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_ � <br /> 77- UU�Rf 9 <br /> MORTGAGE <br /> MORTCAGF I.OAN NO. Z �9OH <br /> � KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS:Thut Kathl een Jean Burns. a s i nqle person <br /> Mortgrgor,whether one or more,in cunsidcratiun of the sum of <br /> Ten Thousand Two Hundred and No/100--------------- ----------------------------�LL��ts <br /> loaned to said mortgagar by Thr Fquitabte Building and Luan Association of Gwnd Island.Nebraskx,Mortgagae,upun shares of stocJc of <br /> said ASSOCIATION, Certifiute No. L 22�9�$ ,do hereby grynt, convey and murtgage unto�the said ASSOCIATION the fopowing <br /> described rexl estate,situsted in Hal1 County, Nebreska: <br /> ALL OF LOT (2) IN BLOCK (2), BOGGS AND HILL'S <br /> ADDITION TO THE CITY OF GRAND ISLAND, HALL COUNTY, <br /> NEBRASKA. <br /> together with all the tenemenu,hereditxmrnts arid appurtenan..�es thrrcunto belung�ng, mcluSing nttvched Ilour cuvrnngs, all winduw scr�ens, <br /> winSuw shades,blinds,sturm windows,ewnings,hrating,alr cunditiuning,and piwnbing and water eywpmeni and accessuries thrreto,pumps,stoves, <br /> rcfrigerators,and o[her flxwres and eyuipment nuw or herrefter attached tu��r useJ m.:unnrcnun with sail rexl estair. <br /> And where•as[he said murtgagur has agrred xnd dues hereby agree that the murigago� shall and will pay all taxes and ssxssments levied or <br /> aeeessed upon said prcmisrs and upon this murtgage and the bond secwC�� �hi" before the same shall brcome ddinyuenr, [u furnish epproved <br /> insurance up�m�hr bwidmgs on sa�d premisrs s�tua�rd in thr sum�+1 S in.Zn0.0� pnyahle t�� sa�d ASSIX'IATION end w de6ver to said <br /> ASSOC'1AT10N thr policies lur said�nwrrncet and nut w cummit ur permit any was[e on or about said premises'. <br /> In case of defauh m the per(urmxnce uf any uf�he[erms and condinons o�th�s murtgage ur the bund securcd Imreby,the mortgagee sttyll, <br /> un demand, be entided to immediate pusxssiun uf thr mortgagrd premisrs and thr m.xtgag�r hrreby assigns, transters and sets uver W the <br /> mortgagee all the rents,revrnues and incumr tu br Serived from the murtgeged prcmises during such time as the murtgagr indebtedness shxll rema�n <br /> unpaid:an1 the murtgegee shall huvr thr powrr tu appuint any agent ur egents it may desirr fur the purpuu uf'ropriring ssid premises and rrnung <br /> the same and colleaing the rents,rrvrnues and mcome,and rt may pay oW �if u�d mwme ell rzptnses uf repairing said premises xnd noceseary <br /> cummiscions and ezpenses incurred in renting and mennging thr samr and ��I zullectmg rcnt�ls [heretrum: [hc batana remaming, if any, to be <br /> applied towxrd thr discharge��f said murtgage indrbtednrss:thcsr rights ul the murtgygrr may be exercised nt any time during tt�e existence uf such <br /> de(ault,irrespechve o(any tem{xxary waiver of the same. <br /> These Presents,howrver,arc upun[he Cundition,That d lhe said Murtgagur shall repay se�d luan un ur befure the mawnty of wid sharrs by <br /> payment;pay munthty to s•sid ASS(x'IATION .�f thr sum�prelfied in the E3�nd sccured herehy as mterest and princ�pal un sald luan,on or befure <br /> the Twentieth day uf each and every mon[h,unt�l sa�d lurn is fuliy paid:pay all taxas und assessments levied xgxinsi sa�d prrmises and un this Martgx¢e <br /> and the&�nd s'ecured thereby,befure dellnyuency:turnish eppruved msurancr upon the bwldings thtreun m the sum uf$ 10�Z��.