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� <br />� <br /> _ I � <br /> I ' <br /> —��� '"_i <br /> uot extend or postponc thc duc datc of thc monthly in�lnlhucnf � refcrmd to in parnqrnplis 1 iu�d 2 hercof or <br /> chnnge the nmount of such instnlhnents. <br /> 10. Borrower Not Aeleased. lixtension of the tituc for �ia}•ment m• modificntion of amortization of thc sums <br /> secured by fliis Atortgage gruntecl b�� I.endec to ant� �uccessor in it�terest of Borrowcr shall not operute to relesse, <br /> � in nny munner, thc liability of the original ]3orro�scr and 13orron•cr's successor� in interest. i.endcr shall not be <br /> required to commence proceedings ngninst such successor m• rc(usc to extend time (or pnyment or othenvise modify <br /> umortizntion oP the sums secured by this \(ortgiigc by renson of a�i�• demm�d made by the original Borrower and <br /> � $orrower's successors in interest. <br /> � � I1. Forbearance by Lender Not a Waiver. Any forUearnnce by Lender in exercising any right or remedy <br /> � C� hereunder, or otLerwise afforded by applicuble In«•, sliall not bc a «•ai�er of or preclude the exercise of any right <br /> � � or tmnedy hereunder. The procurement of insurnncc or the payment, ot tnxes or other licns or chnrges by Lender <br /> ; �; shnll not be n �raiver of Lender's right to acceleri�te tlic maiuriLy ot thc indebtedness secured b�• this \-Iortgnge. <br /> � � 12. Remedies Cumulative. :111 remedies provided in tliis \lortgngc are distinct nnd cumulntive to nny other <br /> right or remedy under this \Iortgngc m• :�fforded b}• Ifur or eqnitt•, nnd mu}• be c�ercised concurrently, independ- S <br /> i ^ ' ently or succeeci�ely. <br /> ^ 1�. Succeasors �d Fissigns Bound; Ja�nt and Several Liability; Captions. The coeenmts and ngreements � <br /> � , hetein wntained shall bind , amd t6c rights hecew�dcr ehall innrc to, thc respective successors and nssigns of Lender <br /> � and I3orro�r�er, subject to tlie provisions of puragi;�ph 17 I�creoL :111 coeenants nnd agreements ot Borro��•er shall <br /> � be joint nud sc��cral. Thc cuptions und hcadings of the pura�gr:�phs ot this \ lortgi�ge are for com�enience only nnd <br /> � are not to be used to interpret or define the provision; hcreoL ' <br /> � 14. Notice. :1n3� noticc to Borro��•er pro�•idcd (or in thi.� \lortgage shnll hc �i�•en b}• mailing such notice bp <br /> � certified nuiii addressed to Borron•cr at thc Yropert�• :ldclrc« �uited hcloic, c�cept for any �wtice required under <br /> i pssragrnpl� 18 hcreof to bc givcn to 13orro�cer in thc manncr prescribed b}• applicnblc la��•. :1n�• noticc provided <br /> � for in this \[ortgage shall bc decmect to hm•c bccn gi�•en to ]3orro«•cr �chcu gi�•en in thc manner designated l�ercin. <br /> I 15. Uniform Mortgage; Govoming Law; Severability. 'I'hi� form o( mortgugc combines unitorm covenants <br /> ' tor nationul use �nd non-uniform covenants �vith limited �•arintions by jurisdiction to constitute a unitorm secu- <br /> j <br /> rity instrwnent covering rent property. This \tortgagc shnll bc govcrned b�• thc la��• of thc jurisdir,tion in which <br /> ; � the Propetty is located. In the event tliat an�• pro�•ision m• clause of thi� \Iortgage or tlic Note conflicts with <br /> � applicuble lutv, such con(lict shnll not ufTect othcr pro��isions oi this \Iortgngc or tLc Note �chich can Ue given <br /> � effect without the conflictiug provision, and to tl�is end the provisions of the .11ortgnge and the Note nre declared <br /> � to be severable. <br /> � 16. Borrowei s Copy. Borro�cer shull be furnished n con(ormed copy ot this \[ortgage at the time of execu- <br /> tion or ufter recordntion hcreof. <br /> � 17. Transler of the Property; Assumption. If all or any part of the Propert}• or au interest therein is sold ' <br /> � or trunsferred Uy Borrower withouL Lendcr's prior �erittcn consent, excluding (a) thc crention of n lien or encum- <br /> : I brunce subordinate to this �Iortgage, (b) thc crention of a purchase mone�• security interest for liousehold appli- <br /> ` . ances, (c) n transfer by devise, descent a• by operation of lii��� upon thc denfh of a joint tennnt or (d) thc grnnt ot <br /> , ; nny lcasehotd interest of three years or less not containiug an optimi to purcl�ase, Lender mny, at Lender's option, <br /> ; declnre all the smus secured by this \lortgagc to be iiumediirtch� duc ;�nd paya�blc. ' •�-•�^- • �• � � � �•^•�� •••� ��•�•+ �•�-�• <br /> ; . . . . , . <br /> 7 prHanferrnd r�enl� n r.w•,��� : -:� • . � i i • c t <br /> i o ���-�R*-rR�•*-�f^enbisktetery--te-be�tcler-etid-!lKtt-4H�i��teees�- <br /> , � f � - _ . . s-wa}�eE} <br /> s ; u.:,. ,.r,._._.. ..,. ., ..a . ti„ +a...,. ' � ' <br /> ;t <br /> If Lender exercises such optimi to accclerate, Lender shnll �nail Borrorver notice of ncceleratiou iu accordance <br /> �vill� paragrapl: 14 hereof. 