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�`�_ r- � <br /> 77• r��E�;317 <br /> MORTGAC;E <br /> � — ------------- MOKrcwct:�.onh tic�. �221907---- <br /> KNOW ALL MHN BY TFIESE PRESFNI'S:Tha� Robert 0. Boyd, and Sharon K. Boyd, each i n hi s and <br /> her own right and as spouse of each other <br /> __—_____ Mortgxgor_whzther one ur mure in cons�deratiun of Ihe sum of <br /> Fifteen Thousand Six Hundred and No/100---- rx��LARs <br /> -- --------- ----. _— __ ____._ --_ ----- ------------- <br /> luaned lu said murlgagur by The t:yuiixble Building xnd Luan Asx�cintiun ot(�rand Island.Nrbrasku,Murtgagee,up�n 156 shares of stock uf <br /> uid ASS(X IATION,Certificate Nu. L 22�90� ,do hereby grant, cunva� ;�nd m�rtgage unw the said ASSOCIATION the f'ollowing <br /> described real estate,siwattd in Hnll County.Nrbr�ska� <br /> LOT FOUR (4), IN BLOCK TEN (10) IN JOHN V�ITLE'S <br /> ADDITION TO �RPND ISLAND, HALL COUNTY, NFBRASKA <br /> tugethrr wuh �II ihe ienemrnts, hrreSrtamenta uud appuitcuar..:es ihr�run[.i brlungmg. �n:luding attached ❑uur cuverings,all window ureens. <br /> winduw�hades.blinds.stu�m wind.�ws,awnmg.,heatinK,air eunJni.+ning.and plwnbmg�nd w��trrcywpmem anJ acce,sorirs therrto,pwnps.stoves, <br /> re(nger�ion,and�i�hrr�ixturre an1 ryinpmen�nuH or herealter a�t:fcl�ed iu.a used m cunuc�iiuu widi said rcal es�ut�•. <br /> And whereas�hr sxlJ mungagur hrs agired and dues hercby agrec ihn� thc m���ie:�g�,r shsll and will puy �II taxes anJ asxsvnents ICVICI�ur <br /> asusxd up��n sn�d picmwcti:md up�m i!iis m�r!g�Fc and �hr bnnJ �rcwcJ iherrb� hrturc rlir �amr shall brcumr d�!myurnt[��turni�h apprnved <br /> insureuce up.�n ihe buddwg+,m saiJ prenus .snuatrd m ihc sum�,f� 15.6��.�� p�}�able tu said .4SS(H.'1 A�f10\ rnd to de6ver to wid <br /> ASSOf'IATION ihe pulicies li�r seid insurnnce�,und uut to cummn ur pernut an� wastr un ur dbuut suid premisus�. <br /> In ca�e ul delauR in �he perfunnancr uf any i�l�he terms�nd cundiuuns �f this murtgagr �x �lie bond sei.urrd hrrehy,the murtgagee shall, <br /> on drmand, be enutled tu Inunrdiate pusxssiun u(ihr murtgagrd picnuses and thr mu�t�ag;�,r h�•rrbp eu�gns. [ransfers an1 seh ��ver w the <br /> m��rtgagee a❑ �he rrnts,revenues and mcume t�>br derivel fnim thr nwrtgaged premi>es dunng weh umr ns the murtgage mdebtednass shall remam <br /> unpaid�,aud �he rm��r�gnger.h�ll h�vr tlie puwer iu appumt an��agen�"r�gcnts it mx� desur i��r the purpose ut�repeinn@ said prem�ses and renting <br /> lhr sumr and collrc�mg Ihr renis,ievrnur+and mc��mc.and u may pa���ut uf said inc�me ali elprnses ul rcpxmng said prrmisrs and necessary <br /> cummisswns end rzprnsrs mrurrad in rennng and managmg the same and ��t cullec�ing rrnt;�ls thercf�um: the balance rema�ning, if xny, tu be <br /> eppGrd tuwarJ the dixhaige��1,�id inurtgagr indebtedness�,thesr nghts n�the murtgagrr m�p br exrrc�sed ut an}tirtir during�he existence ot such <br /> deteuli,irrespecirvr�if nn� irrnpnran�wa�vei ol fllf SJITIC <br /> "fhrsr P�rsen�x,h��wrv�r.arr upun thc Cunditiun."I�liat if�lie said�f�xtgagur shall�cpa>� »��lu�n un or be�iue tlm maeuntY� uf uid sharrs by. <br /> payment:pay m�mihly to �aiJ ASS(K�IAT'ION ��t �hr aum s{xafird �n[he Hund aecurrd herrby �s ineercs[and principal on>nid luan.un ur bc(orz <br /> �hr Twentirth da� ��f rach snd rvciy mnnth,until said loan is fully pa�d:pey all tnxts and a�srstimrnts lev�ed against said premises nnJ un this Murtgnge <br /> und the Bond xcured�hrrcby,brti�rr drlmyuency.iwnish approv�d msurance up.,n ihr huilding.,there��u m the wm.