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<br /> 77• ()0�'g94
<br /> � MORTGAGE LOAN N0.L 22857
<br /> KNOW ALL MEN BY TNESE PRESENTS:That �Ud,Y Kay Bol tz, d s i ngl e person
<br /> __—__ Mortgagor�whe[her one or more-in consideration of the eum of
<br /> Fifteen Thousand and N�/100------------- [x��twtts
<br /> lurned to said rtwrtgagor by The F,quitxble Building xnd L�an Assuciatiun of Grand Island,NrbrasY.u,Murtgagee,upon �5Q shares of stock of
<br /> said ASSOClAT10N,Certificate Nu. L 2285� ,du hereby grant, convey and mortgage unw the sa►d ASSOCIATION the tollowing
<br /> described reyl estate,situated in Hall County,Nebraska:
<br /> tugether wnh all ihe tenemrnts,hereditamen[s nnd appurtenances thereuntu brlunging, mclud�ng attached fluor wverings,xll window scrcrns,
<br /> window shades,blinds,xtorm wmduws,awnings,hrating,a�r eunditiuning,and plwnbing nnd water eyuipment and accassories thercro,pumps,stoves,
<br /> refrigrrators,and uther fixwres and ryuipment nuw ur herralter attached tu ur used m cunnectiun wi�h said real est:�te.
<br /> And whrreas�he srid murtgxgur hes aRreed and durs herrby egree that thr mungegur shsll and will pay all taxes and nssessments levied ur
<br /> assesud upon said premisrs and upun this mortgage and thr bund seewrd therebY� befu�r thr same shall bewme delinyuent;w f'urnish approved
<br /> insurance upun the buiidings un said premises s�tuated in tha swn uf 5 1 S����.u0 payable tu said ASSO('/ATION and to detiver to said
<br /> ASSO('IATION the pui�cies ti.x said msurance:xnd nw tu cummi�ur permit any weste un or about said premises:
<br /> In casr uf default in thc perfurmance u(any of the cerms and cundidons uf this murtgage or thr bond secured hereby,the mortgagee ahall,
<br /> an demxnd, be enutled tu Immediate pussessiun u(lhe murigaged premises und thr murtgegur hereby assigns, crxnst'ers and aets over [o the
<br /> mortgagee all the rents,revenues an1 mcome tu be derived(rum the mortgaged prem�sex during such ume as the mortgage mdebtedness chall remain
<br /> unpaid:and the murtgagee shall have the puw�rr to nppoint eny agent ur agents rt may desue for the purpuse uf repainng said premises ynd rmting
<br /> the xrme and adlecting the rents,revenues and�ncome,and it may pay uut ot uid mcutne all expenses ot repyiring said przmiees and necesury
<br /> ex�mmiccions and rzprnus�ncurred m reming und managing the s•rme and uf cullecting ren[als thereirum: the balance remaining, if yny,to be
<br /> applied «.ward the dischargr .�f'said mortgagr mdrbtedness:ihrse ngh�s ui thr murtgxgee maq be exercised at any time during the existence of such
<br /> de(ault,irrespecuve of any temp.vary warver uf[he samr.
<br /> These Presents,huwever,aie upun the Cundiliun,That If the uid M.�rtgngur shall rrpay wid loen un or befure the maturity uf said shares by
<br /> prytmnt:pay monthly to w�d ASSO('IATION u(thr sum speufied m thn Bund secured hereby as interest and principal on sald loan,on or befom
<br /> the Tweutirih day of'earh and rvery munth,until sxid luan is fully pud:pay all taxes and assessmenu levied agamst said premises and on this Mort�e
<br /> and the 13��nd xcurod therrby,belbre�ielinyuency;turnish appruved insw�ance upun thr buildmgs�hrreun m the sum ol S �5.�QQ.QQ payable
<br /> to said ASSOCIATION:repay to said ASSO('IATION upun demand all muney by�t paid (or wch taxes,assessments and insurxnce with mtemst at
<br /> the mazimum legal rate thereon(rom dace u(payment all of whlch Murtgagur hercby agrers to pey:prrmrt nu waste on w�d promises;keep nnd wmply
<br /> with aU the agrerments xnd cundluuns uf the Bund lor S 15 OOO.00 ��s day givrn by che wid Mortgugur[u said ASS(KIATION,and wmply
<br /> with all the requirements u(the Cunstitution and By•Laws o�said ASSOC'IATION: then thesr prexnts shall become null and void,utherwise they
<br /> ehall remain in lull furce and may be 1'orecluced at the uphun of thr sald ASSOCIATION af[er fuilure for thren months [o make any uf said
<br /> payments ur be three munths In ar�rars m m�ki�ig said munthly paymenu,ur tu keep und cu�nply with the agreements and conditions of said Bund;
<br /> and Murtgxgur agrrrs to havr a receiver appointed fi�rtkwrth iu auch ti�reclusurc pwcerdmgs.
<br /> 11�ihere is any change in uwnership ol the real estuie m.xtgaged herein,by yule ur o[lurwise, thrn the entire remaining indebtednesc hereby
<br /> suured sliall,at the uption of The Equitablr Building rnd Luan Aswcia�iun uf Grund Island,Nrbraska,becume immediately due and payable without
<br /> further notic�r, and the amount remaming due under said bund,��d any other bond for rny additional ydvances made thereunder,shall,trom[he
<br /> date uf ezercise of srid upt�un,bear interest at the mrzimum legr!rate,xnd this mortgrgr may then be fbreclused to sstisty the umount due on said
<br /> bond,xnd any uther bond for additional advances,wgether wrth all sums paid by said The Equitable Building and Luan Aswcia[iun of Crand Island,
<br /> Nebraslca for insurance,taxrs and assesc�nents,xnd abs�racting extenvun uhargrs, with interest thereun, from date uC pyyment xt the mawmum
<br /> kgal rate.
<br /> As pruvided in[he Ne�nd seeurel hnreby,wtule this murtgr�{c remx�ns in rffect the murtgagar rtuy hereatier udvance additional sumc tu the
<br /> mrkers o(srid&�nd,their aswgns ur succeseors in mterrst,which surns shull be within�he srcurity uf this murtgage the same as the funds uryynxlly
<br /> secured ihereby,the total xnwum uf principal deb�not to rxceed at any timr thr urigmal amuunt of this murtgage.
<br /> n,uatni� 26th. ,�,,,,,,� October A �, iy 77
<br /> u y B�oT —
<br /> STATE OF NEaRASICA,� � p�i�s 26th. a,y��r October 19 7� ,before me,
<br /> � the undersyy�ed,a Nuury Pub�c m and fw crid Couaty,personally cnme E: � A
<br /> Judy K�y Boltz. a single person �
<br /> who �S penonally known to .��i
<br /> me tb be the iQtntical perfon wltoa name j 5 affixed W the abuve instrument as mw[g�ur ynd S h2 � ���������.
<br /> adcnow3eA�ed t}�e etid inrtrutnent to be �r vuluntnry�iu�d doed. '� 1 i!
<br /> N7TNFSS my hfnd md NuuriN Seal the da[e aforaaoid. /� � ,
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<br /> !My Conrndrom ezpves �'G.
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<br /> �OENf RA! Htti nr,. ,„ .. .J ;`;� _-- -L� .. L� -� • .�.�
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