � iu�� :nui � �u�'si, l �� Lender �liall lis��c �caived such <br /> option to accelerate ii , � n•ior to the �:ile ur tr:tn �i��r , l.e•n� l�•r :iin { tlu E ��v:�un to �clium tlu• }'ro��ert }• i. tu bt� nold or <br /> trausferred ret�ch agreeruent in writing tliut tlir rr�•�iit ��i � url � � ��•r.on i.. �:iti �ia�•tur}� tu Lcu�it�r and that tl�e interest <br /> payable on the surn. �erurrd by this \ Iort �;:i�;c .•6a11 Li• ut .u� i � t;u � :i- Lon� i�o .hall reyue�t . lf Leu�ler t�as waived <br /> the option Lo accelerate provided in tl� i, para�;ra� il � 1 i :uui ii liurro���er �. , ;u�i•e�eor iu iutrre.t La� cxe�•uted a writ - <br /> ten assutnption agteeiue�it accepte� l iii �criting L} L�•n� i� • r. L�•mier .Viall r�� l�•as�• Burru� �•r ii•uiu sll ubligatioxis under <br /> this Mortgage and ih� Note. <br /> If Lender exereiaes sucl , option w ucce� le�:. t�• , Leu�ler �h:ill � � iu� l 13urrower i�uuc�� o( aceelrratiou iii aceordanee <br /> u�itli ��aragrupli 14 heroui . �ucli uuu���� ,Ic� ll � �ruci� i� � a � ��•r�o� i � � i uu� 1 � .. tl � :u � 3U � iay�r iruni tln• dut �� tl��• notice i� <br /> mailed wit.l�in �� liiclt fiorruµ �•r uia� � n� � � li�� �uw, � l� c• I .ut � ! � iu� . li liurru�� �• r i:li1 - ia � �:�� <ucli �uiu� � �rior to the <br /> rxpiration of nuc}1 period , Leuder may uitlrout furrl ��• r nuu� � nr � i�•iusu� i � ni iiurro�� cr. nicuki� :tuy remedie� per- <br /> mitted by pxragraph 1'S hereof. <br /> \ � ix - I ' vito�cn� l 'ovr: !ces �r. . li� � rrii �� �• r niui L�� uil�� r furtL�• r i•� �� ou.nrt ;uiil �ik' r�'o a . t'ullu �c . : <br /> 18. Ilte�l�ration: Romedios. 1'.src��t a� � � ru � ul�•� I � u � ,:� r:i� i:i � � l � 1 � li�� n•ut' . u� �un Hurru�c�•r:• hre:trl � of :im• <br /> covenant or agreement of 13orroH��• r � n tl �ir \ lu �•t �:iR� � . � n � � iwlinp tl � � � ��o��� •n:int , i � � � �:i�� ��� li�•n � iur ;ui �� .uni. :�•c• ur��� f <br /> bythis \lortKaKe. l.en� ivr � �nurtu s�ri � l� r.�uun .luili uu � il n� �tir. in liurn ��� � • r s� � � ruci� lo� i w � �:� rn� r:i � �li I { hrreof <br /> specifying : � li the breach : r21 tlu• :u•tioii n•ywro� i tn r � in • �u � I : Lros�� l � . i3i a � iu � c . nut le•• th.iu tliirtv �1xvs <br /> frotu th�� datc thr notii��� i� inail��d tu liurru�� or I �� �vlurl � � u � i � I , n :�� L u � u�t I �i• rnr. � i :in � l � } i � Icu luilun • tu �•uro <br /> .uah breaeL on ur Lefore tl�r dxti� .Eir� � dir� l iu � h� � uuti �•� � iu :� �� n•. uli m a��iol � � uf � h . � .uui, .���� un•�: k ��� this <br /> �lortgage and �sle uf tl �c Yrupert �' . 11 tlie hrea�• li �. nut �� un•� i uu ur L�• tun• th� � Jut � � .� �o�• � fi � •� I in rlio ni �nrt• . Li�nder <br /> at Lender's optiun way �i�•clnr�� s11 �� I the .. uu �. ..i�i�urr�l I ��� tni > \ 1urtRak�� tu I �o muui•�tts � olc � 1ue• .tu� � � ixpablr <br /> w�ithoui further detnand ar.� i mx}' turceJo.e tlii. Al� � rt �;:i�r f �� iu�i � oi;il � iru�r�•� lin�; LimJor �h :ill hi� ouutli�ii lo i�ullect <br /> in such � rroceeclin� all �x��rii.�•. ui iur���• lu�ur�• . in �•lii, liu �; . I � � ir nut liiiin ��� { tu . � �u.t .. uf duouu �onr.