I �
<br /> t�TATE OF NEBRASKA, County uf ....................................................:
<br /> Filed Yor record on ................................. 19........ at ............................ o'clock ........................ M.
<br /> and recorded in the lleed Bzcord ................................. Page ............................. Sl'AI'E1V;Efv'T ATTACHED
<br /> � ---------------
<br /> .................................................................................... By .....................................................IVEkiKA51:i�..!?C1�l1MENTARY �
<br /> Bzgister of Deeds Deputy Register o Deeds STA:1i'l"AX
<br /> ��_ �y��9 37 SURVIVORSHIP WARRANTY DEE r�o v �o i917
<br /> James E. Carson, a single person, in His j�BY-(��'�--
<br /> right ,herein called the grantor whet6er oae or more,
<br /> in coneideration of Twenty-eight Thousand and No/100 ($28, 000. 00) Dollars
<br /> reeeived from grantees, does grant, bargain, sell convey and confirm unto
<br /> Jr.
<br /> Andrew H. Bjorsonfand Barbara L. Bjorson, Husband and Wife
<br /> as joint tenants with right of survivorship, and not as tenants in commou, the following described real
<br /> property in Hall ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ('ounty,NeLraska:
<br /> ..................................................
<br /> The Eaeterly Fifty (50) feet of the Westerly Ninety-eight (98)
<br /> feet of Fractionai Block Seventeen (17) in Windolph's Addition
<br /> to the City of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska.
<br /> To have snd to hold the nbove descrited premises together with all tenements, hereditamenb
<br /> aad appurtenances Lhereto belonging unto the granteea and to their aasigns, or to the heirs and aosignr
<br /> of the eurvivor oP them forecer.
<br /> And grantor does hereby covenant with the grantcea and with their aseigne and with the heirs
<br /> and auigns of the eurvi��or oi them that grantor ie lawfully seised of eaid premises; that they are Pree from
<br /> eaenmbranee except eaeements and restrictions of record
<br /> that grantor has good right and Iawful authority tu cor�ve�- the wime; and tlixt grantor w•arranty and will
<br /> detend the title to sai�l prerriises against the lawful clxima of nll p��rsons �cLo�usoever.
<br /> It is the iutention of all parties hereto that i❑ the event of the death of either of the granteee,
<br /> the eutire fee title tu t6is rrxl piv����rty �hall ��e�st in the survicing grantee.
<br /> Dated �c:l)!'rr��b N r �� 19 �� � � �
<br /> � �. ����--
<br /> .................................................................................... �... .�•.E.:...Ca'r'son................................
<br /> ,
<br /> .................................................................................... �,�............................................................_.....................
<br /> BTATE OF ...................NEBRASKA............., County of ........HrfA.�:ir............_.........................:
<br /> Before me, a notary public qualified for eaid oouuty, pereonally camr
<br /> James E. Carson, a single person, in Hie own right
<br /> �pow�n to me to be the identical pereion or pereone who signed the foregoing instnament and ackaowledged t� '�,��
<br /> � t�e �eeution thereoi to be hia, her or their voluntary act and deed. 1 �:
<br /> ,�r
<br /> Witn.�a+��hsnd and notarial w�l nn .... ^��.'�...... ...r•�..T_._. ...,......, 19 7.7._.
<br /> G[NEnGr � ��f ry rry.,-�rs .................�r�...��.....1:�.....C�..^..�..�Notary Public ,,,
<br /> __ _..,
<br /> , ,. �
<br /> .._� r y ..-.. � �''o/tJ�bst . . .
<br /> �,,.r�,:,r ti, r:,,��,,,..; My ��mmiaktt+n �arirrs .........., 19��s, .
<br /> ........ ...ki.._�.. _.
<br /> Forn� ;_+ To hr n nnroced by X�•hra�k� Rtete kar A:Fn�intion Pdtow t Mdt Oo. Wadn.N�4r.
<br /> �
<br />€_
<br />