r -�
<br /> not extend or ��ostpone the due date oi tlu� iuonthl}� iu.� nlini��nt . r�•ferre� i ti� in paragraph, 1 und '2 hereo( or
<br /> chnnge the amount of sucli installinents.
<br /> 10. SarrowerNotRsl�assd. Lsxtension of the tiuic fm• � �apment or modihcation of amortization of the sums
<br /> secured by this �4ortgage grante�l bt� I.ender to any = uvicersor in iuterest of Borro�ti�er shull not operate to release,
<br /> in any manner, the liabilih� of tlie origi�la! Borro���cr snd Borro�+ ��r '� ruccessors iu interest . Lender shall not be
<br /> � required to commence proceedings against �uch successor or reiusr to extend time for payment or otherwise modify
<br /> amortization of the sums secured by this Vortgage I �y reasou ui :u�p �leinand inade bv the original Borrower snd
<br /> Borrower's suceesaors in intereet.
<br /> I1. Forb�aranes by I.eadsr Not a Waiv�r. Any forbearance by I.ender in exercising any right or remedy
<br /> hereunder, or otherwise afforded by applicable la«� , .liall not i,e a ���ai;er of m• preclude the exercise of any right
<br /> or remedy hereunder. 1'he ��rocureineut of insurance or the � �ssyment of taxes or other lie��s or charge� by I.ender
<br /> � ehall not be a wai�•er of Lender's rigl�t to acceler� tc the maturity of the indebtedness secured by this Mortgage.
<br /> � 12. R�m�di�s Cumulativo. � il remedie� pro�•ide�1 in tlii. \tortgage are distinct, and cumulative to any other
<br /> � right or remedy under this �lortgage or ufforde� l hv (u�� ur ���auh �� , ;� n,i uia�� hc� cxer�•i,ed concurrc:ntly. independ-
<br /> � ently or successivel,v.
<br /> �` 13. Sueeea�ors cmd A�rigns Bound: ]oint aad Several Liability; Captions. Thr co�•en,int, and agreements
<br /> � herein contained shall bind , und tlie rights hrreuuder �hail inun • tu , thc res��ecti���• successor, snd sesigny of I,ender
<br /> '^• and Borrower, nubject to the provision. of � �uraKru� �h l ; liereof . :111 �•ovi�naut. and :igre.e�iicnts ol' I3orrower shall
<br /> ^ be joint und secerul . 'I'he ca��tion. and lu�ziding. of tlu� � �ura�;�:� � di� of thi.. \ Iurt �;aRi� sre f'or ron ��enience oniti' and
<br /> ^ are not to be used to interpret a• define thc � �ro��i.ion. lier•��oj. '
<br /> 14. Notieo. Any notice to AorrUH�er � n�o�� iiic�l for iu thi� AlurtRn�;i• .liall I ,�� Ri ���•n by uuailiug .ucli notice by
<br /> i•ertified ivail addressed to 13m•ru�ccr :it rlir Pro� �rrt � A � 1dm.., .u�t � •� l hi� lu�� . � ���•i•� i� ior ;in}• nutice required under
<br /> paragraph ] S hi•reot to be git•en tu Horru�� rr in tlu� iu,uuirr � � rr.�� ni �u� i 1 ��� ;y �� � li��al , l�• Is�� . Any uuti��e provided
<br /> for in this �IortKage .I� all hc de�•inr� { to li;i ���� I �e�i•u �; i ���•n tu Burru���� • r ��� lu�ii Ri ��i•u in th �� iuunner � le��iqnated herein .
<br /> 15. Uaiform Mottgage; Governing Law; Sevsrability. 'I'hi• 1'ur� u uf inm•t �;uge �•uinbine. unifonu co � enant.s
<br /> for national use and non-uniform cuvenaut � witli limicc� i �•ariations 1 ,�� iurisdictiou to ��on�titute a unitorm secu-
<br /> rity instrument covering rexl � n•operty. '1'lii. \ Iortgage shull I ,�� �;o�-cr� u., � ���. thr la�r o( thc jurisdiction in which
<br /> the Property iti located . ln the e�-ent that un,y � �rovision m� �� lauce oi' this \] ortga�e or t6e Note conflicts with
<br /> applicable law, sucL conHict shall not affeet oclier � �ro��ision= of tlii. .Alortqa�e or tl��er Note which can be given
<br /> effect without the contiictiug provisiai , :uici to thi� end t {ie � �ro � ision, ui the \ IurtKu�;i• and the Note are deelsred
<br /> to be severable.
<br /> 16. Bocrower's Copy. Borro���er shall b� iurnishe�l ;i r•uniormed ��op�� u{ fl�i. 1lortgage at tLe time of exeeu-
<br /> tion or sfter recordation hereol.
