r �
<br /> 7�• UOF849
<br /> . 53-A—REAL EBTATE MORTGAGE—With Taz Clau�e (Reviaed 1982) 7'ne Hamm.n Cemr.�suppiy tiour,t.;oodu, NY6r.
<br /> KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTs: THAT Edwin E. Kokes & Ardith L. Kokes,
<br /> d/b/a Fastway Mfg. Co.
<br /> .' (Mortgagor s) .
<br /> � oj Hdll County,azd State of NebZdSkd ,in consideration of the wm of .
<br /> `' Sixty-two thousand seven hundred forty-six and 91/100------------- �LyAR$
<br /> in l�and paid,do hereby SELL and CONVEY uato
<br /> Commercial National Bank s Trust Company
<br /> (Mortgagee )
<br /> a( Hall County, and Stete ot Nebraska the tollowing described premi�
<br /> s�cuated ;n Hall cuunty, ana stace of Nebraska iwW;t:
<br /> South Three Hundred Thirty-Two Feet (332') of
<br /> Lot Ttventy Three (23)�East Half of Lot Twenty Four
<br /> (24) , Sass Subdivision,� all County, Grand Island,
<br /> Nebraska.
<br /> The intention bein� t.�cunvey hereby an abacdutr tidr in tee ximple including all the rightr of hwneofead and dower. ' � �
<br /> ' 'CO HAVE AND T() HOLD [hr premixtrx abovr drxcribed, with all the appurtenanoeY thereunto beloagin� unto ths
<br /> . etaid mort�agee and A� lt8 hrire and aesiKns, furrvrr, providc+d elways, and thrse preeents are upon the e=prer �.�
<br /> � ceu�dition that it the atoreriaid mortga��r S their heire, executorn, udminixiratore or acci�nr ehall pay or caure W 6e .
<br /> � paid lo the raid mort,agre 1t8 hrirs, rxt�avturx, admiatstraWre ur ar�si�ne,the oum o[ S1Xt.}��t.WO tt10l1Sd
<br /> seven hundred forty-six and 91/100------------------ Dollars,payable ae fotlowo,so-w;c:
<br /> Monthly beginning iA�b��n the 18th ddy �r De�cember , i9?I
<br /> and on the 18th day of rk,u���un thr dey �r , ie
<br /> each month thereafter, Ikdlarx un the day ot , ia
<br /> with a final payment due jQld�76)On thr 18th der or Novesnber , ia 80
<br /> I�lallarw��n tbe dav of , 19
<br /> with intereot thereon at per�•rnt prr annum, payaWe ��IP all according to the temt and esect o� .�
<br /> � icertainpromiow�ry not�i,f��d Edwin E. Kokes & Ardith L. Kokes, d/b/a Fastway Mfg.
<br /> ' 6earing even date with these prcwents. and shall pay all taxea and axeerwmente levied u�xin said real e�tate,aad all other tazea, �.
<br /> � levies and arrearmentc levied u�x,n thie mortgage or lhe nute which thia mwtgagr ie givea to oec.Lre, betore the �ame bacomr �
<br /> � delinquent,�nd Iceep thr buildinga un ewid premi�n inrured fur the sum of $ lor, if �uy, payablo to
<br /> � the raid mort�r�c+e, then lhrxr pr��erntx W be vuid, �thrrwiae W be and remuin in tull force. �
<br /> IT IS FURTHER AGREEll (31 That if the aaid murtYagor ahall faJ to pay ouch tue�or pron�re wch inwru�oe, t6e �
<br /> ., oid mortgagee may pay wach tnxNe and pn�curr xuch �nrurance; and the sum w odvanced, w�ith iefe�ed�t per pnt .
<br /> � ahall 6e paid by rrid mortKagur, and thia murtgaRe rhall xtand as uecurity for the esen.e. (2) Tkut a[silure W pry any of nid
<br /> � money, either princi{uI or interest when the same 6ecomer due, or a [ailure to comply with any o[fAe foresoint �ree�fa,
<br /> � shall caure the whole uum of money hrrein�ecurud to become due and cvllectible at once at the option ot ths mort=�ps.
<br /> s��a�b�. 3rd aar�r November . is 77 .
<br /> i Edwin E�Ko��` Ardit �A1��, d/b/a
<br /> � In y�re»a..crwor G���..�4�%�...�i�c:z�`.�.�.....�..-F.aa.twa Ntfg.
<br /> . ,�' ' � C.��e�_.�;:,����.�. ..._........ ........ Q.
<br /> �
<br /> , ,
<br /> �,�.�..k /-�.-<'--��-_
<br /> , _ _ . _ __._. . . ___.._._.___........ . ...
<br /> ,. ___ __ _ _ _ _ __. __ _ _ _ _ __ .__. .. . ._ .. _ .. ...__... .. ..._.......
<br /> s�rw� oF_ Nebr..aska.._... _.._, c.,�.��r �t __ ... Hall_
<br /> .
<br /> Be[oee me. ■ nd,�ry Publie qualiSed tor otid couetY. Penonally ca�Be
<br /> Edwin E. Kokes 6 Ardith L. Kokes, d/b/a Fastway Mfg. Co.
<br /> �;{ luwwn bo me W bs the identical Per�on or pewonr who �ned the fore�oios iastn�ment aud acluwwledtad tAe e:ecutioo
<br /> E �+e:�eot w b hiu. hqr o6 t#e�r y�tary act and deed.
<br /> i! wimw.my t+ma ..�cs.ducdiNi�1N � Noyember 3 _..., __. ,ie_,.��..
<br /> i� " ...
<br /> . . r��.eC. ....... Notary PuWic. " .,
<br /> At> mami�arm e:pare� �.:�r�.:T�,�..�...... ... . 1&3'L_ 1b.�aG-c��r..�..�a._......
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<br /> !!A'TE Ot........._.............._._._........ ..._..... .............. Eaterad o� numerical inde: aed 6led [ot reoo�d �.
<br /> � �, }�' in t6e RKister ot D�ed�O�oe ot�id County f8e S��
<br /> . ,,. ,,.
<br /> � .____........_.._.h�r d...... ... . .. ...... ...... ..._.., !9 .........., at...._...._..__. __._ .o'elxk md....__.._ _....__... .miaute�... _.....M., I
<br /> ;� �ed r�oea�d�d in Hook.........................................o[_......_.............._.................0 pas�e.................................--........
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