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<br />�r r- �
<br /> MOA7GAGE�a�ings md I.a� Fmm--(DItM Cndil Plm� 2552 (Spedd)
<br /> ��77- U068�� MORTGAGE
<br /> � Lo�Na 1
<br /> .�g�pp���,�,�,. 23rd a,..o� November �s.ZZ,b��d berwaen
<br /> RICHARD F. BARBER AND M10NA A. BARBER. huch�nd �nr1 wif� ��rh in hic .an� he,�pWq ri�ht
<br /> ; and as spouse of the other • •
<br /> o� HALL ���p,Ncbraaka,m mortgaga._i.�d Hnma Foderal Saving��d Loan Aesoe�auon of Gr�d Ll�d
<br /> � a corpo�ation organlmd and ezisting uader tLo Imv�ot Nebraaka with Ib prindpal ollice md place ol buaineu at Gracd Iel�d,Ncbiaaka.
<br /> m modgagse:
<br /> - WITNFSSEfH: T6at eaid motlqagm 5 lor and in ovnddo:at(on ol t6o eum o1
<br /> S I X THOUSAND AiJD NO/100-----------------------------_------------s�.,ucrs 15�,8A9�.gA-)•
<br /> l6e recoip�ot wlilch la herehy ucknowlydged,da—by ihoea pinenU mortgage and w�rant unto said mortgaqee, IL euccooDn and
<br /> aasiqw,lorevcr,nll tho tollowing doecribed real cntato,situaled In Iho counry o�_ HALL -
<br /> � and S�ate ot Nebrmka,to-wiL•
<br /> S
<br /> ,�
<br /> j3 7oqethcr wilh all hoalfnq, lighting, and pl�mbiag oquipment aad fi:turce.including atoY.en ond bumen,eaceoa,awnlnq�,elormwlndows
<br /> �C and doon,and wtndow shadea or blinda.uned on or in connection with eaid property,whcthcr Iho emao me noa lo[ated on eaid ptopecty
<br /> fon c�rcaftcr placed thorcan.
<br /> � TO HAVE AND TO HOLD 7}iE SAfi1E,laqelhet w[th all aad eingular Iho lenemonla,ha:editamenta and appurtenancea lheteunto belong�
<br /> ing,o�in anywtec oppertaining,focever,and warrant Iha tltle to tho eame. Said morigaqorS._hereby mvennn�with taid morfqagee
<br /> t that t—ho�d��' ,at�he delivery hrrmf,t6e law�ul ownerS ol Ihe premisee above mnvepad�d deec7ibed,and ��e
<br /> � eei:ed o(a good and indeleaaible entato of inherilance lheroin.Irm and dear of all encumbrmcee,and Ihat tho_�will wartant mid
<br /> i dcland the title t6creto lorever againel Iho claima and demand+ol all persone whomwever.
<br /> PAOVIDED ALWAYS. and Ih1a inetrument Is c:ttvled and dellvcred lo sacu�o Ihe papmonl o!tho aum ot
<br /> S I X THOUSAIJU AfJD tJO I 00-------------------------------------------tk.livre (S .
<br /> wilh lnterent Ihercon,togo�het wi�h nuch chargce and advancoa aa may be due and payablo lo said martgaqeo undor Ihe terme aad
<br /> mndiliont of iho ptomieeorq uotc ol even dato herewSih and eecu�ed hete6p,ezecvtod by sald mortgagor�_to eaid mortgagoc,papable
<br /> ; ae e:preued in eaid nolo,and to eecure thu pertormance ot all tha torm� and tonditione mnlained Ihe�ein. The tulma ol aaid note are
<br /> � hereby inmrporated hc�ein by thia[elorence.