5uch notice shsll proeide a period oi not Ics lhnn 30 da}•s from the date the notice is <br /> mailed �citl�in ahich Borro�cer ma}• pa}• the swns declnred due. li Borroieer fails to pay �ueh sums prior to the <br /> expiratim� oI such period, I,endcr may, n•ithout further notice or dcinaud on 13orrotiver, in��oke .m}• remedies per- <br /> mitted by parngraph 18 hcrco[. <br /> \'o�-UstFo�ent Co��exn:��r::. Borro���er :md Lender further co��e�iant amd arree us follo�c� : - <br /> 18. Aeealeration; Remedies. Isscept ;i� procidcd in � rir;�gr;ydi li h��rcof , upou Borro�cer'� hreaeh of tme <br /> covennnt or agrcemcnt of ]3orroticcr in tliis \lort�;a�;c, inrludin�; tl�c co�•en:mt� to �iay �chcn duc nm• �ums secumd <br /> by this \lortgugc, Lcu�icr prior to acrcicration =1ia11 muil nuticc tu 13orro�ccr as � iro�•idi�d in �un:igrnph 14 hcrcof <br /> �pecifying : ( Il the brench : 121 the .iction mquircd tu cure wc6 brcuch : � 31 u datc, not less than thirLv dav: <br /> from thc dxtc thc noticc i= mnilcd to Ilorroi�•cr, b}• �chirh �ucli hrcncli iuus[ bc rturd : :�nd 1 �11 th�d. faihu•c to curc <br /> such Lrench on or beiore the date specified in the notiee ma�� result in ucccler;ition o( tLe swus secnrcd by this <br /> \lortgage and sale of thc Yropert}•. If the brci�ch is not eured ou or bcEorc thc dat �� spccificd in the noticc, Lendcr <br /> ut Lender's oplion m.ty declure :ill of the swns secturd bc tlii. \tortg;ige to be immediatcic due :iud p:iynblc <br /> without furtlierdemnnd and ma}• foreclose thi� \lort �;age by judicial proceedin�;. Lender shall bc entitled lo collect � <br /> in such procceding alt expenses of (oreclosure, including, but uot limitcd lo, co�t: of dorumentnn• evidence, <br /> nUstrncts nnd titic reports. ,� <br /> 19. Boaower's Right to Reinstate. \ot�citlistanding Lendcr'. acccicrntion o( thc ,uuis secured by this <br /> hlortgage, IIorrower shnll hnve the right to hn�•c �ui}• procecding� 6egun bc i.ender to enforc� thi� \tortgnge dis- <br /> continued nt any time prior to entn� of a jud�ment enfoTciug thi< \(ort�nge if : 1 :� 1 I3orro�cer pn}�s I.ender ttll <br /> sums K�hich would be then �ue imder this \IoM�u�:c, the \ote nnd notes securinF Fuhtrc Ad�:tnces, if nn�•, hnd no <br /> nccclerntion occurred ; (b) Borrower curc� ull brcachc� of auy other co�•enant� or a�;r�ement� ot Borrower con- <br /> tained in thia Jlortgage ; (c) Borro�ver pnys ull rca�onnbl�� exprnses in�urred b�� Lendcr in enforcing thc co�•enunts <br /> and agrecments ot Borrou•cr contnined in thi� \ fort�;a�;c and in entorein� Lcndcr'� rrmcdics as pro�•ided in pnra- , <br /> grnph 18 hercof, including, but not limihd to, rea<onnblc attornc}'� tcc� ; ;uid ( d1 I3orro�ccr tnkc� such action as � <br /> Lender mey reasonnbly mquirc to n�sure that thc lien oi thi� \[ort�;n�c, Lender'� iutcrest in thc Yroperty and � � r;', : <br /> Borrower's obligntion to puy the sums secured b}• lhi� �lort {�a�;�• .hall continuc uniwpuircd. LTpon such pa��ment :• N i� : <br /> nnd cure Uy IIorroweq this A4ortgage and thc obliFntions secumd hcreL�• �hall rcmnin in (ull forcc and effect ns if ti%' ' <br /> no acceleration had occurred. I � � � <br /> 20. Assignatent of Renta; Appointment ot Receivor; Lender in Possession. As additionnl securit}• here- J � <br /> uqder, Borroa�er hereby asaigns to Lender thc rente uf the Yropert }•, pro�•ided thnt Rorro�rer shnll, prior to ncccler- n <br /> ation under paragruph 18 hereof or nbnndomnent of thc Yropertp, hn�•c thc right to collcct and retain such rents <br /> as they become due and pnynblc. � �- <br /> Upon nccelcrntion under purngraph 18 hercof or :tbundonment of thc Yroperh• , Lender, in person, by agent � <br /> or by judicially nppointed receiver shnll be entitled to enter upon , tnkc pos�es�ion uf nnd manaFe thc Yropert3� <br /> and to collect thc rents of thc Yroperiy, including thosc pnst due �UI rents eollccted I�}• I,endcr or tlie recci�•cr <br /> ehnll be applied first to pnyment of the costs of managemcnt of the Yropertp and collection of renl�, includinF, hut <br /> not limited to, receicer's fces, premivais on rccci��er's huud� and reasonable uttorne�•'� fecs. :uid tLen to the sutns � <br />� secured by this Jlortgnge. I.endcr und thc recci�•cr �Imll hc linble to iircount only for tho=c rents �irlually recei��ed . <br /> a <br /> ia= <br />