r -1
<br /> uot extend or � iostpon�� thu �iue � iute uf tt � c muwi, i�� iu�i : � ll � m nt > r� • i��rre� i to iu � ,:u:iRry}H� .� I aud 2 hereof or
<br /> cha»ge tl�e umuuiit of �ucl� installme��ts
<br /> 10. Borrower Not Raleasecd. 3sxtec�eiun ot the ti� ur f�ar � �n��n�enc ur modifi��urion ut ;uiiortization oi tlie sums
<br /> secured by ti�is Siortgttgr gruute�l In� I .ender to an}• �u� res,or in � ute�rt��t ui I3orru���cr sliull i �ot operatr to re.lease,
<br /> in any manner, che liability oi tlie original }iorro���er an� { }torru�crr '. ,uc�•e,so�:• iu interest . I.cu� ier shall not be
<br /> � reyuired to commence proceediug� ssgaiust sucl� succe,sor o�• rriu�� co cxtend time ior puyment or ott;erwise modify
<br /> amortisation of the su�us secured b}- thi, \ Iortgx�;c 1 ,}� rra,uii oi :un• �ieivau� i uuuie b}� t6e urigin3l I3orrower and
<br /> Borrower's euccessars in interest.
<br /> � 11. Forbearatue by Lender Not a Waivot. .� np forbearuucc hy I.ender iu exercisiug an}� right or remedy
<br /> � hereunder, or otl�erwise affordea hy <ipplicable latic , �lialf uut I �e :i �rai�cr ut or � ireolu�le the exercise of any right
<br /> � or remedy hereun�ier. "Plie � �rocw•eiuent of insuran�•e or rhi• � �a�•meut ni tyxe� or other liena or cliarges b�• I,ender
<br /> � shall not be u wsiver oi Leiider , riglit tu scceler;tte U�c uinturity ot the indehtedne>s secured h�- tliis �lortgage.
<br /> C 12. R�medisc Cumulative. _� I1 rcuiedie, �iro�-ide� i iu tl � is \ lortga�u are � iistinct :unl cu�nulativc t.o uny other
<br /> right or remedy� un�ier tlii� \ Iorl �;a�;� ur :iftonle� l L�� ! a�� ur � �� � iu � �� . :imi nci� In � �xrr�• I,o�l �•o��rurrentl�� , independ -
<br /> '� ently or succeesivelY.
<br /> � 13. Sueeeacors �d Xssigsis Bound Joint aad Several Liability; Caphons. '1'lu� ru� ���� ints and agreeinentw
<br /> /� herein containeJ shall t�ind , :� n� i tl�i righi Lc�rcun� lrc >lia( i iuurr tu [ hc re..� ,� ��tiv�� .ui.c e,sor, iwi asstgns o[ I.ender
<br /> 1� :�ndBorrower. �uLject tu � tie pro � i�ion ul E ,;u:��;ui � ili 1 � lu• n•ui . .\ II � u � onaut � sn� l ikrocuic•nt.. ui liorrow�er shall
<br /> be juint und �e � er:�l . 7'hc ra� rtiuu. uu � i li �:ulin�;= of il � o � �:jraRr;i � � l �: oi t lii� \ lurt �;a �o :im Iur ��unvi•niencr onlv and
<br /> �re not to be used to intrrprer ur � ic�tinr tli � � � ruci.��uu. iicrrui. '
<br /> 14. Netiee. An}� i �uti��� u }3urru�� ri � iru � i� ir� i iur in ihi� .\ IurtRa�;� • ,uall I ��� �i� � •❑ I �y uiaiLn�; �urh nutice b�
<br /> �•ertified � us� il uddre,red to fiurro����• r ;� t ! In� Yru� n� rt � AJ .in•.� .i ,ur� l h. • lu�� . ox���y , t t'ur uu�• nutiro rcyuiro� i tu�der
<br /> E >aragruph 18 her�o� to b� • �;i �:�•u t � a l���rru�cor iu ilu � iuunu��r � � n•�rrihr� ! h}� ;� � �� �Iu�ahJ �� I :t �c .� m� �tuii�•�� provided
<br /> for in thi� �Iortga�;�� ,hall ho � ����•� n� •� { ru li:i���• Inv � u �i �� ��n t � � li� , rru�.� ��r �� li � ��; � i �� �•n ui th � � uuuu �er � ic..i�uute�l hereiu .