�0 payable <br /> to said ASSOCIATION�,repay tu�aid A550('IATION up�m demand all munry by� it pa�d �or su��h [azes,essessments end insurance wlth inmrest at <br /> the maxim�m legal�ate ihereun frurn dnte uf paymeni atl�>I which Murtgagur hrreby agrers tu pay:pemut nu waste on said premisestkeep and wmply <br /> with all the agreements and conlniuns uf tht Bon1 fur$ZO.2�0.�� this day grven by the suid Murtgugur tu uid ASS(X'IATION,and wmply <br /> with all the reyuirrmrnts of the Cunsuw[iun xnd By-Laws of said ASSOC'IATION:then these presents shall beeome null and vuid,�therwise they <br /> shall rem•rin in full furee and may be fureclosed at the upuun ol'�he suid ASSOCIAT'lON etter failure fur three nwn[hs t� makr any of srid <br /> payments or be threr mun[hs in arrrers m making u�J mumhly payments,ur w kerp and cumply with the agroements xnd cundttions of said l3und: <br /> and Mortgagur agrces tu have a rrceiver nppointrd furthwith in such furocl��surr procerdings. <br /> If therc is xny changr m ownership uf'the rext estate mort�ed hrmin, by sale or o�herwise, then the en[ire remarning indebtednesc hereby <br /> secured shall,at the uptwn uf Thr F.ywtable Building and Luan Aswcwtion of Grand Island,Nebraska,becume immediately due�nd payable withuu[ <br /> furthe�nol�ce,xnd the artK�unt remaimng due under said bund, and any u�her bund for eny additional xdv�nues made thereundm,shyll,(rum the <br /> � date of exercisr o!swd optlun,bear mtercs[at the maximum legal r�te,and th�s murtgxge rtuy then be foreclosed to satisty the xmount due un sud <br /> bond,and any uther bond f'ur additional advanc;es,together wieh all sums px�d by wid The Equitable Build'u�g end Luan Ansociatwn oi Grand lslxnd, <br /> Nebraska(ur insuranc;e,txzrs and assrscmrnts,and abstract�ng extensiun chxrges, with inurest thereon, from date uf payment at [he mazimum <br /> legal rate. <br /> As pwvided in the Bund secured hereby,whi�r this mort�ge mmains in e(frct the mun�ee mry hereafter advance ad3i[ional sums[o the <br /> mukers uf said Bund,theu assigrts or suc.:eswrs in intrrrst,which sums il�nll br within[he secu�ity �,f this inurtgage the unx as the funds originrlly <br /> eecured thereby,the total amount of princ�pal debi nut tu ez�ed et any time thr uriginal amount oC�Ms murt�agr. <br /> Dated this 28th a„y or November n.n..�U 71 <br /> �(,L��./L�{�a...�. JL.rZ!).. CS. .. '. <br /> Kathteen Jean B�rns <br /> STATE OF NEBRASKA,� � Q��� 2$th dyy�f November 1 y�� ,befure me, <br /> COUNTY OF HALL <br /> the underugned,a Notary Public in xnd ior srrd County,pers��nally caime . <br /> Kathleen Jean Burns. a single person �= <br /> L whu j 5 per�nally knuwn to �p w <br /> epe to be tbe idential perwn whwe name �S affixed W the r instrume t as murtg�g�r and S he e� �` <br /> adciw�rled/ed che nid inatrument to be her volueury ac[�nd deed. ��i <br /> WITNESS mv hand rnd Nutyrial Seal the drto xfo�eewid. i �""�, <br /> w _ __...��„�.�,�� ="�= ��/ / �'�. L�.�� � <br /> �M._.��utMta.�, � ..p, �. .�iG4L�' `" ...._.__. .__.__-- <br /> � �.• ----� Notuy PubLc <br /> �:��".� w.: A��. .,,��� ' '� ��l <br />� <br /> � � � <br />