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I � <br /> not extend or j �ostpone [ 6e due �iute ui the �noutlil�� iu=uillnu•nt.� re�icr.e� i to iu � 1 und '2 hereof or <br /> change the umount of sucl� installme�� ts. <br /> 10. Boaower Not Aeleaeed. 1?xtension oi the t i � ui� ior � r.�}-� ucnt ur inodificatiun uf a�nortizution ui the sucnE <br /> secured by this �lortgage granced b�� I .t�nder to any -urce�"or in incere.t ui Borrower .l�sll not operate to release , <br /> � in u�y manner, tlie liability of the origi�ial 13orro�� er un�.i liorro�sc•r '� .�ur.cessor. in iutemst . I.ender shalt not be <br /> requi:eci to commence proceedings ugainst ,ueh Duccezsor ur reiu�c ta exteu�l time ior pu,yment m• other�sise modify <br /> a�nortization of the sums secured by thi� \ lortgage � �}� reasun ui :ui�- �lemand made b}� the original I3orrower and <br /> Borrower's succesaors in interest . <br /> 11. Farb�araaee by I.eader Not a Waiv�r. Auy forbearanco by I.ender in exercisiug any right or remedy <br /> � hereunder, or otherwise afforded b}� applicuble la�v , sl�all not I �c u «ai:�er of or }�recludc: tLe exercise of any right <br /> � or re:nedy l�ereunder. 'I'he � �roruremcut of iusuranec or rlu� � �a��iuent ol taxes or otlier liens or chnrge� by Lender <br /> CC ehall not be a waiver of Lender's rigl�t to secelernte the m:iturit }� of the� indebtcdness secured b�• this 1lortgage. <br /> Cr�.' !2. R�ta�di�s Cumulative. All remedies pro��ide� l iu tl � i.� \ for� gage :sm � listinct and ciunulative to uny other <br /> �✓ right or remedy under tl� i� AIm�[ g�g.� � � r :iffor� ic� i h� L•u�� ur � �� � uir �� . :Li 'ui nu��� l �i• rr��r�•i.ed rvrn�urre�itly , independ- <br /> � ently or successively. <br /> � 13. Sueeeason �d Asaigas Botand; )oiat aad Several Liability; Captions. 1'Lc i•o�•ens�ntr and agreements <br /> I� herein contained s6all Liud , und ctic right , i �ereuruicr �I �ull inur�� � o . � hr re,� �ccti��� � .ucce,sora :u�d assigns of Lender <br /> � a»d Borrower, �ubject ro the � �ru�•i.ion , uf � �ur:s�rn� �h I ; hereui. � ll ru��ru:ant , swl s�;re•ement5 01' Borrower shali <br /> be joint and ,eve�rr� l . Thc ra� �tini�, un� l licadiu�;: ui tlu• � �ar:aRr:i � �li, ui � I� i� AIort �;:���� .� re tor �•ou ��euicnce only and <br /> i�re not to be ueed to int ��rpret or � lefiu�• tl �e � u•u�•i� �un.. l �en>ot . <br /> 1 �. Notice. .Au)' nuticr to f3nrru�crr pro �' i� i��� l (or in tlii> \ lun �;:i �;o :Iutll I �i� }�i �'�•u lit• �iiuilin� .uch qot�ice 1'��� <br /> certified u�ail addre�=ed to Burro.����r :� t rl �� � F'ru� ,crt �� .� � I � im•� > r.� t �•� I I ��•I � n�� . � •���r� �t i„r .ui�• nutii�i� required unde•�. <br /> purxgruph IS hereoi to lic �;i� � n tu liurru�+ � r in iho iu:uw�� r � �rr.i• rll ��•� i h� :� �,� � li�•:� I �I� � lu�� . :\uy nuticr � rro��i�.led <br /> for in r,his \lortgagc �hall ho � lreiiirvi tu lia ��r ho�• � � �;i ���•u tu Iiurru«�rr ��� lion � i ����n iu tlu� u �unnor � { criRuuted hercin . <br /> 15. Uailorm Mortqage; Governusg Law: Severability. '1' I � i� (uriu uf iuun �;s�;�• �v�ubine� uniform co�•c�nants <br /> for national use and non -unifonu cuvensut � �rit { � limiti�� i � :� riutiuus I ��� iuri;dictiun to c�onstitute u uniform seeu- <br /> rity instrument covering real � n•opert � . '1'hi� \ lortg,iq�� � hall i ��• �;uvoru„� ! I ,�• tlu• la�r ol the jurisdiction in whieh <br /> the Property is located . ln the c�•eut thut :uiy � �rovisim� ur rlau�c ui tlii. � lort �;uqe or tl ��� \� ote rnnflicts witli <br /> upplicable law, �uch conHict shull not uffi�� i otl � er � , ro�� isiun , oi thir \ lurtgage or thc '_Vote which ran be given <br /> effect without tlie conflictiug � � ru ��iniou . aiut to tlii� i,�n �i � hc� � n � ��� isiai.. ul tLe Alurt�;agc ai�d tlie I�ote �re declared <br /> to be severable. <br /> 16. Borrowoi� Copy. Borrincer shall be turnislud a ��oniornied ��oE�v uf thin \ ( cirt �iige at tlie time of exeou- <br /> tion or after recordation l�ereof . <br /> 17. Transi�: o[ the Propsrty: Assumption. li .ill ur sii�� � �art uf thc Yroperty or an interest. tlierein is sold <br /> or trsnsferred by Borrower without Len�ler'� � �rior �cntti•n ��un,ent , excludin�, � al thc i reaLion of a lien or eneum- <br /> brance subordinate to tl�i� \lort �;ugc . � h ! thc �� mation u( :i � rur�•lia��• � iiunc}� �ecurit}� interest for liousehold appli- <br /> ances , le) a transfer by devise , deecent ur I ��• upi� ratiou ui L•i��� u � wn thr �icxth ol s joint tenunt or ldl the grant of <br /> any leasehold interest ot ttirec years vr l��r� not �•untasiniu�; u�i o� ,tiuu tu � , urch�se , Leuder ma}• . at Lender's option, <br /> declare all the sums secured by this �lartgagc ci� bi� iiuniediutch• � lue uu� l � �uyabl�• . Lender �h311 lia�•c �c:tived such <br /> option to accelerete it , priur to tl�e �ale o: u•ansfer, I.en�lcr :iiui t Iic � �rr,�u�i to �+• hun� t6c f'ro��crt}• iti tu Ue sold or <br /> traneferred reacli agreerrient in writing that fiie credit oi �u�•li � �eison i� rati�Cactur�� t.0 I.ender :ind that tlie interest <br /> payable on the eurnn sec•ured by thi� JlortKage .I� all I ,�� at �u<� li ratc :ti.� L��ndei• .hall rcc�uest . lf Lender has w•ai��ed <br /> the option to nccelerate provided in this � �artigru1 >L 17 un� l if liorro�rer '. �iicci•tieur in intcrest hu� exrcuted a writ- <br /> ten assumption agreerxient accepted ii� writink I,}• Lcnder, Lemler �hull relrase BurivH�er froni slt obligatione under <br /> this Mortgrige and the Note . <br /> If Lender exercises suc6 optia� cu uccelerutc , l.en�ier �hall � uuil }imrower notic�e: oi �eceleration in aecordance <br /> ���itL }iaragrapl� 1 � hereof. :iuei� notiec .liult � �ro� i� l�� :s � ��•r�u� l u ( i �ut li•�.• tluui 30 � iuy. from thc datc tlie notice is <br /> mailed within whicl� Borrou �•r i!ia}� � ut� [ I�c .uw.. di•clare� i �lu� . ] i liurruwer i,ul: tu � �ay �uch ,uin. prior to the <br /> expiration of ruch }�eriod , Leuder ma�• . �citlwut furtlior nuti�•�� ur � {�vuau� l un Horrow•er , incoke llt1Y 1'PIl]ec�lE'e per- <br /> mitted by paragraph 18 hereof. <br /> \ ox -T ' stFueM l 'uvexn � •rv. li� , rro ��c� r an�l L��uii�� r furtL�• r �• � ��•rn:aut �in�l ak•rc�c• a. Y'ollow. : <br /> 18. Aee�l�ration: Remedies. L:x� o� n a.. � � ru� i� l� •� I iu � �: u:�gr. y � l � 17 liorcul' . u � wu I3orroH ��r ', hre:ich of uny <br /> covenant or ngreement ut Borru��'�•r in tiii� \to�K �;:� ;;� . iu � lu� fin �; tl �o ro�•�• naut . w � ri�• ulien �1ui• any .un �. ..i�cum� l <br /> b}' ti�in \lortgage, Lende� r � u•ior tu ucc�� lri:�tiot � � h ,tll iu:� il iiutirr tu 13urruo���r :i� � �ru �� i�i�•�i u � � �:u•:x�;ru � ,h 14 Lereof <br /> .y�ecifying : Ul tl�e breacl ; : i2r the acuuu rcyuire� l to �� un� . u�� l � I �n ;i�� li �, i3i :s � iut � � , not Iens tL:tn thirt�� day� <br /> (rum thedate the nu� ici� i � innil<•� 1 to li� �rru�crr . Lv �vl � i�� li -u � � i � I � n•:u li niu�r lu � ��inr� l : an� l � 4 � tli :xt tuihu�o to i•urc <br /> surh Lreach on or be�ori> tLe dstr nperifir.i in tl � �� u� �t �e�r iu,t� re.ult iu a�•�•cl.