<br /> . �
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<br /> not extend or postpouc thc due datc of tLc mouthl�� ins( nllments refcrmd to in pamgrnphs' 1 und 2 hereof or
<br /> chnnge tl�e nmow�t of such instnllmenls,
<br /> 10. Borrower Nol Relnased. I;xtension ot thc limc for pn��ment or nmdificntion of :unortizntion of the swns
<br /> secured by this �Iortgngc grnnted by Lender to imy succe�sm• in intcrest of Borro���cr shall not opernte to relense,
<br /> iin any manner, the linbilih• o( the original 13orron•cr nnd f3orrou•er', successors in interest. I.ender shnll not be :
<br /> � required to commence proceedings agniast sucii successor or refusc lo extaid timc (or payment or othenvisc modi(y
<br /> �„ amortizntion of the sums secured by this \lortgngc bc rensou of cu�p demaud made by the originnl F3orrower and
<br /> �,, Borroxer's successors in intcrest.
<br /> ; �� 11. Forbearance by Lender Nol a Waiver. Any forbcarance by Lender in exercising any right or remedy
<br /> � � hereunder, or othenvise afforded Uy npplicablc la�r, shnll not bc a �snivcr of or precludc the exercisc of any right
<br /> ' � or remedy hercunder. The procurement ot insuronce or the pn}•ment of tases or other Ijens or chnrges by Lender
<br />� ' � shall not be a �cuicer of Lender's right to neceler�te tLe mnturity of the indebtedness secured by tliis \fortgage.
<br /> {� 12. Remedies Cumulalive. :111 remedics pro��ided in tliis \IorLgage nm distinct and cumulativc to nny other
<br /> ^ right or remedp under tliis \[ortgage or nffordcd by I;u�• or cquity, and nui�• hc exerci�ed concu�rently, independ-
<br /> entlp or succeseively.
<br /> 13. Successors and Plssigns Bouad; Joint �d Sevoral Liability; Captions. The co�•en�mt� und ugreements
<br /> herein cmdnined shall bind, and thc rights hereunder �hall inurc to, thc respective successors :md nssigns ot Lender
<br /> and Borrowcr, subject to the proeision� of parngr:�ph 17 hcrcoL :111 cocenants and ngrecments of I3orrower shall �
<br /> Ue joint and se��eral. Thc captions nnd hcadings of t6e parugr:��ilis ot thi� \fortguFe arc for convenicnce only and
<br /> are not to be used to interpret or definc the provisions hercof.
<br /> 14. Notice. Any noLicc to I3orro«•cr pro�•idcd for in tl�i� \(ortgagc shall bc gi��en b�� mniling such noticc b�•
<br /> cettified mnil uddressed to 13orro�ecr ut. the Yropert�� Addres� stuted bcloa•, except for auy notice rcquired under
<br /> parngruph 18 hereo( to be gi�•en to I3orros•er in tlie uuumer �irescribed b�• applicable In�c. :1nt• notiee provided
<br /> (or in this \tortguge shall be deemed to I�n�•e been gi�•en to Borro�cer �chen gicen in the munner designnted l�erein.
<br /> 15. Uniform Mortgage; Goveming Law: SeverabiGty. 'fhi� form o( mortguge combines uniform cocenuuts
<br /> for nnfionnl use nnd non-uni(orm covenants with limited cariations b}• jurisdiction to constitute a uniform secu-
<br /> rity instruntent covering reul prapert��. 1'his \foi•tgage shall bc governed b�• the lnn• of thc jurisdiction in which
<br /> ' the Property is locnted. Iu thc event thnt any provision or cluusc of this \Iokgngc or the Notc conflicts with
<br /> ' applicnble Inw, such contiict shall not :�ffect other proeisions oi this \lortgage or the Note wliicl� cnt: be given
<br /> effect without the con(licting pro�•ision, aud to this end the provisions of the \fortgage and the Note are declnred
<br /> to be severable.
<br /> ` I6. Borrower's Copy. Borrower shnll be furnislicd n conformed copy of this �Iortgnge at the time of execu-
<br /> tion or after recordation hereof.
<br /> 17. Tr�sier of the Property; Assumption. If all or anv part oi the Ptopert}� or an interest therein is sold
<br /> or trnnsferred by 13orrowcr without Lender's prim• ��•ritten cmisent , escluding (a) the creatim� ot a lien or encum-
<br /> brance subordinnte to this \fortgage, (h) the crcation of :i purchasc moncy securiLy interest for Lousehold appli-
<br /> ances, (c) a transfer by devisc, descent m• b}• operiition of I:in• upon thc dentt� ot a joint tenant or (d ) tl�e grnnt ot '
<br /> ; any lensehold intcrest ot t6rec pears or less not containing an option to purchncc, I.ender ma}•, at Lender's option,
<br /> declare all the sutns secured by this �fortgagc to bc immediatcl�• due :md payuble. I,ender shall l�a��c �vai�•ed such ,
<br /> option to accclernte if, prior to the salc or transfcr, Lender :md thc person to �chom the Property i� to bc sold or
<br /> transterred mncl� ngreement in writing fhat the crcdit oi such person is �ntisfactory to I.ender nnd tliat. the interest
<br /> payable on the sums secured by this 1lortgage shall bc :d such i:�te as Lender shall requcst. IC I.ender hns wnived
<br /> the option to aceelernte pro��ided in this pnrngc:sph 1 i and if 13orroo•er's euccessor in interest lias executed a writ-
<br /> ten ussumption ngreement uccepted in ��•riting by I.endcr, Lender slinll rcleasc Borro�cer frmn all obligations under
<br /> this Mortgnge and thc Note.
