� I �
<br /> ASSIGNMENT OF RENTS Loan�lo.�13��?=�_
<br /> KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS:That Y.urti s E. Rump and Janet f;. Rump, husband and wi fe
<br /> (hereinaiter called ihe�dortgagors)in consideration o(the sum oi
<br /> Twenty-One Thousand Eight fiundred and P�0/100--------------------- Doilars(S 21,800.00 )
<br /> r loanetl to Mortgagors,do here6y granl,bargain,sell and convey unto COMMERCIAL FEDERAL SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION of Omaha,
<br /> � Nebraska, (hereinafter cailed "Commercial"), ds successors and assigns, the following described real estate, situated in ihe County o(,
<br /> Hal l State o(Nebraska,to•wit:
<br /> East one-half (E'z) of tlie (�lorth ninety-one (91) feet of the 41est half (41;Z)
<br /> of the tlorth half (tdZ) of alock eleven (11), in Pleasant flome Subdivision
<br /> of part of the East half of the Southeast quarter (EZSE�;) of Section 21,
<br /> in Township 11 hlorth, Range 9 41est of the 6th P.h1., in Hall County, IJE.
<br /> TO NA4E AND TO NOLD TNE SA�dE, wilh lhe appurtenances lhereunto belonging, imto Commercial, ils successoa and assigns,forever.
<br /> Saitl I!ortgagors he�eby covenant with said Commercial, ils�uccessors and assiEns,that�!ortgagors are lavrfulty seized of said premises,lhat
<br /> they are I�ee from encumbrances,and lhal lhey will (o�eve�vrananl and de(end the IiUe to said premises against the lav+(ul claims of all pe�sons
<br /> whomsoeve�.
<br /> Provided,neverlheless,these ptesenls are upon the follov+ing condilions:
<br /> Thal whereas lhe said�dortgago�s as mem6?rs o(Commercial have this dale ezecutetl a note evidencing such loan and agreeing to�epay saitl
<br /> t sum of money,with iNerest,in payments as set(orlh in said nofc antl have agreetl lo abide�j the lerms of said note and Chailer and ByLaws ot
<br /> Commercial.
<br /> Thal whereas this morigage shall secure any addilional advances,v+ilh interest,which may,at lhe option o(Comme�cial.be made hy Com�
<br /> mercial lo Ihe undersigned�dortgagors or iheir successo�s in litle for any pwpose,al any time 6e(oie lhe release and cancellation ol this martgage.
<br /> but PROVIDED,H017EVER,at no time shall Ute aggregate principal amounl secured by Ihis morigage,being�he amount tlue at any�ime on said
<br /> original nole and any addilional advances made,ezceed an amount equal l0 110 percenl of ihe amount o(the original note.bul in no event shall
<br /> said note exceed the maximum amounl permittetl!;�law,and PROVIDED,N017EVER,lhat nolhing herein contained shall be consideied as liiniting
<br /> lhe amaunt thal shall be secured hereby vrhen advanced to protect the security or in accordance with covenants contained in the mo�lgage.
<br /> Now,, it the saitl t�lortgagors shall pay or cause lo be paid lhe said sums of money when due,as set fo�th in said note,and any olher nole tor
<br /> additional advances made unlil said debt is tully paid wilh inlerest,then these p�esents shall 6e void;olherr�ise,lo he and iemain in lull foice and
<br /> ellect;but ii delault should be made:
<br /> (a) In any of the paymenls due on said note,and any olher nole for addilional ativantes matle,as theiein ag�eed lo be made lor Ihiee mon4hs,or
<br /> Ibl In keeping thc improvements on said p�emises inwred against loss by reason of tite, lighining,and o(her haza�ds included in extended
<br /> coverage insurance in an amount not less than the unpaitl balance o(said mo�tgage loan, in a company or companies acceptable to Com�
<br /> me�eial,the original o(such policy or policies to h�held 6y Comme�cial,and wilh a morlgage clause atlached lo said policy or policies,
<br /> in�avoi o(Commeicial;or
<br /> (c) In the payment oi taaes and assessmenls levied upon said piemises,or on lhis mo�igage,6efo�e they are delinquent;o�
<br /> ftl� I(lhere is any change in the ov+nership e(the real estale mortgaged herein,by sale,eilher out�ight o�by land contracl,o�by assignment o(
<br /> any interesl thereon or otherwise;
<br /> lhen, in any oi the above sel�torth events, the whole indebtedness hereby secured shall,at the option ol Commercial,immediately hecome due and
<br /> payahle vrilhoul(urther notice,and the amount due under said note antl any olher note for addilional advances made shall,fwm Ihe date o(the exercise
<br /> o�said oplion,bear inle�esl at the maximum legal rate per annum,and(his mortgagc may then he}oreclosed fo satisfy lhe ancun,duc on said notc,and
<br /> any olher note(or additional advances,together with all sums paid by Cor�mercial for insu�ance,taxes,assessments and abstract exlension charges.
<br /> with interesl lhereon(rom Uie date of payment al the inazimum legal rate.
<br /> PROVIDEO lhat in no evenl,ei(her b�fore or alle� delaull,shall ihe inlerest due untle�saitl note and lhis mortgage and any ofher nole to�ad�
<br /> dilional advances made exceetl the maximum lawful interesl rale.
