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� <br /> __ � � <br /> REAL ESTATE D10RTGAGE LOAN No.....4.1..7.1.8.-!i...... <br /> 77. U06'783 ��nnfu c�ll �Kett ���1 C�IhE°�E �rc�Ezt#s: <br /> Thet ..Te_rrY.....n.......1'.u.k..�....a.nd.....T..h.e.x.Psa..../�,.�....r.u.�.:s...................................... . }�.n.d....�n.�....1l.i,.�.�................ � <br /> hereinafter refcrred to ne Dfortgngors,whethcr onc or more,for and in consideration ot............................................................................ <br /> '}iund.r.ed...and...P�,o.L.1�.Q....-.-.-.-.-.-.--.-.-.-.-..-.-.-.-r.-.-.-_-.-.-.-... DOLLARs <br /> in hend paid,do hereby bar�nin,sell nnd convey to NEURASKA STATE SAVINCS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION, o[ Fremont, <br /> Nebrasko,the following described renl estate situated in............................�il�.T..L...................................:..........:..............CountY, Nebtaeka: <br /> Lot Fifteen (15), In Western Heights Third Su}Sdivision,•Ha3��County� Nebraska <br /> i <br /> Together with all the tenements,hereditaments,and appurtenances thereunto bclonging,including attached floor covering,all heat- <br /> ing,plumbing and li�htin�fixtures, and equipment end acressories, windoa• ecreene, window ahodea, storm windowe, Venetien- � <br /> blinds,awninga,stokers,hot water heaters,pressure pumps and tanks,nir conditioners,and all other mechnnical appliances which <br /> are now or mny become nttnched to and used in the buildings on said reul estate;and it is aqreed thnt all such fixtures and ap- <br /> pliancea shn11 be considered n part of snid real estnte.It nny such items of equipment, fixtures nnd eppliances should be con- <br /> aidered ns personalty, then this mort�nge shnll constitute n security agreement with respect to any ptoperty eo coneidered <br /> whether now or herentter nffixed to thc aUove renl estatc. <br /> Said mortgagors represent thnt u•e nre lawtully seized of the seid premisce;thet they are free from encumbrance,and we <br /> do hereby covenant to warrant and defend thc said premiaes n�ainst the lnwful cloims of ell pereone whomeoever. <br /> i PROVIDED AL\VAYS,nnd these presents are upon these conditions: <br /> 14fortgngors have executed and delivered to mortgngee their nute for the above•mentioned nmount, puynble according to <br /> the terma of said note. It is understood nnd this mortgnge shall constitute notice thereof,that this mortgnge is security for not <br /> only the amount advnnced concurrently w•ith the execution hereof,but all future advances to be made nt the option of the perties <br /> or their asaigns,not to exceed an amount equal to I15 petcent of the amount of the original note,but in no event ehall said note <br /> exceed the meximum amount per.nitted by luw,and to the aeme extent as advnnces ariginally mnde hereunder. <br /> It is furthcr agreed,in the event thnt payments and taxes herein provided to be paid by mortgngor,nre not paid when due, <br /> and the premises nt thnt time or therenfter,are occupied by a tenant,the mortgegor herein,hereUy aells and assigns and ttane- <br /> fera to the Nebrnska State Snvin�s nnd Lonn Association,mortgngee hercin,all rents nnd income of ell kinds ariaing out of eeid <br /> property and nuthorize said Nebraska Statc Snvings and Lonn Association to collect same and aue therefor ln ita own name, <br /> and after paying costs of collection to upply the remflinder on the Jebts secured by this mortguge. <br /> Mortgagors further eqree to pny nll tnxea levicd upon this mortgage and the debt secured hereby; and to pey all taxea <br /> and aaaeasments upon said renl catate at or before thc time thc enme may becomc delinquent;eleo,to meintein fire,and extended <br /> ,��� coverage insurnnce on seid premises in the emount of$...........