<br /> If Lender exercises such option to ncccleratc, Lender shnll :naill3orrower noticc of acceleration in uccordonce
<br /> ��•ith parngraph 14 hereof. Sucli notice slmll pro�•idc a period oi not Icss than 30 du}�s from the date the nolice is
<br /> # mailed �cid�in �ti•hich Bo�ro���er may puy the smns declared duc. If I�orro�cer fails to pa�� sucli sums prior to the
<br /> expirntion ot such period , Lender mu}• , ��•ithout furthcr noticc or �Iemand on Sorro���er, in�•oke am• remedics per-
<br /> mitted by patagraph 1S hereot.
<br /> \'ox-ti �teoea� Covsxn�Ts. Bc�rro�cer and I.euder 1'in•t.lier co�•enant :md a;�ree as follo��•s :
<br /> 18. Aeeeleration; Remedies. I:�cept a� procided in � �;u:i�;r;iph 17 hi�reo(, upou 13orro�cer's brcnch of am•
<br /> covennnt or ngreement of Bon•o�cer in tliis J1ort�;uge, including the co�•enant � tu pny ��9�eu duc any swus �ecurcd
<br /> by this \lottgnge, I.cnder prior to ncccleiution �liall mnil notice to Borro�cer ati ��ro�•idcd in paragruph 14 hereof
<br /> specifying : ( 1 ) the brcaclr, (21 [lie nrtion mquircd to rure ,uch hrcuclr, i31 a dnte. uot Iess than thirh� da}'s
<br /> from the dnte the natice i� m��iled to 13orro« cr. Irp �chich �uch brcach must he cm•cd ; :uid ( �11 Uud L�ilurc to eure
<br /> such breach on or beforc the date spccificd iu thc noticc wup msult in acccicratiou of tlic swn� secured by this �
<br /> \Iortgage nnd snle of the Yropert}•. 1f tl�e bmach is not cwrd ou or be(ore Uic d:d � specificd in the notice, Lender
<br /> nt Lender's option ump declarc nll of the stuns secw•ed I�y tlii� \fortgagc to 6c immediatcl}� due imd puyable •
<br /> ��•ithout further dem;md nnd mn}• forcclosc this \lortg:ige by judirial proceeding. Lcuder shnll be entitled to collect
<br /> in such pracceding :�II espenecs of foreclosurq inc•IuJiu�;, hut not limited to, ea�ts of documentan• evidence,
<br /> abstracts and titic reports.
<br /> 19. Borroweis Right to Reiasiate. \'ot�cithstaudiug Lender's iiccclerution of the sums secured bp thi�
<br /> �tortgnge, IIorrower shall ha�•e tlic right to hnec an}• proccedin}�� heFun h}• L��ndcr to eniorcc tLi� \tortgngc dis-
<br /> continued nt uny time prior to entry of a judgment enforcin�; this \[ort �a�;e iL• I :U I3orro�cer pncs I.ender nll
<br /> sums which kould be then due under tLis \lortgngc, thc \ote nnd notes secnrin� Futurc Ad�:iuccs, if any, hnd no
<br /> neceleration oeeurred ; ( b) Borrorver curce all breaelie� of anc olher cocen;uits or ngreemrnts of llorro�ver con-
<br /> ' tained in this ;�iortguge ; (c) Borrower pa}•s all rc�sonable c�pcuscs ineurrcd b�• Lrndcr in cnforcing thc ro�•enunts
<br /> nnd ngreements of Borrow�cr contained in this \ [ort��i�;c :md iu euiorcin�; Lencicr's reiuedics as pro��ided in pnr:i-
<br /> grnph 18 hercof, including, but not limited to, rcn�on:�61c sttorne�''� ices : nnd Idl Aurroa�cr Inkes such action as '
<br /> Lender may reosonnbly require to assurc thi�t thc lien of this \iortgn�c. Lender's interest in the Yropert�• nnd - 1 . _�. ,;
<br /> Borrower's obligntion to pny the sums sccured by thi� \lort�;a�;i� �hnll eontim«� uuimpnimd. L'pon such paytnent t .c '
<br /> and cure by Borrower, tliis \4ortgnge und tlic obliFntion• •ecurcd Lcrcb�• �IuAI remnin in (ull force :uid efiect ns it �- N /
<br /> � no acceleration had occurred. � � �
<br /> 20. Assigacnent o} Renta; Appointment o1 Receiver: Lender in Posseasion. :1s ndditionnl securit�• hcrc- � �
<br /> under, Borrower hereby aseigns to Lender tl�c rcnts of the Propertc. providcd tluit I3orro�cer shnll , prior to ncceler- � :
<br /> ation under parngrnph 18 hereof or nbandonment of tlic Yroperty. ha�•c lhc right to collcct nnd retnin such rents �
<br /> ns they become due und paynblc. � :+�
<br /> Upon accelerntion under paragrnph 18 hcrcof or ahnndonment o[ thc f'roperl�•, i.cndcr, in ��crson, 1�}• agent ,
<br /> or by judicially nppointed receiver ehnll bc entiUcd to cntcr upon, take pos�c��ion of and miuia�;c thc I'ropert�� �
<br /> and to collect the rents of thc Properly, including thosc past duc. :111 renls collcrted bc I.endcr or fhc recei�•cr
<br /> shall be npplied first to payment of thc coste of mana�;ement o( the Propertp und collcction of rent�, includin�, 6ut
<br />� not limited to, receiver's fees, premiums on rccciver's bond� aud reasonable uttorne�� '� fece , and then to thc �um� 5
<br />� seeured by this �lortgnge. I.ender nnd the recci�•er shnll be liahlc ro arcount onit• for lhosc rents achiall}• rrcei�•ed. I �
<br />�,
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