<br />�=
<br /> � �
<br /> DUE ON SALE
<br /> �■ SAVINGS FUND
<br /> �� FORM N0.72O
<br /> � Loan Number.__ _3472_4___-__�8_8 _
<br /> oH.a��.
<br /> 77- ���'y�'� M O R T G A G E
<br /> THIS MORTGACE, made and c:xecuted this __ _ ��?day of ��C.�'�G'C. A.11.,
<br /> 19_.��,between the Mortgagor, Bradle.y -G. Titman. and. Zbnna L. Titman, husband and
<br /> tr.i.fe_...ja.ir.�tZg..atad.each in_their .own.sight.,_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
<br /> of .. . .Gz.dnd ,IS1.dAf3 , C'ounty of Xa11 , State of Nebraska ,hereinaf't.er referred
<br /> to as the Borrower, and the Mortga�ee, FIRST FEDERAI,SAVIN(�S AND LOAN ASSC�C'IATION OF
<br /> LINCOLN, 1235 •'N" Stree•t, Lincoln, Nebraska BR51�1, its ::uc•cracor, and as,igns, hereinaftr.r refrrrcd t�,
<br /> as Lender.
<br /> WITNES5ETH: T}18t thi• Said Borrower fot and in conaideration of thE• tium of T�'ENTY NINE TXOUSAND
<br /> THREE HUNDRED AND NO/100-----------------------------Dol:ar� (LiS h 29,300.00 �
<br /> paid by said Lender, doec herc•by mort�age, Krant and c��nvcry to L��nder, it� �ucces�or� and as�i�;ns; the
<br /> following de�cribed propertv located in the('ounty of HaI1 , Statr of Ne�hraska:
<br /> Lot Seven (7) in Block One (1) in Facker k Barr'z; A3dition to the
<br /> City of Grand I:land, Ha]1 Connty, Nebra�ke.
<br /> Toc:ETHte with a❑ the improvements now• or hereafter erected ���n ther property, and all ra+oment.,
<br /> rights, appurtenanceF, rents, royaltie�, minrral, oil and {;as ri�hts and profitti, water, watc•r rights, and
<br /> water stoc•k, and all fixture� now or hereaftrr attached to the proprrt.�•, all of which, includin� replace-
<br /> ments and additionti thereto, �shall be de�med to be and remain a part of the property covered b�� thi:;
<br /> Mortgage; and all of the foregoing, togr,ther with �aid property (or ihe leaSFhold estate in the event this
<br /> Mortgage is on a leasehold) are herein refrned to as the "Property".
<br /> Borrower covenants that Borrower i, lawfully seised of the estate hereby convi�Yed and hac the riKht
<br /> to mortgage, grant and convey the f'roE�ertp, that the Property is unencvmhered, and that Aurrower Hill
<br /> wanant and defend �enerally the title to the Property aKaintit aA c•laims and demands, tiubje�•t to any
<br /> easements and restrictiuns li.ted in a 5�•hedult: of rxcrptions to cuverH�e in any title insurance pulic� in-
<br /> suring Lender's interest in the F'rope�rt��,or 12) attorne,y'+ iipiniun of title frc�m abtitrac•t nf title certified
<br /> by bonded abstracter.
<br /> Paov�c,r.n ALw�vti, and the.e pre�nt5 arr rxecvt�d and driivered up��n the following cundition+,agrer.-
<br /> menta and obligation� of the Borrower, to-wit:
<br /> The Borrower agrres to pa}' to the Lendrr, or order. thr princiE�al �um uY T�✓,�'NTY NIN�' THOUSAA�D
<br /> TflR�� HLINDRED AND NO/100-----------------------------'i)ollar� (l'S .� 29.300._00 )
<br /> __ ._ _
<br /> payable as provided in a note exec�uted and delivered,���n�•urre�ntl� h�•re•�+�ith, the•final pa�ment of princi��al.