<br /> 15. Uai(orm Mortgage: Govemitsg Law; Severabi6ty. ' I 'lii� iurn � n � n�ort �:t �i� � untbinc•� uniior� n rot t�nunte
<br /> tor national use snd non-uniform i•u��euuut �� ��� ii {i linii � ��, i :�ariuii��u.�� In iuri��lictiou tu ronvtituto u uniforrn secu-
<br /> rity instrwnent coveriug mal pro��crr �� . 'f'! ii< \ turt �;a�;c ahull Lo �;o����ruc•� I I ��� tl�r Is�c of the jurisdiction in whieh
<br /> the Property is locuteci . In the evenr that :iny � �rp�� i= ion ur �• lan=r ��i ihi. AIortRa�e or t (ie '_Votc runflicts witl�
<br /> upplicable laN� , such contiict �hull not ntti�cr other � � rovision� ui thi� AIorrgsKe ur tlu• Vote which cun he given
<br /> effect without tiie conllieting � +ru�� iaiuu . ;ui�! to tlii � �• n � { thu � � ru �� ision,. uj tlir \ ] urt �;u�;r ;u'ui the ?Vote are declared
<br /> to be seversble.
<br /> 16. Bonoweis Copy. }3orrnwE� r shnll I ,�• iurnisk , e� i u � �� �ni'a•�ne� i ��o} ��� u[ thi, Alort�;ake at tl�c t,ime of execu-
<br /> tion or after recordatia: hereoi.
<br /> 17. Transter of the Proparty; Assumption. Ii all ur anp � �;irt oi � hc Yropert �� or an ir�terest therein ifi sold
<br /> or transferred by liorrower withoui l .en�icrr's � �rim• �� rittcn ��unsent . ��x�• Iu�liuR � ;ii the creutimi oC a lien or encun�-
<br /> branee suborciinste to this \lortgaqe , � bi tt�c• �� rr:uiun ��i a �,urcl , a.�i• iuuue�� �ecurity interest for household appli-
<br /> ancea , ("c ) ri transl'er by de�� i.e . �le�cent ur f ,}� u� i��ratiun ui Li �c u� rou iho � ieatli ot a joint � enunt or ldl tl�e grant of
<br /> uny leasehold interest of three yenr� or L•s- not runtainiu� ;ui u� �tiuu tn � , un�h;ss. . Len� l�•r uiuy . 3t I.ender's option ,
<br /> �eclare all the �mu� �ecured b�• tLi� \1ortKag�� tu bi� innuc� ii;ui• h� � iur :uu ! � iny.sbl��. I,ender �h.tll l�ssae �caived such
<br /> option to �ccelerate i (. prior to the sale or tr.u�nier. Lrud��r au� { tlu � �oisuu to �rhuui the Yropertp i� to be sold or
<br /> traneferred re•acL ugreemenc iii writing thsst rl �i� credit ui �ueli � �i�r,ou i� .sti�is��[ ur�� co Lcn�l��r uu�i tliat tl�c interest
<br /> paysble on the sums an�•ure� i L�y ihis 11ortKagr sl�nll b.� at .ucl � r�u �� ;L. Lcnder �6a11 reyuesL li T .euder has waived
<br /> the optian tu uccelerate pro��idrd in tlii. � �ar.tgru� �li I7 au�l ii liorru�cer '. .�i,�ce,�ur in intere,t lins executed u writ-
<br /> ten assumptiou agreement :iccepted in icritiug I �} Lcn� irr, Lrn, ler .li:tll rolca,e BurroHrr irun� all obligation. under
<br /> thie Mortgage and th<� Note.
