� �
<br /> 77- �i�6H�35
<br /> MORTGpGE
<br /> � KNOWALLMENBYTHESEPRESENTS:Thac Glenda Lee Vetter, a single person.
<br /> Murtgagor,whether unc ur mure,in cons�deration of the xum of
<br /> Twentv Seven Thousand Five_Hundred and N01�OO__-----^---------------------------�LLARS
<br /> -- --.. __ _------ -----
<br /> luaned w said murtgagur by The f:quitable Building xnd Luan Asuuietiun uf(��rand Island.Nrbraskn,Murtga�ee,up�n Z]§ shares uf xtock uf
<br /> said ASSOCIATION, Certificate No. L 22.904 MGIC•��>hrreby grant, cunvey and mortgage untu the said .4SSOCIATION the folluwing
<br /> deuribnd real estate,situated in Hall Cuunty,Nebraska:
<br /> Wgelher w�th ull the tenrments, hrreduaments und eppurtcnaur�u d�c�rwnu hrlungi�ig. u��c.luding etta�:lred tluor c�ivrnngs. all wind�w screrns.
<br /> winduw shnlrs.blinds.st�inn winduws,awnmgs,hratinK,uu.�undrti�>Nng.and plumh�ng an�watci eyuipmrne and accrssurirs theret.i.pwnps,stoves,
<br /> refi'igeraturs.nnd��N�rr fixwres and cyuipmrnt nuw�,�hereaftri nt�achrd t�+u�used �n runuc.ii��n wi�h suid�ral rsta[r.
<br /> And whrrexs�he snid nwng�eg�x hu>agrecJ aud dur�hercby agrrc tf�ai d�r m,nig��,�r slwll and will pu� all �u�rs and assessmrnu levied u�
<br /> assessrd up��n uid prrin�xs�nd upun ihiti m.rtgagc snd ihr b�,nl s<:•rwr�l �hrreb� hci.r� the �amr shafl bc.:ume drlir,yurnt. w (urnieh appiuvcd
<br /> insu�aucr upi.�u thc bwldmgs�n� ;aid picnux�snuaicd m�tie�wn��i�Z��5��.�� p�cahlr tu said .4SJ(A�IAII(i1 anJ �u drhvzr w uid
<br /> ASSO('IATION ihr pi.�Lcies lix sxW msurancc�,and nu��u c.u�unut ur prrnui anp was[r un.0 ab.�ui said piriruses�,
<br /> In case��f dtlault in the perturmance u(any ��t the trrms anJ cund�tluu� .ii U-�is nwrigeKe ��� thr bund >rcured hrrcby, thr mortgagee shall.
<br /> on demand. be enti�led to immrdiate possesswn nt the murtga�trJ prcmi�cs and �hr un�ngegur hrreb�� a>aigns. transters aud se�s .�ver tu the
<br /> mongxgee nll thr rcnts.revrnues and mcume w be drrrvrd frum the mungugr.l piemuee dunnR wch timr as the murtwege mdebtedness shall remam
<br /> unpaid:und the murtg�gee shall hevr thr puwr�tu appumt an�agrm ur aKrnit it ma� dr,ur tur the pwpuea �i� �epa�nng said prcnvses and renting
<br /> [he samr end.;ullecting thr renta,rrvenurs and we.ume,an1 it m•sy pay��ut oi >nid �na,mr all crprnse� ul rcpninng sa�d prenuses and nr�'assnry
<br /> cummissions end eapenses mcuned m reniing anJ managing thr sainr and ��I collrctuig ren[als therelnim: the belancr remnminK, if eny, ta br
<br /> applied tuwxrd thr dischnrge�d'w�d nwrtgagr mdrbtrSnrss:thesr iighis ol thr murtf;,uHer ma�� br exrrasrd at am nmr durmg the.exutener of sueh
<br /> default,irrrsprctivr of an�irmp„rarv wai�rr ul thr semr
<br /> These Prcsenis. huwevei.err upun thr l undinon,lllet d t6n>aiJ W„ngugu� ehali ic�w� ,aid I �� un ur betirze the inatunt�� �I.aid�hures b�
<br /> payntent:puy munihly io sy�d A15(K�IATION ��I thr�um �prtilird in the y md�ecur d hrici�� �. irterc�[ eud prw�ipal�n eaid h dn.��n cn hef��rc
<br /> the Tweniie[h d'ay ul r�ch end rver� munUi,until ti�id lii�n is I�ully pa��,pa��all�:�cca auJ e.srssinrn�ti Irvird againat.eid piemisr+an�un thi��1ungagr
<br /> anJ thr B��nd�eeured�l��ercb�.betine drl�nyurnc���wuah appruvrd�n�wancr up�,u t h.Y.0 I l� �.ih r� �n m il��•u�m�il> 2)�'rJO�.�� p�>ablr
<br /> �o said ASS(x�lATlOK.rcpay In said ASS(k IATIC)V upun drmand ull m��nrp hc n puid f u .uih W�es,es5 uni-ii.�u,l m�uraute wuh mteresi a�
<br /> the max�munt legal ruie�hereun lium dalr.i�puy mrnt ell��t�which MunHn�,ur hrieb� afree��i�,pu} pri nut ne,w�ete un,a�d premi�r�.krep and:uniph�
<br /> with all the ngrcrmente anJ eundihuns ul the Bund(ui 5 27.5�0.�0 ihn dny g�e�ii b} �hr �aid\1,�rigug�� i��said \S1(H�1:4��1u1,enJ .:�.�mplq
<br /> whh all the requurments ul�hr C„ns�itutu�n and Hy��l_aws�,i suid ASSIX'I411UN. thrn theu prc�en�, ,hull '+c..nnc ��ll end .��nd.��therw�i�r t6r�
<br /> shall retnant m full �i�rre nnd ma} be IurecluurJ ai �hr��pti�m ut t}������ ASSU(�1,411U'J dttri teiluie !�u ti��cr im�ntho [., iva6�� an� ��I nuiJ
<br /> payments ue br Ihrer ntunth�m ai renrs m ntakmg said ntuuthlt pu�mrut...ui i�i kccp an� r„niph w�ih ilic�giccinri�is�nd c�,uuii�un.„f>�u1 lioud.