<br /> 17. Transler of the Property; Assumption. If ull ur un}� � �art uf the Yroperty or an interest t.herein is eold
<br /> ortransfetred by Borrower without Lender ', prior µ ritten cunsent . ��zrluding ial tlic i•reation of a lien or encum-
<br /> brance subordinate to this \lortguge , i h i the rre�uiou ut a � �urrha,u• �nonet� security interest for household appli-
<br /> ances, ( c) a transfer by de��ise, dracent or f ��• u� x•rxtiun ui l :i�� ii� �uu � ht� dcatli of a joint tcnant or � d1 the grant of
<br /> xny leaeehold interest oS thre� ��earn a• le.�� not � •untaiuing .u� u� ,ciun tu � �urclia>� , I,PI1lIla1' I118Y . 3L I.ender's option ,
<br /> declare all the cums eecured by t }iis 3lortgage tu b�� uutiic,liu[ l•I \' �IUP ;IILi � iuyablv . Len�er shall l�a�•e waived �uch
<br /> option to acceleratE: i1, prior tu the ,ttle or trunster , I.,a•nd��r au� i tlu• � �er.un tu �� lium the YroFxrty ih to lx. Dold or
<br /> traneferred reacl� agreemene in writ.ing � hat tlic credit ui sui�li � �er,un i� �ati.fuctur� to Lendrr and that th� iuterest
<br /> payable on the nums eecured b,y this \lortguqe �hall bi• ut �u�• I � rat �• ;i, L��nder .Lall reyuest . Ii Letider has waived
<br /> the option to accelerate provideJ in tliis ��arxgru��h 1 i :xu� i ii liurroorr '. >u��c•t•b�or iu intere.t has executed a writ-
<br /> ten assumption agreetnent accepted iii ���ritii ,g I,�� Li•nder, Len� ler �lusll rrlea,e Borrower irwu all obligations under
<br /> this Mortgage aiid the Note.
<br /> If Lender exercise� eucL optioii cu accelerate , Lender ,Lall � usil fiorrower uoticr oi acceleration iu accordanee
<br /> w�itL ��urxgraph 14 Itereul . �ucl� uutioc .liul ! �iru �� id.• a � �rno� l uf uut lr.• iluui 30 � 1e�'� fro�❑ the �lah� the notiee is
<br /> mailed witliin H•Fiich Burruwcr � uay � ��i�� tlio suni. � i��clamd � iu. . li liurru« rr iail . tu � �up .ucli .. um. prior to the
<br /> expiration of such pericu� , Lender may . �� ithuut furtlu �r nuti�•�• ur � i�•iu:� n� i � m fiurro�cer . in � oke auy rernedies per-
<br /> mitted by paragraph 18 Lereof .
<br /> \ov - UxtFoey ( 'o�• r: xw �. •r�. Rorro���� r �iucl Leu� l�• r 1'uriL�• r �•� �v��uant �� u� l ��� r���• a . Yollu ��� . :
<br /> 18. Acc�l�ration: Rsmedios. l�;z�•�•� �t a� � � ro� i� lo� l in � �;u;i�; ru � � li 17 In • mui . u � wn liurru�ci� r '. Ini•arli uS ant•
<br /> covenant or agreement of Borrouer in tl � i. \Ioit �;:� R� • . iu� �Iu� tin� ti ,o �•u� ��nant . tu � iuy �� lu�u � { u� an �• � uu�. ..eeurrd
<br /> by this Afortgage. Lend ��r � � riur tu x�•celc•rut iun , liull uuiil uuu��i• tu Burru�����r u� � � ru��i� {��d iu � uir:iRru � , h 14 liereof
<br /> specifying : I11 the breach : � 2 � thc• :ntlun rc� � uire� l to �•un � .woli I � r��u � li . i3i :i � { at .• . not I�•.. [ I �uu thirt }' �iaV�
<br /> fro�n the datc th�� noti��c i� inail���{ tu linrro�„ �r. L�� ��� lii� I � �u� � l � I � n �:u�l � unt.t I �� • � � un �� i : un� i i4 � Iliut fsilur� • tu eurc
<br /> �uch breach or� or belore die date ,� �ceifie�i iu th�� uuti���� wa}' rr.ult in ui �•��1.•ruuuu ui t6�• .uui� ,i�cured b�' th �s
<br /> Slortgage and sale of tLe Yro� xrrh• . I1 thr hr�•a�• li i< nut � • urr� i ur. � n� I �rf< �ro tlu � d:u �� .� iccitii•� i i ❑ U ��• uuti� r�. L��ndrr
<br /> at ].rni9er's option may dc�lar�� ull of th�� �uin. ,e�• ure� 1 b�� thS - A1ort �ako ru hi• imine•� liv � ��l �• du<� and ��ayable
<br /> without furtherdemand :�nd map forecla.c tlii. �] ur� RnR�� h� ju�ii�� iul � irur��t��1ui�; L�•ndrr slinll la� i�ntitl�vi tu collect
<br /> in .uch ��rroceeding :ill exprnae� uf f�.�rcclu.iu•� • , in�� lu� IiuR . I �ut uut Iniut ��� ! to . �•o..t �. ol' du�� u� ur� �txr�� ����i�lrna�� ,
<br /> abatracts and title r�portr.