� i•v o�� ulerie�� . <br /> sbetrscts and title report�. <br /> 19. Seee'ew�["s Riq6t te R�itt�tat�. Aut �+� iil , � r,u �� lin �; 1 .�•��� {er '> :�� •r�� l � �r:�ti� �n ni tho .un �s .rcured I , �� Il�i� <br /> Mortgage, Borrower bha�l hxve ttie riglit tu ha��e un}• � �ru�•oeilin ;c, brKun h�• 1 .� •n� 1�• r iu �•ufurr�• � hi. 11oM �aRr din- <br /> continued at any time prior to entry uf u ,iud�;meuc rniW-rin� rhi- \ Iurc �aK�• if : � u � 13urru�c��r pay� I.rnder ull <br /> dums whieh would be then dur under U� i.• V ��rtkti�;�• . ilu� \ut �� sn � l notr• «�c� urin� 1�' uuin A � 1 �;ineo. . i1 anc . ha� l nu <br /> accelerstion occurred : Ibl Burrower vuri•� � 1l in �;,� l �� :. ui ,u � � , niu, r � � � � �•nnw , ur ;«; r,•a•tu��ut . � �f fiurrow•er �•on- <br /> tained inthis '.VlortqaeF : Ic1 Rorrowrr i,n��. �� II .•� �� <� �n •� l , 6 , ,� � ,� „ �� .. ; � „ , � ., + � � i , „ i , . . � . Ic : : , . � • � : i , , vcn:.:;t � <br /> , � ..,. . . . . . . . <br /> and agreements of Borrower oonts�netl ut th �. \ lur� {��� R�• :�nd ni oni� �r�• in �� I .rn� lrr '_ ri •nir� { i� .. :� _ ; n•n� i� i .•ii in irarri _ <br /> graph lShereof, ineluding, but not limitcxl tu, rrasonul �l.• auurne•� '� ic•e. . swl � �1i Horruw�<�r i :�k�•r .urh ac•t �on �i. <br /> LendCT may reaeonebly require to asaure tl� :it th�• lirn n1 � I � i , Vu�n �:t� � I .� n� l� � r '> im �� rv��t in tln• Pru�,rrt �� ;�n� i <br /> Borrow�e�'s obligation Lo pay the sum� securEvl hy thi= VurtR:i�� • . Ivill rnntnm�• uniin � �aim� i 1 ' � �u❑ >ur•h � �y}•meut <br /> and cure by Botrower, thiE AlortgQge and the obli�;ution� �ecured hori•1 �� �Ictll r��ivaiu in full Iur�•�• :in�! �•ff�•<•t a. it „,;, <br /> no soeelention had oecurred. ¢x, <br /> fA. A�iyeaMat d a�el�: Appeiafm�nt oE H�eeiv�r: Lsa�dec ia Po�sion. A� additiunul .e�• unt �• herr- � <br /> undel, Sorrow�er lfereby aesiges to Lender the rentr of thr Yro�u•t� � . ��ro� id�•�i t hst Borruw�er .hall . ��riur to acceler- ' �` <br /> ation uecler pars�raph 18 hereof or abandonment of th�� Pro� wrty , lis � �• � lu• riKlu tu �•ullt•��t and rrtain .uch rnnt .� "� ~ <br /> a� theq beeome due and payable. <br /> C�pee seteleMtion under psry�rapi, 18 :.ercuf ..: ,.t�a�..iu„u�. �, � .,� tL. i '� ����� ii . . Lri,� irr . � n � �rrruu . in nK<•u� <br /> n�' �Y J1M'�IfM� ��' AJ1�1fy1l�f`['I MCPIPP7 shall hc (`Slt ]tIC(� t0 C37t1'. 1' :ljlpf: . : ,�L� j �u...� .. .. . ui :a�ui wu��u+;r iiir � � I'u� �e• fl } ... <br /> aad t4 oollect the retffs of the Ptq�elty , includinR those ��n�t due . :� 11 n•rns �•ull�•ot�•� � I �v L�•u�ler ur t h�� re�•ciccr <br /> nhall be appaied 6»t to paytuent of ti� cost,n of ma��en�ent of f he• Yro� ��•m• uwi � •ull���•t �un .�( ri•ni , iurlud � nK . hm <br /> T10� �llill� �.0. f(iHC1VP.r�B jfE`F. �N'CADUIOK Otl nv�•� vrr'� �uiili{ . :tIN� r��H��innhl.• �ilt ��m��v ', q.....� .� �„ 1 rh ..., r . . rV . . . . � � .n� <br /> aeCured by thie MortgBRe. Lender and the mtwi�•Pr .hslt fN� liuhl�� to x��oounl uni � for t husv ront - :�rnu� ll �• n ���. i � .•�i <br /> J <br />�:. <br />