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<br /> 7�'. U[r F���,�7
<br /> MORTGAGF:LOAN NO.. � 22�88�
<br /> � KNOW ALL MEN BY TNESE PRESENTS:That Duane A. Johnson and Dee Ann Johnson, 2dCh 111 hl 5 d11d
<br /> her own right and as spouse of each other
<br /> Mortgrgor,whether one ur more,in wnsidera[ion of the sum of
<br /> Thirtv Three Thousand and NOIlOO--------------�--�--'-----'--"'-'-'--'-"'�-"�-- DOLLARS
<br /> loaned to said mortgegur by The Equitable Building and Luan Aswciatiun of Gwnd lsland,Nebraska,Mortgagee,upun 330 shares of stocic of
<br /> seid ASSOCtATION, Certiticate No. L 22•887 ,do hereby grxnt, convey and mortgage unW the wid ASSOCIATION the following
<br /> described real estate, situated in Hall County,Nebraska:
<br /> NEGkASKA.
<br /> tugether with all �he teuemen�s,hrredi[aments and appurtenances therruntu heh�nging,including attachad tluur wverings,all window screens,
<br /> wmdow il�ades,blinds,swrm winduws,awnings,heanng,air cund�ti��ning,and plumbing and water eyuipment and acceswries thereto,pumps,stoves,
<br /> re(rigerators,and.�ther fixWres and eyuipment nuw or herealter attached w ur uud in c.mnecuon with said real estetr.
<br /> And wherrYs Ihe m�d mortgagur has agreed anS dues harcby agrrc ihat the rnurtgagur shull and will pay all tnxes and essessments levied or
<br /> assessed upun said premises and uprm this rtwrtgrge and the bond secured thereAy bel'ure the sxme shall becume delinyuenC to furnish approved
<br /> insurance upon�hr buildings un said premises sitwted m thr sum uf 5 33�O�Q.QQ payable w said ASS(K'IATIUN and to deGver tu �id
<br /> ASSqC'IATION the pulicies fur syid insuraner;and not tu cummi+or pemiit any waste on ur abuu�said premisns:
<br /> In case ul default in the prr(ormancr of any u(the terms xnd conditions uf this mortgage �x the bond secured hereby,the mortgegee shall,
<br /> on drmand, be entiUed w immediate possession of the mongaged prem�ses and the murtgagor hereby assigns, transfers and sets over to the
<br /> mortgxgee yll the rents,revenues and inco�ne�u ba denveJ from the mortgaged premises during such time as the murtgage indebtedness shall«main
<br /> unpyid;and the murtgagee shall havr the puwer tu ep{x�int any agem or agents it mey desire for the purpu�e ol repyiring said premisec and renting
<br /> the syme and collecting the rmts,rcvenues and income,and it may pay out ol' said income all eacprnsrs of repairing said prcmises and necessary
<br /> cummissions and rzpenses incurrrd in renting and managing the samr and uf collreting rentals therefrom; the balance remaining, if any,to be
<br /> applud tuward thn diuharge ot said murtguge indebtedness:[hese righu of the mortgagrr may be ezercised et any ti:re danng the e�cistence of such
<br /> default,irrespective uf xny tempurary waiver uf the same.
<br /> These prasems,however,are upon thr Cunditiun,That if the said Murtgago�shall repay sail luen un ur befure the ma[urity of srid shares by
<br /> payment;pay munthly tu�id ASSO('IATION uf thr sum specified in the Bund secwed tiereby as inter�st and principa!un suid loan,un or befure
<br /> the Tweatieth day of each and evuy mun�h,until said lunn u f'ully paid;pay all tazes and asussments IrvieJ against svid premises and on this Murtgage
<br /> xnd the Bund secured thereby,befure delinyuency�,lurmsh appruved insurance upun thr buildings thnreun�n the sum uf S 33 s���.�0 payable
<br /> to srid ASS(X IATION�,repay�o said ASS(X'IATION upun demxnd all munev bq�t paid tbr such texes,assessmrnis and msurance with interest at
<br /> the maximum lagxl rate thereun f«�m date uf paymrnt ell�f which Murty,agor hrreby agrees tu pay:prrmit nu wnste on said premises;keep end�wmply
<br /> with all the agrerments and cundihuns uf the Bund fui S 33.��0.�Qhis day given by the said Murtgagur ro said ASSOCIATION,and wmply
<br /> with aA the requirements uf thr Constitutu�n and By-Laws of said ASSOCIATION;[hen these preunts shaU become null and void,otherwixe they
<br /> stwll remain ir. full furce and may br lixeclosed at the upuun uf�he suid ASS(X'IAl'ION a}ter failure fbr three munths to make any uC said
<br /> pryments ur be thrce munths in arrears in mxking said munthly payinents,or tu keep and comply with the agreemen[s and conditfuns of said&�nJ;
<br /> and Murtgagur agrees w Ftave a recervrr appuinted forthwnh m such f��rcde�surc pruceodings.
<br /> lf there is any change In ownrrship uf ihr reul esiair murtgrged hrrein,by sxle u� utherwise, ihen the ent�re remaining indebtedness hereby
<br /> secured shall,at the uption uf The Equitabk Building and Luan Assuciation uf Grand lslbnd.Nebraska,become immediately due and payable wi[hout
<br /> farther nutice,and�he amount rcmaining due under said bond,and any uther bond(or any additional adv�nces made thereunder,shall,from the
<br /> date of exercise of said optiun,bear interest ai the mazimum legal rate,and this murtgage mry then be fbrcclused to satisfy the amount due on said
<br /> bond,and any other bund fur ydditional advanc:es,wgrther with all sums paid by wid Tht Equitable Building xnd Loan Associytion of Grand Island,
<br /> Nebrac�a for inaurane:e,tazes xnd yscessments,and abstrecting rxtension charges, with incerest thereon, f'rom dute uf� payment at the maximum
<br /> legx!ratr.
<br /> As provided in the Bund secured hereby,while this mort�tge remxins in effect thr mort�{ugee may hereafter advance additional sums w the
<br /> mrlcers of said Bond,their ast�ns ur succeswrs in murest,which sums shat!be within thn securiry of this murtgxge the sxme ns tht funds uriginally
<br /> secured thereby,che totxl rmoum o(principal debt nut tu rzcred at nny time the original amount of this mortgage.
<br /> ��cea�h�6 1� day of November +.n..�v 77
<br /> -,t�C L-
<br /> �ne o nso
<br /> ,_.'f_i.,, _1.i. ,, �.�..
<br /> Qee Mn Johnson -
<br /> STATE OF NE6RASiU,t # a,« l lth d,y�f November �y 7� ,y�fore me,
<br /> COUNTY QF HALL� ,.^
<br /> the undertigned,a Notar�Public in and fur said Counry,personally came �'
<br /> L Duane A. Joh�son and Dee Ann Johnson each in his and her own right and as soouse of each r
<br /> ,� who penonally known tu � '^
<br /> other �-,:� ,y
<br /> se 1b bt tfie deiauta!penon S s�� �o.e�,swl:-.. nre aTf�xed w the above�nxtrumnn�as�nun�urS u�.i they ae�ecrlly ����.
<br /> �dcwo�ried�sA tlie uid iMt t�#e"t11+l�1�".. ` ueury act u�d dsed.
<br /> N7TN �ad and�I��id Sp��date afores�id. . „
<br /> Mv C "ex}Iw. C�� .• ��`•/./!�t_, �'Y�f - -J L 1�.y � `-�.
<br /> � �
<br /> '� � - ---�—NutuS'Public
<br /> ��t�W ai
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