�r;stiun ul thr .wn.. .ecure�i b}• this <br /> \fortg�ge and nalr of the Yropert}� . Ii t6e br�•a�• h i, n � �t run � { ur, ur b�•furc th� dato .pccifi��d in thc noticr , I.ender <br /> at l.ender's option n�sy �ieclam sll uf th�� .uu �< .reurrd hy tiii. AIort �eR�� to Ix• in� u��viiat �� ly duc anrl �iayabl�° <br /> a•ithuut further demand smt rouy t"ore<• lo:e tlii� \lurt �;:��;�• h� iu� li� ial � � rari�riiiu�,. L��n� lcr .hall I �e ��nt itli•�i to collect <br /> in cuch proceedin�, ;ill asp�•n..e. uf ioro�•lo,.ur� • . im� InJiu�; hut nnt liiuit �•� { to . �•u.t , nf � { o� •uuu•nt �ir�� �•� i �1ru���� . <br /> abstracis and title reports . <br /> 1�. Eotse��r's Bight to R�iOstab. \' otµ' itli..tawiinR Lrnder '. :�c��eleratiou uf tlic .um� sei•uri�d by [his ' <br /> Mortgage, Borrower shal! have the riqht to ha��e an�• � �r�cecdin�;� be�;uu I,y L�•u�icr tu �•niurer tl � i� \lort �age die- <br /> continued at 8ay time prior W entry of � jud#�nent �•nioT�� ���; th �� \ lort �.iKe if : i :. i Borru�a���r ��ay. l.ender all <br /> outns w'k�ich w'ould t� theii .lue uiider tl � ir \lurt �;s�,� � . tL.� Xut �� .� i,� i uut�-. .>��runu� }l�tun � ,l�l � :� ur��t . ri �u� . 6a1 uu <br /> seceleration occurted ; Ibl Borrower eurc.• ull Lrca� l �o., uf an� uther �•u� � nan� ., ur :«;rocmcnt , uf Bm�ruw�er ��on - <br /> taiaed inthis Mortgage : Ic ) Burrower pays all rr�wnublo r� � �en.r. inrurr�•�1 h}- Lrndi•r in �•nfor�inR the <•u��enantr <br /> aod agreementc of Borrower contained in thi� \lurt �;.�a�• :uul iu ruiuroiu�; L� ml�• r ', n wr� iie. a. � �ru� i� l���l in � �ara- <br /> �raph 18 hereof, including, but not limited to, rcu�onalil�� ;itturu�•�• '� i<�c- : :ui� l id i Borru�crr i :iko� .�ucl� action u> <br /> I.clfde! may reseonably require to assure thxt the lirn oi tl � i. \ lort �;a�;.� . Londer:� ir.t �reat in the Pro� �erty xnd � <br /> Borro+ver'e obii;stion to pay the dunis securcvi by thi.. \iortkus;i• �hxll �•�iutiuu�• unim��xired . l'� �un .ucl� pa}•meni � , , � : <br /> aed etue by Botrow�er, thin Mortgage and ttm obligxtion� rr��urrd lier��h�• �hnll :eu �nin in full fome and c�H'e��t n. if �+ �" <br /> ( eo aaeder�tioa t►ad occurred. * �,, <br /> �. Arri�W d R�ala: Appeintsrnt o/ R�esiv�e: i,sad�r ia Pase�sioa. :1, additiou:tl scrunt }• hem- �r�;� <br /> under, Borrotver hereby sesigns to Lender thr rent, ot the Yropr,rty . � �roai.led tliar BurroH er �hxll , pnor to acceler- "'�" <br /> rttoe ueder pars6ra�+h 18 hetrof or absndonment ot thP Yro�wny , Ii:i�•�� ♦ he n�!hc to �ollr�t and reta�n nuch rentti <br /> +u tbqr bseeme dve sad paysble. <br /> Upe� aoeelentiot� under paragraph 1B }�ereot or abandoni�irnt of thr YroF�ert }• . I.ender, in �x•rzon . 1n• n�ent „� <br /> ot by }tditially appointed reeeiver shall he rntitltd to enter u}wn , take ��of,e,r��iou uf .ind � uuna�,r the Yropem• <br /> nnd to colicct thc rents of thc Propert�• , including thosc i�nst duc .� : 1 r.:it :- coL' cctc� ; ! ,ti L. : .;; c � ;; r � L� �� c ci�,c � <br /> nhail bc apQlied firrt to payment of the eoets of uirnagemrnt of � hr P�axrty an� i �•oll.��•tiun ut rrut . . � n�•iu�11nK . Lut <br /> not limfl.ed to, receiver'�+ fee�. prrtuium�: on recei��rr'n Iwtid> :ind rv�asonahl�• attornr�• '. f��a•� snd thc•n tn th ��� <br /> uecured by thie Mortgsge. Lender and the receiver shall tK� lishle� tu xeoou»t unlc ior th��.r r�•ut . n��tu ;� lly� r��c�° ice��i � <br />