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� � <br /> 77- (jOFz�t;f <br /> MORTGAGE -- --- ------ ----------- —--- <br /> 'MORTGAG[.LOAN NO. ��_–�i��4 ---.-- <br /> rKNOWALLMFNBYTHESEPRESENTS:That Stanley L. Peterson and Jeanette E. Peterson, edCll <br /> i n hi s and her own right and as spouse of each Othe��rtgag�ir,whether onr or mure,in cunsideratiun oCtha sum of <br /> . -- --- –�–�–'--'-- DOLLARS <br /> Thirty Three Thousand and No/100--------_-_---,__---�.'-_'--'--.._—=_-----"-_ <br /> lunned tu said murtgsgur by The Equitable Building end Luan Asu>cintiun ut Grand Island,Nebrask:+.Murtgagee.upun _3��-—sheres uf stock uf <br /> said ASSbC'IATION, Certificate Nu. L 22,914 , a�,hereby g�nnt, convey and murtgage unto the said AS50('IATION the following <br /> drscribed rcal estate, situnted �n Hall County,?vebraska: <br /> PART OF THE SOUTNEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER (SEQNE;;) OF SECTION TWENTY-THREE (23), <br /> TOWNSHIP ELEVEN (11) NORTH, RANGE TEN (10) WEST OF THE 6TN P.M. , MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED <br /> AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHEAST <br /> QUAR7ER (SE4NE<) OF SECTION TWEMTY-7HREE (23), TOWNSHIP ELEVEN (11) NdRFH, RANGE TEN (10) WEST <br /> OF THE 6TH P.M. , THENCE RUNNING NORTHERLY ON 7HE EASTERLY LINE OF THE SOUTHEAST QUAR7ER OF THE <br /> NORTHEAST QUARTER (SEaNE'-a) A DISTANCE OF FIVE HUNDRED TWENTY EIGHT FEET (528') THENCE RUNNING <br /> WESTERLY AND PARALLEL TO THE SOUTHERLY LINE OF SAID SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER <br /> (SE4NE;) A DISTANCE OF ONE TH�USAND THREE HUNDRED SEUENTEEN AND FIVE HUNDREDTHS (1317.05) <br /> FEET TO A POINT ON THE WESTERLY LINE OF SAID SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER <br /> (SE:NE;) THENCE RUNNING SOUTHERLY ALONG AND UPON THE WESTERLY LINE OF SAID SOUTHEAST QUAR7ER <br /> RllNNINGNEASTERLY ALONGEANOSUPON4THE SOUTHERLY�LINEVOFHSA�DESOUTHEASTEQUARTER20F}THEENORTHENCE <br /> EAST QUARTER (SE;NEa) A DISTANCE OF ONE THOUSAND THREE HUNDRED SEVENTEEN AND TWO TENTNS-- <br /> (1317.2)-- FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. <br /> tugrther with all thr tenemrnts,hereditamente and appurtrnuncr� O�rrruntu brl�,nging, �ndud�ng attached tl.>ur c�vrimgs,alt winduw screens, <br /> winduw shades,hlinds,sturm wiud�,ws,awmugs,hrating,art r.,ndiuoning,and phiinhing and water eyuipment and nccesrories therrto,pumps,swves, <br /> refngeraturs.and uther fixtwes and eywpment nuw.0 I�ereeftrr attached tu�+r used �n c��nneni��n wnh said real estatc. <br /> And whereas the s:+id mortgag��r has agrerd anJ dues herrb�agrrr thai the m�xt�,��uc shxlt and will pa}' ell �a�rs and assessments levied or <br /> as�es�ed up�in snid p�emives and up��n thrs nwr�guge and thr bund xcy��J'il{tLYby,hrt rc thr samr shall bzcumt dehnyurnt.w turniil�appruved <br /> insurance upun the buJdings un sald premix�inuated in the su�n of S 3 UVU VU pnpablr w sa�d ASS<X'IATION and to deliver to said <br /> ASSO(.'IATION�he p��hcies ti�r snil insuruncr.and not w cummii ui prnnt;�ny waste�m ur abuut said premises: <br /> ln casr ul defauli in U�e prrf�xmanee�if any u(thr�erms and tundiuuns ul tf•u uwrtgagr ur thr ba�nd srcurcd heieby.the murtgugee shall, <br /> on dernaud. br�'nUtled tu inunediite pussession uf ihe nwrtgagrd pranuses and thr mi�rtgagu+ firreby ttss�gns. transters and aets ovrr tu the <br /> murtgagee all thr rrnis,rcvrnues and incumr�o br Jerived in�m�hr rnungagrd p�enuses dwing.such ume as the mortgage mdebtednesx shall rrmain <br /> unpxiJ:anJ the m��ngagee ahull hnvr tha p�,wr�w appumt auy xge++t.rt ngen�� �t nte> d�'sue fm thr Qurpuse uf�epeirmg said prem�srs and renung <br /> the seme and coliecting the rcnts,rrvenurs and income,nnd it rnay puy oW of said incume all ezprnses uf rrpauing said premius end necessxry <br /> commissions and rxprnses incurrrd in renting ttnd inaneging�S�r same;+n1 u( e��lleciln� irntale theretrorn: �he balaucr remaming,if any, w be <br /> applird tuward ihr d�scherge uf said murtgaKr mdebtrdness�.thesr nglus�rt�he mor[gr�;er may br axercixed et xny tima Suring the existence uf such <br /> defeuli,ir�rspecGve of eny�empurarv werver ol the snmr. <br /> These Preun�s,huwever,are upun the Cund�uun.That if ihe sa�d Murtgag���shsll repa>� ui1 lonn un ui bei��m tht mawnty.