<br /> PROVI�ED,further,fha�in lhe event lhat de(ault occurs m lhe making of fhe paymenis due on said note,and on any other nole tor atldilicnal
<br /> advances, as thcrein agreed to be made, or in keeping the pre�nises insured, as above provided,or i(delault 6e made in the payment o(the 6ixes
<br /> o� assessments levied upon tlie p�emises above desc�ibed or upon ihis �aorigage, before fhey a�e b�law delinquenL Commeicial shall Ce enhtled
<br /> lo the immediale possession of lhe p�emises above desc�iL�ed, together �,vith all renls, pioceeds and issues arising oul of,he pre�ises,antl r,ay
<br /> in ils discretion use !he rents so lai as it deems necessary tor the pwpose ol making repairs upon the piemises and for the paymenl ct insurance
<br /> pteniums,taxes and ass�ssmenls upon such premises.and fo�necessary expenses incurred in renling said p�emises and colle[ting rent lhere(rom,and
<br /> i to apply same on said rote and any notes evitlencing tuWre advances hereunder untit lhe indeb(edness secured is(ully paid;antl fur such purposes,
<br /> the undersigned does he�eby sell.assign,set ever and liansfe�unto Commeicial all ot said�ents,proceeds and incomes induding any lantl cmil�act
<br /> payments due mo�tgage owners or any olher mcomes of any type whatsoever from said p�cpe�ty l0 6e applied on the notes above�described;but said
<br /> Commercial shall in no case be lia�le lor lhe failure to procure tenants,to col!ect renls,or to piosecute aclions to tecovei possession of saitl premises.
<br /> The Modgagors furlher appoin�Commercial of O�naha,Nebraska, thei�attomey in(act,giving said allomey power irrevo[ahly,eilher cn its own
<br /> name or Morlgagors'names to lake all necessary sleps lor p�oceedings m court or other+iise.to cause said prenuses lo be vaca�ed,to colte�i rentals
<br /> or other incomes due,and when vacant,to relel the same.�o make all reasonable repairs and pay laxes out o(saitl ten�s,profits,con�ract paymenls or
<br /> incomes and to tlo all such lhings eilher 6y its own otliceis or by other parties duly aulhorized and appoinled 6y it,as ils agenl(or saitl purpose,and
<br /> lo charge or pay a reasonable lee b�such services,all of the ab�ve to be done at such limes and in such manner and on such teims as!o their sa�d
<br /> altomey may seem besl,with full power ol substilulion.
<br /> The hiortgagors hereby agree Ihal it Comme�cial eithe�voluntanty or mvolunWrily bec^mes or is made a�arty fo any suit or proceeding relaling �
<br /> �o the hereinbelore desc�ibed real estale,o�lo tliis inoitgage or said note oi noles.olhe�than a fo�eclosure instituled�ry Co�nmzrdal,Idortgagors will
<br /> �eimburse Comme�cial for all reasona6le cosls inwrred hy Co�nmercial in said smt or pioceeding.The I�ortgago�s furthe�agiee ihat if the hereinbeloie
<br /> desciibed real estale or any Oart Uiereof be condemned under the poaer ol eininent domain,or is other�vise ac�uired lor a public use,the da aages
<br /> awarded,lhe pmceetls for lhe laking,and(or lhe consideialion for such acquisilion to the extenl of the full amounl of the�emaining unpaid indebletl
<br /> ness secwed hy this norlgage,be,and lhey hereby aie,assigneA to Commereial and shall be paid(orthwith to Commeicial lo be apphetl on account of •
<br /> the lasl maluring installmenls of such inde6tedness.
<br /> Dated lhis. 2 t_day o( tlovember __,19 77_. �
<br /> IN-TH P E NCEOF: �� �� ���=�/`--
<br /> —�-- `�--------
<br /> -`��;t������--�— Y.urtis E. Rum >
<br /> —�11��-%����1�1% --- I
<br /> — Janet K. Rump �:: _. y.'
<br /> N • �
<br /> L STATE OF NEBRASKA ___ � '
<br /> ss. �
<br /> COUNTY OF
<br /> �t .
<br /> � On lhis_ _Gay of__.____._________, l9___.6efoie me,a notaiy public in and for said County,personally came r'
<br /> theabovenamed Kurtis E. Rump and Janet Y.. Rump, husband and a�ife .,�1 �
<br />� to me well known lo be the itlentical person o�pcisons whose name is or names are af6xetl lo Ihe a6ove morigage as grantoi�;�ranlors and fhcy,he �
<br />�;, oi she,severalty acknowledge the saitl in�tWmCnt.dfid Ihe execution th_reof;lo.l�e iheir voluntary act and deed.
<br />�� , � p, NAROID C R1�'Frti�
<br /> WITNESS my hand and Notaiial S^al lhis d y�Ear last�i,oGtfBlltteh.T � �� //G�'/ � �
<br /> +r-. U� ��%���—�
<br /> y� P ,. _ S1fiE C. ��[HFF �- ��__— —__
<br /> � � �� �n;, . Not2r Puhiic �
<br />- - , �dy Cornmissmn E.e_p���e;�}�� 7
<br /> t',y tommission expi�es an fhe 29th__'"day`of'�F�.�S:1uut�._.�-_�-.I°)�.. '�'���
<br />