<br /> � �
<br /> 77- U(��'R51
<br /> � E9-A—REAL ESTATE MORTGAGE—With Ta�c Clau�e (Reviud 1962) 'Pne HuRm.n Gae�sl supply Hour,i.ioroln.N.br.
<br /> KNOW ALL MEN BY THESF YRESENTS: THAT Harold G. Arehart, 8 married m3ri
<br /> (Mortgagor )
<br /> � of Hall County,and State of Nebra ska__________.in�ne;deret;on of tne a�oE
<br /> Eleven Thousand Eight Hundred and no�100 - -�oI.LARs
<br /> in hand paid,ao hereby SELL and CONV�Y nncQ Comtnercial National Bank & Trust Co., Grand
<br /> ' Island, Nebraska,
<br /> � (MoKgsBee )
<br /> ot Fiall County, and Stute of Nebraska thefqllowingdeBcribed p�emi�er
<br /> s;a�ecea �n Hall cv�n�r, �a sce� or Nebraska ww�t� The Fasterly
<br /> , Twenty-Eight (28) Feet oF Lot Fourteen (14) and the V�'esterly Thirty-Three (33) Feet
<br /> of Lot Thirteen (13), Block Three (3), Blain Addition to the C"ity of Grand Island,
<br /> Hall County, Nebraska.
<br /> In the event the title to said real estate is transferred, or contracted to be trans-
<br /> ferred, from the undersaid for any reason or by any method whatsoever, rhe entire
<br /> principal sum and accrued interest shall at once become due and payable at the
<br /> hoider hereof. Failure to exercise this option because of transfer oF title as above
<br /> stated in one instance shall not constitute a waiver of the right to exercise the same
<br /> in the event of any subsequent transfer.
<br /> Thr inlrntiun bring t�,cunr�y hrrrLy an abeulutx tiU.• in fre �imple including all the righty uf homesfead end dower.
<br /> TO HAVE ANll T(1 11()Lll the F�rem�4es nb�rve dt�scribed, with all the appurtenancea thereunW brlonging unto the
<br /> said mortgagee and tu It8 heire and uviRn,, furE�vrr, pruvided alwaye, and theae prenents are upon the ezpten
<br /> .� cv�nditiun that if the, atorv-aaid mortgug�,r , hls hrire, execulure, adminixtratora or aesi¢na shall pay ur cauoe fo be
<br /> � paid to the aaid mort,uger lt6 heirH, rxvcutorn, administrators or aewigns, lhe eum o[ Eleven Thousand
<br /> Eight Hundred and no/100 ------------------------------- D�uers,payablr.asfullowe,[o-wit:
<br /> Eleven Thousand Eight a�wc�x�c�c a�y ��r , is
<br /> Hundred and no/100 --------r�.u„�„>„�nr l6th daY �c January , is78
<br /> � Ik.11arx un thr day of , 19
<br /> flollar.un the day of , 19
<br /> � , llollars un the day of , 19
<br /> with interest thereon at pe�r eent per annum, payable 1�1 6�7$ �dl according to the tenor and eQeet ol
<br /> ' a certain pmmi►sory not���ot wiA H3I`OId G. A rehart
<br /> , bearing even date with these prt�se�nls. And shail pay all taxee and aesesvmentx levi.d upon eaid real eofate,ud all other 4:e�,
<br /> � leviea and aexersmenW levied u{x�n thie murtgagr ur thr n�te which thie mortgage ia given to ocx,vre, befote the oame beeomer
<br /> �� delinquent,and keep Rhe buiidings on said prrmises insured fur the aum of $ n/a ��� � �Y. WY�1e to
<br /> the aeid morlgager, then thexe pre�untx w br vuid, uthrrwise to be and remain in full force. �
<br /> � IT IS FURTHF.R AGREF.D (1) That if thr �ic murtgagor ahall fail to pay euch tazeo or peot.titre�uch inwraeoe, tM �
<br /> eaid irx.xtgegcv mey V�Y +u�h taxra�u�d N�ucvre such inauranee; and the xum eo advaneed, with intero�t at per Caat �
<br /> � ahall be paid by yeid m��rtFaK���� g+�� thia m�rtgaKe yhall etxnd ux security fot the aaeae. (2) That a failure to pey any o(vid .
<br /> money, either principal or interest when the same brcumeo due, or a failure to comply with any of the fore`oin� asreemeab,
<br /> sholl coure the wlwle sum of money herein aucurrd tu become due and mllectible at once at the option ot the mort��es. .
<br /> s�er.ed�h�a 16th dar��t November , i� 77 . , /j '
<br /> .. In P �aence,e( / �C�'E�.�i.�. �LG.-!l.rC..� .
<br /> . . .. . ... . ._..._-.
<br /> • ' � arold G. A rehart
<br /> C "�Lc,e�/.� '�_ _ _._ _ _... _ ____ .
<br /> __-� , ,
<br /> _. %
<br /> `' L '`
<br /> , ....
<br /> STATE OF. . _ _ Nebl'a�ka _ . �:'�,uncv of ��7.1_ _ _ .:
<br /> �� Before ms, • notary public qualified for eaid county, peraonally ceme F��arold G. Arehart
<br /> known W me to b� the identical p�ron or p..�po0s w6o aisaed the foresoin` in�wmeet a�d acknowled�ad /he e:ecvtioa .
<br /> thereof to be hi�.her or their volu��jj�Y sct�d daed.
<br /> Witne�s mY hand end no i�1L,�+ _�.II1}1Q!_.�.st. n_ .! 19__TT.
<br /> �
<br /> ��. My mmmi�aioa e:pires:. ..��.:'Z.,...:'39'..�.�_ . .... .-��� ;Zt.c,Lt:�..�-'.�...... . ..._.....No4rY Publie. .
<br /> d '�
<br /> ' \_
<br /> � ; BTATE OF............_._....... ........ ................... .... Enterod on numeri�al iade: and filed tor tenw�d
<br /> ��. ;,
<br /> �y .. in tM Retis4r of Dsed�Omce ot aaid Cwnty the �:
<br /> -� -------------�•---......dty ot-•---............_...__------...---...._...� 29..._........ at..__.........._........_..__.o'clock aad___...._... __.__._.minutem ____._..__..._...M.. ' .
<br /> odr�eordrd in $ook.............._......_._......_........_of..._..................._.........._...at pa�e._...------...-� -- .__......._........_..
<br /> ; � ».
<br /> _..._................_...._.......------- ...._ -..... __._._Res. d DMd�
<br /> liy._.._....... ..... ....................__... _.__..._...... _.-l�PttY '
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