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� <br /> s <br /> . � <br /> z <br />�`+ � � <br />�"R <br /> -. ---. _ �..��_.�---- - <br /> � <br /> ADDITIONAL PBOVISIONS <br /> DL'BR'OR WARRANTB AND COVSNANSB : (11 That ezceV� [or the �eeurlty Intereut �ranteA heroby Debtor U, or to the emteat fh�t thb <br /> a,�n��m�et �(ytr th�t t6e Collatsr�l !� to be �cpulred �tter the d�te t+ereot. 0�11 be, the ownu ot tM Collateral free Irom any �dvarw llea, M- <br /> eurity InbreK o� encumbr�nee : aod that Debtor wlll defend the Collateral a�almt rll cirlms �nd dertunds ot sll f+crwn� at anY t�me cl�imin� <br /> th� �ame or any lnlere�t thrreln . (2) Thu[ no financme �l�temrnt cocrrtn` the Coll�teral or any Vroceeda thereo[ 1s on tlle !n any D�bile otffce <br /> �nd thal �t the reQue�t o[ Becurod P�rty. Debtor �'ill Joln vith Secured Party In eaecuUnQ one ur more flnmcin� strlemenb punuant to the <br /> Nebrulu Unitorm Commercl�l CoAe Ir. torm ytl�[actory to 8ecurrd Party anA vl!! DU' the cwt of [IllnQ such tlnanclna �4tement, thb MeudtY <br /> asrwnxnt u�d W' conunuatfon or lermin�tton �tatemmt. in alt pubUc ottices wherover tlllnr 1s deemed by Becured Psr[y to be neca��ry or <br /> lMlraOle : and I[ Ne ColLteral 1� �ttached to resl wtate Drlor to the pertactlon ot the �ecurlty Intereet �nateC hereby or if the Collatxal <br /> IacluAe� croD� or oU. tu or minersL to be eztracted or tfmber to be cut, De�tor �vlll, on demand ot Secured P�rty, furnbh BecLLred Party <br /> �Ith a Abcl�lQier or df�cl4mer� or �ubordlnatlon a�reament •i�ned by all penon� h�vine an lntere�t In the real e�bte, dbcldmin� or tub- <br /> oedlwUat �ny lntera�t In the Collateral vhlch 1� prlor to the fntere�t ot 8ecureA P�rty. (91 Not to �ell, tratufer or dl�po�e o[ the Collat�nl. <br /> wr fak� the Mme or attempt to take the ams trom the counU� vhere keD� u ebove at�ted. rl[huut the prlor �vrltten con�ent of the 8ecured <br /> Party� NI To pay �11 fuce� �nE u�eumenb ot every naWre which may be Ievled or asYeued a'r1n�t the CollateraL (61 No[ to Dermlt or allov <br /> �ny Wvene tlen, �ecurlty Intaro�! or encumbrance w�h�twer•er uD�n the CollateraL �nd not to permlt the �ame to be attached or rcD�eWnad. <br /> (Q Ttut tAa Collateral 1� In �ood condlUon, and that he Will at hl� own e:pense. keep the �ame In tood condlHon snd lrom tlme to Nme. <br /> forthw�lth, roD��� �d reD�lr �II wch D�rb ot tha Coll�teral u may be broken. vorn out or d�maSeA wtthout allovin[ �ny Ilen to M cro�ted <br /> u�1on th� Coll�t�esl on �ceount o! �uth roDl�tement or rep�in, and that ttfe Secured P�rry may ezamine �aC In�pset th! ColLt�r�i Yt �Ry tlme. <br /> �H Iooat�Q. (T) Th�t h� �l�1 �t hl� ow�n e=D�nw keeD Ne Cullattlral tn�ured In • comD�ny satld�ctary to OecuroA Pafty KV6�[ IOY. Y <br /> syyeoy�IW, by thdt, ooUbloa, !In and s=taed�d eoverqe, w�lth Iw� Dov�ble to Sacured P�rty u It� lntare�t mnY �PD��• anA wlli on defnand <br /> dNtv�r Wd polklw o! In�urrnca or tumbh Droot ot �uch In�urance to Becurod Partv. (8) At It� oDtlon 9ecu»d Party m�y D�oeun �uch fe�ur- <br /> �au, AbchaKa t�ss�, llm� or �ecurltY lat�rab or other encumbr�nce� at �ny tlme levled or D��ed on the Coil�teral �nd may DaY [or the »yalr <br /> of aay O�nu�a or InJury to or tor th� prwrv�tlon anA malntenance ot the Collaurrl. Debtor a[rea� to rolmburr BecureA P�rtY on d�manE <br /> tor �ny Daym�nt or a=Depp IncurroE br �und Party Dunuant to the fore�ofni wthoHaatton. Untll �uch relmbur�ement, the unount ot �nY <br /> �uoh paym�nt. a�lth fntewt �t the nta of Y�16 per annum lrom d�te o! DaYment untft rolm0unement. •hall be aAAed to th� Ind�btedew o�W <br /> by D�btor uid �hall be weund by thU as»�mant. (BI Th�t he vfll not u�e tha Collaunt In vfoladon oC utiy aDD�«�bb �utuU, rKulatton o� <br /> wdle�nu md IS �ny of the Coll�tenl L motor �•eh1Ue� the �rme vlil not be renteA, u�ad