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� � <br /> ❑ot extend or � �o�tpone tl�e due d3tc oi rLe munihl }� ; n.� uiln � r�nt , rel�• rre� 1 tu i � i � �ar;iqraph� I :u�d 'l hereoi or <br /> change the arnount ui sucli instull�iient.s <br /> 10. Bonowor Not Roloassd. lixtensiou of the tiuie for � �a��ment or inodification uf :unorfizatiou oi the suma <br /> eecured by thie �4ortgage �rauted frv I ,ender to unc - uc•ces�or in intcre.r ��f I3orro�scr �h :.�ll not operate to release, <br /> in r�ny man�er, the liabilit �• oi tt�e origin�l liw�ro�cer an� i liurro�crr '.. ,; ucce„or. in intere.;t . I.ender shall not be <br /> � required to commence proceeding� against �ucli nui•cessor m• re•fu.c ro extc:ud time Ior pavrnent or otlierwise modify <br /> au�ortization of the sums .;ecured by tliis \ lort �a�i� I �p rea>�n � of ;un• �lemand mu�1e b�� the original Borrower and <br /> Borrower's succeasors in intere,st . <br /> 11 . Forb�araace by Lnder Not a Waiver. :�u}• lorbeuranco by Lender in exerci�ing si�y right or remedy <br /> CO hereunder, or otherwise afforded liy :�p}�licable luw , = liull uo� I,c :i �cui -.•ex of or �>re�,lude tiie exercise of any rigl�t <br /> �: or remedy herew�der. '1'he pro��urrtnenr of � nsurance or thi• � �ai�� � uc�u� of tazes or other lien� or char�es bp Lender <br /> � shsll not be a wuiver of Lc:nder 's right to acceterute the m;uurity of the� indehtednes� �ecured b}• this Mortgage. <br /> C� 1Z. 8�tnsdioa Cumulative. .111 reiuedies provide� i in tVii< \ ] ur� Ra�;e ;irc � iistinct and cwnulstive t,o an}- other <br /> O right or remedy under ilii.: \lorcgs��• ur :�f9�ord��� i h�� lu �� ur ryui � �• . :�n� i iva�� I �r rxerci.<ud vunc•iu•rently . independ- <br /> � ently or successivelv . <br /> 13. Succerrors aad Aseigstc $ound Joiat aad Several Liability; Caphons '1 hr , o� ��u;int, and agreernents <br /> � herein contained shall biud , :uu1 tl�e ri�;ht . Lcreiin�lec �hall in �n � io . tl�i• re.� �un� �• :uc � c ,surti :uid nssigns of I.ender <br /> � and Borrower ,ubject tu t6� pio� iEiou. ut � � u;�kr,i � �h I .— h��n-u� . :111 ��u��i•n:iut � in� l �K� irweut , uf Borrovc�r al�sll <br /> � be joint und �c_ �'erxl . "I'he csj �tiou, ur�id Lr,i�m�.� u! rlir 2 �.� r�a�r.i � ,) w ot tlu - Alurt �;:� �o urr Tor ron ���•niencc ont �� and <br /> are not to be used to int�•rpret or definr r lie � �ruvi.iun< I �es•��oi. ' <br /> 14. NoGea. At�y nutic� � tu Rurrun��• r � � ro�� i� i�•� 1 fur in tlii� Alurt �;a�,��� ,hall I �i• �i ��� � u bt• nuxiliu� �uch uotice b�� <br /> rertified wail :iddre.•et1 tc> Liurrn�� rr :a � h � � Pru� ���rt �� .1 � i �lrr.. .r.itr� l I �r (i ��c . �•��•�qu iur un �� nutir�� requiri�d undt�r <br /> pura�;ruph IS lu�reuf to I �c �ic�� u tu liurr��« rr ici iLc nuiiin�� r � in •..i• ril �i•� i In ;i� q � lir�iLl � lu �� :1n}� nuticr � iruvide� i <br /> for in thi. \lurt��ge �I�all lu� de�•un•� i tu li:i � � � I ���� u y;i � rn tu Hurru�� �� r �. lirn �;i� ��u in th �• u � :inn�� r � Io,i�;nate�i herein . <br /> 15. Uaitorm Mortgage: Goveraing Law: Severability. " I'I ! i� iurni � � f uwri �;;i�;�� � uuil�iue. unil'm•m cocenauts <br /> for national use anci non- unifonu oo��enuut � �� itli limitc� I c;it•� atiun� hy Juri.dictio� i to ��on.titutc :t uniform secu- <br /> rity instrument �•overing real � � roper� �� . 7'hi.