<br /> � �
<br /> DUE ON SALE
<br /> �� FO�M N0.720
<br /> rLoan Number-_ 34605 ---- 188- - _1 -_
<br /> ?voe n.e�.n
<br /> 77" �106y58 MORTGAGE
<br /> THIS MORTGAGE, rnade and executed this . •:�1 day of _.(Uev.<:.r-.�-s,•� A.D.,
<br /> 19.7.7....,between the Mortgagor, Sam�y.e7�- C. Magn�tson and Sal].y M�agnuson. .hushand and.�slfe.,-
<br /> jointly__and__eacti..in.__[heir_own._righ.�., __..._________
<br /> of -_ Grand Island.., , County of HaJ.,l_. _ , State of Nehraaka_
<br /> ,hereinafter refened
<br /> to as the Borrower, and the Mortgagee, FIRST FEDF.RAL SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION OF
<br /> LINCOLN, ]235 "N" Street, Lincoln, Nebraska 6R501, it5 tiuccesc;ors and assigns, hereinafter referred to
<br /> as Lender.
<br /> WITNESSETH: TIl t the said Borrower for and in consideration of the sum of THIRTY ONE .T.HOUSADID
<br /> FIVE HUNDRED AND NO�100------------------------------- , 500.00 _ _ l
<br /> _.........._.____ __ ....__._ Dol.ars (US� 31>
<br /> _.. ___ _ _ .__ . _ __. ___ _...
<br /> paid by said Lender, doer hereby mortgage, grant and convey to Lender, its succesaor� and asaigns; the
<br /> following described property located in the County of _ Hall , State of Nebraska:
<br /> Lot Nine O), Block Seventeen (1'7), in .9aker's Addition to
<br /> the City of Urand Island, Hall County, Nebras:-_a.
<br /> TOCETHE@ W1CF1 ali the improvements now or hereafter erected on the pmperty, and all easements,
<br /> rights, appurtenanceti, rents, royaltiew, mineral, oil and Kas rightH and pmfit�, water, water rights, and
<br /> water etock, and all fixtures now or hereafter attacheci to the properk,y, all of which, includinR replace-
<br /> ments and addition�thereto,Rhall be deemed to be and remain a part of the property covered by this
<br /> Mortgage; and all of the forc�going, together with o-�aid property (or the leatiehold estate in the event thie
<br /> Mortgage iA on a lea�ehold) are herein refermd to as the "Property".
<br /> Borrower covenante that Borrower is lawfully �seised of the e�:tate hereby <�onve,yed and has t.he right
<br /> to mortgage, grant and convey the Property, that the Property is unencumbered, and that Borrower will
<br /> waaant and defend generally the titJe to the Property against all claims and demands, �ubject to any
<br /> easements and rer�trictionh listed in a ccheclule o[exceptions to covera�e in any title inEurance Ewlicy in-
<br /> suring Lender'F int:eretit in the Property,or (2) attorney's opinion of title from ab�tract of title certified
<br /> by bonded abstracter.
<br /> PeovtnEu ALWAYS, and thrse prer,ents arr. execut:ed and deliverrd u�n the following conditions,agrce-
<br /> rnents and obliqations of the �rrower, G�-wit:
<br /> The Borrower agreer to pay to the Lender,or order, thr principal sum uf THIBTY_DNE THOUSANII
<br /> FIVE..HI7NlAR�A..�1I?..N.OLJ,Q9-- .----r ----- -------------{)ollar� (['S �; 31,.SQO.D.0 )
<br /> pa,yable as provided in a note executed and deLvered,concurrenth hrrewith, the final payment uf principal,
<br /> if not eooner paid,on the _ __.yst day of December , 19cx �006
<br /> UNIFK)EM C�()VENANTS. BOI'iOWt,+I' 8R(j L.E'II(�E'I<'bVeI1H[It� 8I1(� aKrre �.r- followc�
<br /> 1. Payment of Prineipal and Iaterest. Burrower tihall prumptly pay when due the principal of' and in-
<br /> terest on the indebtedners evidenced by the Note, prepayment and late chargr�s as provided in thr Note,
<br /> and the principal of and interest on any Future Advancex se-cvred b�� this 17ortgagr.
<br /> 2. Fuadr tor Ta�ces aad laaurenes. Subjec•t to Lender'ti option undrr paraKraph�9 and 5 hereuf. Bor-
<br /> rower shall pay to Lender on the day�tnonlhl� in5tallment�uf princiNal and interetit are payahle undrr the
<br /> Note, until the Note is paid in full, a sum (herein "Fund�;") ec;ual to onr-twelfth of the vearl�- taxr� and
<br /> assessments which may attain priority over this Morlgage, and ground renta un the Pmperty,�if any Nlu�
<br /> one-twelfth of yearly premium installment� for hazard ineurance, plun unc�•twrlfth of �early piemium in-
<br /> stallments for mortgage insurance, if any, all aa: reasonably e�:tiniated initiall� and fmm tirnc• to timr bv
<br /> Lender on the baeis of acsesamentc and hillr+and reec�,nehiv��timatr� the�rev,f, I.t�nde�r�hall a;�ply tha� F'und.,
<br /> to psy r�aid taxes, assesements,insurance premium�and Qround rent�. L.ender �:hall make no��har�� f��r�n
<br /> holding and applying the Funds or verifying and compilittg said ansessment:; and billa. The Lender �hall
<br /> give to the Borrower, without chsrge, an annual accountinR of the FundF Rhowing c•rFditR and debith to the
<br /> Funds and the purpose for whic:h each debit to the Funde w� made. The Funds are pledged as additional
<br /> eecurity for the sums secured by this Mortgage. The Borruwer aqree�; that the F'unds may he held b�- the ..,,�,!
<br /> Lender and commingled with other fundr+and the Lender'c ow�n fund5 and the L.ender mav pay ,uch it.e�nc
<br /> from its own funds and the Lender shall not be liable for interest or dividend�; on �uch FundF.
<br /> If the amotint of the Funde held by Lender,together with the future rnonthly inetallments of Fundti
<br /> paYsbie prior to the due datae of tazee, as.ees�ae�ts, ine�rsex,,e premiums and ground rents, shall exceed
<br /> t4�e amouat requited topa y eaid tazes,sea�s���insurance peemiumr and qround mnt�;aF the�� fall 3ue.
<br /> auch ezcees shall be, at Borrower's option,eithet promptiv rnpaid to E3orrower or�reditfvi r.a Rnrx�wvr.�n
<br /> monthly ituLaltc�ent�r u[ Funde. If the amount of the FundR held by Lender shall not he.ufficic�N tu F,ec
<br /> tazes, sssessmettts, insurance prruuuiva xad �enund rents as they fall due, liorrower ehall pay to I,endrr
<br /> �Y amount neeeeaary to maJce up the deflci�tcy w�thin thirty days after notice fmm Lender to f3ormwer
<br /> nequesting payment thereof, or Borrower ehalj, by an increa�e in monthly inrtallments uf F'und�rnyuired.
<br /> repay the de5ciency within the Fund accountint� pPrirwi.
<br /> Upon payment in full of all aume secured by this Mortgagr,Lender tihail apph Fundn hrld a.a�r��dit
<br /> againat all Rume due. �
<br /> �
<br />