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�.;4ti�;-��. <br /> r -1 <br /> ��- ��o�;f371 <br /> MORTGAGE <br /> MqRTCJAGF.LOAN NO. L ZPH�� <br /> rKNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PR6SENT5: That �j� (,. Kuta and Mary C. Kuta, each 711 ht S and her OW� <br /> right and as spouse of each other <br /> Mortgrgor,whethec one or mure,in cuncideration of tlu sum of <br /> Twenty Thousand and No/100----------------------=_=_----------------------------noLLwes <br /> loaned to said mur[gygor by The Equitable Building and Luyn Association of Grand Island,Nebraska,Mortgagee,upon 200 shares of stock�f <br /> taid ASSOCIATION,Cer[ificate Nu. L 22871 ,du hereby gram, convey and murt�e unw the stid ASSOCIATION [he following <br /> described real estate,situated in Hall Cuunty,Nebraska� <br /> Lot Svc (6) In Block Nineteen (19) Zn ralmer's <br /> Subdivision Of Lot Seven (7) Of The Co»nt,y S�bdivision <br /> Of The Southeast �uarter Of The 5outhwest Quarter Of <br /> Section Sixteen (16), Township Eleven (11) P�orth, Range <br /> rine (9) West Of The :;ixth Principal A"eridian, <br /> toeether wrth all the tenements,hereditaments and appurtennncrs the�eumu belunging,induding attachrd fluur cuverings,all winduw se:reens, <br /> window shedes,bl�nds,storm wu�d��ws,awnings, heaung,xu conditiun�ng,and plumbmg and watrr eywpmen[and aa:eswries thereto,pumpe,stuvet, <br /> rcfrigerators,and uthrr fixturos rnd ryuipment nuw or hereafter attached w ur used in eunnrctiun wiUi said real estate. <br /> And whercas the su�d mur[�ag�•r has agieel und docs hereby agrer thni the m�ngagui shall and wdl pay all �axes and assessmenu levied or <br /> assessed upun wid premises and upon this murtgege and the bund srcured therebp bef�re the seme shall becume delinyuent;w fumish appruved <br /> inxurancr upon thn buildings un said premisr.sit uated in chr sum uf$LO.���.U� p�yable tu said ASS(X:A'fIQN xnd to drliver to said <br /> ASSOCIATION the policies ibr suid insurance;and nut tu cummit o�permit any waste un ur abuut said prem�us�, <br /> In cr�se uf default in the performancr uf any uf the[erms end conditions of this murtgage ur the bund secured hercby,the mort�ee shall, <br /> un demand, br eniitled to immediatt pusacssiun uf ihe murtgaged premius and the mortgagur hereby rssigns, trans(ers and sets over [o the <br /> rtwrtgagee r1I the rents,revenues and income to br drrived frum the murtQxged prem�ses dunng such time as the murtgrge indebtedneas shall remain <br /> unpaid;and the mor�gagee shnll heve the powrr tu appomt any agen�ur agents u may des�re for the purpuse o1'repairing said premises and renting <br /> the sYme and cullecting the rents,revenues and�ncumr,and it may p�y out ui said incume all expenses of repairing said premises and neceserry <br /> commissiuns and rxpenses mwrred in renting and mannging the same and uf collecting rentals thnmfrom: che balance remaining,if any, tu be <br /> appiird towurd the diuhergr uf said mungxgr�ndebtedness:thesr nghu��I the mungager may be exrrc�sed at an� [ime during the existma uf such <br /> defrult,irrespective of any tempu�ary waivei of thr same. <br /> TheeY Presents,huwever,arc upun the Cunditiun,That d tha sa�d Murtgugor shell repap seid luan un ur bntore the maWrity uf said shxres by <br /> payment:pay mun[hly tu uid ASS(X'IATION of ihr swn specitied in the Bund securoJ hereby as mterest xnd pnnc�pxl un said lu�n,un or bafure <br /> the Twentieth dxy uf ead�and every month,unGl said luen�s fuliy pa�d;pay all[axrs and assessments levled agaznst said premises and on this Mortgrge <br /> and the Bond secumd thereby,bnfurr drlinyuency;f urnish approved msurance upun thr bwlSmgs thrreon in the sum uf 5 2�.00�.