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<br /> ' 77- !.1�1 R45
<br /> �
<br /> 58—SEAL L�BTATE l�ORTGAGE (C�ryoration)—WitL Ts:C4ure ra.xuam.n Ge��r�l$upD�Y 11ou�e,I.{nq1A,N�bl
<br /> _'"_._._.._y.._ ._._.-.... .. ........ _._.....__ . _. ..._....._ . ...._.._... ... ..._ __... ._. . .... . .... . .. . _ . .. .. _ . .. . .. . ... .._..
<br /> i
<br /> !
<br /> I �
<br /> ! o torporatiow orgawised aad existing xader oxd by vi�tus of the lows of the State of Nebraska , in ,
<br /> � consideratiow of the sum of FIFTY-NINE THOUSANU AND NO/100---------------------------�OLI_ARS
<br /> � ia hand Paid, docs hereby SELI_ and CONI�E}' +into The First National Bank of Grand Island,
<br /> I a f Ha11 County, State of Nebraska , the following described premises sittiated
<br /> i {K Hall County, and State of Nebraska ,to-urit:
<br /> Lots Seven (7) and Eight (8) , Schuele SuUdivision, Ilall County, Nebraska.
<br /> i
<br /> I
<br /> i
<br /> �
<br /> ; The intention bei�g to coxvey hereby an absolute title in fee siraple.
<br /> TO HAYE AND TO HOLD the preonises above described, with all the aprurtenances thareunto belonging x�to
<br /> '; the said Elrod-Woolworth Co., Inc.
<br /> and to its heirs and assigns forex�er, �+rovided altra��s, and these presents are tiQoa the esQress conditiox
<br /> � that if the said �lrod-Woolwortl� Co. , Inc.
<br /> � or assig„s shn!!poy or cowe to be¢aid to the said The First National Bank oY Grand Island
<br /> � heirs, executors, adwsinistrotors or arsigns, the sum of �IN'TY-NINE T1�OUSAiQU AND 2d0/10U-- Dollars,Payable as
<br /> , follows, to-urit: $652.20 on the lst day of each month, beginnin�; on .lanuary 1, 19i8, and
<br /> i SIX HUNDRED FIN'TY-TWO and '20/100-----DoUars on the 15t1i da3' of llecember . t9 92.
<br /> Payment to include both principal �iolkfex70u�dbs 961dclt(c .a(!x
<br /> and interest. f�o�a�ocwss�iut diOycR� .�f�c
<br /> oc
<br /> �a+�tc�a�lot aioptctfc • 1D
<br /> � �xac� abog►cafc xx�
<br /> with ixterest thereon at 10'z per cent per ansum, puyable monthly s�wwreii�, uccordiKg to tke tenor
<br /> � a:�d e�ect of the one promissory xote xwilK�s attached of suid Elrod-Woolworth, Inc.
<br /> I
<br /> � bearing ez�¢n date w+th these presents and shall pay all taxes and assessmexts levied upox said real estate and a11 other
<br /> taxes, learies aad assessNsexts Lcvied upon this morrgage ur the �:ote u�hich this mortgag� is git�en to senerr, before the
<br /> i sam� becomes delinqxent, und keep the buildings on said prencises iresured for the sum of$ 59,000.00 ,loss, ij
<br /> any,payable ta the said mortgagee, then ihese presexts to be void, otherwise to be and remain in ful[force.
<br /> � IT!S FURTHER AGREED, (i) Tfwt if the said mortgagor skuU fail to pay such tures or procure such insur-
<br /> i axce, tht satid ma+tgagee may pn�� such taxes axd¢rocure such insurance; and the sum so adz�anced. urith interest at
<br /> per cent sha!! be repaid by said mortgagor, ottd this moriguye shall starid as security�fo•same. !�/ 1 hat
<br /> i a fa�rrv io pay awy of said..o�ay,either priacipal or uaterest when the sa+we beco+xe dau, o+a failtirs to cow�ply a�ith
<br /> � axy of!!ie forsgoing ogrseinext.t, .rha11 cawe the whole .rKm of money hereirt secrred ta beco+ne dwe and rnlfe�tablc
<br /> � at owc�at fAe opeio+� of the mortgagee.
<br /> { /N WITNESS 6G'HEREOF, tke sa+d Elrod-Woolworth Co., Inc. ��
<br /> ! bst kerwKto tartsd itt corporats.aat to be af�lred aad these presewts to bt sig+sed by its PTesident and Sec retary -
<br /> L } �*w 15th �y af November ,g,p, �y77.
<br /> I
<br /> �
<br /> . Sigwed,ssnlid a«d d�liverev! iM presnace of ELROD-�1q0�,i10RTli CO�, I?7C.j
<br /> ,. /
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<br /> fi'bmei� ' , y�sid
<br /> <: /.�-f� J-' i
<br /> ' . - ,� _ .<� ,._ + -
<br /> i _.._..... _ ._.._ ____... _ ___ _._..... By.iy .., ..- ott dJA. Wni�lworrh, S�ecretarv
<br />:> �
<br />