In rental �en•Sce nor in �ny �peed or �ndunnc� con- <br /> t�t (IOi IHbtor w�111 pay iecund Party any �nd all co�t� and eaDen�e� Incurred In recorerin� yoweu�on ot tha Collaq�al �nd lneurred tn <br /> �ntorcln� thl� Mcurlty �roament, and tha �ama �hxll be �ecurod Ey thb �ecurfty ��reement. <br /> UNTfL DC7'AUL7' Dsbtor may hrve Duwa��on of the Collatenl antl u�e It In any l�wlul m�nner rtot Incon�l�t�nt w�lth thb �ewln�at <br /> �nA aot lncon�l�tent vtth �ny Dolley ot Iruunnce thereon, anA uDon Aefwlt 8ecuroC Party �hall h�ce the lmmedl�ts A�hc to the �aNNlO�f <br /> o[ Ne Coll�ter�l. <br /> D68TOR /f;ALL Ht IN DElAVLT unCer thl� aLreem�nt upen the hapDantn� ot any of the loliovins event� or conCitlon� : (ll d�lault <br /> In tls� p�yment ot peKorm�nce o[ rn�� obU��tlon. covenant or Ilablllty con4lned or re[arred to herefn or In any note evtdanclnt [he �o+ne ; (9) <br /> aey �ur�pq•, nD+a�nt�tlon or �trtement matle or lurni�heE to BecureA Pa�ty by or oa Dehalt ot Deb[or D�ove� to have been t�Le 1n wY ma- <br /> t�ri�l rwpact vhm m�ds or turnUhed : (8) �ny e�•ent vhich ro.Wa In the �ecelerrUon ot the maturlty ot the indebtednau of Dabtor to othan <br /> ued�r any InAeaWre, asrcement or undert�klns : U1 lou. thett, dsnu�e, de�tructlon ule or encumbrrnce to or o[ any o[ th< Coll�tenl, or the <br /> �e�![in� ot Yny levy, �elaure or att�chment thereof or thereon : (6 � dealh, dUwlutlon, terminatlon of efcl�tence. IruoWency. bwlne�� tallure. aC- <br /> polntmant of a r�ceN'er of .ny� wn of the D�operty uL asslsnment [or the beneOl o[ cretllWn by. or the commencement of �ny DroceedlK under <br /> u�y MnkruD�cy or lo�olrency Ww� by or ��dnet Debtur or �ny suarantor or surety for Debtor. <br /> UPON ' BUCH DEFAULT and at rny time Uwrea[ter. or it It deenu itarlf Ineecure. Secured Perty� maY declarc •11 Obtlption■ �ecured <br /> d�r�by lmmedutely due rnQ p�>'xble snd �hall hrce [he remedle� o[ � �ecured pnrty unEer tht Nebr�rlea UN[urm Contmercirl Code. Beeured <br /> P�rty vuy reQulro Debtor tu ruemCle <he Coll�terrl and tlrliver or make lt w��lluble to 8ecured Party ot • D��+ce to be de�l�natnd by Becured <br /> P�ly vhich la rewonaDl7• convenlent to both p�rtle�. L'nla�� the Collrterel 1� penahrble or threalens to deeline �peedlly In �'�lue ur b of r tyye <br /> cu�f.omarlly �uld on a roco`nlsed m�rket 8ecured Prrty vill Q�rr Debtor remonxble roelce of thr tlme xnd D��'e ot eny Dubltc �le theroof or <br /> ot CM Ume atter vhlch �ny pn ��yte �ale or �n�� uther IntPndrd diupo�itlun thereuf is to be made. The reQwremenu o( reuonaDle notice du71 be <br /> met 1f �uch notice i� maileA . po�to« Vrepa�d. to the �Adreu of llebtor �hown at [he be�innine u[ thb a�reement rt Ieiut fire day be[ore the <br /> tlaw ot t�e We or disDudUon. <br /> No raiver by 8ecured P�rly o[ �ny det�Wt ahaU oDentr u a wrlser uf �n5' ��1ier de(ault or of the �ame detrult on a future oeculon. <br /> 1S� t�i[ly o[ thl� �scurlty asroament �hall not v�lre or impuir any other �ecurlty �ald �acuroA P�Ky may h���e or herealter �cQuln !or the <br /> Mywrnt o! thw above indebtedne�. nor �twll Ihe t�kina o! �nY such sAdltionrl �ecurity wrive or ImDrlr thb �ecurlty �L�xment : but N�d <br /> Ye��nd Party rosori to any �ecurlty 1t may h���e In the order Yt may deem proper, md not�vltMtandin� �ny coll�teral necurlty, /�eurW <br /> f�Rr �11 nRat� IU rithti a[ rto[t �afarR D�btor. <br /> ♦Il r1sh4 0[ 8ecurod Prrty herouader shall inurs b the beneflt of iu �uccee�on and ust�ns �. nnd nit Dromlee� and dutle� o[ DeDtor <br /> �6Q1 bind hb he{n, weuto�� or adminlatr�ton or hb or 14 �ucceuun or ud�na. I[ there b! moro then one De�mr. thalr tlaAllltl�� h�re- <br /> �md�r �hall r Jolft Yd �eva�l. <br /> TAU a�rMmant �hall beeane eflsetive when it Ss ���neC bY �btor. <br /> .�, i <br /> . <br /> � • � J <br />+a: <br />� � <br /> � <br /> � <br />