�� payable <br /> to said ASSOCIATION:rcpay to said ASSOCIATION up�m dertwnd all munry by it paid fur surh t:�xes,assessmnnts and insurance with interest et <br /> the rtu�ximum legel rate[hereun irum da[e nf payment all�f'wluch Murtp,agor hereby agrers w pay;permit nu waste un said premises:keep and wmply <br /> with a11 the agreemrnts and condiuuns of U�e Bond(or S2� ��0.0� this dxy grven by ihe said Mongugor w sa�d ASSOCIA"f10N,rnd wmply <br /> with all Ihe requimmencs of the Constitutiun and 8y-Laws u�said ASSOI'IATION;then these prraents shxll becomn null and vuid,otherwise they <br /> shall remnin m (ull forcr and rtwy be f'urecbsed at the optwn uf the said ASSO('IATION e(ter ta�lurc fur three munths w ma�e any uf said <br /> payments ur be ihree mon[hs m arrears in meking seid munthly p�ym¢nis,ur tu keep and c�mply wi�h the egreements xnd conditions of wld B�nd: <br /> and Murtgagur agrees ro have a recerver appointed furthw�th in such fureclusurr pruceedings. <br /> If there ic any change in uwnershlp uf the real estate murtgaged herein,by s�le ur uthrrw�eie, [hen Ihe enure remtining indebtednees hereby <br /> su-ured sFudl,at the optiun uf The F:yuiuble Building xnd Loan Assuc�atwn uC Grand Island,Nrbraxka,becuma immrdintely due and payable withuut <br /> � further notice,xnd the amuunt remaining due under sriid bond,and xny other bund for any additional advances made thereunQer,slwll,from the <br /> date of ezerciae of said optwn,bea�interest at Ihe mxuimwn legxl rate,und thic murtgrge may then be(oreclumd tu srti�t�y tht amount due on stid <br /> bond,�d any wher bond(or additional ydvances,together with all sums paid by said The Equitable tluilding rnd Luan Assocwtion o(Grand Island, <br /> Nebnskr for insurancr,tazes and acsessrt�ents,and abstncting extensiun chargrs, with interest thereon, trom date uf payment yt the maximum <br /> ksal rate. <br /> As provided in the Bond secured hereby,while tlus murtgage rrmama in rffect thr mortgugee may herrafter advrncn additional sums to the <br /> makers of said Bond,their assigns ur suaxswrs in interrst,which sums shall be with�n the security of this murtyage the same as the f'unds ur�nylly <br /> aecured thereby,the wtrl amount of pnnapa!drbt nut iu ezceed at any time the uriginal xmuun[of[his mortgage. <br /> ���n�r 31 st ��� October .a.o.,iv 77 <br /> /° .�--.� ---, <br /> uta i<. ----- <br /> Mary C. ICut <br /> STATE OF NESRASIU.� a. On thu da of 19 ,before me, t <br /> �a�Nn,o�yw. 31st. y October 77 <br /> the undersygmd,a Nutary Public in and f'or stid County,persnnally came �.� �� <br /> � Ewit L. Kuta a�d Mary C. Kuta, each in his and her own right and as spouse of each other �, <br /> who a re P°rwnrlty knuwn tu �� �� <br /> k <br /> w�e M bt tlr idrwtipl persnrr5 �viww�e w��we5 A1"! sf'Fixed to thr s1a�r in+et�umrm�s r�w�+6a�or5 rnd thev veMenllv �""�� <br /> tfiei r <br /> acknotiled�ed tLc c�id i�uuument to be voiuni:u!xt and dce1. � /'� � <br /> M7'NES6 e�y L�nd aod Nohrid Sed We d�ee dore�id. � _—� ` ) <br /> ��e�es h� /1 Y/ <br /> r---'^--___..._._.._. / � /' <br /> 1 W.H.<� n� � . �„'L_...��5_"_—_ �" `� <br /> � , � � Notuy Pubtic <br /> �� �....� �� :` ,�,,? �j.�.... - y, ,� ,� � <br /> . _.. _ ; J <br />