<br />�;;:.�:
<br />� r �
<br /> � STATE OF NEBRASKA, Couuty of ....................................................:
<br /> I'iled for record on ................................. 19........t�t............................ o'clock ........................ �I.
<br /> nnd recorded in the I)ecd Record ................................. 1'uge .............................
<br /> .................................. ................................................ sy� ...............,..........................................................................
<br /> � Regiatar of beeds Deputy ltegistcr of' llceda I
<br /> 77- �0683.�
<br /> JOHN R. TURNER and MARY Je TURNER, his wife; DORIS M, SPINDLER and D,E.
<br /> SPINDLER� hei` husband ,l�erein called the grantor whether one or more,
<br /> in cousideration of TWENTY-SIX THOUSAND AND NO/100 - - ($26�000,00) - - DOLLARS
<br /> recei�•ed from grnntees, does grnnt, bargnin, sell con�•cy nnd confirm unto
<br /> husband and wife,
<br /> . as joint tenimis �vith right of survivorsLip, and not as tenants iu common, the following described rea!
<br /> property in ...............H81.1..................................... Couut}•,NeLrneka:
<br /> Lot Four (4) in Block Forty-Six (46), Russel Wheeler's Addition to the City
<br /> of Grand Island, Nebraska
<br /> STA!�1P TAX
<br /> NUV 2 3 1977
<br /> $�r.1eSL_BY�Z��
<br /> To ]�nve amd to }�old tlie abo�•c described premises together �citL nll tenements, hereditnments
<br /> and a�purtenunces LLereto Lelouging unlo the grantces and to their assigns, or to the heirs und assi�;iis
<br /> of the sur�•ivor of tLem forc�•er.
<br /> And grautor does Lereby eovennnl �cith the grnntees and �cith their assigns und with tLe lieira
<br /> nnd nssigns of tl�e survicor of them that gr:mtar is]c�«�full}•seisrd of said premises;tLnt they nre free from
<br /> eucnmbrance
<br /> i
<br /> tLnt grantor h+ts good right:md ln�rFul .urihority to con��cy the �:iwc; ;uid ILat gruntor ��•arrnnts uud uill
<br /> defend thc litle to said premiscs against tho la�cfiil cl;�itus of all persons �eliowsoe��cr.
<br /> It is tLc intentian of all partics hereto thnt in thc eveiit of thc denth of citLcr of the grui�tces,
<br /> thc entirc fcc liUc to his rral proprrl}• ch;ill ce;l in �hc sur�•i�iug grnnlce.
<br /> �
<br /> I�uted '' J y ` �7" l9']7
<br /> + t , �
<br /> i �C
<br /> ' ).C......,,..�.`�.i:J'?:. .. ......�. LL�.:.?a!��................. K.....::��....�..`:'.... ,�, ......! � '.'.:.:`.:�.........
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<br /> � n...���.�.�:f.��:...�..:.�.../<<...c�:�E?�:" ��...:�'r�,��c t�L� �
<br /> j - x............. ' � .... .....................
<br /> STA'Pli OP ......... NEBRASKA................. . County of ...................................../......................
<br /> Before me,n notnry puLlic quulified for snid cowri}•, perso��ally came � I
<br /> John R. Turner and Mary J. �rner, his wife; Doris M, Spindler and D.E. �
<br /> Spindler, her husband �
<br /> �.:-,� {��:',
<br /> known to me to be the idcuticul persou or persons�rho signed tLc foregoin� instrument nnd nckno��9edged ' �
<br /> the c�ecution tliereof to bc his,her or their��oluntary .ict and deed, N "
<br /> i �Vificss my hmid nnd uotnriel scal an ...............�l7a.y.......�:`�.............................., 19..:7.T........ � ' � ,I, '
<br /> , r ..
<br /> CEI1ERAll10TIU�1•Ebba111Nr. G.L..`f�.�.k1.�,:,`l.+�,:......�. [t..ta,t..:�.J-0:.LR.1�.................... Notary Yubiic . � . . .
<br /> MIARILYN CRAWFORD \ Q � - -
<br /> W Cera.E:p.ora.t.tY79 hi�• commission expires......./�.'.,#:....�...................... 19.7.�.......
<br />� Form 1� To be i�iroeed b}� X��hrnska St;iie I3ar.�SSOC1fIf10il FeIWn k WoII W..Linmin.NeLr.
<br /> ,
<br />� �II
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