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<br /> 77• � 10F '� R9
<br /> Additidnal Provisiona •
<br /> De6ta Wertants ard Covenents: ( 1 ) Thet except tor tha security interast granted hareby Debtor is, or to tha extent that this ogreement
<br /> states that tha Collateral is to be acquired efter the date hereof, will bo, the ownor of theColloteral freo Irom any ndverse Ilen, security
<br /> Interest ar encumbrence; and that Debtor will defend the Collateral egai�st all cleims and demands of all porsons at any time claiminp
<br /> the same or any fnterest thereln. �2) That no financing statement covoring ihe Collaternl or any procaeds thereof �s on ffle in any public
<br /> I otfice end ihat at the request ol Secured Party, Debtor wlll Joln with Secured Purty in executinp one or more finencinq ,stetements pursu-
<br /> ant to the Nebreska Uniform Commercial Codo in form setisfactory to Secured Party and will pay the cost af�}Iling such finencing state-
<br /> mant, this securlty agreement and any conNnuation or termination statemen4 In oll public offices wharever filing (s deerred by Secured
<br /> �. Party to be necessary or desirable; and if the Collateral is etteched to roal estate prlor to iho perfection of the securlty interast grented �
<br /> hereby or it tha Colleteral includes crops or oil, ges or minerals to be extracted or timber to be cu4 Debtor will, on demend of Secured
<br /> Party, furnish Secured Perty with a disclolmer or disclafiners or subordinatlon ogreement signed by all parsons having an Interest (n the
<br /> real estate, disclaiming or subordinating nny interest in the Collateral which is prior to the interest of Secured Party. �3) Not to sell,
<br /> transfer or dlspose of tha Collateral, nor teke the sama or nttempt to teke the same trom the county where kept as above stated, without
<br /> the prlor written consent ot the Secured Party. (q) To pay all taxes and assessments ot every natura which may be levled or essessed
<br /> egeinst the Colleteral. (5) Not to permit or allow nny adverse lien, security intorast or encunbronce whatsoovor upon tho Collateral, and
<br /> not to perm(t the same to be attached or replovined. (6) That the Colloteral is In good condition, and that he will at his own expense,
<br /> keep the same In good conditfon end from time to time, forthwith, replace and repair all such parts of the Collateral as may be brokon,
<br /> worn out or demeged without ellowing any lien to be created upon the Collateral on account of such replacement or repsirs, and that the
<br /> Secured Party may examine and inspect the Collateral at eny time, wherever locatod. (7) That ho will et his own expense keep tho Cal-
<br /> lateral insured in a compeny satfsfectory to Secured Porty against loss, as appropriate, by theft, collision, fire and extended coverege,
<br /> wlth loss payable to Secured Party as its interest may appear, und will on demand deliver said policies ot insurnnce or furnish proof ot
<br /> . such insurance to Secured Party. �B� At Its opt(on Secured Party mey procure such insurance, discharga taxes, liens or security interests
<br /> or other entumbrences at any time levfed or placed on the Collateral and may pay for the repair of any damnge or injury to or tor the
<br /> . preservation end maintanance nf.the Collateral . Dobtor agrees to relmburse SecuredPartyon demand for any payment or expense Incurred
<br /> bY Sq�y�ed Parry pursuant to Ute foregoing authorization. Until such reimbursemont, the amount ot any such payment, with interest at the
<br /> rate 'bf'�96 per annum' from dete of payment untfl refmbursement, sh611 be eilded fo the indebtedness owed by Debtor end shell be securod
<br /> by this agreement. (9� That he will not use the Collateral in violation of any applicable statuto, reguletion or otdinance and it any of the
<br /> Collateral is rtator vehicles the same will not be rented, used In rental service nor in any speed or endurance contest. ( 10� Debtor w111
<br /> pay Secured Party any and all costs and ezponses incurred in recgvoring possession ot the Colloteral and tncurrecl �in entorcing this
<br /> securiry aareement, and the some shell be secured by this securiry agreemenL
<br /> Until Oeteult Debtar may hava possession of the Collateral and use it in any law(ul manner not inconsistent with this agreement and nat
<br /> inconsistent with any policy of insurance thereon, and upon delautt Secured Parry shall have the immedinte righ[ to the possession ot
<br /> � ! ffia Col�ateral.
<br /> i �
<br /> Debta Shell Be in Default under this agreement upon the happening of any of the following events or conditions: ( 1 ) default in the pay-
<br /> me�t or performance of any obiipation, covenant or liability contained or referred to herein or in any note evidencinp the same: (2) any
<br /> ' � warranry, representation or statement made or furnished to Secured Party by or on behalf of Debtor proves to have been (else In any ma-
<br /> terial respect when made or turnished; (3� any event which resuits in the acceleration of the maturiry of the indebtedness of Debtor to
<br /> others under any indenture, agreemant or undertaking; (4) loss, thei4 damage, destruction sale or encumbrance to or oi any ot the Col-
<br /> �ateral, or the making ot any lovy, seizure or attactvnent thereof or tf�ereon; (5) death, dissolution, termination ot existence, insolvancy,
<br /> business lailure, appoinunent of a receiver ot any part of the property of, assignment for the benefit of creditors by, or the cammence-
<br /> ment of any proceeding under any bankruptcy or insolvency laws 6y or against Debtor or any puarantor or surety for Debtor. �
<br /> Upon Such Default and at any time thereafter, or if it deems itsetf insecure, Secured Party may declare all Obiigations secured hereby
<br /> immediately due and payable and shall have the remedies of a secured parry under the Nebroska Uniform Comnercial Code. Secured �
<br /> Party may require Debtor to assembie the Collateral and deliver or make it available to Secured Parry at a place to be designated by
<br /> Secured Party which is reasonably convenient to both parties. Unless the Collateral is perishable or threatens to decline speedily in
<br /> value or is ot a type customarily sold on a recognized market, Secured Parly will pive Debtor reasonable notice ot the time nnd place oi
<br /> any pu6lic sale thereof or of the time nfter which any private sale or any other intended disposition thereof is to be made. The require-
<br /> ments of reasonable notice shall be met if such notico is mailed, postape prepaid, to the address o1 Debror shown at the beginning ot
<br /> this agreement at least five days before tha time of the sale or disposition.
<br /> ', No waiver by Secured Party of ony default shall operate as a waiver ol any other default or of the sane default on a tuture occasion.
<br /> Tho taking ot this securiry agreement shnll not waive or impair any other security said Secured Party may havo or hereafteracquire for
<br /> the payment of the above indebtedness, nor shall the taking of any such additional security waive or impair this security agreement;
<br /> �\ but said Secured Porty may rasort to nny securiry it may have in the order it may deem proper, ond notwithstanding any collateral secu-
<br /> ;�� rity, Secured Party shall retnin its rights of seroft against Debtor.
<br /> - `�� All rights of Secured Parry hereunder shall inure to Uie benefit of its successors and ossigns; and all promises and duties of Debtor
<br /> � '� , shall bind his heirs, executors or adminisirators or his or its successors or assigns. If there be moro than one Debtor, their linbilities
<br /> �, �'� ��.;\` hereunder shall be joint and severaL �
<br /> ! �� *`., This agreement shall becane ef(ective when it is sipned by Debtor.
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