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� � <br /> 77- (10 E?�3 f 6 <br /> MORTGAGE <br /> MORTCAGF LOAN NO. L MGI C <br /> � KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS:That George W. �0��1 f15 and Debbi e A. Col l i ns, each 1!1 hl 5 <br /> and her own right and as spouse of each other <br /> Mortgag-r-whe[her one or more,in:,onsidera[ion of the aum of <br /> Fourteen Thousand Four Hundred and No/100-------_____ �oLLA�s <br /> baned to said mortgagor by The 6quitable Building and Luan Associatiun uf Grand Island,Nebraska,Murtgagee,upun l44 shares of stock of <br /> said ASSOCIATION, Certificate No. L 229p5 �IC,do hereby grant, convey and mortgage untu the suid ASSO('IATION the foUowing <br /> describtd real estate, situated in Hbll County,Nebraska: <br /> THE NORTN SEVENTY-TWO FEET (72' ) OF FRACTIONAL LOT <br /> ONE (1). IN FRACTIONAL BLOCK ELEVEN (11), ARNOLD AND <br /> ABl30TT'S ADDITION TO CITY OF GRAND ISLAND, 11ALL COUNTY, <br /> NE6RASKA. AND ITS COMPLEMENT, TO-WIT: FRACTIONAL LOT ONE <br /> (1). IN FRACTIONAL BLOCK ONE FIUNDRED NIyETEEN (119) IN <br /> RAILROAD ADDITION TO CITY OF GRAND ISLAND, HALL COUNTY, <br /> NEBRASKA. <br /> �c�ether with alJ thr ienrments,herrditamentx und eppurtenances thereuntu belungmg, includ�ng attached fluur coverings,atl window s,;reens, <br /> w�nduw shadrs,blinds,storm wmdows,nwnmgs,hraung,nu condmuning,and plwnb�ng and water eyuipment and aceeswries thereto,pumps,stoves, <br /> rrfrigeraturs,anJ uther fixturrs and eywpment nuw ur hercafter attached w ur used�n cunnrc�ion with said real estate. <br /> And whereas the sn�d mortgagor has agreed end dues hereby agree thal �he munkagor shell nnd will pey a❑ taxes nnd assessmen[5 levied or <br /> asseseed upun said prert�ises nnd upun this mortgage and the bund secw y�� th•q�y �(ure the ume shell become Jelinyuenr,w furnish appwvnd <br /> inwrance upun the bui!dings on said promixes srtuatrd in the'S +4��U"•"" pay•eble tu said ASS(X'1AT10N and to deliver to said <br /> ASSOCIATION the pulicies for said�nsurance;end nut tu cummit or prrm�t any wastr on m about sald premises; <br /> In case u(drfault in the perfunnxnce�f any uf the terms anJ cundl�ions uf this mungege ��r the bund secured hereby,[he mortgagee shall, <br /> on demand,be rntiUed w immediate possrssiun uf ihe murtgagrd premiaes and the nwrtgagor hrreby assigns, trans(ers and sets uver to the <br /> mort�ger all the rrnts,revenues and incume w be derived from the mor[gaged prem�ses during such ume es the mortgage mdebledness shali mrt�ain <br /> unpyid:and thr murtgager shall havr the puwer tu appwn�any agent ur agents it mey deaire fbr the purpuse of repxiring said prrmises xnd renurtb <br /> the same xnd cullecting the rents,revenues and incumr,end rt may pay out u( sald Incumr xll expenses uf repairing said premises and necessary <br /> wmmissiuns and rxpenses incurred in rrnting and rtunaging thr same and uf collecnng rentals therel'rom; the balance remaining,if anq,to be <br /> xpplied tuward �he Jischarge of v�ld mortgagr mdrbtedness;these rights of thr mortgnger muy be rxercised at any[imr during the existence af'such <br /> default,irrospectrvr u(any tempcxap-wuver u�the same. <br /> Thtsr Prcsents,huwever,are upun the Cundinun,That if the said M��ngagur shnll repay �aid luan un ur before the matunty ut said shares by <br /> pryrnem;pyy munUily tu uid ASS(X7ATION of the sum sprcified in the H�md secured hereby as interest and pnncipal on wid loan,on or be(ore <br /> the Twentie�h day uf eech and every munth,until uid luan Is fully paid:pay all taxes and assessments Itvied against said premises and on this Murtgage <br /> and the Ikmd secured theirby,br(ure delinyuency:furn�sh appruved msurante upun thr buildings thereun m[he sum uf$ 14.4��.