<br /> 11 ie the Inlenlion and aqroemenl ol thc partiee hcro�o that thie moctgage ahall also socuro aay Iulurc advancn mado io eaid
<br /> � - mortgagot 5 by eQld morlgogec,ond any and all indoblednom in addiNon to�ho amounl above etaled w�hich wid moNgaqon,or�y
<br /> al Ihem, map owa lo eaid mortgaqee,ho�acvet evidenrnd whclher by note.book accounl ot othecwieo. Thia mortqoge ahal(remain in lull
<br /> ; lorco and c11M betwoen the paitiee hamlo md tdoin c�ira,porwnal teprceenlativoe, su[ccaeorn and auiqne, untfl all amounta eecvred
<br /> � he�cunder.Including futu�o advancce,are paid in lull wi�h InloreeL �
<br /> � Tho mortgago�—hecobp ase[qs—lo eaid mortqageo all renV and Income arining at any and ull limen!rom eaid propcvty�d
<br /> r hereby authorizo wid mnrtgageo or ile agenl,at tU opUon, upon dalault,lo take chmge ol eald pmpeAy and mllecl all rente ond Income
<br /> Iherelwm and opply the aamo b ihe payment o!Inlerest,pdndpal,Ineumnce promiuma,ta:e�.aaeeumante, repairs or improvamenU necoe•
<br /> eary lo keep mid pcopvtty in tenantablo condilion,or to olhor chmges or pQymente provtded fot he�eln or In tha note horebp aecvied 7W�
<br /> ranl amignment ahall cronlinuo In lorce until the unpald balnnce o(�aid nolc 4�tully pald. The laking ol posaemion heroundcr ahall In no .
<br /> manmr pmvont or mlard wid mongagee in the mlloction ol eaid aums hy loreclosuro or o�hezwieo. �
<br /> � Tt�o loilure ol tha moilgagce lo aeeed�p ol lt� dghU hcreuader at any time ehatl no1 M conahued m a waiver ol ib HqLI to auert �
<br /> � S tbe wme at any]Wei,t4uR.,pnd}{q,Ipsia�upon and enlomu evict mmpllance +vitL all �he terma and p�oWelonn ol naid note and ol thL j
<br /> mort4ago. � . . '.,,,,.,;,i . ; . , - �
<br /> i i" �;.,;{;,,��:
<br /> 11 eafd mq�galjortl;�s;�hall.muia lo�!»Faid ro�aid mortqageo�a onNre amount duc il heieunder,and under the to�ma and pro�iNoa�
<br /> ol eald aole horebr�ecv�ed,-fvduding-lutwe od�mcos,and any eztemion�or [enewnb thereol ln accocdancc aflh !he lorme and pmvWona �.
<br /> thereol,and tl eaid mortqagor`. ahall mmplp with all Ihs providon�of wld note md ol�hl�mortqage,Ihou theso prcxnb e6all be�otd; R�
<br /> S othemfse�o remain in lull locca and affoct.�d wid mo+tqagee�hall be entltled to the poueuloo ot aIi ol wid propertp,m�d may,a�iti . � - ,...���'
<br /> � oplion,declare t6o whole ol w�d nola and all Indeblednee�iepre�anled�herebp ta bo Immedlately due and paqable.and maq fomclo�e thL � �� N���.
<br /> morlqaqo or tate any ofhev legal actlon lo protact It� dgh6 and lrom 1he dals ot�uch delault atl Ilem�ol indoblednru �ecured Lerebp , � .,
<br /> � �hall draw intereat a1N%por annum. Appcviwment wahed I �
<br /> ThL motlgaqe �hn� he hlndlnq upon md�hall �nwe to lLs Mnelll of the hHn,ezecutot�,admini�halor�,�utceuon and aselq�u o! J ,��-
<br /> � Iho re�pective parlle�heroro. � r ��
<br /> 1N OF, w1d Moit hsrounlo �et �e}.n c�nd-5—ths day and yaar Ilnl abo�e - j�j
<br />� � wtitl�n. j � . 1.;,�
<br />� _ �?���•���,�� �
<br />- ichard F. (3arber Mona A. Barber
<br />�
<br />� �� �
<br />