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<br /> DUE ON SALE
<br /> FlI�J■ c�nT��.w�n� ���T�m� ' ..
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<br /> �,�-_. FONM No.720 � .
<br /> � �"ry Loan Number___34939__-_18___-_1___
<br /> ?roe o�a�cn �.
<br /> � �� UU678''1 � ORTGAGE
<br /> j THI3 MORTGAGE,made ancl executed this.......��°a................day ot.......November A.D.,
<br /> 19...�.7...,between the Mortgngor..................Michael..J.._.Sawyer_.and,.Susan..J.,,,Sawy,er,,,,,,_,..,..._...,,,.,,,_., � �
<br /> .......................
<br />�, s oi....9muha..........................County of......Douy,las................,gtate ot..Neoraska........,hereinntter refened ; _
<br /> ; j to as the Bonower, nnd the Mortgngee, FIRST FEDERAL SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION OF
<br /> LINCULN, 1G35 "N"SLreet,Lincoln, Nebrnska 68501,its successors and assigns,hereinafter referred to
<br /> 1 as Lender.
<br /> ; W[TxesseTx: That the snid Borrower for nnd in considerution of the sum of........................................
<br /> � ........F.Q$�..�.k�QUSAND..ANA..N4/..J.QQ..r..---------r..-.-----.-.--.—.Dol.ars (US S...4D...QOD...QQ--r.-----..) '
<br /> ! pnid by said Lender, does hereUy mortgage,grunt nnd convey to I.ender, its saccessors nnd assigns; the
<br /> l following described property located in the County of.........Hs?,1.J............................Stute of Nebraskn:
<br /> �
<br /> ; Lot 1t�ro (2), Schuele Second Subdivision, Hall County, Nebraska.
<br /> �
<br /> i
<br /> �
<br /> I
<br /> + TocsrHes with all the improvements now or herea[ter erected on the property, and ull easements,
<br /> rights, appurtennnces, rents, roynities, mineral, oil and gns rights und profits, wnter, water rights, and
<br /> water stock,nnd all fixtures now or hereafter attached to the property, all of which, including repluce-
<br /> ments nnd additions thereto,shnll be deemed to be and remnin a part of the property covered by this
<br /> Mortgage; and all of the foregoing, together with snid property (or thc lensehold estate in the event this
<br /> Mortgnge is on a leasehold) are herein referred to as the "Property".
<br /> Borrower covenants thnt Borrower is lnwfully seised of the estnte hereby conveyed and has the right
<br /> to mortgnge,grnnt and convey the Property, that the Property is unencumbered, and thnt Borrower will
<br /> j warrant und defend generally the title to the Property ngainst nll clnims and demands, suUject to any
<br /> easements nnd restrictions listed in a schedule of exceptions to covernge in any title insumnce policp in-
<br /> suring Lender's interest in the Property,or (2) uttorney's opinion ot title from nbstract oi title certified
<br /> by bonded abstracter.
<br /> PROVIDED ALNAYS� And these presents nre executed nnd delivered upon the[ollowing conditions,agree- .
<br /> ments and obligntions o[ the Borrower, to-wzt:
<br /> ' The Borrower agrees to puy to the Lender,or order,the principul sum of................................................
<br /> � � __.FORTY.,TNOUSAND.AND NO 100 ----------------------- D
<br /> , : .............../.................---............................................. ollnrs (US$....40,000,.00..------.
<br /> )
<br /> paynUle as provided in a note executed and delivered,concurrently herewith,the final payment of principal,
<br /> ; if not sooner paid,on the...f�.x$.0..............day of......December......................, 1'J..92...
<br /> j
<br /> t '
<br /> j 1. Payment of Principal and Interes6 Borrowet shnll promptly puV when due the principal of nnd in- �
<br /> ! terest on the indebtedness evidenced by the Note,prepnyment nnd lnte charges ns pro��idect in the Note�
<br /> i a'�
<br /> i2. Funda for Taxes and Insur�mce. Subject to Lender's option under parn�raphs 4 nnd 5 hercof,Bor-
<br /> rower shall pay to Lender on the dny monthly instullments of principnl and interest are payable under the
<br /> Note,until the Note is pnid in full,n sum (herein"Funds") equal to one-twelfth o(the yearly laxes and �
<br /> assessments which muy attnin priority over this Mortgage, nnd ground rents on the Property, if any plus
<br /> one-twelfth of ycnrly premium installments for haznrd insumnce, plus one-t«•elfth of yeurly premium in- j
<br /> stallments for mortgnge insurnnce,if nny,nll ns reusonnUly estimnted initially nnd from time to time by �
<br /> Lender on the basis of nssessments and bills and reasonable estimates thereof,Lender shnll apply the Funds '
<br /> to pay suid taxes,assessments,insurance premiams nnd grouncl renLs. Lender shall mnke no charge for so �
<br /> holding and npplying the Funds or verifying nnd compiling said nssessments unci bills.The I.ender shall
<br /> give to the Botmwer,without charge,nn annaul nccounting of the Funds showing credits nnd debits to the !
<br /> Funds and the purpose for which each debit to the Funds was mnde. The runcls are pledged us udditional . ,
<br /> security for the sums aecured Uy this Mortgage. The Borrower agrees thnt the Funds mny be held by the ``?�� � ;+
<br /> ! Lender and commingled with other funds nnd the Lender's own tunds and the Lender mny pny such items �„`,�' N `
<br /> from its own tunds and the Lender shull not Ue liaUle tor internst or dividends on such Funds. �
<br /> � If the umount of the Funds held by Lender,together with the future monthly instaliments of Funds ,� '; �
<br /> ; payable prior to the due dates of ta�ces,assessments, insurance premiums and ground rents, shnll exceed � ;�'
<br /> ; the amount required to pay said taxes,assessments,insurance premiums und ground rents ns they fnll duc, �
<br /> such excess ehall Ue,at Borrower's option,either promptly repaid to Borrower or credited to Borrower on '
<br /> , monthly instsllments of Funds. If the nmount of the Funds held by Lender shnll not he suflicient to pay � �'
<br /> taxes, nssessments, insurance premiams and ground rents as they fall due,Borrower shall pay to Lender '
<br /> any amount necessary to make up the deficiency within thirty days after notice from Lender to Borrower
<br /> requesting payment thereof, or Borrower ahnll, by un incrense in monthly installment�5 ot Funds required,
<br /> repay the deficiency within the Fund nccounting period.
<br />� Upon payment in full of nll sums secuted by this Mortgage,Lender shnll apply Fands held as a credit
<br />.>_''�.� nguinst all sums due. I
<br /> .._I
<br /> ti
<br /> ti �
<br />