<br /> 19. BOrrow�if Riqht to R�iostat�. A' o[ ��'it6.tau� iiu�; l .� �n�irr :. ur����lrratiun ul tF ��; awu= .�•tvrvd by th�e
<br /> Mortgage, Borrower shall ha��e thc right to ha��f• uuy � �rorei•�i � n� � be�;un h�' L.•mi�•r tu � �nfurc�r tfii.� \lortKagr dir-
<br /> continued at any time prior to entry o( a � udKuient i•niote� u�; thL. \ 1ort � ,s�;�� if : � iu Bon•oHcr � :ayr l.rnder all
<br /> aume whieh would be then due under thir \IoMga�e . tlu� lotr an� i notr.. .<rc• uriu�; h'�nun Ai1 � x� u•�•• . � f am� , hgd no
<br /> aeeeleration uc;eurred ; � b � Borrower curr, all hrru�• lu�. .,f �tnc ut6er �•u� �•n:�nt - ur a�;rroui,•nt � uf Borrower ��on-
<br /> tained in thie '�lortgagP : lol Borrower �,a�•� :. 1 ! r� a:�ca ! , ; , , � i �, i... � u :� u � � � , i i ,� i ,�vi,i� r u , � uiunvuR ux• �•ur�•tiant .
<br /> and sgreeme.nts of Borrower oontaineci in thi. \ lort �a��� un�l � u �v � (�n �• iiiR Lru� l. r ', n•iur•�ii.•, a. � �ru� i� i.vl m � �ara-
<br /> grsph 18 hereof, including, but not limited tu, rrasonabl.• ;uturn.•�� '� ire� . :aml � �1 i Rorruwi�r txk�•� �uch aetiun un
<br /> Leeder msy reason8bly require to aesure that tLc licu ol t6i.� \ lurt�;ak,� , L��uilrr '� iutrr�•.1 iu the Yro�x�rty and
<br /> Borlo�ver's obligation to pav the e�um� KPCUI'P11 I�y I �L� �SUPfj;:lti� • � Il;�f � � •u�itiuu� uniw� �ainvi 1 "� �uu ..ucL �in}' u�ent , t
<br /> 8IId Cure by Bor[�ower, this Mortgage and the ubliqarion. .e�• ured h��reh�- .Icill r�•muin in full furr�� and ��ffrct xs i ( -
<br /> no aoeelention had occurred. q� ' � � `
<br /> �• �� � S�' �PP'��e= 01 R�e�iwr: lwnd�r �++ P'owrioa. A, sdditionxl .ecunty 4ere- � x
<br /> under, Borrover hereb aeei � t �'
<br /> Y gns W I.ender the mntn of the Pro�x•n �- . � �ro�•i�1c�1 thssc Borrower �hall . ��rior to acceler- � °_
<br /> ation nnderpsrngraph 18 hereof or absndonn�ent of thr Yro�u�rty . h�n�c� � 6r riKht to rollect and rntain nuch rent�
<br /> as they beeome due and payable.
<br /> Cpon aeeeteration under �,ar�rxNL 1& i�rrrul ur ttban�lcmmrnt ot th�• YTu�wrt � , Le�n�1Pt' . tn �x�n:on . b}• a�ent
<br /> or by judiClnlly appointCd reeCiver ahall l.e r�ditlr�l tu eutrr U��pti , inKr � �cx.ar�niuu ut and wx � iaKe the Yrc�{x�rt}� "
<br /> •Dd t0 CP11eCt the t�CntB Of the PTOpe�'ty, inclUdinR thcx;e ptis[ due :il ! r�•ut . �•olle�•trd h�� Lend��r ur t1�e rr<•c�ivur
<br /> rhall be applied 5est to psyment of the coets o[ manugemrnt of th�• Yruprrt }• arni coli�vUun uf r�•�rt . , in�� lud � n�; . I �ut
<br /> not limited to. +�ec�eiver'a fere . �,re+ninm,: nn n-�ri�•r�'� hnn� 1• :ln�i rras:onahL ..; ; .; : � ,. a '.. t� . � .�, �, i il �� u � �, ii � �• - uiu�
<br /> �eeured by thie Mortgsge. I.ender and the rneivi�r .I�s11 tH• lixh�r to arrount onlv for thu..r rrnt � a� tuxfh r� o� i � �•�1 �
<br />�:
<br />:;,�
<br />