�� payable <br /> to sa�d ASSO('IAT:ON;repay tu snid ASSIX'IATION upon denwnd all nwnry by it paid fur such taxes,essessments and insurance with internst at <br /> the rtu�ximum legul rate the�eon tiom date ul payment all�if which Murtgagor hrreby egree:w pay:permit nu waste un wid premises;keep and comply <br /> with all the agreements and condniuns uf the Bund li>r S l4,4��.�� th�s day grven by the said Mortgugor w srid ASS(X'IATION,xnd comply <br /> with aU the requirements uf the Cunstituuun and By-Laws of said ASS(X'IATION;thrn these presents shall becume null and void,utherwlse they <br /> shall rert�in in full (urce and may be lureclosed a[thr upt�un uf�he uid ASSOCIA7'ION afcer feiJ�re fur [hree munths to makt any of said <br /> pryn�ents or be three munths in a�rears in making said monthly paymrnts,.�r w keep and comply with thr agreemcnu and conditiuns uf said Bond: <br /> utd Mort�xgor agrees�o havr a rrceiver appuinted forthwuh in wch fureclusure prucendmgs. <br /> If there is any chynge in uwnership uf the real estate murt�ged herein, by sale ur utherwi:e,then the entire remrining indebtednees hereby <br /> secured shall,at thr uptiun o(The Equityble Building and Lo�n Axwci�tiun��(Giand Is1enJ,Nebrnska,bccume immedietrly due and payable wfthout <br /> � further no[i�r, and the amuunt cemainmg dur undrr said bond, and airy uther bond(ur eny additiunal advan�:rs made thereunder,shall,(rom the <br /> date uf ezercice uf srid option,bear interest a[thr maximum legal rate,and this murtgxge�nay then br forcclused to satisfy the ymount due on said <br /> bund,ynd any uther bond fur additional advances,together with all sums puid by said The Eywtable Building and Loan Associatiun uf Grand Island, <br /> Nebraska fur insurana,taxes and ascessrnents,and abstrac[ing rxtensiun chyrges, with interest theroun, f}om date uf' payment at the msximum <br /> kgal rate. <br /> As provlded m the Bond sewrod hereby,while�his murtgage�emxins m elfect the mongagee may herexfter advance additional sums to the <br /> maicers uC sYid Bund,theu awigns or succrssors in uuerru,which sums shall be wi[hin the srvnty of this murtgage the same as Ihe funds originally <br /> yec:ured thereby,the total amuunt uf princ�pal debt nut w ezcred at any time the uriginal amuunt of ttus mor[gage. <br /> ��ea�n;. 25TH �„y,,, ;Vovember n n. i�� 77 <br /> � p /n����---- <br /> c2ft� <br /> bbie A. Collins <br /> STATE OF NEBRASKA,( � on cn�s 25th day o( Novembe r �q 77 ,ner�«�, <br /> COUNi'Y OF HALL� ,n <br /> the undersigned.a Nutxry Public in and for said County,peraonally came T: �� ^ <br /> I each�other����ns and Debbie A. Collins, each in his and her own rwc�ht and as�spo;sek of�co � _�'��;- <br /> me to�be the idtatipl petw� whase ryine S aTl° affized W thn ybuve instrwnent x�trwrt�or S and they sevenlly ������ <br /> adc+�owfetl�ed the said inrtrument to be t11L�1" voluntary�ut and deed. �'� �1 � <br /> N77NESS�ey Aand anA Nourial Seal the dau aforewid. / <br /> My Commirion expiros �J� C��� � . <br /> l,./ <br /> a�� tl .__.vENtun w �:4try r• �.'Jq�j�„�. i z ���7�' //... hoqry PubG <br /> .�e L I <br /> �,,,�i. M,.�„�„�� �.,, ,,,,..�l.,s;s j J <br />