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<br /> �tORTGAGE
<br /> DtORTCACG LOAN N0. � '
<br /> rKNOW ALL I�fEN DY TNESE PRESGNIS:That Mi 1 ton G. Gal l i art and �Qary E. Gal 1 i art� edCf1 1 fl
<br /> his and her own right and as spouse of each other
<br /> hlurtgagor,whether one or more,in considerat(on of the sum of
<br /> Twenty Eight Thousand and No/100--------------------------------------------------'no��nRs
<br /> loaned to said mortgagur by Thc Equitable Ouilding and Loan Association of Grand Island,Ncbra�:a,�lortgaget,upon sharcs oC srock o(
<br /> said ASSOCIATION.Certificate No.L 22,903 ,����ercby grant,convey and mortgagc unto the said ASSOCIATION tht following
<br /> descrihed real estatc,situa�cd in flall Cuunty,Nebraska:
<br /> NEBRASKA.
<br /> together with all Ihe ienements,I�ereditaments and app�rtenances thereunto belonging,including a[tached(loor corerings,all winduw screens, �
<br /> window shades,blinds,stonn wirt:lua�s,awnings,heating,air conditioning,and plumbing and water equipment and acassories therero,pumps,stores,
<br /> rc(rigeraturs,and uther fixtures and eyuipment now or hereafter a��ached tu or used in connection�ailh said real estate.
<br /> And whercas the said mortgagor has agrecd and docs hemby agrec thal die mortgagor shall and will pay atl taxes and assessmcnls levied or
<br /> assesxd upun said premixs and upun�his mortgage and ihe bond sccur�¢,d1C�r,¢ybR(ore the same shall become delinquent:to(umish xppruved
<br /> insur:�nce upon dic buildings on said premises situatcJ in the sum of 5 a+U V Ull payable to said ASS(X'IATIOV and to Jelirer to said
<br /> - ASSOCIATION the policies for said insurance;and not tu commit o�permit any waste on or about said premises;
<br /> In case u(default in�he per(ormance of any o(Ihe terms and conditions of this mortgagc ur the bond secured hereby,the mortgagee shall,
<br /> on demand,be cNitled�o inuncdiatc posscssion uf thc mortgagcd p�cmises and the mu�tgagor hereby assigns, transfcrs and sets uver tu thc
<br /> � morigagec�II�he ren�s,revenues and income to be derived from the murt�ged premises during such time as Ihe mortgage indebtedness shall remain
<br /> unpaid�JOII llll'RIDIIsJ�'C0 SIIiII I18VC IIIC�0\VOf l0]�1l/Olfll 811\'�FCI1S Of BbCflli Il mav desire(ur the purpose of repairing said premises�nJ renting
<br /> the same and collecting the renis,re��enues and income,and ii may pay oW u(said income all expenses uf repairing said premises and necusary•
<br /> commicsions and expenses incurrrd in ren�ing and managing lhe same and of collecting rentals therefrom; the balance remaining,if any,to bo .
<br /> � applied loward the discharge of said mortgage indebtedness;theu rights of the mortgagee may be exercised at any time Suring�he existence of such
<br /> de(auh,irrespcctive of any temporary w�aiver of the same.
<br /> Thcsc Prexnts,how�cvcr,are upon the Condition,"fhat i(lhc said�tortgagor shall rep:�y said lo�n on m be(ore Um maturity of said shares by
<br /> payment;pay momhly to s�iJ ASSOCIATION of ihe sum specificd in the l3und secured hereby as interest and principal on said ban,on ur before
<br /> the T��cntieth day of cadi anJ every month,untii said loan is fully paiJ;pay all tazes and assessmcnts Icvicd against sxid prcmises and on this plortgage
<br /> and the Bund secured thereby,before delinyuency;furnish approved insurance upun the buildings thereon in the sum of S 28�0��.�0 p�yable
<br /> to said ASSO(:IATION;repay to s�id ASSOCIATION upon demand all money by it paid fur such taxes,asscssments and insurana with in�erest at
<br /> ihe maxinmm Iegal rate thereon from date o(payment all o(which Alorigagor hereby agrees to pay:permit no waste on said premises;keep and comply �
<br /> with all�he agreemeNs and conJitions o(the f3und(or SZ$����.�� ����s day given by the said�lortgagur to said,\SSOCLITIOV,and compty
<br /> wiih a0 the reyuirements of thc Consiitution and 8yLaws of said ASSOClATIOti:thcn ihese prcsents shall become null and void,od�erwisc they
<br /> i shall remain in full force and may be forecloud at the optiun of�he said ASSOCIATION after failure fur three months to make any uf said
<br /> paymcnts or bc ihrec months in arrears in making said monthly paymcnts,or to kccp and cumplv�vith thc ag�cemcnts anJ conditions of said�ond:
<br /> and�lortgagor agrecs to have a rccciver appointed furihwith in such foreclosiue pruceedings. -
<br /> i � If there is any change in ownersLip o(the�eal esiate mortgaged herein,by sale ur olherwise,then the ent6:e remaining inde6tadness hereby �
<br /> secu�ed shall,at the option of The Gyuitable Uvilding and Loan Assuciation o(Grand Island,Nebraska,become immediattly due and payable without
<br /> � further nolim,and thc amount rcmaining due undcr said bund,and any othcr bond(or any additional ad�•ances made thercunder,:hall,from thc
<br /> date of exercise u(said option,6ear int:rest at qie maaimum legal rale,and this mortgage may then be(orcclosed to satis(y the amount due on said
<br /> bund,and any ulher hond(or additional advances,togcthe�with all sums paid by said Tht Lyuitable Building and Loan Association of Grand Island,
<br /> ! Nebraska(or insurance,laxes and asus:ments,anu a6slracling c�tcnsion cl�argcs, with intercst thercon, from date o(payment at the maximum �
<br /> ' Icgalrate.
<br /> As provideJ in ihe Uond secureJ hereby,while this murigage remains in e(fect the mortgagee may hereafter advance additional sums to the
<br /> makers of said Bund,lheir assigns m successors in interes�,which sums shall be within the security uf this mortgage the same as the(unds originally
<br /> ` uared thereby,lhe lotal amnunt o(principal debt not to exceed at any time Ihe originai amount of this murlgage.
<br /> � Dated this P3r �Jay o( November �•��.Iv 77 •
<br /> W/��`�-r.- y�1�.O�'-� � •�
<br /> �FTiTt n a i a t �
<br /> Mary E. G liart
<br /> STATB OF NGDRASkA, u On this 23rd ��},�� November �9�� ,before me, , }
<br /> COUNTY OF HALL� r 4 ��•".
<br /> the undersigned a Notary Public in and for said Coanty,perwnally came ' N����•• �
<br /> L Milton G. Galliart and Mary E. Galliart, each in his and her own right and as spouse of � � -
<br /> 2dCh other ��hv dre persvnally known to
<br /> �
<br /> me4o be the idcntical person 5 whosc namc S are affixcd to the abovc ins cnt as morigagors and the y sevcrally n
<br /> acknowledged the said instrument to be thei r ���untary act and deed. � � � .
<br /> WITNCSS my hand and Nolarial Seat the date aforcsaid. , ����� /
<br /> -----MyCommissioo-ezpircs r /_ /
<br />� �5 ..,�tF.•,L ;,, �•:-r; c1 NutaryPubli�
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