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<br /> tbTATE OF NEBEASHA, Cauuty of ....................................................:
<br /> Filed for record on ................................. 19........ at............................ o'clock ........................ M.
<br /> and recorded in the lleed Seeord ................................. Pxga ............................. 6Tq7EMENT ATTACH;CD i
<br /> � ------
<br /> .............................................................................. ..NEBRASKA UOCl1h1ENTARY
<br /> ...... sy ................................................. ��vrr•rax
<br /> Bsgirter of Deede Deputy Regiater Deede
<br /> �7' U��'� `�3 SURVIVORSHIP WARRANTY DEE N l�v ^$ 1977
<br /> $1S—=SL—BY-�qE:sc�a--
<br /> Elmer C. A. Stoltenberg and Maybelle A. Stoltenberg, husband and wife
<br /> , herein called the grantor whether one or more,
<br /> in consideration of Sixteen Thousand Nine Hundred and 00/100------------------Dollars
<br /> received lrom grantees, doee grant, bargain, sell convey and conPirm unto Michael D. Kenny and
<br /> Barbaza A. Kenny, husband and wife ,
<br /> as joint tenante with right of survivorship, and not as tenant� in common, the following described real
<br /> property in Hall ..,, County, Nebraeka:
<br /> ............................................................
<br /> The Westerly Sixty-two (62) feet of the following described tract of land, viz:
<br /> Fractional Lot Six (6), in Fractional Block Thirty-nine (39) in Charles Wasmer's
<br /> Addition, and the Southerly one-half (S�i) of Fractional Block 'Ih�uelve (12) , in
<br /> Windolp4s's Addition, both being additions to the City of Grand Island, Hall County,
<br /> Nebraska, being a rectangular tract of land, havinq a Southerly frontage of Sixty-
<br /> two (62) feet on Anna Street, and a westerly frontage of One Hundred Forty (140)
<br /> feet on Jefferson Street, in said City.
<br /> To have and to hold the above descrited premises together with sll tenementa, hereditament�
<br /> snd appurtenanoes Lhereto belongiag unto the grantees and to their ssaigna, or to the heirr sad assigar
<br /> of the aurvivor o! them forecer.
<br /> And grantor doea hereby cuvenant with the grantees and with their awigne aad with the heir�
<br /> and a�ri6as o!the ourvi�•or oY them that grantor is ]awfully seiaed of eaid premisee; that they are free from
<br /> eeenmbranee �cept easements and restrictions of record
<br /> that grantor has good right and Iawful authority to cunvey the Hxme; and that grantor warrante and will
<br /> deten3 the title to said pretnises ngainst the lawful claims of xll pi�rsons wLouisoever.
<br /> It is the intention of all parties hereto that in the event of the death of either of the grantee�,
<br /> the entire Yee title to this r��al proE��•rt�� vhull ��ent in t6e survi��ing grantee.
<br /> Datrd Nove.eiber 23 ]9 77 , ;
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<br /> BTATEOF ......._.......».........................................., County oP ...............,............................................:
<br /> Befete ase, a notsry publie qualified for raid uounty, perronally came F.lmer C. A. Stoltenberq
<br /> and Maybelle A. Stoltenberg, husband and wife, as joint tenants with right of survivor-
<br /> ship aad eyot ae tenante in coa�mon
<br /> +�`.
<br /> m,: ,ai:
<br /> taowe te me te be tbe id�ntical pere�u� or peraons �vho xigned the furegoing inctrument and acknowledged �`"
<br /> � t6e eseeution t6ereet to be his, her oe their veluntary act and deed. � ,,�e�
<br /> ___. f � � ,
<br /> • Wit,ee� s�hand aad e�ariai �eal oa .......L..,1.�'"L`F=.P��LI......... .?1......., 19..�... <
<br /> p�g E.Dct.l�4�� / �' s / � �
<br /> � �wa�Motan-�ot�b�. ._........,(„ �K�,�..�»....1.. ...../Y�11....... Nobry Publie
<br /> L.��„
<br /> ����E,cp:.e> �.w.
<br /> � �prM 17,1978 . . . ;�fj,-�� �p�
<br /> , � Yy commisrioa azpues ._.....4�v+tw+�c.s-••••...•1�....., 19...jL1.......
<br /> Fnrru i.Y Ta iw wr,nev�ved bv \..hr�.�M Rtatr Bar 1,:t;ociatinn ��`u°i�.L'Oa'.~'".
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