� �
<br /> STATE OF NEBB�ASHA, Coiiuty of ....................................................:
<br /> Filedfor reoord on .......... ........,-.........., 19........at............................ o'clock ........................ M.
<br /> aad zecorded in the Deed $ecord ................................, Puge .............................
<br /> � ......................................$........................................... By .......................................................................................... '�
<br /> $e iiter ot Deede Deputy Regieter of Deede
<br /> ��- o�ss°�s
<br /> f21 CHARD H. FRAiJLEiJ r1iJU JUNE A. FRAfdZEN, husband and w i te, ear h i n h i S and her own
<br /> right and as spouse ot the other
<br /> , hereia called the grantor whether one or moce,
<br /> in consideration of FORTY SEVEN THOUSAfI� OiJ E HUfJ[�RED AfdC� iJ0/100 uOLLARS
<br /> received from grantees, doee grant, bargain, sell convey and confirm unto ROii'tRi H. ZWIEBEL ANU
<br /> JO A. Z'vJIEBEL, husbar�d and wite
<br /> as joiat tenanti with right of survivorahip, and not ar� tenants in commou, the foilowing desoribed real
<br /> property in Ha I I ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, County,Nebraeka:
<br /> ...........................................
<br /> LOT TH I fZTY-SEVEfv (57) F'. & B `:UB;�i V I 5 I�li,, HAL L COUiJTY, iJE:bFiA`,�kN
<br /> fvEi�kiA�S��l; Lc?Ci;P�'tNTARY
<br /> �TA'�ii' T AX
<br /> n;i±v 2g 1977
<br /> $��Y�
<br /> To have and to hold the above deacribed premises tugether with all tenemeuts, hereditameats
<br /> sad appurtensaces Lhereto belonging unto the granteee and to their aesigns, or to the heirr and aesiga�
<br /> o! the eurvivor oi them forever.
<br /> Aad grantor does hereby eovenant with tFte grantees and with their areigne and with the heirs
<br /> and svigne of the eurvivor of them that grantor ie lawfully seieed of usid premiues; thst they are Pree from
<br /> eaenmbranee except for easements a��d restriction5 ot recurd
<br /> that grantor has good right aad lawful sut6ority to convey the »ame; and t.hat graut.or µ�nrrsnts aud will
<br /> defend the titie to sai3 prearises agsinst tl�e lawful claims of all pc�rsons �cLowsoe�rr.
<br /> It is the intention of all parties hereto that in the event of the 3eatL of either of the grantees,
<br /> the entire fee title to this real prop�•rty Nhxll crFt in the Rurviving granter.
<br /> t� fdcvember _> 19 77
<br /> . . ...�....��:,l.,,v,,,ilii .... ....................................................................................
<br /> /� ,, une A. �ran� �� 1
<br /> / .�c�..�:x-�....�F.:�%::a..:>:t::: .�?:�::__. ....................................................................................
<br /> Richard H. 'rranzen �
<br /> STATE OF ......:JtBRASKA `, y, i1ALL
<br /> ......................................... Count of ............................................................:
<br /> Sefore me,a notsty publia qn�lified for uid county, personaily came
<br /> RICHARU H. FF2At�ZEi'J A;JU JL'NE A. FRA;JZE�J, hu�Cs�'.�, and w i 'e, c�c!� „�� ���'_ ��'�d �':er nwn
<br /> right a�d as spouse of the other
<br /> kaowa te aae te be the ideatical per�on or penoac who signed the foregoing instrument and aclmowledged � "
<br /> f�"
<br /> L the ezeentioa t�ereot to be his,her ee tkeir voluntary act and deed. I 'a'�,^�
<br /> -�. , ., � �-� ;�:,.
<br /> ' Witsea�uay hand and nofuial�eal aa ..,t..l..���:7F..�:�.:.ti�::a:...............'...U........., 19......'....:... ,
<br /> i �� d, ii� ��-,.�' -'.� /�� -
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<br /> G-f......
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<br /> _ . . . � . . s •
<br /> _ ---._ _ YY comm�on ezp�res .t,:6�?:..:.::.f.........................., 19....:..�.......
<br /> Form 42 To be approved by \rbraska 9tate Bar Associatioa �"��''�°o-��"'�••Ni°`.
<br /> �
<br />