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<br /> A^?i;:r7!1;?vT FCR PRO?�'.:":TT'✓�; ^.0'J?."iA:1T'.> R?.iiT?T_ .. .TCr; .�'.�J
<br /> "0±^JITTOh'i �? �•i',.9TTA^� A":��:5'f}!�.'��)T'�?'iTG.���
<br /> ;^:<0� AL.L p±u,�' '� ^'u?;=, '=�,.,?!,._,s
<br /> d'r'?R?A-:, Fa.rvel 'i'ronerties, ?rcorporated, . :���ra;>1�� :orcorr3.tion,
<br /> is the owner of all lot:: in "'!.Fri.ta`e .4cres 5u*xlivtsio�i", An Addltion
<br /> conta.lned unon the .;outhea:st ',uarter of tn�; :;outt:west 'cua.rt�r (:;�;;:,w';)
<br /> of 3e.ction ':�renty-One �2?��, "'owris!�ip ?leven (�?�, ''ortr i?a.nge _;ir.e (��
<br /> '+(est of the �th _.P1., tr. the "'i.ty of .^.rand '-sla.nd, :a11 "Jounty,
<br /> :�ebras;*.a,, all a.s more speciiically describec: in tt:e plat o£ Said .;ub-
<br /> di.vision a.:c the same is recor.ae�'. i-� the vrric'e of' t!�e 9e��iste!^ of JP.@(�S
<br /> of N�.11 ^,ounty, :Jebraska; and
<br /> +JH�.Rr.A�, it is the dc>sire of t�:r= afore�;ai.�z uwner of SaS.d .:ubdlvi-
<br /> sion to imnrove sa id "�{erltAqe ;cres iubdl vlsior." hy er.couragin�+; the
<br /> sale of lots and tha_ constnAction of modern and �lesirable dwel]in�,
<br /> houseg;
<br /> '�C'n', `PN;R.FU3:, in consideratior: thereof, aru3 of ttie :��_�tcal bene-
<br /> flts to be derived by the owners o'' said .�ubdlvision, and any nurchaner
<br /> or puzchasers, their 'r:eirs, a.dministrators, executors and a:�si�rs, tt;e
<br /> owners stipulate and a�ree tt�at rany arid a11 lots in satd ,utxiivision
<br /> sold. transferred and conve,yec3, e>ha.11 be arui are s�b_fect to the follou-
<br /> ing protective covenants, restrictions nnd c�editions� all of uhich
<br /> �ha.11 run with the lan�:, as folloue=
<br /> (�� no Lot shnll at any time be c;ubciivideci Snto a srna2ler I.ot
<br /> except for Lot ?1 . >�o ?,ot shall be used for anytF:in� Uut sinale family
<br /> residential �urposes except !br :.ot 27 . :'o buildin� s!;all be erected,
<br /> altered, alaced or permitted to remr:.in or. any I,ot other than a s!ngle
<br /> family dwellin� Pxcept for Io' 2] . :�o moblle !�:ome, trailer, tent. sl,acK,
<br /> garage, i�arn or ott�er stnicture of a temoorary cha.racter- ::"r,a.11 ever be
<br /> placed on a.ny Lot.
<br /> (2) No a.nimels� livestoc�c or poultry of' atiy �ci:�d ,!:all hr� raised,
<br /> bred or '�ept on any :,ot, excent that dogs. cats or ottier househol.d pets
<br /> may be kept, orovided that they are not kept, breci or riaintained for
<br /> any commeroial purpose. ;�o noxiou� os offensive activity shall be
<br /> carried on uoon aZv Lot, nor shall anytt:ing �e done t�ierein wh.icn ma.y
<br /> t�. or may become an annoyance ar nuisance to tt:e neicrhbort.00ri.
<br /> (�t) �xcludia� siens by :Jeclarant relating to tt.e sale of the Lota�
<br /> no signs of any kind shall be displayec: to tne public view on ar:y Lot,
<br /> except signs o£ not more ttutn ''ive (5) squarP .''eet adverti.=ir:.� t�e Lat
<br /> for sale or rent.
<br /> (4; :;o soci, eart':, sand� �--ravel or trees shall i>e x•e^��ved to the
<br /> 7.n,jury of tne VAZLIP o£ or appPaz'anc� of any I.ot, an�? no un,_•=w? bui'_-i?n�-
<br /> ma.terial, ,junk or rubbish �.hal] f:�P l.�f't exnosPa on any 'ot exnent c+�r.r,��
<br /> $�:}li8i. `J'.i_.i�.i:lF- Jl� :.r.'.�r,i�.J:;i. ,Jj:.ri'r7..�it�(.:�. . . . _
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