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<br /> . �;� 77- ' U06905
<br /> ,
<br /> OF
<br /> JOHN C. �IER.
<br /> I 2: T i� 2TA3� OI� G OD. AMEN.
<br /> I, John C. 9eier , of' Lonb Pine�
<br /> County �f �ro�m. ar.d State of NPbraska, t>ein�,; of sound min.i .
<br /> memory and under�t�nding, cunald-�rin� the certainty� o`.' death
<br /> and the unc�rtainty of the time thereof , a.na beir� dESlrous
<br /> of ce!t11rL; my Worldly affairs and thereoy Ue tha better
<br /> prepared tn le�ive tiiis world v�iien it eiull plesse tre
<br /> A lmigh6y to c:a.l l rne hence, do here by make, ;ubl ish ah�l
<br /> -�-c'_are Lhia my last Will an1 T�starnent, hereby revoki�ry�-
<br /> and annu111nQ all '�Mi� ld by me heretofo�� made. in mannpr
<br /> and fonu following; t::at is to :;ay;
<br /> FIR3T, and �.:rincixa.11y. I coc�mit my eoul into ti:e
<br /> nands J� A�.'11�t7t;f God arid '�,- bo�y to the earth to ba
<br /> ��ce:itly bu: ied nt tize 3ascretion oP my r.x�cutora he- e'_n�.ft�r
<br /> n� w�d, an� rn;,� , :�1 i r� t iiat :�.11 of' r� �ui,t .ebts and :ln�.al
<br /> .,;.�,�218 .��i 3t1811 ':JC j�ij 27`� C'L: 9Y_P.�:IItOlS� �1^"Ainaft�� n:vn�3�
<br /> as ��on after tt� d�,c���e 's� �t shall. b� conv�nient,.
<br /> �35COND. I t�ive . ,i:vise 3r.��1 b�yu�:>a.t%: t.o ^'�;,� i,���,��a��
<br /> ^Ji[e, 3o?:h: . `���ri- ..�i�r , atl of c�y .- �al �-:.� �;t„ , to ���ve �.,.. t�
<br /> zolc9 *.he �1::,�: f�r t.ie r 'T'�0:: of �ie_• natui•al life , �znu at :iar
<br /> death tiie r emaindnr of s�11 rral e3tate. Z �iva ani �evise
<br /> cne 3'imC t� a�y cliil�j�sn. �.:hare and siare �.like , �,.a iol'_:;.�s;
<br /> !ii�:ni� �Nicht , Anne :;eier, Frieda DufF,y, �nicia ,:lamke , :ohr.nie
<br /> 3�ie.r . L�na ?kivis . ti�nry �eier , :�ophie _;��i� , ;l Li; - :.i::n::e ,
<br /> ��n� R•ilr�!� '��� i�:c•, and i furthe� direct �y e.�ecilto_s an.: ,.���eir
<br /> 3t1uCe�9or9 to cOnvo,y Lne :+s:uc, to �ti J114 � ..ii Tct1, +.:u. L`..c
<br /> la.:�ul ir3ue ot any dece�:ssed cYiild by ri�nt of retresPntztion
<br /> ibsolutely.
<br /> L �h ���,#�
<br /> �
<br /> L J
<br />