>f seid shares by <br /> peyment:pey munthty to snid ASS(x'IATION u1�hr smn sprcified m thr Hund se:urrd 6r�eby ax interest and pnnapnl un said luan,i�n or be(�re <br /> the Twent�elt�day��C eaeh aad even mu�ith,until s:iid loan u t�ll� pa�d:pay all taxes snd assesemrnts lae�ied agninst said prrm�ses and�n thu Murtgagr <br /> anJ the Bund securrd thereby,hefure delinyurney,tunush�pp��wrd inaur�ncc npu�i ehr bwlding>[herrun in ihe ium uf 5 33����.�� PaS�b�z <br /> to said ASS(x'IATfON�.rrpay w s's�d ASSO('IATIOti upou demanJ ull muuey by it paW tirr such taxes,n�ee�smrnt+and �nsuran�•e with Intere�t e� <br /> �he maximum legx!�a[e thrreun f rurn dete uf pa)'ment all uf'wha:h Mungaµur hrreby ngrces t��,p:i}'.prnnri nu waste��n said pre�msts.krzp und wmply <br /> with all ihe agrerments und cund�uuns ul the 8ond fui S 33 s0fl�.0�this da�� given b} tt�e said'�lurtgag��r tu wi1 455Cx�(ATIPN,and �umply. <br /> wnh all ihe reyurtrmrnts of�hr Cunsti�uuun and Hv-Laws uf s3id ASSf.X(A770N.thrn thrsr prcsents shall Aecume null and void thtru:sr the}' <br /> shall remair� �n iull (urce and m;+}� br fureclusrl xt ihe upt�un oi che sa�d AS50('tA�IIU\ aiczr ia�lure tix three mwuhs tu mak a�n ot sa�d <br /> paymenu ia bt thrce munths in�ir�ars�n making said m!>nthly payments.��� t��krrp and:u�riply wuh the ngrermem>and ronditi�ns u�uid Hund: <br /> and Morlgagur agrces�u have e rcerwr�epp�nnted farnhwith in such�urcrlosure prucredmgs. <br /> If�here is�ny changr m uwnership ot the real r5tam mortg•eged hercln,bv ulr �i uthrrw�sr,then thr ent�re �emaimng u�debtedntss hereby <br /> secwrd shnll,ai�hr up�k�n uf Thr Pyuitahlr Buildmg and L��an .4ssor�auun u(Grand lsland.tirbrxsl.n.brc�me immeSia[el��due and payxble without <br /> (unher noucr,�nd thr emuw�� rrmninin�; due unde� uid bund,a��d an� uthes buad Cur x��y addieiunal advancrs made therrunder,shall,Crum the <br /> dam uf exercise ul said uption,beur intrrest nt the max�mum Irgal ratr,and this murtKage nwy�hen be furrclused tu uusf�y the amuunt due un sa�d <br /> lwnd,and any uihe�bund for additiunal udvances,tugechet w�th all iunu paid bp sa�d 7'he h_qwtablr Build�ng end Loan Assuaation ut Grend Island, <br /> Nebraska fur insurance,taxe>and assrss�nrnt�,and abstrarting rxtrnsiun�•hargrs, wnh interest thr�eun, frum dace ut paymen[ at the rturxYmum <br /> legal ram. . <br /> qs provided �n the&�nJ srrurrd herehq,whJe this mortgagr rcina�ns m rllect the murtgagee iury hrieattr�advancr addrtional swns W the <br /> mxkers uf said Bund,their assigns ur succrsxwrs in interrst,which sums shall br within thr secunry of [hi�mongage�hr aan�e as the f unds ungmally <br /> secured thereby,the wtxl amount of principal debt nu�io excred at any t�mr the original amuun�n�,i�m�rtgugr. <br /> s,�a�+;E 30th , �,�„r November , n i�� <br /> � �x�fC � � 'f :3 c2 -- _ <br /> ��L��- �v !r`�'��'�' --- <br /> �- Jeanette E. Peterson <br /> STATE OF NEBRASKA,� �� 7] ,be!'ure me, M1 � ' <br /> %. on�nrs 30Lh. day uf November <br /> COUN7Y OF HALL rurnxlly came "'' <br /> ihe underugned,a Notrry Public in and ior sr�d County,pe 1: <br /> L Stanley L. Peterson and Jeanette E. Peterson, each in his and her a+�n ragYet anPd�w e��s�oW�eo <br /> of each other ;'z'-�z, <br /> me iu be tht�dentu:al persun j;`� �-� w"j1qyC n�pC�,,,�+1'i are affixed w thr xbovr mstrutt�em as mungrgur S und thQV severaily <br /> acknowkd�ed ihe cyid instrWhCf�t to be� L'V16� �;��Iuntrr�e��anJ dee�l. <br /> W11'1VESlYmy�tand sqil JI seL�t�date aforesaid. <br /> / r 1� <br /> My Com/�itcia(�ef[OfFe���� � 7;/L�'1,. ,'�'L`/%�� �'�i � � `� <br /> • •otrn Pi�blic <br /> c��u _ ' <br /> ,�` +�`Y � <br /> � --- <br />