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�� <br />:., <br /> � � <br /> ��'uU�864 <br /> MORTGAGE <br /> � MORTGAGE LOAN NO. L _ 22.906 <br /> KNOWALLMENBYI'HESEPRESEN15:Thac Melvin A. �UCFit, d single person <br /> Murtgagor,whether one or more,in coneideration of the sum uf <br /> Forty Nine Thousand and NO/100----------------��-_—__'-__"—"--"'—'—'---'—' pOLLARS <br /> brned tu said mortgagor by"fhe Equitrble 22 9�and I..�an Associatiun uf Grand Island,Nebrxska,Murtgrgee,upon 9�of stock of <br /> aaid ASSO('IATION,Certificate No. L s ,du hereby grant, convey and mortgage unw the said ASSOCIATION the foUowing <br /> described real estate,xituated in Hatl County, Nebraska: <br /> LOT FOUR (4), BLOCK TWO (2). IN BRENTWOOD SUBDIVISION <br /> IN THE CITV OF GRAND ISLAND, HALL COUNTY. NEBRASKA. <br /> together with all �he �enert�ents, hered�tamrnts and appurtenen�es lherewiw belungu�g, includmg euached fluur coveriiigs, all window ureens, <br /> window shades,blinds,swnn winduws,awnings,heaung,au conditionmg,and plumb�ng and weter eyuipmen[and accaswnes thnreto,pumps,stuves, <br /> refrigeryturs,ynd uther t'ixwrcs and eyuipment now or hereniter ytt•ached tu ur used in connectiun with wid rerl estate. <br /> And whnreu the sxid murtgxguc has sgrerd and durs hereby�agrer thac the murtgegor shall and w�A pay all tazes and assessments Irvied or <br /> assessed upun said premises and upun th�s mortgage and the bund src �ed tk e brfore tha same shall becomr delinquenr,w furniil�+ppruved <br /> insurynce upon the buildings on sbid prcmixs srtuated in the sum of'$�ysOv�•�� paynble w said ASSO(7.4TION and to deliver [o said <br /> ASSOCIATION thr policies for said insurancr;and nui ro commit ur permn xny waste un ur nbout said premises; <br /> !n cax of lefauli in the perfo�mance of any uf the[erms and conditions uf th�s rtwrtgage or the bond secwed hereby,the mortga�{ee shall, <br /> on dertund,be rnuQrd w Immediate pussrssiun of the murtgagrd premurs and the mortgagur hereby assigns, transfnrs and xts over to the <br /> murtg�te all the rents,revenues and income tu be derived from the mortgaged premises dunng such ume as the mungage indebtednesc shall remain <br /> unpaid;and the maxtgagee shall have the puwer w app��im eny agrnt ur agents it ma�� desire fi>r the purpuce uf rep�tiring said prcmises and rrnting <br /> the same and colleclmg the rents,revenues end incume,and It may pay out of �id incumr all rxpensrs oE repairing srid premises and necxcarry <br /> commissiuna and ezpenses incurred in renting and manxgv�g the umr and uf collrcting rmeals thcrcfrum: the bxlanr.e remaining,il'any,to be <br /> applied�oward �he diuhaige uf syid mortgxgr indebtednesc:�hese rights uf'the mortga�5er may be exercised at any time during the ezisten�;e ot such <br /> de(aWt,trrespective of any temporary waiver of che same. <br /> These Presenis,huwever,ure upun the Cunduion,T'hai�f the u�d Murtgagor shnll repay said luan un ur be(urc the maturity uf wid sharos by <br /> pyymant;pay monthly to said ASSOCIATION��f thr sum specified m the Bund secured hereby as mterest and principal on safd loan,on or betbre <br /> the Twentieth ciay uf each and rvery month,until wid luen is fully paid:pey all taxes and asussments levied against sa�d premises and on this Mortgage <br /> and the Bond secured thertby,betbre delmquency;furnish approved insurance upun the buJdings the�eon m the sum of S 49��0.� payable <br /> to sald ASSOCIATION;repry to caid ASS(K'IATION upun drmand all monry�by it pa�d fur wch taxes,assessments end insurance with Lntercst a� <br /> the rtwzimum legal rate theroon from date of payment ell uf whlch Murtgagur harcby agrees tu pay:permit no waste on sxid premises;kerp and wmply <br /> with aU the ngreements and conditwns ul the Bund Cur 5 49.�0�.�Q�s dxy given by [hr said Mortgagor to wid ASSOCIATION,and wmply <br /> with rp tttn reyuireinents u(the Conctitution�nd By•Laws of said ASSOClAT10N; then these prcsents shall btcome null znd void,uthenv�se they <br /> shsll rertuin m full Ibrce and rtwy be fureclused at the opuan of the said ASSOCIATION alcer failurc fur three munths w make eny of said <br /> payments ur be three muntha�n arrears m mak�ng said monthly paymrnts,or w keep xnd cumply with the agrnemencs and conditions uf said Bond; <br /> and 111ortgagor agrees tu havr a receiver nppumud furthwith in such fureclasurr proceedings. <br /> !f there ic any ctuingr m ownership of the real esta[e rtwr[gagrd herein,by srle ur utherwise,then the enure remauung indebtednets hereby <br /> �ecured siull,xt the up�iun oC The Equitable Building and Luan Association u!Grand lsland,Nebraska,become immedistely due and payable withuut <br /> further notice, and the amount remaining due under said bund,rnd any other bond for any addi[iunxl advan�Ys made thereunder,ahall,from tht <br /> date uf exercise of said optK�n,bear interes�at tht maximum kgtl rate,and this murtgage may then be forcclosed to saticfy tht amount due on said <br /> bo�d,ynd any other bond for additional advances,tugether with xll sums paid by said The Eqwtable BuIIding and Luan Aswcixtion of Grand Island, <br /> Netxaska tbr insunnce,taxec and astessments,and abctruting extension ctuuges, wtth �n[eresi thereun, from date uf' payment at the maximum <br /> letd rate. <br /> As providrd in the Bond secured hereby,while tkus mort�yc remxins ui rffect the murtgrger mry hercatter advance addinonal sums to the <br /> mdcerc of yaid Bc�nd,their asei�ns ur succrswrs in interest,which sums shall be within the security of this murtgage the same as the imds originatly <br /> aecured thereby,Ute totd xmount of principa!debt not to ezceed xt xny timr the urigfnal amount of this mortgrge. <br /> /v��ua cn;� �h d,y„f November n.n.�y 77 <br /> e v n . ucF��`�� <br /> STATE OF NE�RASKA.t �. �� 28th �Y a f November lv 77 .�fo«,,,�, ,'� <br /> couNtY oF�uu.� �'" ,� <br /> the undernened,a Nuury Public in and f'or 9a�d County,perwnally�ne 9 ��� <br /> 1 Melvin A, LuN+t, a single person -^` <br /> �� who 1 5 penonally rnown to ��+'d',; <br /> +ee Eo be tM ideetinl per�ow vM�e am+e att'viced to tlfe above inwument u wwrtgaQur md hE' �PDla1y ..+;�C.�.. <br /> acknowled�ed t3x ssid imtrumrnt to be �1�S wilimtery sc�snd deMA � � <br /> N77N£SS�sy hand�sd Nohritf Swl Me dau afoe�aad. . �.. <br /> My Crsmirion ezpirot � � �� � j � <br /> .._ ___�-� :�,; _,�'-�T�� , <br /> � �;r. ,. , . . .. . - / ._ ot��ublic � <br /> 4�.ar u , <br /> , ; , <br /> ,....., � ; �- � <br />