<br /> anJ Mur[gagur agires w havr�rerrivri appuinted I�.,rlhwu6 �u�u�h ti.,�ri:l��.wr piorerJniK,
<br /> 11 tt�ere�a am rhange m uwnrrship��f the reul rtitnie nu,rtgagcd hrrr�n.br �ulr �n „thrrwisr,then ;he :nurc :cinumm�; utlrb[r;inre.+ hrirbq
<br /> secured shall,a[�he uption�>f Thr 1-:yuitnblr BmldmE und L.�en Aswuetiun�d t,�and Islund.�'rbruske.beaane unmrdiatrh dur anJ p��ehlr w�ihuu�
<br /> turthcr nuUc.e, anJ Ihe enwwu �rmninin�. dur un�lci .aid V��ind. aud om utfiri bond iur�n} addll�.�nal uS�an.c�m.,d��il�cicuudri.el»Il.li.�ui�Lc
<br /> d'ate ul exe�.�se uf said up�iun.bra�mieirat�t ihr mazi�num Icgal ratr.aud this munpngr may thrn hr tiirrrl.,srd to uhste�hr uinuunt dur,m sail
<br /> bund.and any uther bund fin addi�iunal edvences,tugethei w�tth�Il sunu peid h� sa�d The I�yun�t�lr Bmidmg an�t��nn Assuriati.�n.�f��ian�Island.
<br /> Nebraska t<�� insurance,tnxes�nd assrssmrnts,and ahstruet�ng extrnsn��n i:hai@e�. u�uh vurrest thrrcon. �r�>u�i 1a�r �n pa�mrnt ai ific nia�unum
<br /> legal rate.
<br /> As prnvided in the BunJ secured hrrebq.while�tua mongaKr irmam� m rt�ert rhr mur�guere rt�u� f�rirateri �ed�;ui.r.�ddui,�na! ,un?. �,�ihc
<br /> mekeis,it�aaid BunJ.their nss�gns ur surcesu�rs in mtrrrti.w lu�h sums.hali br �u�hin the �r:uun ��i �hu m„rtgn�r u�c ,ainr ss ihr tlui�l,,.�uc�nallr
<br /> aecurrd thrreby, ihr tutal amuunt.�f pnncipal drh� n�n�„rareed ai anr umr thc„iiginal er,n�unt���ihio m�,rrFy�r .. .
<br /> Datrd this 25th ��� ,�{ November � �� ,�; 77
<br /> �n:>r� .d,� -:,�'_ _;�::..�L:.{ -
<br /> Glenda Lee Vetter
<br /> STATE OF NEBRASKA. u ����ih„ Zsth .i�o��t NOVP_IitbeY' , + 77 .hrt�„r mr
<br /> ('Ol!NTY OF NAL.L� �
<br /> thc unders�Fnc.� �A,�t.u�. !'uhli:in n�d I,�i.,uid� �,unn. i„ii„li� _anir H,
<br /> Gl�-dsi�,,_Vetter, a single person I
<br /> ( .��� . � ." ".•. ..h,�: 1 S �,r . d.�� �:m�wn��i
<br /> .,'7ill.to 1R t�t 1l1h+Lc'dl pLfpm w�hosr name �S alfixrd tu�he ah�wr �,n,t�:,n�rr� e _i���,ef�.: i.,,. '/1E= �f'�(Fk�II�
<br /> „ acltari�vkdgrd�r.�..,�� ..s•tur.�e�. ...�.,. {.E'.' ......... . .,....,.....,.. ^
<br /> ' .. A'!P_h�SS m} har:d 1;;....,�,�......,.,..��,,..,..,,.�,.,�..,.....
<br /> .. . Mytominisaiun exp�res � . �
<br /> . 1_,,,�>_.�• . _: _ _- ' ' ^ '_
<br /> ��.a.z,..q�' . . , „ ,.
<br /> �
<br />