�� auch compnny ea mottgagee may direct, <br /> with en eccepteble mortgage clause attached tor the benefit of mortgagee or the legal holdet of said note,and deliver seid pol- . <br /> iciea to mortgagee. If mortgagora fail to p¢y the tnxes at snid time or fail to complp with thie provieion with reference to in- <br /> surance,mortgagee may pny snid taxes or mny obtain such insurnnce, and mortgegors agree to repay the same with interest � <br /> theteon nt 11 per cent,nnd this mortgnge shell secure such repayment with intetceL If the said note and interent thereon,and <br /> all ineurance and lnxes pnid by mort�agce or assigns, shall Uc fully paid,this mortgage ehall be null nnd void,otherwise to be <br /> and remain in full force and effect.The neglect or ref�sat to pay nny of the monthly installments on the�ame,agreeably to the <br /> ConaHtution and ByLnws of mortgagee,or according to the tcrms ot said note,or in case of waste or in cese of breach by mort- <br /> gagor of any covenent in thie mortgnge,mortgn�ee mny declnre oll emounta aecured hereby at once due end payable and mey <br /> Sorecloae the mortgage theretor. <br /> In the event the mortgagors hcrein convcy thc ebove descriLed premiaee, the Asaociation, at ita option, mey dedare the <br /> entire belnnce of the above mentioned note duc and pnyoble.Acceptance ot payments hereunder from such purchaser, without <br /> written notice to the home officc ot thc Associotion shall not be considered as a weivcr of thie right. <br /> In case of default of pnyment of any installment of principel or inteteat,or in payment of the taxes or ineurance or in- <br /> tetest on the seme,the mottgngee shali Ue entilled to the immcdinte posseesion of eaid preminee and to the reccipt ot sll tents S <br /> .. therefrom,end in case of foreclosure it is stipulnted fhat upon requeat of the pleintiff a receiver ahall be appointed for eeid prem- <br /> ieea to teke possesaion thereof nnd to c Ilect t rents nnd pr'of/its thereon. n <br /> �..�BS�e is.......... ..���.... day of....l1l0..��l.�l..Q�.s!�..................A.D. 19.../.�...-- <br /> , <br /> : �-..,/C.« ................C.C,.................................. ��f��z�.� , <br /> '�n q........:...............-;.�....�r.:....�-..��..�<..�:::�'�.:........... <br /> Terry � Puls Theresn A, Puls <br /> .................................................................................... .......................................... <br /> � . ........................................ <br /> S TE OF NEBRASKA � STATE OF NEHRASKA � <br /> / � 89. <br /> l......�!Fi�ACO... COUNTY /�/I .............................. COUNTY � as. <br /> , On thie.................I..�1!� of......./!'..�v���„]g...�.�.�Uefore Filed for record on this............................ !I <br /> �, �. me,the undersigned a Notnry Public, duly commissioned and qualitied for said dey of.................................. A.D. 19........, � <br /> • Caunty,personallycemeTei�y D. Puls and There�a A. Pttl, <br /> .•. ltur��r�.f.�................ ................... ........... at ................................ o'clock ........Df. and `""4tN . <br /> f.: • <br /> �; ',to me known to be the ident�cal person or per�one whose nxme is or nnmes are recorded in Book.................................... ot � � �^� <br /> ' aub�eribed to,the foregoing'natrument,and acknowledqed thc execution thercof po�e : � � <br /> ........................................� ................... � :-.. <br /> to be,hia,her or their volunt y act and dced. <br /> Wltneen•my hand and official 1 the de a .................................. � '� <br /> ' Yeat eb ve written. ............................. � <br /> Register ot Dcede <br /> ` ....................... By................................................................ � � <br /> OFNERAINOTARY•s��W� ..........�_f.... . ........ . ......... Deputy <br /> IURTL.iCHLLIiqlERC _ rq Publlc <br />,� M100A�.G�p,OCt4l:1974 Fec—i................................ , <br /> /j ,�/ Indexed............ Register...... <br />•� �iy �eeion expirea the.....................�,.T Tfl OCTOa � <br /> of..................�? Grantor............ Compnred... <br />� 19..�1�., <br /> ................ <br />'` Crentee............ Paged.......... <br />.�t <br />