<br /> If Lender exercises �ucli option tu accelenuc , Len�icr s4.i1 ! � uuil lioe•rower notice oi xcreleration in accordance
<br /> wit6 paragraph 14 hereoi. �ucii nuti��c =h:� li � �roc �d�� u � ��•rio� l ui nui Ic.>• tli :u � 3U � I :t}•= irom th�� � ixt�� the notiee is
<br /> inailed w�ithin w•1�ici � }iurro�err uia�• � ci�� th�� �uin� � l�•�• lura•� i � lu�� . li liurru��� cv i:iil> to � �u�� •�i�•li ,uni, prior to the
<br /> i•xpiratiun ol' huch peric� , I,en�ier � uu�� , u irhout furtli.� r non�•�� ur � i��wun� i nu 13urro�cer . in � ok�• any remediea prr-
<br /> mitted by paragraph 18 hereof.
<br /> \ ux- t ' niNui� :K ( 'uvH: xn � •r,. ]iurrn ����• r : uul Leu� l�• r furtL�� r �•uri� u.xnt an�� si� rt�o u , foll � � ��� . ;
<br /> !8. Aec�bration: Remediss. 1•:xr� � �t a� � �rn � nf � •� I � n � ciruRi:y � li 1 .- In rcoi . u � �uu liurru�rrr ', hn�arli of anv
<br /> covenant or sgrre�urnt ol BorruH•i• r iu thi < Vur� �;;� p� . � urlwliuR tlur eu� e�n:int . tu � �:t � �oh�•n � lu�• :�nc . uni> .«•cure� {
<br /> by thie 1lurtgagr. Lcn�{�� r � rriur tu :u r� � l�� ruUon � I , all iiinil u� �ii ���� t � � Iti �rru�ror :t � � �ru � i� ir�i iu � �:v:��;i;i � �li 1 �1 Li�re�o(
<br /> speci(Ving : 111 the breach . i2f tl � �• :irtu ,�n rc� � u � re� l t � � riu�� � .ucli I �n�n�• li �. i3i ;i � iat �� . nut Ie., tlian thirt}• �{ay,
<br /> froni the iiati� thc noticc i� tuail�vl tu liurru�c� • r . I,�� �� lii �� l �� > u� � l � In�vu�� h u � u�t i �o � • iim, i �. awl i ; � tlutt f:iilurc to ��un•
<br /> ,uch hrencf'i or. or before the dati� ..� x•eih.•� 1 iu tlu� u� qir� � nr.��� n�.ul � iu urcolrrauun oi tlio ,u �n� ,,i•cun•� l l�v thih
<br /> ltortgageiind nale of th�� Yropvrty_ If tL<� hr�•arl : i� nut rurr� l u� : ur I ���fur� � tlir � fut �� :� u•rifird in tlu� uoti��e . Lrr�drr
<br /> at I.ender'a opt�on u�up d��cir�r�� uli ui tho .wu. ,���•um� i I ��� thi .. \ lort �s�;o tu la� itniuc� { uit ��l �� � iue :tmi ��a�•able
<br /> u•ithout further deu�and .tmi �na� forerlo�� • tlii� \ lort �;ac:;� h� lu� iir �ul � rrui•��e•�linR Li�n� i�� r ehsli I ��� �� ntitlril to cullect
<br /> in >ucti proceeding sll r�E�ensr� u ( luroi• lu..tiro . iurlu� liny; . htit nut liiuu �•�i tu . ro.t � uf � iurunu•ntxn� e�� id��nce ,
<br /> abstraets and title reports.
