� �
<br /> 4.1—SURVIVORSNfG�ARRANTY DEED F•Iton G VYd!Comwnr,lincoln,N�br.
<br /> 1 K130W ALL MEN BY THES� Pf2ESENT5� That Ne, James E. Rc�ss dnd Janet M. R��ss, husband
<br /> and wiPe� eaah in his and her own ri.f;k.t and as spouse � f" e<acY: ott:er,
<br /> , herein called the grantor whether one ot more,
<br /> in coneideration oi Furty-Five Thousand Five Hundred ar.ci (`,�)�1';"`--------(�1i`i,�0':i.00)--DOLLARS
<br /> received from grrntees, does Qrapt, barasin, eell convey aud confirm uato
<br /> Wil7iam, E. Dal.ryinple and T��ni 1. Dali•;;r�p?e, t;asband and wif��
<br /> as joint tenante with right oi ourvivorehip, and not as tenanta in eommoi�, the fol2owinQ described real
<br /> property in ............H��,�........................................... County�Nebr�lca:
<br /> NEEi:A�K.l1 U�>CU��EN— T� A`��{ I
<br /> ;,TA"r:1h' TAX
<br /> HALL GULINTY, N�HRASKk. �Il)V �" ���7
<br /> g 3�O.Q�sv���
<br /> ___—__---
<br /> To have and to hold the above debcribed E�reuiisnu tugether with all tenexnents, hereditaments
<br /> an3 appurtenances Lhereto belonging uuto the grantees und to their aesigns, or to the heirr and aaeignr
<br /> of the survivor u! them Forever.
<br /> dnd grsntor doer hereby covenant with the granteer and �vith their a�rigw and wit6 the hein
<br /> and aesigns of the ourvi.or of them that grantor is lawfully seise3 of euid pre.miser; thst they are lree from
<br /> eaeumbrsnce except f�r ea�+er�Nn'..s and resi.ric�i �t�s �f' t•ecor�i�
<br /> that grantor haa goud right and lawYul authority to emlvey the same; and that grantor warranta and will
<br /> defend the title to wti3 premises aguinst the lawful claims of all pe�sono whom�oever.
<br /> It is the intention o! all partiea U ereto that in the event ot thn death of either o! the eranteer,
<br /> thr entire fee simple title to t6e real ertate sDxll veot iii tLe �urvi��ing gruntxe.
<br /> . . ted ?:,vember " 19 'l
<br /> .�-�r�-- �J - -� � ........ . . ... ................... ............ .
<br /> ...:�.,......... .... ..... ....................... ..........................
<br /> James E. R��ss '
<br /> , � ' �
<br /> �tkf�.../..!(.:..�G.?-j-ar�.................. ..........................................................................._......
<br /> �dane t i�^. :�c,g=
<br /> .................................................................................. ....................................................................................
<br /> ............................................................................ ....................................................................................
<br /> BTAT� OF �1iEri°`'KA Cuui,i� ��F �
<br /> ' '�
<br /> Before me, a notsry public Quslified for wid county, personallv camP
<br /> Jxmes E. Ross and danet. M. H:�ss, hust,ar.d an� wifa, ear.i, ic h'� ar.d %:rr •wn ri,���,t an:�
<br /> as spouse •�f each otner,
<br /> ,",
<br /> f,.,.: .,,�
<br /> i;'
<br /> L known to eae to!+e the identieal�rerwa er pee�onc wbo rigned the foresoiug insttument and ackao�rledg�ed +�p`
<br /> the ezeoution t6esref W be hia, her or tl�eir voinntary set and deed.
<br /> .. _, 7 �^
<br /> Witarrr w3'�rrul a�d n�aLarir►1 aeal on ......��.�.ii:��:.�:�::�:....:,zr�..::�......, 19..�../......
<br /> .......�.....�0�:�.C.t.�.�.....A..�.�...[X�S.(.s.aa�'.. Nobe'9 Pubiie .�
<br /> �iF�t rrMn-s�.�.«�.w.t, .. '
<br /> 1011�SE D. Nl!DSON Ya eommirion ezpire� �t.^1.�.-:4' .a��....... 19..�.L.<:....
<br /> _ - M��iw�u�� , . . .. .I'1gp ... ��..
<br /> _�_ �
<br />