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� <br />�r, <br /> 1 � <br /> And thc said first party hcrcLy cspressly covcnants and agrccs : ( 1 ) 1'o pa}• tlie said Natc and intcrest <br /> in full on the days the a�me shall se�•erally Uecome due ; (2 ) Neit6er to commit nor pen»it 1V8SIC OIl fI1C ti81(� � <br /> premises, and to put and kecp the said rcal cstatc, buildings, and impromments in good npair, (3 ) '1'o pay all <br /> taxes and assessments on N�e said real cstatc beforc delinqucucy and until thc said \tote is ftilly paid ; (4) 1'0 <br /> � pay all taxes and assessments upon this �[artgage and the debt secured diereby, rogcther �ti�itl� any othcr <br /> taxes and assessments which may be Ievied or assessed, under the La�rs of Nebraska, against the said second <br /> ; party, or the Icgal holder of thc said Note au acwunt of this indebtedness ; (5 ) To procurc, kecp in force, and <br /> deliver m the said second party policies o( insur:ince against loss Uy firc and tornado, �iu suCh amounts ai�J <br /> insurance companics as Uic said sccond party sl�all selcct, and as shall bc at all timcs satisfactory to i[, covcring <br /> Q the buildings �ti�hich now are or may hereaher be erected on lhe said pretnises, making the loss. i( any, payable <br /> �% to the said second party or its assigns, and e�•ery such contract of insurauce efTectect by the said parties of the <br /> ;� first part or (or tlieir benefit shall be primarily s�bject to appropriation Ly thc said second party for the <br /> � papment oE said indebtcdncss. I;iilurc to so niaintain sucli iusurantt shall authorizc tlic second party, ur its <br /> �' assigns, at its or their optian, to e(Tect wd roaintain such insttrance at the espense o[ the said first parly, and <br /> a ` d�c first party agrees to rcpay all sums so paid, with i�iterest at I 1 perccut, and such sums so paid by the second <br /> ; partp, with intemst at il percent, shall bc secumd Uy tl�is nlortgage ; (G) That the said second party or thc <br /> ^ o�rner ot the said Note ma}• makc such repairs, pac such taxes, and pay and remove any licn fram the said <br /> ^ prcmises, upon failurc of dic first party to do so and all monc�•s so ad�;lnced �sith intcrest at thc ratc of I1 <br /> ' percent per annum diercon, from date of pa}'ment, shall bc repaid by the saicl first party, upon demand, and <br /> i shall bc secured by this indcntare. <br /> r <br /> s <br /> And it is further mutuatly co��cnanted and agreed that in the ecent of the passagc, after the date of tl�is <br /> rlortgagc, o[ any law dcducting any licn thcrcon from thc value of land for thc purpose ot tasation, or changing <br /> � in any x:�y thc laws no�v in forcc far [hc taxation of mortgages or debts sccurcd by mortgagc or thc manncr <br /> y of the collection of an}' such tases, so as to afi�ect this �Iortgage, [he �ehole oF the principal sum securcd by this <br /> ( �tortgagc, togcdicr tti�ith thc interest duc thercon, sliall, at thc option o( the s:iid part}' of the sccond p:irt, <br /> without notice, bewme immcdiatcly duc and payablc. <br /> , <br /> � And the said first partp (urther agrecs that i( defatil[ be ntade in tlic paynunt of any o[ said interest, or <br /> I anp part themof, or of any interes[ Uiereon, or of said Notc, or sny part tl�crcof, or af any interest thercron, <br /> j or in the perfarmantt of any o( Ihc covcnants hcrein wntaincd, then, or at any time Niercaftcr during thc <br /> � continuance of such defa�lt, the said Note, ancl mone}'s paid and adcanced, sliatl, at the option of the legal <br /> ( l�older thereof, beconu a[ oncc duc wd collectible, and shall bcar intcrest at thc rate of ll perccnt per annum <br /> from the date o[ defaul[, and this iudenhirc ma}• bc forcclosed to satisf}' ttte amount of dic dcUt, including <br /> ad��anccs, intcrest, anct costs ; or thc sccond part��, its successors or assigns, ma}• foreclosc onlp as to thc sum <br /> . ? ast due, �rithout iu ury to tl�is \[ort �1 �i or the dis �hcement or im �innent of the lien thereof. <br /> ! ; P 1 6� 6 '. I � p• <br /> e ; <br /> < ; And in the event of the forcclosure o[ this iliortgage, the said first party co�•enants and agrces to pa}• the <br /> � wst of estending the abstnct oi titte from the date o( recording this �tortgage to the clate of filing suit, and <br /> ; � upon failure o( the said first party ta do so, all monep so advanced by the second party shall Uear interest at <br /> � d�e rate of ll percent �xr annum thcrcon and shall be secure<1 b}• this indenture. <br /> ,' <br /> ' i It is further mutuallq covenanted and agreed that tlic party of the second part, its successors ;md assigns, <br /> ; � shall at tl�eir eption Le suUrogated to d�e licn, although rcleased of record, of a�ty prior eiicumbrance, mechanic's, <br /> ; � �•endor's, or other lien on said premises paid out oF the proceeds of the loan sectvecl hereUy. <br /> ' � And it is fur[hcr agrced that in C;ISI. Of 8 (ICPBUIt in the paynunt of the said principal ,\Totc ar intcrest, <br /> ! or any �rt thcreo(, as it shall maturc, or in case of failurc to kcep or per(orm any� oi thc covcuants or agrcerocnts <br /> � � contained in this indenture, then the second party. its succes;ors or assigns, shall Uc aud is hereby authorized <br /> � and em��o�cercd ro take immediate possession of the said premises hereU�� conceyect and all crops tliereon, or � <br /> � to collect thc rents therefrom, and apply the procecds thercof to the payments of the debt hereby secured. <br /> I <br /> � As addi[ional and collatcral security for payment of tlic Notc and indebtedness hercinLe(ore descriLed, <br /> , the said parties of tlie first part hercUy assigu ro die said party oi the sccond par[, its successors or assigns, all <br /> j t6c profits, rc��enucs, royaliies, riglits, and bencfits accrt�ing to thcm under all oil, gas, or mincr:il lcascs on said <br /> � prcmises. This usignment to terminate and bccome null and void upon tlie rdcase u( this �iortgagc. <br /> i <br /> � And it is (�rthcr agrecd that in casc �ny suit is beguu to foreclose this indenlurc, the Court in which sucli <br /> � action shall be brought, or any Judge of such Cottrt, either in term time or in ��acation, is hereUy authoriud, ; <br /> � upon appliration thcrefor, to appoint a Rcceit•er to take possession of the said prctnises and all crops thcreon, ,.,� I . ,; -, <br /> ; or to collect the rents therefrom, and to do and perform such otlier acts as may be rcquired bp the order of r, " ' e , <br /> I thc Court making the appointment ; and thc first party hcreby consents to the appointmcnt of a 12ccei��er upon tj � N <br /> i the production of this indcnh�re, �cithout other evidencc. I � _ ' ; <br /> _� ;"� : ,,�.^ <br /> . r:, �'� <br /> � � <br /> � 1 <br /> f <br />� ; <br />� ' �t,K <br />� <br />�� <br />