<br /> 18. Doerow�r's Riqht to R�inatate. \' utHitli..[ :u ,� iin�; L.•u� 1�� r '. :u �•cl.•ratinu „t t !u, ..un �� .e�• urvd I �y this
<br /> Mortgage, Borrower shall have the right to ha �•�� any �� rocee� lin�;, l �rRuu h}• L�•uder cu .�nturv•�• thir \lortK�gr dis-
<br /> continued at any time Iirior to entry of a judRwent <�nfoTein�; th �. �IurtRa�;o if : i .0 };on•o�� f• r ��nv. Lrnder »fl
<br /> sums which would be then due under U� i� \ lutt �;:��;e. ttu � \utr :�mi note. .�•�•urm� Pnt ur� • A� iv:� n�r•.. . it �n}• , liad iio
<br /> ycceleration occurred : I b i liorrower �•uri�� ull brca� fic- ��1 :u �� uther ro� � n:�nt . ur :.�; ro��nn•nt � ui Borrower con -
<br /> t.ained in this 14ortgsge ; ( c ) Burroxrr {�:t��, :.11 r��:,.uuul ,l� � ���� ���u,��> >iu• urrr� i i ,�� i .��ma��r � u � •ntun�in�; nc� � o��rnant,
<br /> and agreements of Borrower contained in rtii. �lorc �::��;� • ;��,�! iu �•ui��mlu �; L�•u�i.• r ', n•�u�•dir. ;i.. � ,ruvi� ie�i in ��xru-
<br /> gr8ph 18 hereot, including, but not limited to, rcnsonuhle :itturne�• '� i�r.. . ;ui� { i , { i t�orroHor txke�. �uch actiun a�
<br /> Lender may reasonBbly require to u�eure tliat thr licii u( t6in \ IurtKu{;�� . L�•ndr• r '� � t�tem,:t in tfu� k'ro�iert �• an�i
<br /> Borrower'e abljgstion to pay the sums secured h}� tl�i. \ IurtR:i:;� ,I �all �•onui�u�• unin �� �aiir���1 . l ' � ,un .uch � �a�•tuent ;
<br /> snd cure by Borrower, ihie� '.1�fortgn�e and the ubli{;ation� .eeurrd h��mhy - h:ill r�� uiain in full furri� su�i cff�•rt as if :k:
<br /> no �ooeleration had occurred. �
<br /> � � ArP�� d a�oils: Appoinfm�at eE A�e�fv�r; Lead�r in Possasaion. :�:. additionul �ocuritp herr- � �:
<br /> uuder, Borro+ver hereby ae�ignc to Lender the renLs of thr Yropercy , pro�� idrd t lixt BorroN er siiall , Erriur to xcceler- � `
<br /> ation uader paragraph 18 hereof or abandonment of thr Pro�,rrty , hs� �• thr riy;h ! tu ��ollc•��t und retsin �uch rrnts
<br /> ar they beoome due and payable.
<br /> Cp[u+ roueleratiun ut�er ��aragrsph 119 hereot or ahan�lonmrnt of thr� Yropt�rty , l.ender in � �cr.un , t ,� ;yKrut
<br /> or by judicially upFwir,ld.i nx,�ivrr nhall t� rnttticvl to enter uEwn , tnke� � �os.c��.iun ul :ind uianx�;c ti�<• Yro�,erty� ^
<br /> aad to oolleet the reats of the Property , includinK those past due. :� II r��nn �•olle��tc��i h�� I.��mi ��r or the rr•c�•ivor
<br /> e�ali be applied fisat W payment of the costa of manaqemrnt of the Yro�x•rcy and �•ollr�•tion uf n•nt � . inrludui� . I ,uc
<br /> not, limifwd /�+, reKivrr'e free , I�mmiums nn rcccircr'. Luu� 1- ,.u�! r. o,.uuai ,l� ,xuurury .. i�a., . :uni � iu•n w rfu• . um.
<br /> secured bythie Mortqage. I,enderand the rerei��er .httll hi• liable tu s�•��ount unl } fur rhu.� r��ut , a�•tu;� ll � n•�•�� i � �•� i �
<br />�:
<br />