� AIurtgake• = liall I >�• �;ov�•ru,•�l I �}• rhi� ta��� oi thc jurisrliction in which <br /> the Property ic located . Li tlu• e��euc r {iut ;iny � �ro���:iou ur , • Ic�use ui tlii. Alortgage or tl�e Note conflicka witti <br /> applicable law , such conflict shall not uffec� otlier � �ro �� ision, ui rlii. Alortguqe or the Notc �rhich ean be given <br /> effect without tlie confiicting pro ,�ision , :iu� l tu rl, i.. rn � i t hc � �ru�� isiun, oi � lir \ lortguKc and lhe Note ure declared <br /> to be severable. <br /> 16. Borrower'a Copy. Hon•o�cei .ha�ll hc iurnislie� i :� ��unforiuerl oo���� uF fhis \1ortRsg�� at t6e time of exeou- <br /> tion or after recordation hereuf. <br /> 19• Traasf�r of the Property; Acsuu�ption. li :ill ur uu}� �,.irt ut tl�c� Yropert �� or au intereat therein is sold <br /> or transferred by Borrower witl�out I,en�ler '. � uior �crin �• n �•unsent , �•xcludin�; � ui the creution of a lien or encum- <br /> brance eubordinate to tl�i, \lurtgugr , il � � thc rreation of n � n� rel �a.�c iuone�• ,ecurity� interenL for household appli- <br /> ances , ( e ) a transl'er by � 1eai�e, tleccen� ur I�}� upor�tiun ui I;au� u� �u� , th�• � li-ath of ;� joinc teriant ur idl tl�e grant of <br /> auy leasehold interest oi tLree ��cars or 1 ��.�.� not oontaiiun � nu optiun tu � ,ur�•hase, Lender n��y . sst Lender's option , <br /> declare al! the �ums se�•ured by thie �lurtga�c w bo iiuw �•diur .•1} � iuc :�rni � �uyahle . I .ender slinll La��c �ruived such <br /> option to acceler�te il', prim� to thc �xle or u:ui.ier, I.c•n�ler :uui tlio � ��vvon to �choiu tl �e Yroperty is to be sold or <br /> tratleferred reacl� agreeinenc in �rriting thnt� r lir rredic ui �ucli � �eraun i. �ut i.furtor�� co Lendri• and tl�at tlie interest <br /> payable on the sums sei•ure�i bp thi. \lort�;aKe ::hail bo at ..uc�l � r:� t �• a., L�•nder .I�all rcyue,t . If Lender Lus waived <br /> the option to xccelerate pro�•ided in tl� i= � �yrugrsspli I ; :u �. i it liurruwer '� �u��ce.,or in intere.t I �as axecuted u writ - <br /> ten assumption agreement accepted in �criti��g L}• Lendrr, Lender .hxll ri•lease Borrow�et' frwu all obligatione under <br /> this Mortgage and the Note. <br /> If Lender exercices sucl � option tu ,u•celernte . I.ender ;hull �usil Borrower not�ec oi acceleratiou in accordance <br /> witL paragrapt� 14 tieruoi. �u��li notic�� ..luill � �r�� id�• :i � �i� i•iu� 1 ui nut 1�•.�. t li;u� 30 � i:ips fru�ii the dati� tlie nutice is <br /> muiled w�ithin whicli BorruH� i�r ina�• � ,a�' th�• �uui� �1���� inr�,d � Iw �. li liurru ���rr f;iil� io � �;i�� ..uch .iuu.. prior to the <br /> expirrstion of eUcFi E�et'lod , Lell�c�' n�:t}' . �� itl �uut iurtli�• r uoti�•�� ur � t � •w:ui� i ou liixru�ccr. iu ��oke aiiy remedie� per- <br /> mitted by paragraph 18 herrof. <br /> � UIC - I � NIFORDf ( 'ovt: vw � ��.. Knrrow�� r :� n� l L��nder Yin•tli�•r �•u ���� u :uit au�l a�� r��i� u . follua• h : <br /> 1B. Aee�l�ation; R�medies. }�;s�v � � �t :i� � � ru� nl�•� I iu � �:u•a�; i: y �h 17 h�• reuf . u � wu liorru�r��r'.. I �ri�atch of un�• <br /> covenai�t or agreement of Borro�sor iu il � i� AlurtR:i �� • . im � lwlin �� tli,� �•o��on :tiit �, to � riy �chrn � iue• un�� sumr .ecure�i <br /> by this \lortgage, Len�ler � �rior tii :irvelrr•�uun . I � :ill iu:ul nu� irr tn Hurru�ci� r u� � �ru� uio� l iu � �xr;i�; r:i � � li 14 hereof <br /> r��ecitying : I11 Ihe brca�•h : i 'l � thc :uurui mr� uu�o� i tu �� �u��� �w• h Ln;�cli , i3i a � iato , uot Ics. thzxn thiiY�' devn <br /> Irun � the date the notice i� rnaili•� 1 tu li„rru�. � �r . I ,�� �� Li�� li ..url � I � n ;irii iuu.t lu� ruro�i ; and � a1 tliut fuiluro tu �ure <br /> �ueh breaeh on or befoce tlie dxte .E ,rritird in tln • nuun� w:� �� ru, ult m :irc�•lor;itiun uf thr >uui� .c�i�ure� i bv this <br /> \lor[ gn�;e and sale uf tl�c Yro� �ert}'. 