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�; - <br />�4 <br />� <br />� � � <br /> I <br /> �� U��$1� MORTGAGE <br /> � THI9 [NDENTURE, mede thle ZZna dey of November , �g 77 , by und between 1 <br /> Walter D. Dietz and Edna E. Dietz, husband and wife each in his and her own �igh and <br /> as spouse of the other, <br /> a( Hu71 �unty,Nebrenka,es mortgegor�—,and Grand Islmd Truat Company of Grnnd Ieland,o corporation <br /> orgunized and existing under the laws of Nebreake with iW principal office and piace o(bueinees nt Grnnd Island,Nebrnska,as mortgugm; <br /> �� W ITNESSETH: That eaid mortgagor,_5__,for nnd in coneidezfltion of the eum o[ <br /> ThiLteen Thousand Ten and no/100 — — — — — — — — — — — {� — — —Dollais�S-13.,010_�0 �, <br /> the receipt ot wFtich u hereby ucknowiedged,do_by these presents mortgege and werrantun[o said mottgegce;its auccessors and assigns, <br /> forever,all tho toUowing described real estate,eituetecl in the County of Hall <br /> � and State ot Nebrnskn,[o•wit: ' <br /> Lot Seven (7) in Block Two (2) in Wiebe's Addition to the City of Grand Island, <br /> Hall County, Nebraska. <br /> � TogeGher with all heating,air conditioning,Gghting,and plumbing equipment end(ixtures,including scrtens,awnings,storm windows nnd <br /> _ doors,end window shades or blinds,used on or in connection a•ith said property,whether the seme nre now located on said property or herea(ter <br /> pleced thereon. <br /> � TO}{AVE AND TO HOLD THE SAME,together with ell and singulur the tenements,heredi[nments end eppurtemnces thereunto be- � <br /> longing,or in enywise eppertaining, (orever,and warrant[he tide ta the snme. Said morgagorS_hereby covennnt—_with snid <br /> mortgagee the[_�hey_�7Li—__,at the delivery hereot,[he lawful ow•ner_S—ot the pmmises nbave conveyed and described, <br /> � end�r�—xized ot a good and inde(easible estate ot inheri[ance therein,fri�c and cleer of ell encumbreaces,ond[hnt�he}—will <br /> ; warranl and defend the tide there[o torever against the claims end demands of nll persons whomsoever. <br /> PROVIDED ALWAYS,and thie instrument is exrxuted end delivered to secure the pnymen[o(the sum o(_ � <br /> i Thirtnnn Thn�� Tan and nn�l(10 — _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _DollnrslS_ 13,010.00 �, <br /> with interest thereon,together with such charges and edvnnces as mey be due and payable to said mortgngee under che tertns and conditinns <br /> of the pmmissory note o(even dete hernwith and secured hereby,execuG�d by snid mortgngur S to said mortgagee,paynble as expmssed <br /> in snid note,end W secure Lhe pertormance o(¢0 the terma end canditions contained therein.The terms af seid note are hemby incorpornted <br /> hemin by this reterence. <br /> � It is the intention end agceement of the perties hercto thet this mortgege ahall elso aecum any future advnnces mnde to snid mortgagor� <br /> by soid mortgegec,and any and eil indebtedness in eddition to lhe emaunt nbove stated whicL suid mortgugors,or nny ot�•owc tu <br /> � seid mortgagce,however evidenced,whether by note,book account or otherwise.This mortgnge shnll remain in full force and e(krt betwern <br /> ' the purties hereW nnd their heirs,personnl rcprnsentatives,suceessors and nssigns,until nll amounts smtmd hercunder,induding tuture <br /> edvnnces,are paid in tuL'with interest. <br /> The mortqagor�_hereby eseign_to snid mortgngm all ren[s and income nrising et any und all times[rom snid proprrty nnd • <br /> hereby aulhorize snid mortgegoe or ils egen[,at ils option,u{wn default,ta take churge af seid property end collcct nll mn[s und income <br /> Lhemfrom and apply the eame to the payment of interest, principel, tnsurence prcmiums, tases,assessmenta, mpairs or improrements <br /> necessnry to keep anid property in tenenteble mndition,or Co other cherges or pay�ments provided(or herein or in[he mte hereby secumd.This <br /> rent ossignment ahell continue in faree until lhe unpaid balance at aeid note is fully paid.The takinq ot possession hemunder shall in no mnnner <br /> prevent or retard eaid moRgagee in the wllection ot safd sums by foreclosure or otherwise. � <br /> The teilurc oE the martgngee to assert eny ot its rights hereunder et any time ehall not be cons[rvcKl es e wniver of i�s right tn assert the <br /> seme et any leter time,end ta insist upon end entorce strict wmpliance with nll the terms and provisions ot said note end ot this mortgage. • <br /> I(seid martgegor s shall cause to be paid to said mortgegee the entire amount due it hemunder,end under the tertns¢nd pmvisions <br /> ot seid note hereby aecured,including future edvances,and eny extens(ons or mnewals themot in accordance w•ith the terms ond provisions <br /> therm[,and i[enid mortgegor_S_shall comply with all the pmvisione of said note and of this mortgage,then these presents shnll be void: � <br /> otherwise W remein in tull force end ettect,and snid mortgagee shall be entitled W the possession ot all of snid property,and may,nt iLti aption, ,,,;�� <br /> declere the whole ot said note and ell indebtedness represented thereby to be immedinlely due end pnyoble,and may fornclose this mortgage - . .��'�,�`�� <br /> or teke any other legel actian W pro[ect ite right.Appraisement wuived. �� �N�>��..�� <br /> I This mortgege shnll be binding upon nnd shnll enure to tha banefit ot the heirs,execalors,adminietrntors,successors nnd assigns at the � � ��= <br /> respective perties hemW. <br /> s!` <br /> � IN WITNESS WHEREOF,said Mortgegor_�ha�te_hcrcunto set thair hand_s—_the dny nnd ycnr first obore �`' �' . . <br /> written. . � � <br /> 'j��vL `� N � � r . <br /> �alCer � 'iTietz il. � ~ <br /> ��a���;���_ S <br />� E�na E. �3etz `�-� <br /> o ��`' — <br />