�f 5 15�6��.�� payablr <br /> tu v�d ASSC.N:'I.ATION�.repay ��,z�id.4tiS(X'IATIOK upun drmand all nnmey� b�� rt paid(ur wch tnxes.assess�nants un1 insuranee ulch mterest at <br /> the muximum legal iale�herc�,n R��m Sate��(pa�mrut all��f wluch�1urt�aKur hrirbc agrres in pa�.pennn nu wa>�e on saiS prc�nurs:keep and tumply. <br /> wnh rll the agrremenis and e.rodniuns u�the dund fo�$ 15�(QQ.QQ this day givrn by� the suid�turtgag.0 tu said ASS(X'IATInN,an1�omply <br /> with all thr rryw�rmrnts uf thr C��ns�iwt�un und By�Laws of said p5S(X'1AT10N. then thrsr p�esent� shall brcome null and vuid.utherwis-r ihey <br /> shall remnin m full tbire and may br Ynredused at tht��ptiun of the said 1S5(x.'IATIU!� a(ter failwe fur thrcr mon�hs to mukr any� u( wid <br /> paymrnis ur b�threr muuths in aneais im m�kmE,aid m<.mthly payu�ents,ur tu keep and cumpi��with�he ugreemrnte und cunJiuuns��f said Bund. <br /> and M�xtgag�x agrcrs tu huve u reeervei appumtud lurthw�ith m�uch f:�irdwwr pr��eerdings. <br /> If therr is nny rhangr m�>wnrrsh�p ol'thn rrnl estair�nortgxged herem, hy salr �ir utherw�sr,then dit rnhre remaining mdrbtednrss hrreby <br /> x�•ured sh;fll.�t the upliun ut Thr fiyuitablc Buildmg anJ Loan Assor�aUun.�((�ienllslnnJ.\rbraska.becumr immediatrty due and payable withuut <br /> li�nhri nn�icr.�nJ �lir �m.�uut rrmain�nK Jur undri said b�ind. uuJ anc ��ihrr hond fi+r any addiuuoal aJvances�nadr tf�errundrr,shall,�rum thr <br /> date.d rxrrcise of snid uphun,bear intrrcs�at the mnx�mum Irgal rate,nnd this murtgagr may then be fureclustd�o wtisty�the xmuunt due un said <br /> bond,end a�y uthr�bond fur addinunal udvancrs,tuge�her wnh all aums peid by �a�d'ihe Equitnble Building and Loan.Assur�atiun uf Grand Islxnd, <br /> Nebrnska toi insurance,taxes and assrssmrnts,and abstraetmg extrnsion ehargrs, wiih intrrest thereon, trom datr uY payment at [hr mezimwn <br /> Iegai rn�e. <br /> As pruvWed in ihe Bund srcureJ herebp,wtiilr this mortgage rtmaina In rfteet the mungagee may hereafter advance add�uunnl wms w ihe <br /> rnakrr�uf suid bund,theu�ss�gns��r suecessun m mterrst,wh�ch sums shal! be wrthm thr.rc w�nq ot�this rnungage t fie same ns the lunds onginelly <br /> vecured thereby�.the iutul emuunt o(pnndpal deb�nut�u exceed et nny umr the uriginai an�uunt�.�f'thi>mnrtgagr. <br /> py�ra�n�� , 28th a ��r November ,a n i� 77 <br /> , / <br /> -�"�.,_�-G`_- <br /> __ . <br /> s� � 0. Boyd � ,-� ` <br /> i�z_�i., 1� �_ y,,� - <br /> �Sharon K. Boyd . <br /> STATF.OF NEBRASKA, <br /> COUNTY OF HALL� ss. On ihis 28th. ddy or November I�� �� ,be(ure me, <br /> the undersigned,u Noterv PubGc in and tur wid Cuunty, eru�nath�wnu <br /> � Robert 0. Boyd,.and Sharon K. Boyd, each in his and her own riqht and as spouse o� each other <br /> whu persunally known W <br /> me to bB:{}u�idqpl�qA'petyon$ whuse name S dY'2 affixed to the ab.rve instrument as murtgugur5 and they severally <br /> a<ic�.rf►k��+br se4�instrtli¢ent tc F- thei r ��^!uatarp a::an:.Srr�. <br /> � �WITNHSS mj�haad and�lntar:al Scal thc date afnrevn7. <br /> = MY Commission ex ires' ..�. �, � ' . <br /> " �,a ,,.�" , � � 1� . <br /> -. ,: , '�, ;� �� �� � • „ �, <br /> . . w �._ . ,._ . .1�:` . � ____. <br /> _"'____... .. .._ <br /> . � ' 1'l)I �l ��tlh�ll <br /> b�1�YY LLI ' . - . <br /> Q � <br />