1C th�• hrcaeli i. uut � uro� l un ur h��fon• � I �r � f:u � • .� �ecifi� �� i in thc nuticc . Ixnaer <br /> at Le.nder's option ruxy dcclari� alf of thc .unis ..ri� urci ! Lc tlii , Alort �;.iKc tu lu• iiwn.•diatrh- du�• :in� l payable <br /> without further demand sn�i � na}• torec• lu.�• tlii.. \ ] or� �;;��;�• F �� iu� iiri:i! � �ruo�•�r� iin�; L�•uder .6x11 h�� � ntitl��d to collect <br /> in cucY'i procerdinK all i�xp�•nsrs uf fnrccio..un � . in�•lu� lin�. I �u� n„t li � uitc� l tu . ru..t . uf � iu�•uinont :Lr•�� ����iden�•c , <br /> abstraete nnd title mportr. ' <br /> 11. Doerewris ffighf to R�iodab. \ otwrt6.tawlin�; L�•mli�r '. :u•cvI�•ratiou uf th�• .wu= serured by this <br /> btortgage, Borrower ahall have the right to hn�•e �i�y �, rucreilinR.. I ,ekiin h�• Lon� icr tu �•�� r�� r���• � n ;, \fortKaKe dis- <br /> contiIIued at any time prior t.o en(rp of a jud�wcnt enfo0�cin�; thi. AIort �uKr � f : i :u Borruw��• r ��acr I.rnder all <br /> aumu which would be then due under thi� \lort �u�i� , tln• \ute umi noti�� .e� urinR h'utur�� Ad �'xuct•� , if any� , hxti no <br /> MCCPIPf8L10R OCCL7TP(j ; I �) t B07iUR-t'1' iUPco aii � u'r.�ci �c� u : Ilil \' utl �rl' ru �-l� il:iJli � U[' :1k;fi't`Illcllin UI NOI'CUK'Pf COII- <br /> tained in t.hie 1+Inrtgage ; Icl BorroN•er py��, ull �•�•u�m,al , I� � � � u•us��- u„•urr�., { h� Lrnd��r in � • nforc�n�; thr rovi�c�anes <br /> and eareementa of Borrower contained in thir �(urtRaRo an�i in eufnrcin �; L�•n� l��r', rr�u��di��� a� � �rovided in pxra- <br /> graph 18 hereof, ineluding, hut not liinited w , mu.oual, i�• ;.nurne•} � iee.. , r. wl i �i � fiorrowrr taker .uch action a. <br /> I.eoder may reaeonably require to ussure thut tht• lieu of � I � i� \ lurtkx�;c , i ,e•nu�•r'. ir.tererc iu thc� Yroperty and <br /> Borrow�er'a obligstion to pay the numE secured t�v thi> \tort �;a�;�� .h :� ll �•uuriuu�• uniuq�air��� i . I ' � �un .u�h � �upment <br /> and cure by Botrow�er, this A;ottgage and the uLligations .reured I�erc�h�• �hall rcn�ain in full f'ur��e airni ��R��et as if '� ' "' '' <br /> no aoeeleration had oecurreci . 4,. <br /> r � �a�t a! a�sh: '^�n . <br /> �CD��et d R�e�iv�r: I.satd�r ia Posseasion. :�.. additionssl �eeurity liere- '+,�p, <br /> ue�der, Sorrow'er hereby aaeigne to I,ender the rents of the Properfy . � n•u�•idc� 1 t lixt Borrower �hall . �irior to acceler- .�Y4 <br /> atioe ender P�rasraPh 18 hereof or absndonmeut of the Pro� �rrty , hx� �• tLo riehc to �•olleot and retain surh rPnt .. <br /> rr ttwy t+oorwte d+w +►ati payabir. <br /> L�Aa[+ aecelEu+�6ww uuJrr �wrrgr�►}d� 1 !1 hrreo( or anxnnonment of the Yro�u�rty . Lender, in �ier.un . b}• a�;rut � <br /> o+' bY lu�dicj�llY sPPoiated reoeiver ahsll be erttitled to enter uEwn . tuke ��or,v�.ion u( and uiaux�;e th�� Nro�x� rtc <br /> asd W odleet tise rent� of the Prq�erty, inciuditiK th�u pa�t due. All mnt . �•ollri•a•�f I �}� Lcndcr ur ihc rc�c��iv�•i• <br /> rtul! be yy+lieA AnK. �n �+t�yme�t of thc costs of uiana�cn�cnt �f ; Lc 1'iupivty ..ii� l � uii� � � i��u �� � ri•ut >. tui� � u�lln� . t �ut <br /> not limited to, receiver'te fee�, �iremiumw on rcrei�•er'. Iwn�l - und ro�.onitl�le :itturni•}- '� i��r.. , :u��1 then tu thr sum. <br /> s�ecured by thie \�lortqaqe. I.encler and thr reeei�•er �6xll h�• II.lI�IP t �� SPrUUilt unly for � hu=�• n - nt . ;u•runih r� •r�•iti rd � <br />� , <br />