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� <br />;' <br /> , _.._. � � <br /> MOATGAG6-9aH¢q�md Tam Form—QNreet CrnW Pl�) 25iR (RysdaU <br /> ��» MORTGAGE <br /> � 77- U(16806 --� <br /> Lo�No <br /> rtns ItiDEwrtrne,mads�h�. 22nd �y,,,, NovPmber Iy]Z, <br /> bp md btwNa . <br /> NORMAN A. BUCK 8 BETTY JOANN B K husband 8 wif hFIRFRT � TUFASMFYFR R inic a <br /> THEASMEYER, husband and wife, RICHARD L. HARBAUGH 8 MARY C. HARBAUGH, hu�band and wife, <br /> �h �� r:�� a,,,� horyri9ti+ a.,,� a ��+tic-�thc.r <br /> ,i Ha I I Couaty,Nebradw,m moqqoga�.md Hoou Faderal Sailnq�and Loaa 14a�atatioo ol Gr�d id�d, <br /> a mrpotaUoo orgm�ed�d exLfinq undor 16a Imr�o!N�bradca Mth lU prindpal oUla and ylacv ot bwlneu at Grand Id�d Nabmika, � <br /> m mortgaq�e: . <br /> WITHFSSE7H: That wid mortgaqor S lor cad!n oondderalion ot Ihe�um of � � <br /> � SIXTY-ONE THOUSAND AND NO/100_____________________________________ „o�iar� �s61.000.00 ,, <br /> t Ihe recelpl ot aLicL le horoby aelmowledgad,da�_bp tLs�e pce�enb morigaqa and a�zanl unto�aid mMgaqa�, tb :uttroiwr� ead � <br /> •� mt(qn�,lore�er,all tLo lollowlnq desaibed real ertW�,4tuated fn tha munty ol- Ha 1 I � <br /> � aad 81ate o!Nebrasta to-wiL• � . � � <br /> j <br /> ± LOT THREE (3), Block 152, Union Pacific Railway Ccmpany's <br /> � Second Addition to the City of Grand Island, Nebraska. <br /> � £ <br /> <i 7oqelhee with all haattng Ilqhling, and pl�mbin9 equiPmeal �d li:turea.Includinq stoken�d burnen.ecreens.nwnlnq�.�rorm wlndpw� <br /> S� and doorc,and window ahade�or bllnds,ueccl on or In mme�tloa wllh w1d�ropeity.�aLethet ths�ame are now located on wid property <br /> i <br /> or harealter placed Ihoreon. <br /> �ff i0 HAVE AND TO NOLD?f�SAME,logelher with all and afnryular the tenemeali,horedil�onU and appurteamccs Iherauato belong• <br /> j ing,or In anywiec apporl¢ining,torever,nnd warrant Iho Hllp to 1Lu�ame. Said moqg¢gor_S_hereby rnver.anL�with iaid morigaqaa � <br /> jthat�ho�L_ �fE nt Ihe dollvery hereoL tho Iawtul owner�z` o!tho premieue abo�e mnveyed�d described,vnd �ra <br /> r <br /> ;t w[zad ol a qood and{ndeleaefble estate ot lahedlance thoroin,Ireo and eleaz ol all oncumhraaee�,and that�'.ho�.will�varrml�d <br /> delend tho tltle thereto lorever agaimt 16o clalma and demand�ol all pe�eoan whomwever. � � <br /> PAOViDED ALWAYS, and thls InaWment in o:eculed aad deltvored lo eecure the paymant of the sum ot . <br /> SIXTY-ONE THQUSAND AND NO/100---------------------------------- nq��, ts-61,000.00 i, <br /> wilh Inlereet�hereon, logether wi�h euch cha�gea and advanee�m may be dua and payabte to w(d mortgagco under the terma �d <br /> wndllione ot �ho pwmle�ory ¢ote o! even date herewlih aad �ecu�ed herebp,oxecuted by w1d moctgagoz_S to�aid mortgaqee,payable <br /> ias o:pmsned in sald aoro,and lo secuce Iho perfarmancv ol dl We tamu and condllloai matained Iha�aln. 76e terma of wid nob a» <br /> hemby incorporated bctein by IhL relerenee. � <br /> It ti tho lnteatlon aad agmomenl o!!he partiea heroro ihet thL mortgage ahall aVo eecvre any lulure adv¢ace� made lo wld <br /> morlqaqors_by said morlgaqee,and any and all indobtednem In addlllon to Ihe amount above�taled ahich wid mortqaqon, or aay <br /> ot t6em, maq owo fo wid morlgagee,howevor evidenced wholhot by nole,book accounl or olhei�vlae. 7Tila mortgage ahe11 temain In full <br /> forco and elletl betwaen tha parUee heroto and ihoir hetn,parwaal repreeentativee, eucce�wre and asalgn�, uatll all amounL �ecv»d • <br /> hercuoder,induding future advaaeee,me paid in luli with Inlstetl. <br /> 7ho mrntgagor_i he�obq aWga_to satd mortgvqeo all toah md inmma arieiag af an� and all tim��Irom �aid pcopeAT aad <br /> hereby authori:e �aid mnrtgagoo or ft�agenl,al IU option, upon delaul6 to take chaige ol eald ptopeAp and collect all rcnt�aad lncom� � <br /> Ihc�ulrom and apply Iho eama lo tha payment ol inte�e�t,prindpal,ln�uraace piemluma, luzr�,aeseumeou,ropalr�or lmproromenb necs�. <br /> sary�o kecp aaid proporty In tenaatablo coadlllan,or lo othar eharge�or paymants p�ovlded lor he�etn or In th�note ha�eby�ecvred. '[hb <br /> iant aseignment�hall coatlnue la(orce until Ihe unpald balanco o!sald nota fa tully pald. The taking ol poneeedun he�ounder shall in oo e <br /> mmnor prevent or relotd sald mortgagec In Iha wlloctlon of wid tumi bp loreeloauro or otLenHeo. <br /> � 7ha latlwe.oL.thq p�Q�490.9R4 tq as�e[t anp ol 14 righb hmeundar at any tlmo�Lall nol be conewed a�a vvalver ot ih dgh!to aueN <br /> t Iho wme a1 pnyjlape��,dme�md lo laa�st upo�and en2orco atrld compilanee wlth all �he tarme and pmvlNon� ol eatd note aad ol t6L • <br /> mon a o. ' GYe'�'A2�N[� C i� I <br /> 1�atd t��C€%1F L�!"'2: c �d <br /> ^��tbalF�eawe 10 b�-�ald to edd mo[tgaqee Ihs eaN»amount due It hcreunder,and under IAe term�and pro�ts(ons <br /> of eald nola Loreby�atuted,�neludiag luture adrancee,uod an r e:tanaton�or[ene�na�s Ihereol In accoc danco wt�h ths term�and prodatons ! <br /> Ihereol,and ff wld motlqagotS_�hatl eomplq wllh all tb�piovitlon�of wld note m�d ol Ihl�mortgago,�den�hew presenb�hn11 be toid: e.�, - �^. <br /> t olhenviae la remaia t¢!WI lorea and eltoe4 md wld morlQaqN�hall be�nlltlad lo Iha poue�aion oJ all ol�dd propsrty,and may,at!b -~.:f *n'�� <br /> oplion,dedare Ihe whole ol wId nots and all fndsbbdaeu r�pre��n(ed IAereby ro bs Imm�dlately due and poyabl�.and may Iorecio�w Ipla �� ��� N <br /> morlgage or Iaks any other leqal aetlon to protaet 11�rlqh4�d!rom Ihs dab ol�ueh delaull atl Itertu ol Snd�btedneu�ecvred hrrebr �'�� �� <br /> �hall draw Inlen�t al�qer annum. AppmLement�wl�sd. � � �� ' <br /> 7hie morlqogs�hcll be bindlnq upon cnd�hall�nun to IL�b�¢eNt d ths h�lrti e:�cvton,adxlnlNralon,�uon�wn�d auiqn�o! . � it`. <br /> Iho ra�peeq�s parlls�be�ato. <br /> f`, ' <br /> 1N VJI'CN6Aq tyFtEpSOP. wid Monqaqor g__�a__yg ��reunb ut_ tha i r haod�Iho day and pcar Nnl abov� . . � � <br /> S WI O. / , <br /> /1 / � <br /> �( % � � � � � .. . .,. . .. <br /> / ! <br /> J L � <br /> ET � ��� <br /> � � - �, � ;� <br /> ���,-�((� .��3. F����� � <br />�.� RICHARD L. HAR UGH M RY C. HARBA H LOIS A. THE StdEYER � I <br />� J <br />� <br />�J <br />:� <br />