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•._- � <br /> STATE UF NEB$ASKA, County of ....................................................: <br /> Filed !or record un ................................, 19........ at............................ o'elock ........................ M. <br /> and recorded in the Deed Record ................................. Page ............................. <br /> .................................................................................... By .......................................................................................... <br /> � Regieter oP Deeds Deputy Register of lleeds <br /> 77_ U 0 6 8 8 6 SURVIVORSHIP WARRANTY DEED <br /> GAR7 L. 80lFA aad DUNG ?. HOITFA� Husbsnd aad Wife. <br /> , herein called the grantor whether one or more, <br /> in consideration of - -THIRT7f SI7C 'rHOUSAND AND NO/100- - - - ($36�000.00) - - - -DpLLAAg <br /> received from grantees, does grent, bargaiu, sell con��ey and confirm unto <br /> 1iARLOW J. DAFFER aad BARBARA J. DAFFER, Husband and Wife, <br /> as joint tenante with right of eurvivorship, and not as tenante in common, the following described real <br /> property in ..................Ha��.................................... County. A'e�raska: <br /> T6e Southerly 'iwenty-Siz and Siz-Tenth• Feet (5.26.6') of <br /> Lot �ight (8) and the Northerly Thirtq-Nine aud Siz-Tmths <br /> l�set (N. 39.6') of Lot Nine (9), Block Eleven (11) � in We�t <br /> Park Addition to the City of C,rand Island. Hall Countv. Nebrasks. <br /> NEcRA;KA GiiGUMENTARY J <br /> �,;�,ED `:�iA,"�1P l"AX <br /> ��T;.. <br /> " 197J' <br /> .�G^��' +`i`.l'J w;,' <br /> �r '��^ '7 <br /> $�o�:�6Y �, <br /> To ha�•e and to hold the above deHcriF:c:3 premisen t,uKether with n11 tenewenta, hereditame¢ta <br /> and appurtenanees Lhereto belonging uuto the grnntee.s and to their asnigne, or to t,he heirs and aasignr <br /> of the sur�•ivor o! them forecer. <br /> And grantor does tiereby covenant w�ith the granteeb and with their aseigns and with the heir� <br /> aud awigns of the sarvicor of them that grsntur is lawfully ti�ised uf said premie�es; thnt they are 4ree from <br /> encnmbrance <br /> that grantor h+ia goud right eu�i lawful authority to couce�� the ya�ue; nnd that grantur warrants aud will <br /> defend the title to sei�l prr.mises a�ainst the luwful claitns of ull p��rsons ��Uuiusoe�er. <br /> It is tl�e iutentiu❑ of all parties }iereto that !n the event of the 3eath of either of the granteea, <br /> thi• rntire 1're Utle iu this i•��ul pru���•rt� vh.ill �'�•nf in Uie �urvicing grantee. <br /> `Dated 16� 1977 <br /> ... ...... ......... .. ......................................... ........................._,................................_....................... <br /> � " , <br /> .......� .. r -��:......................... .................................................................................... <br /> .._......... <br /> BTATE OF .....................�SbLi�kt..................., (;ounty of ..................Hall................................: <br /> Before me, a notary public quslified for said county, pereonally caiue <br /> GA�Y L. HOTlA and DUNG T. HOFFA. Hwband and Wife, <br /> kaown to me Lo be the ideutical pere�on or per�ons who signed the foregoing instrument and acknowledged ' t <br /> �,,:' <br /> t.he ezecution thereof to be his, her or their voluntary act und deed. y^' 'x'� <br /> E R itr,e,or my hand sad notaria!�eal oa ....................11�Ilrawb�lz..1Z ................, 19....7.1......._ � '�e <br /> 7 , � � <br /> wOSEwt o.auCZEK ....�i.af4-���.��.�..�--.................... Notary Public <br /> �OENEItAt NOTwwv,tw se M�er ............ ........... L_�.J.......... . <br /> i MY Coinnirdon Ea�Mrn �/ ,, <br /> NovE�afp:6. ts�a My commiaeioa ezpirea ...........................:....c.:'..........., ly..:..�....... . <br /> Fun�� 4.2 To be ap�roved by \abra�kx $tate Rar�seoeiation r�a.t oe.,u..d�.N.n�. <br /> � <br />