<br /> if not woner paid, on the �st <j�+�' �>f Ue.cember ,KS� 20C1G
<br /> UNtFoxtH Covr:Nat.rrs. Borrower and I.endrr covrnant and agrrr an f„lluw.:
<br /> 1. Payment of Principal�d Interest. Borrower shall prompth� pa� Hhi�n due the� E�rinci{ial o( and in-
<br /> terest on the indebtednear evidenced by the `Vute, prrpa�•mf�nt and latr c�harKe��, an pr��vidrd in the '.V�>te,
<br /> and the principal of and intereat on any Futurr Advani�e�;,�rcured b} Ihi� 11urtgake.
<br /> 2. Funds for Taxes and I:uuranee. Subjac4 to Lrnder'ti oFrtiun under para�raph, i and .5 hereut'. Bor-
<br /> rower shall pay to Lender on Lhe day monthl� inxtallmrnL.of��rincipal and intrr��st are��ayahle uncic•r the
<br /> Note, unt.il lhe Note is paid in full,a .un� Ihrrrin "b'und."1 r�aual tu unr-l�+'r�H'th uf the >earl� taxr.� .ind
<br /> ae�tsments which ma,y attain priority uver this \turigage, and kruunJ rrnts un thr ProEx�rty. if any plus
<br /> onr-twelfth of yearly premium installments f��r hazHrd in�urxni•r, plus onf�-tH<•IHh of �-rxr1� prrmiuni in-
<br /> stallments for mortgage insurancr, if any, ell a� reasunahh e.timate�d initiull� and frum timr to ti�nr b�
<br /> Lender on the bahi�uf atii;esNment�and bills and rea�:nnHhlr E��timate.therrof, L,ender�hall aNp1y thr F'un�l.
<br /> t�ci pay vaid taxes, av.��vcment�, in�urance prFmium�ar.c� �ruun<! z��nl.�. Le nclrr ��:c�!! a:xk� nu ,h;ar;;i fur �;
<br /> holding and applyinR the FundF or verifpinR and i�ompilinR �nid a�.F�vsmrnts and hill.. ThF I,�nde�r <hall
<br /> give to the Borrower, without charge, an annual accounting of the Fund��howing credit,and debitv to thr
<br /> Funds and the purporae for which each de�bit to the Fund+ wa5 made. Thr Fundti are plydgi�d ac ada;r;����i
<br /> security for the surns secuted b,y this MortgaQe. The Borruwer aRrre�:that thr Fundc may tir held tiy the
<br /> L.ender and commis�gled with other fundr,and the LendPr'�:nwn fund�and the L.ender mav pay such itrm�
<br /> frorn its own funds and the Lender �hall not be liable for intere�t ��r dividends un surh Fund�. ^ �� '
<br /> � lf the amount of the Funds held by Lender,toqether with the future munthly in,tallments of Fund�+ 4`
<br /> payable pr'sor to the due dates of tue�, aeeeaatt�ents, insurance premiutne and ground rentc, �hall exreed
<br /> tl^�e antount required topn y said tazes� aeseasmen�s�insurance premiume and ground mnt5 as thev fall due, a�♦
<br /> 'such ezcees el�alt be,at Bosrower's option, eithe�promptly repaid to Borrower or credited to Borrov�•er on
<br /> nwnthly ufotallts�et�te o( F`undx. If the amount of the Fund� hpl�f h�� i,w��Nr chall nnt Fw.nRG�•i.�n� +n ��a�
<br /> ta:eR, sAeeeemente, insurance premiums and ground rents as they fal] due. Born,wrr .hall pav to l.rn�irr
<br /> any amoutst nec�essary to make up the de6eieney within thirty days after notice from Lender to Bormwer •
<br /> reqnesting pyttfent thereof, �r Borrower shall, b,y an iacrease in monthly inatallmrnt�of Fun�l� rryuired,
<br /> repay the eieficiency within the Fund acxounting pe�iod.
<br /> L�Wn f�Y�nt in full oY a!! sums Recured by this Mortgage. Lender.hall apply Fund..hrlci a.a �redit
<br /> against all sums due. �
<br />